A Bond Undone

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by Jin Yong

  Jin Yong

  Legends of the

  Condor Heroes II

  A Bond Undone

  Translated from the Chinese by

  Gigi Chang

  First published in the Chinese language as

  Shediao Yingxiong Zhuan (2) in 1959; revised in 1976, 2003

  First published in Great Britain in 2019 by MacLehose Press

  MacLehose Press

  An imprint of Quercus Publishing Ltd

  Carmelite House

  50 Victoria Embankment

  London EC4Y 0DZ

  An Hachette UK company

  Copyright © Jin Yong (Louis Cha) 1959, 1976, 2003

  English translation copyright © 2019 by Gigi Chang

  Illustrations © Jiang Yun Xing

  The moral right of Jin Yong (Louis Cha) to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

  Gigi Chang asserts her moral right to be identified as the translator of the work.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

  EBOOK ISBN 978 0 85705 460 9

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places and events are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Also by Jin Yong

  Legends of the Condor Heroes


  The Deer and the Cauldron

  The Book and the Sword


  As they appear in this, the second volume of

  Legends of the Condor Heroes: A Bond Undone


  Guo Jing, son of Skyfury Guo and Lily Li. He grows up with his mother in Mongolia and they are looked after by Genghis Khan. He is now on his first journey to the Central Plains, the native land of his parents.

  Lotus Huang, witty and mischievous, a skilled martial artist and extremely fast learner. She becomes a friend of Guo Jing early on in his travels, and they now journey together and share many adventures.


  Wanyan Honglie, Sixth Prince, also known as Prince of Zhao, has made conquering the Song his personal mission, in order to secure his reputation and legacy among his own people. He is an astute tactician, using rivalries and jealousies within the Song court and the wulin to his own advantage.

  Wanyan Kang, son of the Sixth Prince, is arrogant and entitled, but possesses considerable martial skill. He fights Guo Jing after refusing to honour his prize when he wins the Duel for a Maiden.

  Consort to the Sixth Prince, mother of Wanyan Kang.


  Gallant Ouyang, Master of White Camel Mount in the Kunlun Range, nephew to one of the Five Greats, Viper Ouyang, Venom of the West.

  The Dragon King Hector Sha controls the Yellow River with his four rather more useless apprentices, whose lack of skill infuriates their Master, despite the fact that it is most likely his foul temper that has prevented them from learning anything more than their rather basic moves.

  The Four Daemons of the Yellow River

  Shen Qinggang the Strong, whose weapon is a sabre called the Spirit Cleaver.

  Wu Qinglie the Bold fights with a spear called the Dispatcher.

  Ma Qingxiong the Valiant is known for his Soul Snatcher whip.

  Qian Qingjian the Hardy is armed with a pair of axes known as the Great Reapers.

  Browbeater Hou, the Three-Horned Dragon, so named for the three cysts on his forehead.

  Greybeard Liang, also known as Old Liang, the Ginseng Immortal and, more disparagingly, the Ginseng Codger. He comes from the Mount of Eternal Snow (Changbai Mountains) up in the north-east, close to the current border with Korea, where he has practised kung fu for many years as a hermit, as well as mixing special medicinal concoctions with the aim of prolonging life and gaining strength.

  Lama Supreme Wisdom Lobsang Choden Rinpoche, from Kokonor, now known as Qinghai. He is famed for his Five Finger Blade kung fu.

  Tiger Peng the Outlaw, Butcher of a Thousand Hands, has command of much of the mountainous region surrounding the Jin capital Zhongdu, which would later become Peking.


  Ironheart Yang, descendent of Triumph Yang, one-time rebel turned patriot who served under General Yue Fei. He practises the Yang Family Spear, a technique passed from father to son.

  Married to Charity Bao, daughter of a country scholar from Red Plum Village.

  Yang Kang, son of Ironheart Yang and Charity Bao, sworn as brother to Guo Jing while both are still in their mothers’ bellies.

