Friend Bangs My Wife in Front of Me

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Friend Bangs My Wife in Front of Me Page 22

by Ryan Robert Anderson

  He moved from between her legs and Tony took his place, diving into her

  pussy with an open, hungry mouth, moaning in gratification at the first

  taste of her.

  "Oh God, yes, Tony," she moaned out, his voracious mouth and tongue pushing

  her closer to that glorious edge. She gripped the settee cushions tightly

  in her effort not to move against him. Suddenly his teeth ran down the edge

  of her pussy lip, nibbling gently, and she thrust up uncontrollably.

  "Stop," Jason growled out, and Tony immediately stopped, pulling back so

  his hot breath teased her damp curls.

  "Kate, Kate," Jason said as if disappointed. "I told you not to move,

  darling. No matter how wonderful Tony's sweet mouth is, you are not to fuck

  it. Do you understand? Tell me you understand, Kate."

  Kate looked at him, and saw his calm tone was belied by the lust carving

  his features. His eyes were black with it, and narrowed as they stared at

  her, his breathing quick, his nostrils flared.

  "Yes, yes, Jason. I'm sorry, I won't move, I promise." She made her tone as

  conciliatory as she could, loving the game. Jason's answering grin told her

  he knew how much she was enjoying this.

  Tony's tortured breathing was bathing her pussy, and she shivered as Jason

  reached down and ran a finger through her crease.

  "Mmmm, Kate, so wet. Tony, lick her, while I fuck her poor pussy with my


  "Oh God, oh God," Kate chanted, and cried out as he pressed two fingers

  into her.

  She felt Tony's tongue lash out and lick around those fingers where they

  fucked in and out, and she knew she couldn't last long. But oh, she wanted

  to last forever. She wanted them both eating and pleasuring her, wanted

  Jason ordering them around, wanted to see Tony's burgeoning desire, for as

  long as possible. She understood Tony's earlier pleading, as she longed for

  release as much as she dreaded it. Suddenly she knew what Jason wanted,

  knew what she had to do.

  "Please, Jason, please let me come. Oh God, please, I'm begging you, let me

  come, please make me come, please Jason." She knew what she was doing, and

  yet, she couldn't keep the genuine pleading from her tone, the rough note

  of desperation and lust. She was riding the edge of being out of control.

  She looked up at Jason, and had to restrain her shout of triumph. He was

  nearly as out of control as she, one hand buried in Tony's hair as Tony

  lapped up her juices roughly, his fingers pushing deeply, roughly, into her

  in a smooth, fast rhythm. His breathing was broken as he rasped out, "Yes,

  Tony, suck her, I want her to come for us now."

  He pressed his fingers in hard, and touched a place deep within her that

  shot pleasure to her fingertips just as Tony wrapped his lips around the

  hard nub of her desire and sucked, and she spun out of control. She felt

  her hips buck against them, and heard her keening wail of release as if

  from a distance. The pleasure was so absorbing it was all she could

  understand right now, the throbbing ache of it, the hot wet convulsions of

  her pussy around Jason's large, calloused fingers, the suction of Tony's

  mouth, these were her world. Jason moved his fingers in her, and Tony

  sucked again, and Kate arched her back and threw back her head at the

  renewed tremors of pleasure rocking her to her soul. She began to sob their

  names, trying and failing to tell them how wonderful it was, how achingly

  sweet, how fulfilling.

  She began to come back down from the heights of pleasure, and Jason's voice

  became clear, whispering reassurances to her, telling her how beautiful she

  was in her climax, how responsive, how delightful, how loved. And she

  responded automatically, from her heart.

  "Oh Jason, darling Tony, how I love you," she sighed, bringing down one arm

  from over her head to rest it against Jason's which had been soothingly

  rubbing her stomach as he kissed her exposed hip. His movements stopped.

  Without looking at her, he whispered, "You've never said that before, Kate.

  Say it again."

  Tony had been kissing the inside of her thigh and stopped to look up at

  her, hope and desire warring in his gaze.

  Kate started to panic, but then took a deep breath. Admitting she loved

  them was not the same as agreeing to move in with them.

  "Of course I love you. It's never been like this for me before. Apparently,

  love does indeed make a difference." She smiled tremulously at them, but

  quickly amended her admission before they could speak. "But just because I

  love you doesn't mean I'm going to move in with you."

  Jason was breathing deeply through his nose, clearly wanting to say

  something, but stopping himself. Tony spoke instead, his tone teasing.

  "Clearly more dallying is required, Jason. It would seem, after tonight,

  that that is your forte. Any suggestions?"

  Jason reluctantly chuckled, and Kate felt her muscles relax.

  "You promised, Jason, you promised if I let you eat my pussy, that I could

  suck your cock." Kate made her voice low and seductive, and saw both men's

  eyes ignite again.

