Friend Bangs My Wife in Front of Me

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Friend Bangs My Wife in Front of Me Page 26

by Ryan Robert Anderson

  gasped fucking in and out even as Tony felt spurt after spurt coming from

  his cock.

  Jason's orgasm triggered yet another in Kate, and she whimpered as her hips

  strained against them. Tony heard her as if from far away. "Love you, love

  you both."

  After the fuck, Jason couldn't move. He'd never come so hard in his life.

  The feel of Tony inside Kate with him, it was the realization of all his

  hopes and dreams. He would have them both. Nothing would stop him.

  Kate collapsed and Jason roused himself enough to help Tony lower her until

  she was resting on his shoulder.then wearily climbed into bed on his other

  side. It felt natural when he settled his head on Jason's other shoulder,

  his breath a warm mist on Jason's neck. He hugged both of them tightly to


  "Sleep well, but briefly, my dears. Round two promises to be just as much

  fun. I haven't had a chance at Kate's ass yet."

  The relationship turned serious when Jason had a heart attack.

  It happens sometimes, even to young men; one minute he was talking,

  laughing, then next he's on the floor, gasping for air, grabbing at his


  Standing outside the hospital room, looking at Jason lying there, so pale...

  The doctor was talking to Tony, but he barely registered the words. His

  eyes were glued to Jason.

  Tony couldn't stop thinking about last night. Jason had roused him with

  kisses along his neck and jaw, his fingers playing with his nipples.

  Tony had awakened with a cock already hard, and Jason had laughed as he

  wrapped a fist around it and caressed it until he was ready to burst. His

  passionate kisses had Tony clutching him. When he pulled away before Tony

  could climax he had actually whimpered.

  "I want us to fuck Kate again, Tony, together," he'd whispered. "I want to

  fuck her anally this time, and watch you fuck her pussy. I want to rub my

  cock along yours again inside her."

  Tony had immediately rolled on top of Jason, and fitted his cock along the

  other man's. The contact had made them both gasp, and Jason's hips

  involuntarily thrust upward. "We will rub cocks in many ways, Jason," he

  whispered in the dark of night, not able to control the slight but steady

  hitch of his hips, bumping his cock into Jason's hard, hot shaft. "But I

  understand that tonight, you need to be with both of us. I want that too."

  He had rolled back off Jason, and it wasn't long before the other man had

  Kate on top of him, and was sliding smoothly into her anus before she was

  fully awake. The second time had been slower, less intense, more tender,

  but still one of the most pleasurable fucks he'd ever had. The three of

  them had touched and caressed one another, not sure where one ended and the

  others began, murmuring words of love.

  Both Kate and Jason had kissed him, licked his nipples, and sent his senses

  reeling. It was with a sense of euphoria he had finally come, as hard as

  the first time, wanting to give both of them his seed, his climax.

  It was after midnight; Kate was asleep, but Jason and Tony were talking,

  planning, wishing... they were deeply in love with her. They knew. They went

  outside, to run in the street, wanting to express their joy aloud, without

  waking her.

  Kate was shocked when she woke to an empty bed. It wasn't like Jason and

  Tony to leave her alone, not after the incredible night they had shared. In

  spite of her lack of sleep, she leaped from the bed, some instinct telling

  her something was horribly wrong.

  She slowed only long enough to grab Tony's heavy dressing gown and wrap it

  around herself.

  She hurried out into the hall. Only when the quiet of the house registered

  did she realize how early it was. Her sense of impending disaster increased

  and she flew down the stairs.

  "Jason? Tony?" she yelled, uncaring whom she might wake up. "Where are


  It took less than thirty seconds, but to Tony it seemed an eternity. They

  were just talking, sharing in their common joy, and then he saw Jason fall,

  and his own heart stopped for moment. He ran over to him, vaguely aware of

  shouting and loud honks. It was as if he was looking down a long tunnel and

  all he could see at the end was Jason's crumpled body.

  He fell to his knees beside Jason, gathering him in his arms, and suddenly

  the sounds and shapes of the world around him came back with a startling

  clarity. He could smell the night's rain in the air, the acrid smoke of

  cars, the sandalwood of Jason's cologne. He heard paramedics shouting

  orders and looked up to see them running toward them.

  He heard a woman calling his name, over and over. With a shiver he realized

  it was Kate.

  "Kate!" he screamed. "Kate!" If only Kate were here, it would be all right.

  Kate would make everything right again.

  And she was there; beside him, in the hospital. Through the window, she

  could see Jason, hooked to all those machines, barely alive... "Jason," she

  moaned. "Oh God, Jason."

  She buried her face in Tony's chest, sobbing, and he wrapped his hands

  around her.