  Mercy Mu, god-daughter of Ironheart Yang, takes part in martial contests her godfather stages to find her a suitable husband and is defeated by Wanyan Kang.

  Justice Duan, a government official of the Song who, in actual fact, works for the Jin.


  Tolui, fourth son of Genghis Khan Temujin, and Guo Jing’s sworn brother.

  Khojin, one of Genghis Khan’s many daughters whose names are mostly lost to history, betrothed by her father to Guo Jing.

  Jebe, whose name means “arrow” and “Divine Archer” in Mongolian, is a general under Genghis Khan and known for his great skill with the bow and arrow. He has taught Guo Jing archery and wrestling.

  Boroqul, one of Genghis Khan’s Four Great Generals.


  Also known as the Seven Heroes of the South when being addressed respectfully by other characters. They refer to themselves as a martial family, despite being of no blood relation. After the death of one of their group, they are sometimes called the Six Freaks of the South.

  Ke Zhen’e, Suppressor of Evil, also known as Flying Bat. The oldest of the Freaks, he is often referred to as Big Brother. Blinded in a fight, his preferred weapon is his flying devilnuts, iron projectiles made in the shape of a kind of water chestnut native to China.

  Quick Hands Zhu Cong the Intelligent is known for his quick thinking and even quicker sleight of hand. His dirty scholar’s dress and broken oilpaper fan, really made from iron, belie his real martial skill. He is particularly knowledgeable in acupressure points, using them to disable his opponents in a fight.

  Ryder Han, Protector of the Steeds, only three foot in height but a formidable fighter and an expert horseman. His weapon of choice is a whip.

  Woodcutter Nan the Merciful, known for his kind, if not shy, nature, fights with an iron-tipped shoulder pole.

  Zhang Asheng, also known as the Laughing Buddha, is a burly man dressed as a butcher, whose preferred weapon is the butcher’s knife. He is secretly in love with Jade Han.

  Gilden Quan the Prosperous, Cloaked Master of the Market, is a master of the rules of the marketplace and always looking for a good deal. He fights with a set of scales.

  Jade Han, Maiden of the Yue Sword, is the youngest of the group and the only female. She is trained in the Yue Sword, a technique particular to the region surrounding Jiaxing and developed when the Kingdom of Yue was at war with the Kingdom of Wu in the fifth century B.C.


  Considered the five greatest martial artists after a contest was held on Mount Hua. Four are mentioned in this second book in the series:

  The Eastern Heretic Apothecary Huang, a loner and radical who practises his unor
thodox martial arts on Peach Blossom Island along with his wife and six students. He holds traditions and their accompanying morals in contempt and believes only in true love and honour. His eccentricity and heretical views make others suspicious of him, an image he himself cultivates.

  Double Sun Wang Chongyang, also known as Central Divinity, is the founder of the Quanzhen Sect in the Zhongnan Mountains, with the aim of training Taoists in the martial arts so that they might defend the Song against the Jurchen invasion. A real historical figure, he lived from A.D. 1113 to 1170.

  The Northern Beggar Count Seven Hong, sometimes referred to as the Divine Vagrant Nine Fingers, is the Chief of the Beggar Clan and commands all the beggars in the Song and Jin Empires. He is respected for his sense of righteousness, but few know his whereabouts as he likes to roam the jianghu alone. He is also known for his great love for exceptional cooking.

  The Western Venom Viper Ouyang, uncle to Gallant Ouyang, is a master in taming venomous snakes and using poison. He draws inspiration from the deadly creatures he keeps in his martial practice and rarely sets foot in the Central Plains.


  Twice Foul Dark Wind were apprentices of Apothecary Huang, who fled Peach Blossom Island and eloped after stealing the Nine Yin Manual. Husband Hurricane Chen, known as Copper Corpse, and wife, Iron Corpse Cyclone Mei, are masters of the Nine Yin Skeleton Claw. They killed Ke Zhen’e’s brother, Ke Bixie the Talisman.