  "Yes, Kate, I did promise, didn't I?" Jason told her with and indulgent

  smile, and she smiled back, the thrill of knowing she would have him in her

  mouth soon making her still sensitive pussy clench yet again.

  Kate's phone rang, Tony's number flashing on the screen

  "Tony! Darling, how are you?"

  His voice sounded excited

  "Come, Kate. I need you to help me with Jason."

  "Help you with Jason?" Kate laughed. "What on earth are you talking about?"

  But Tony already hung up, so up Kate went to their house.


  Tony met her at the door, wearing a wicked grin; Kate couldn't help but

  laugh "Tony, what's going on?"

  Without answering, Tony dragged her down the hall.

  He walked into Jason's study without knocking, pulling Kate behind him, and

  closed the door with a firm thump. Jason looked up at them, annoyance

  written clearly on his face.

  "You see?" Tony said theatrically, waving his arm in Jason's direction in a

  grand gesture. "He is far too serious. Help me teach him to have fun,


  "I am nothing if not the soul of fun," Kate said dryly, pulling her hand

  out of Tony's to walk more sedately into the room. "Shall we have a game of


  "Games?" Jason growled from behind his desk, a sheaf of papers in his hand,

  and more piled in front of him. "I have work to do, Tony. Play somewhere

  else." He turned back to his papers deliberately.

  Tony, however, was not one to be dismissed. He walked up behind Kate and

  wrapped his arms around her, barely breaking stride. She had to stumble to

  keep pace with him, and laughed as one hand came up to cup her breast

  possessively, as if to steady her.

  "Tony!" she cried out laughingly as he walked her to the desk and spun her

  around to face him before backing her up to the edge of the desk.

  At her laughter, Jason's head came up again to glare at them, and he saw

  them leaning against the side of the desk to his left. Tony had pressed

  himself up against Kate, and she had spread her legs
slightly to make room

  for him between them. Her arms were lightly resting on his shoulders, and

  Tony was looking down at her, smiling.

  "What do you think, Kate? Shall we show him how to play?" His tone was

  light and flirtatious.

  "Play what?" Kate asked coyly, toying with a lock of his hair, deliberately

  not looking at Jason, enjoying Tony's frivolity. She didn't care about

  Jason's fun so much as her own. She hadn't had enough laughter in the last

  year, and wanted to enjoy this new freedom that belonging to Jason and Tony

  gave her.

  "We are going to play, hmmm," Tony paused as if trying to think of a game.

  His eyes lit with humor as if he'd had a sudden idea. "I know! Let's play

  Everybody Wins."

  Kate's brow furrowed in confusion, and Tony saw Jason's puzzlement out of

  the corner of his eye, although Jason was trying to pretend he was too busy

  to pay attention.

  "What's Everybody Wins?" she asked.

  "Well," Tony said earnestly, reaching behind her to loosen her dress, "I

  fuck you in front of Jason, and he gets to watch us come. Everybody wins."

  Kate laughed delightedly as Tony pulled the neckline of her bodice down

  enough for one breast to spring free. "I should have known this was all

  about getting a good fuck."

  Tony looked up at her just as he was about to suck her nipple into his

  mouth. He waggled his eyebrows at her as he said, "Of course." Then his

  mouth was on her breast and Kate's answering laughter became breathless.

  "Right here?" she squealed, as Tony began to pull her skirts up.

  Tony hoisted her up onto the desk, right on top of some of Jason's papers.

  "Oh, yes, right here. We want to make sure Jason gets to see exactly how

  it's played." He pushed her skirts up, and she wiggled her bottom so he

  could get them out from under her, up around her waist.

  "Oh, for Christ's sake," Jason muttered, trying to grab some of his papers

  as they went flying. "Couldn't you do this upstairs?" He refused to dwell

  on the tingle of anticipation he felt along his spine, the rapid tattoo of

  his pulse.

  Tony was busily pulling Kate's panties off as she leaned back on her elbows

  to keep her balance, laughing. Jason was arrested by the sheer happiness he

  saw in her face. Tony was practically ravishing her, and she loved it. He

  hadn't seen her happy like this often enough since they'd met. He stopped

  complaining, but let Tony continue to play.

  "Upstairs? Where's the fun in that, old man?" Tony said with a lusty grin

  at Kate spread out before him. "Besides, you'll never learn anything if we

  play up there, because you're closeted in here." Tony unbuttoned his shirt

  and shrugged it off, then reached up and pulled his undershirt off.

  Jason had leaned back, his arms resting on the arms of the chair, one bent

  at the elbow, his chin in his hand as he continued to glare, acting

  outraged. In reality the sight of the two people he loved most in the world

  half naked in front of him, getting ready to fuck for his enjoyment, had

  him hot and hard and ready.

  He watched as Tony, still smiling, bent over and kissed Kate. She had

  raised her face to him and met him with a smiling, open mouth. Jason could

  see their tongues dancing around one another, heard Kate moan in pleasure.

