A Bond Undone

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A Bond Undone Page 25

by Jin Yong

  “The Master’s kung fu is most superb. Pardon me for stealing the move. And thank you!” Zhu Cong grinned. “Come, Guo Jing, I’ll teach you. Now you’ll be able to trick people and give them a good fright.”

  The colour drained from Qiu Qianren’s face. How did he discover my secret? I had it on my person just a moment ago!

  No-one could work out how Zhu Cong had managed to replicate the trick.

  The Second Freak removed a ring and held it up. “Put it on. Pinch the rim. Make sure the ring is touching it. Now turn.” Guo Jing did as he was told. Another ceramic ring fell onto the table. “Many thanks to Master Qiu for lending us the ring. See, this is an adamant – the hardest material in this world.”

  So it wasn’t thanks to his extraordinary control of inner strength! Lotus joined in the laughter before succumbing to tears once more.

  “Don’t cry, my lady,” Zhu Cong said. “Our Master Qiu lives to deceive and play tricks. Your esteemed father’s martial skills are incomparable. The Seven Immortals of the Quanzhen Sect are principled. Why would they kill your father for no reason?”

  “Qiu Chuji and his cow muzzles must have heard about their martial uncle, Zhou Botong,” Lotus blurted out.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Nothing. Nothing that concerns you . . .” She started to cry again. Under normal circumstances, she would not have fallen for Qiu Qianren’s trick. But, for the first time in her life, it had been months since she had last seen her father, and, furthermore, if the Seven Immortals had found out what had happened between her father and Zhou Botong, then they would have had just cause for a fight.

  To distract Lotus from her thoughts, Zhu Cong pulled out two bricks, one bundle of tightly rolled reeds, as well as tinder, a flint and a flint cutter. “Master Qiu keeps all kinds of funny things up his sleeves. Shall we guess their purpose?”

  Lotus picked up a brick and tightened her grip. It disintegrated at the slightest pressure. She rubbed a fragment of the remnants between her fingers and it crumbled into dust. A smile spread over her face. “This brick is made of flour! He showed us how he could crush it with his inner strength!”

  Qiu Qianren’s face flitted between sickly green and pallid white. He had been hoping the lie about Apothecary Huang would create an opportunity to escape. But all his illusions were being exposed by the filthy scholar. He turned and tried to slip away.

  Cyclone Mei grabbed the martial Master and hurled him to the ground with a backhanded throw.

  “What you said about my teacher just now. Was it a lie?”

  Qiu Qianren whimpered in pain.

  Lotus noticed that one end of the reed was scorched. “Second Shifu, can you smoke this and conceal it in your sleeve?”

  The Freaks were wary of Lotus Huang because of her father, but, for the moment at least, they were united against Qiu Qianren. Zhu Cong was quietly pleased she called him Shifu, as he had always felt a connection with her irreverent quick wit. He did as she requested, and, with a serious expression, he inhaled.

  Laughing and clapping, Lotus turned to Guo Jing and Zephyr Lu. “That’s what the awful old fossil was doing when he was practising his internal kung fu!”

  She approached Qiu Qianren and smiled sweetly. “Allow me.”

  As she helped the martial Master back onto his feet, she tapped his Spirit Path pressure point, positioned under his fifth vertebra, with her Orchid Touch.

  “So, what happened to my papa?” she barked. “I’ll kill you if you say he’s dead!” Her hand flourished. The steel point of her Emei Needle was now pressed into his chest.

  Everyone suppressed their laughter at her interrogation methods.

  Qiu Qianren succumbed to waves of aches and itches. “Perhaps he is not dead. It is impossible to be sure.”

  “That’s more like it!” Beaming, Lotus rubbed the Empty Basin point on his right shoulder blade to ease the discomfort.

  “You said the Seven Immortals of the Quanzhen Sect killed our teacher. Did you see the fight with your own eyes? Or did you simply hear about it?” Zephyr Lu asked, hoping to get more information out of the martial Master than Lotus had.

  “I heard about it.”

  “From whom?”

  Qiu Qianren said, after a pause, “Count Seven Hong.”

  “When was this?” Lotus cut in.

  “A month ago.”


  “At the summit of Mount Tai. We were duelling. He lost and he mentioned it in passing.”