  They have four martial siblings: an elder martial brother, Tempest Qu, and three younger martial brothers, Zephyr Lu, Galeforce Wu and Doldrum Feng.


  A real branch of Taoism, whose name means “Way of Complete Perfection”.

  The Seven Immortals, students of Wang Chongyang

  Only three of the Immortals make their appearance in this second book of the series:

  Scarlet Sun Ma Yu, the oldest of the Immortals, teaches internal kung fu, based on breathing techniques.

  Eternal Spring Qiu Chuji befriends Ironheart Yang and Skyfury Guo at the beginning of the series and vows to protect their unborn offspring. To this end, he devises a martial contest with the Seven Freaks of the South. He becomes teacher to Yang Kang.

  Jade Sun Wang Chuyi, the Iron Foot Immortal, befriends Guo Jing after hearing of Qiu Chuji’s contest with the Seven Freaks of the South.

  Zhou Botong the Hoary Urchin, sworn brother and student of Wang Chongyang, martial uncle to the Seven Immortals and a lay member of the Quanzhen Sect. He has not been seen in the wulin for fifteen years at the start of this volume.


  On the shore of Lake Tai is Roaming Cloud Manor, a grand estate with an unusual layout. Its master is Squire Lu, a cultured man who has lost the use of his legs, and his son Laurel Lu is in charge of the everyday running of the household.


  The Iron Palm Gang wields great influence over Hunan and Sichuan in the south and south-west of China, and its leader is Qiu Qianren the Iron Palm Water Glider.

  Chapter One

  Smoke of the Past



  “You are a disciple of Twice Foul Dark Wind.” Tiger Peng leapt over to block her. “I won’t make trouble with you. But you cannot leave until you’ve explained why your shifus sent you here.”

  “You promised to let me go if you couldn’t name the school of my kung fu within ten moves. Surely a martial master like you would not go back on your word?” Lotus smiled sweetly.

  “Your last move, Hallowed Turtle Steps, is part of Twice Foul Dark Wind’s repertoire. Who else could have taught you that?” Tiger Peng snapped.

  “Do you truly think their paltry skills are worthy of my attention? I have never met Twice Foul Dark Wind—”

  “We won’t be fooled by your lies!”

  “But I know them by reputation,” Lotus went on, ignoring the interruption. “I know they don’t shy from evil deeds. I know they are disloyal to their Master. I know they are cruel and savage in all their dealings. I know they are the most depraved characters of the whole wulin. How could Master Peng think that I am associated with such scoundrels?”

  Tiger Peng looked over to his companions. He could tell they were also convinced that she had learned her kung fu from Twice Foul Dark Wind. But no student of the martial arts would heap such insults on their teacher. It would be an irreparable breach of every moral code.

  “Young lady, you have won this time. I am most impressed by your skill.” He stepped aside. “May I ask your name?”

  “Why, thank you. I am Lotus.”

  “And your family name?”

  “Let’s just say it’s not Peng.”

  Of the five men of martial learning in the banqueting hall, Lotus Huang had defeated three: Browbeater Hou, the Three-Horned Dragon; his martial brother Hector Sha, Dragon King of the Daemon Sect; and now their friend Tiger Peng the Outlaw, Butcher of a Thousand Hands. The fourth Master, Lama Supreme Wisdom, had suffered an injury from the previous evening when he fought the Taoist monk Jade Sun Wang Chuyi, and was currently confined to his seat.

  All eyes were now on the last of their number, Gallant Ouyang. He was their only hope of finding out why this young girl had broken into the palace of the Sixth Prince of the Jin Empire and why she was spying on them.

  Dressed head-to-toe in a pure white scholar’s outfit, Gallant Ouyang cut a dashing figure among the bulky, bellicose men. He flashed his most winning smile and stepped forward. “I should like to sample a few of my lady’s kung fu moves.”