  Tony pulled back from Kate's mouth and bent further to kiss her neck,

  working his way down to her collarbone, his tongue licking along the sharp

  angle there. Jason watched that mouth, that tongue, with fascination. He

  had done the same to Kate before, and she had done as much to him. How

  would it feel when Tony did it? The thought brought him up short, as he

  felt his cock quiver. He looked at Kate and saw her laughter turning to


  "How do you win this game?" Kate murmured, her voice husky, her eyes closed

  as she savored Tony's mouth on her.

  "Well, darling Kate, that's the beauty of it," Tony said softly, his

  fingers trailing over her exposed breast, as his mouth hovered over it. "We

  win, no matter what. A good fuck is a good fuck." The last was said with a

  grin at Jason. "But Jason only wins if he gives in, and plays."

  Jason snorted. He could keep his hands off, no matter how delicious the two

  of them looked there. He did have some self-control, God knew.

  Then Tony pulled away and, without warning, pressed two fingers into Kate's

  pussy. He made sure that Jason could see what he was doing. Kate cried out

  and arched her back at the invasion, then spread her legs wider in open

  invitation. Tony fucked his fingers in and out several times, then pulled

  them out completely, and slowly raised them to his mouth. He looked up at

  Jason, who could feel his pupils dilate and his nostrils flare at the sight

  of the two glistening fingers. His eyes never left them as Tony put one,

  then the other, in his mouth and sucked them clean.

  "Mmmm," Kate breathed. "More, Tony."

  "More Tony?" Tony laughed seductively. "Oh, I've got more, Kate." He pushed

  his pants down just enough to give his cock room, and then pressed his hips

  against Kate. "Is this what you want?" He rocked against her, the length of

  his erection rubbing into and along the crease of her wet lips, lubricating


  "God, Kate," Tony said, his own laughter breathless, "you're so damned wet

  already. I love how you love to fuck."

  "Mmmmm," she said again, moving her hips languorously, the friction of

  pussy and cock causing her to shiver deliciously. "Me, too."

  Her eyes were closed as she savored the feelings, but Tony watched her, and


  Jason's gaze was riveted on Tony's cock as the dark head pushed through

  Kate's pubic hair to emerge from between the tops of her pussy lips, then

  slide back down. Between Kate's wet heat and Jason's intense gaze, Tony

  felt his pulse quicken, felt the teasing atmosphere fade, and pure lust

  replace it.

  "Answer the question, Kate," he demanded, suddenly harsh. "Is this what you


  Kate's eyes flew open, and Tony saw the answering lust there. "Yes, Tony,

  yes, give it to me," she whispered thickly.

  Tony pulled his hips back, and then drove his cock into her in one long

  hard stroke.

  Kate's back arched, her head falling back, and her legs came up to wrap

  around his waist. Tony leaned forward and rested his hands on the desk on

  either side of Kate as he began to fuck her, fast and hard. She fell back

  onto the desk, and Jason rose from his chair to catch her head and gently

  lower it, so she didn't hurt herself.

  When he stood, Jason's erection became obvious. He was hard and ready, and

  both Kate and Tony saw it. Kate reached out to him, her fingers clumsily

  trying to unzip his fly. Jason's fingers closed around hers, stopping her.

  "Please, Jason," she begged, imploring him with her eyes. "Let me taste


  Jason's eyes slashed to Tony.

  "Everybody wins, Jason," Tony said with a wicked grin, as he bent low and

  slammed his cock into Kate, causing her to moan. Her free arm came up

  around his shoulders, the hand clutching him trying to hold on as his cock

aulted her.

  Jason finished unzipping himself. He breathed a sigh of relief as his cock

  sprang free. Kate turned her head and reached for it, her fingers closing

  around it and guiding it to her mouth. She was too far away, so Jason

  grabbed her shoulders and pulled her closer to the edge of the desk, and

  Tony stumbled to stay in her, laughing at Jason's eagerness. Jason let him

  laugh, as Kate's lips closed over the head of his cock in a sweet, hot, wet


  For several minutes, Jason slowly fucked his cock in and out of Kate's

  mouth, enjoying the feel of her. Each time Tony thrust into her, he felt it

  as her head moved. It was wild, erotic. He had to bend over and grab the

  edge of the desk.

  He opened his eyes, and looked down to see Tony bent further over Kate, his

  mouth next to hers as he watched her suck Jason's cock. Tony licked his

  lips, and Jason's stomach muscles clenched. He must have made a noise,

  because Tony looked up at him. He froze at the naked hunger in Tony's gaze,

  the hot need directed at him.

  Tony held his gaze for a long minute, then deliberately looked back at

  Jason's cock, now unmoving. Kate's eyes opened and she pulled her mouth

  away, smiling.

  "Taste him, Tony," she whispered in wicked invitation.

  Tony's tongue eased out of his mouth and he tentatively licked at Jason's


  Jason groaned and his grip tightened on the desk. At Jason's reaction Tony


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