  Laughing, Lotus grabbed him by the shirt and plucked a handful of his beard. “Another lie! We were with Count Seven a month ago!” She turned to Guo Jing. “Show him another one of your palm thrusts.”

  “Of course!” Guo Jing leapt over.

  Qiu Qianren spun and scampered away from the young man. Seeing Cyclone Mei in the doorway, he scurried back into the hall.

  Laurel Lu stepped forward to restrain Qiu Qianren, but the older man pushed back and Laurel stumbled backwards. The so-called martial master was not entirely without skill, or he would not have challenged the Freaks.

  “Tell me how you walk on water with the iron tub on your head.” Lotus put a restraining hand on Qiu Qianren’s shoulder.

  “That was my unique lightness kung fu. It is why I’m known as Iron Palm Water Glider.”

  “Really? Are you still trying to fool us?”

  “At my old age, my martial skills aren’t what they used to be. But I never lost my qinggong.”

  “In that case, show us your Water Gliding kung fu. There’s a big fish pond in the courtyard. Through the doors, under the osmanthus tree on the left.”

  “A pond? I can’t possibly—” A flash, and something tightened around his ankles. The White Python whip. Before he knew it, he was hanging upside down.

  “You’ve talked enough!” Cyclone Mei dragged Qiu Qianren through the banqueting hall’s doorway and, with a flick of her wrist, tossed him into the fish pond in the courtyard.

  Lotus followed him outside and held her Emei Needles over the edge of the stone pond.

  “Show us how you glide on water! Or my needles will make you sink to the bottom!”

  Qiu Qianren pushed off with his feet, hoping to jump out. But he launched himself straight at Lotus’s steel spikes. Pricked on the shoulders, he fell back with a splash.

  “I put logs on the riverbed. Five or six inches from the surface,” the old man confessed, shamefaced and dripping wet. “The vat is made of a very thin sheet of iron. Its opening is sealed and it only holds three inches of water.”

  Her curiosity satisfied, Lotus went inside with a chuckle. Qiu Qianren hopped out of the pond and disappeared into the night, his head hung low.


  CYCLONE MEI HAD COME TO ROAMING CLOUD MANOR BENT ON unleashing carnage, but, after the tears and the laughter, her bloodlust had been chased away. Now, her thoughts had turned to her shifu. As she listened to Lotus Huang’s giggly, animated re-enactment of Qiu Qianren’s tricks, Cyclone Mei knew she could no longer steel her heart against her martial brother.

  “Zephyr Lu, set my disciple free. In honour of our shifu, I shall let our past enmity go.” She sighed. “You drove my husband and I into Mongolia . . . It’s all been the work of fate.”

  “He is yours.”

  Zephyr Lu had also realised how futile it had all been: Cyclone Mei has lost her husband and her sight. She has nothing and no-one left in this world. I might be crippled, but I have my wife and my son, I have a home and I have my business. My life is a hundred times better than hers. What sense is there in raking up the past?

  “I shall set off for Peach Blossom Island tomorrow,” he said, after a pause. “Would you care to join me?”

  “Really?” This one word crystallised years of fear and yearning.

  “Yes. I know to step foot on the island without invitation is a grievous offence, but Qiu Qianren’s lies have made me miss our gracious teacher even more.”

  “We’ll go to see Papa together,” Lotus
said. “I’ll entreat him on your behalf.”

  Cyclone Mei stood rooted to the spot, lost to the present. Tears began to roll down her cheeks. “No, I can’t. I’m too ashamed. Our teacher took pity on me and granted me a new life. Raised me, taught me. And I, this feral heart, spawn of wolves, betrayed him. I’m worse than a beast . . .

  “Every day, I think of him. I pray for his good health and that he might set me free with a strike to my cheek!” She struck herself twice across the face.

  “Shifu, I . . . I’ve wronged you.” She struck herself once more. Her cheeks burned fiery red. “I shall take my life, once I have avenged my husband. The Seven Freaks of the South, fight me if you dare!”

  Ke Zhen’e stepped forward and banged his iron staff on the floor. “Cyclone Mei, you can’t see me, nor can I see you,” he said, his voice rising above the ringing of metal on stone. “Your husband lost his life that night, but he also took our Fifth Brother Zhang Asheng with him.”