  Known as the Master of White Camel Mount, he prided himself as a connoisseur of beauty as well as of the martial arts. Together with his uncle, Viper Ouyang, who was one of the greatest martial masters of the age, he was a formidable figure in the Western Regions. Over the years, he had collected – often by force – many pretty girls to serve as his concubines and had taught them kung fu in his spare time. He was in the habit of taking them with him on his travels. On this trip to the Central Plains as a guest of the Sixth Prince Wanyan Honglie, twenty-four of these concubines had come with him, though four had met their end on the journey. The women rode camels and disguised themselves as young men, donning all-white robes.

  Lotus looked him up and down. “The girls in white, outside, came here with you, didn’t they?”

  “The sum of their beauty is less than half of your charm,” Gallant Ouyang gushed.

  The compliment brought a tinge of pink to Lotus’s cheeks. “You seem more reasonable than the old uncles, here.”

  Gallant Ouyang was sure that he had a collection of beauties to rival the imperial harems of the Jin or Song Empires. Yet the exceptional grace of this teenage intruder eclipsed all his concubines. They now appeared common and repulsive in comparison. Despite her tender age, Gallant Ouyang had been smitten from the moment he caught sight of her. And now she had turned her eyes on him, addressing him with her gentle, soft voice, he could feel the urge to possess her weakening his whole being, and his usual eloquence vanished without a trace.

  “I’m leaving now,” Lotus said to Gallant Ouyang. “If they try to stop me again, you’ll help me, won’t you?”

  “Of course, but in return you must call me shifu and stay with me always.” He found his voice at last.

  “Not always, surely?”

  “My disciples are unlike any others. Not only are they all female, they are also always by my side, and they all come at once when I call.”

  “I don’t believe you.”

  Gallant Ouyang whistled and a flutter of white robes appeared. Twenty women filed in and took their place in a line behind their shifu. Some were tall, some short, some slim, some buxom. They were dressed the same, but each was dazzling in her own way. They had been standing at attention near the Hall of Perfumed Snow since the start of the banquet, in case their master needed them.

  This was the first time Tiger Peng and the
others in the room had clapped eyes on all of Gallant Ouyang’s women and they were instantly beside themselves with envy.

  Lotus had hoped that the women’s entrance would be enough of a distraction to allow her to escape, but Gallant Ouyang was too quick for her, planting himself by the doorway.

  Fanning himself idly with his gentleman’s folding fan, the leering dandy let his gaze rest on Lotus as his concubines regrouped. They now flanked him protectively, blocking the way out like two screens. Their eyes fixed on Lotus with sadness and jealousy. They knew they were about to lose favour with their fickle master.

  Knowing she would not stand a chance against this human blockade, Lotus said, “If your kung fu proved worthy of the title shifu, I’d happily call you that so no-one could trouble me again.”

  “You wish to try my skills?”


  “It would be my pleasure. I promise I won’t raise a hand against you.”

  “You think you can win without using your hands?”

  “You can’t imagine the thrill our encounter has given me. How could I lift a finger against you?”

  The men sniggered at Gallant Ouyang’s suggestive reply – though, having seen her martial skills, they all doubted his claim. Unless he used sorcery, surely there was no earthly way he could defeat her without taking the offensive.

  “I don’t trust you. You must tie your hands.”

  Gallant Ouyang obliged, removing his belt and holding it out for Lotus. She took it with a smile, but his confidence made her uneasy.

  I’ll just have to take it one step at a time, she said to herself as she summoned her internal strength and tugged the belt to test how strong the fabric was. To her surprise, it did not give. Could it be woven from metal threads?

  By now, Gallant Ouyang had folded his hands behind his back, waiting for her to bind them.

  Lotus wound the belt around his wrists and secured it with a tight double knot. “So, how do I win?”

  Extending his right leg, Gallant Ouyang placed the tip of his foot on the ground, three foot from his body. Then, suddenly, he pivoted on his left, quickly scoring a perfect circle, half an inch deep, into the stone floor. His extraordinary control and internal strength was evident to all.


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