  “That’s why there are only six Freaks now,” she said aloud to herself.

  “We promised Elder Ma Yu we would never seek you out for revenge, but today you have found us. The heavens and earth might be infinite, yet our paths always converge. Perhaps the Lord of the Heavens does not wish us to exist together in this world. Please make your first move.”

  “After you.” Cyclone Mei sniggered. “All of you.”

  The rest of the Freaks had long taken up position behind Ke Zhen’e. Now, they brandished their weapons as one.

  “Your disciple shall make the first move against Cyclone Mei.” Guo Jing bowed at his mentors.

  “Please hear me out!” Zephyr Lu wished he had the authority or the kung fu to diffuse the situation. “There might be past discord between Sister Mei and the Six Heroes, but both sides have already suffered bereavements as a result. Might I propose that, today, we only fight to win, without causing injury? The Six Heroes are united in all their deeds, but fighting six to one might appear unfair. Dare I ask my sister to teach our young friend a few moves?”

  “How could I fight with a nameless youth?”

  “It was I who killed your husband,” Guo Jing said. “My shifus have nothing to do with it.”

  Cyclone Mei had already determined Guo Jing’s location from his voice. She howled, sprang and plunged her claws at the crown of his head.

  Guo Jing swerved aside. “Master Mei, I was only six years old. I was a child. It was by accident that I hurt Master Chen. But I take full responsibility. You need only come for me. I will not run. Kill me, skin me alive, deal with me as you wish. But you must promise never to trouble my six shifus again.”

  “You won’t run?”

  “I won’t.”

  “Very well! The Freaks and I both have lost someone dear to us. It’s my wretched fate, and theirs too. What can we do? All the hatred and animosity between us belongs to the past. Now, boy, come with me.”

  “Sister Mei,” Lotus interrupted. She had an idea. “Guo Jing has shown he has courage and yet the jianghu heroes will laugh at you until their jaws ache!”

  “What do you mean?” Cyclone Mei snarled.

  “He is the only disciple of the Six Heroes of the South. The Heroes’ martial skills have improved phenomenally in the past few years; they could take your life with a wave of a hand. But they chose to let you go, to let you save face. Yet, here you are, boasting with your big words.”

  “Pah! I don’t want their mercy. Freaks, let’s see if your kung fu has really improved!”

  “They have no need to fight you. You probably can’t even beat their disciple!”

  “If I can’t kill that boy within three moves, I will smack my head into a pillar and die right here!” Cyclone Mei remembered Guo Jing’s kung fu from the Prince of Zhao’s residence. She had no idea of the vast improvements he had made under the guidance of the Divine Vagrant Nine Fingers.

  “Three moves? That’s too few. Let’s do ten. We all stand here as witness.”

  “I would be honoured to receive fifteen moves from Master Mei.” Guo Jing had caught on to Lotus’s ploy. He was confident his Dragon-Subduing Palm could withstand Mei’s attack.

  “We shall ask Brother Lu and the gentleman accompanying you to keep count,” Lotus said.

  “Who? I came here alone. I have no need of company!”

  “Then who is standing behind you?”

  Cyclone Mei swung a backhand, swift as lightning. But the man in green was faster. He evaded her, silent as a ghost.

  Since Cyclone Mei had come to the south, she had had this queer feeling, as if she were being followed. She had called, lashed out around her, but had found nothing. She had even begun to think her mind was playing tricks on her. Yet, that night, when she was ambushed by Gallant Ouyang’s snakes, someone had sent her attackers away with flute song. She had kowtowed in gratitude, kneeling for hours, but received no reply. Nothing. Not a sound. No departing footsteps. Lotus’s words at last confirmed her suspicions.

  “Who are you?” Mei asked. “Why are you following me?”

  The man ignored her questions. Cyclone Mei lunged. The man did not lift his feet or shift his body, but she only managed to grab at air. The room was shocked by the stranger’s skill. It was far beyond anything they had known.

  “Master, I have been tardy with my welcome,” Zephyr Lu said. “Would you care to sit down and join us for a drink?”

  The man turned and drifted out of the hall.

  “Was the Master the flute player?” Mei asked. “Cyclone Mei is most grateful.”

  “He’s gone,” Lotus said.

  “Gone? I . . . I heard nothing.”

  “Go after him!”

  Cyclone Mei seemed far, far away. She did not hear Lotus. Then the malice, the thirst for vengeance returned. “Here comes the first move, boy!”

  She flashed her talons. They glowed a ghostly green, poised to strike.

  Guo Jing shouted, “I am ready—”

  Mei’s right palm swirled before he could finish the sentence. Her left hand darted. The sharp claws scratched at Guo Jing’s face. He tilted out of the way, flipped his left palm and thrust.

  Cyclone Mei heard the approach, but there was no time to dodge.

  Pang! Her shoulder.

  The force pushed her back three steps. Yet, in an instant, she was on the offensive again. Moments later, she had Guo Jing’s left wrist in her grip, her claws digging into three vital points – the Inner Pass, the Outer Pass and the Gathering Convergence.

  Numbing pain radiated from his arm. Guo Jing had heard about Cyclone Mei’s explosive speed and unpredictable moves from his shifus. He knew he would not have the skill to dodge or block, but he did not expect her to turn on him so quickly after taking a blow.

  And yet, true to the spirit of the Dragon-Subduing Palm, Guo Jing had strength in reserve. Now, he unleashed it. Curling the index and middle fingers of his right hand, he struck her in the chest.

  This was half of Shun the Concealed Dragon. His other hand was supposed to reach in with a Grappling Hook, but Mei had it in her grasp.

  A punch? A palm thrust? Cyclone Mei twisted to the right.

  Once more, the same shoulder was hit.

  Though she avoided the full brunt of the blow, an enormous force drove her back. She flicked her wrist and flung Guo Jing away.

  Thwack! They each slammed into a pillar. Roof tiles, bricks and dust rained down. The waiting staff fled into the courtyard, yelping in fear.

  The Freaks looked at each other. When had Guo Jing learned such superior kung fu?

  Ryder Han glanced at Lotus Huang. She must have taught him the move! He was grudgingly impressed by the martial arts of Peach Blossom Island.

  Cyclone Mei darted back and forth. Ruthless claws scratched at Guo Jing from every direction. Lightning quick and never the same stroke twice. A strong gust trailed every move.

  But Guo Jing stood his ground, each counter-thrust fierce and powerful. He knew he was not quick enough to respond creatively
to each individual attack, so he stuck to Count Seven Hong’s advice. Whatever came his way, he answered with the Dragon-Subduing Palm.

  Starting from the Haughty Dragon Repents, he launched the moves one by one, until the fifteenth and final in his repertoire. Then he began again.

  The tactic worked. Forty moves on, Cyclone Mei had not advanced half a step.

  A triumphant smile spread over Lotus’s face. The Freaks stared at their disciple in wonder.

  Zephyr Lu was dazzled by the improvement in Cyclone Mei’s kung fu. If he were fighting her, he would have been dead within ten moves.

  And how extraordinary is our Brother Guo, he thought with admiration. To attain such deep martial knowledge at his tender age! I overlooked his talent. How fortunate that I treated him with the utmost courtesy.

  Zephyr Lu turned his eyes back to his martial sister. In the flickering candlelight, her face glowed with a luminescent pallor acquired over years of hiding from daylight. She had also dabbed some petal sap on her cheeks, as if it were rouge.

  Memories from Peach Blossom Island invaded Zephyr Lu’s mind. He was too young to have had romantic thoughts then, but he remembered how much he had adored his beautiful, kindly big sister. She looked after him like he was her own brother. Her beauty had not waned, but an air of malice clung to her. Zephyr Lu knew it did not stem from her time on Peach Blossom Island. He thought of his crippled legs and the hatred he had felt towards Twice Foul Dark Wind after his banishment. He prayed the fight would end amicably.

  Wanyan Kang watched in envy and frustration. It was only a couple of months since he had almost defeated this young man. Now, he stood no chance.

  “Sister Mei, admit that you have lost! You have already exchanged more than eighty moves!”

  Cyclone Mei knew Lotus was exaggerating. The true count was closer to sixty, but it was already sixty too many. She had sacrificed so much to hone her kung fu. And yet she could not defeat a teenaged boy!


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