  Later, they could bring themselves to go in. Jason was still unconscious.

  Tony and Kate sat with him, Tony in a chair by the bed holding one hand,

  Kate lying next to him holding his other. They had barely spoken to one

  another all day. Words hadn't been necessary. With looks and touches, they

  comforted each other, gaining strength from the mere presence of the other.

  "He whistles when he sleeps," Tony suddenly muttered, staring hard at

  Jason. His skin was the color of wax, his features unnaturally relaxed.

  Kate chuckled. "I wondered at first what that was last night. I like it. It

  makes me feel safe, because I can hear him, and I know he's there."

  "Drove me insane the first few months. Then one night a party ended late

  and her slept at a friend's house, and I found I couldn't sleep without

  it." Tony shook his head in wonderment. "The things you love about another

  person can be very strange."

  "He can be so sweet, and he's always so serious. I can't tell you how

  surprised I was to find him both dominant and teasing when we're making


  Tony looked at Kate, really looked at her. "How do you really feel about

  Jason and me, Kate?" He shook his head as she started to speak. "No, I know

  you love us. I mean, how do you feel about Jason and I desiring one

  another?" He needed to hear the truth from her.

  Kate leaned up on her arm and looked at him, tears awash in her eyes. "Oh,

  Tony, it seemed the most natural thing in the world, you and Jason wanting

  each other as I want you. How could you not? When we're all together, it's

  so intense, the feelings, I can't imagine it not affecting you both." She

  looked down and Jason, and smoothed a hand over his brow, brushing his hair

  away. "And you've been through so much together."

  She didn't look at him as she asked her next question. "Do you still want

  me, you and Jason?"

  That brought Tony out of his chair. He climbed on the bed behind Kate,

  cuddling her close. "Of course we want you, darling. You are what we've

  always dreamed about. Being with you gave us the courage to be together. I

  love the person you make Jason when we're with you, and what you make me.

  We're different now than we were before." His grip tightened around her.

  "Or will be, once he wakes the hell up."

  Kate clutched his arms about her. "I love you both so much, Tony. I don't

  know what I'll do if Jason dies...

  I need us to be together, the three of us, forever."

  Tony buried his face in her unbound hair. "Do you mean it, Kate? Will you

  marry us?"

  "Yes, Tony. As soon as Jason wakes, I'll marry you."

  Kate fell into a troubled sleep, but Tony was restless. He got up without

  disturbing Kate and resumed his vigil by the bed. When Jason started

  thrashing about a few hours later, Tony grabbed him to hold him down, and

  was shocked by the scorching heat of his skin. Thus began three days of


  Jason developed an infection. Several of their friends came by to help, and

  they ended up taking turns sitting at Jason's side. In his feverish

  murmurings always it was Kate's and Tony's names he cried out.

  It was during those days that Kate discovered she was pregnant; they didn't

  know if it was Tony's or Jason's, and they didn't care.

  "I don't to be pregnant and not married to you, to you both." Kate told

  Tony through teary eyes, and he agreed.

  It took them more than a day to arrange a vicar to marry them, and call

  their friends.

  Jason's room had grown so crowded it was hard to move as all his friends

  had come, afraid it was their last chance to say goodbye. Kate was weak

  with fatigue. She'd eaten very little and slept less the last few days, and

  her frequent bouts of heavy weeping had sapped what little strength she


  Tony was the walking wounded. He loved Kate dreadfully, but wasn't sure he

  was strong enough to go on without Jason. He wanted to be, God knew, for

  Kate's sake, but just the thought of life without Jason made him feel

  hollow inside. He had to step out of the room at one point because he was

  trembling so badly everyone noticed.

  It was around three in the morning when Jason's fever broke. Kate was sure

  he was dying, and fell to her knees beside Jason's bed, weeping and praying

  as feverishly as Jason was muttering and shouting in his delirium. Thank

  God she didn't realize what he was saying. With a room full of men, Kate

  would have been horrified to hear him describing in shocking detail the

  last night the three of them had spent together. One of the doctors had led

  her from the room and let her return only after she took a small draught of

  something to calm her down.

  By the time Kate came back, Jason's delirium had passed, and he was

  sleeping. The doctor checked his vitals and reported the infection seemed

  to be getting better, but Tony was afraid to be too optimistic. Jason had

  yet to wake up since he had collapsed.

  He was still sleeping the following morning when Mr. Matthews, the vicar,

  arrived. He hurried up to Jason's bedchamber, and was ushered through the

  gantlet of old friends with hugs and handshakes as he made his way to the


  "Tony, my God, what's happened? How is he?" He knelt beside Jason's bed and

  clasped his hand, his head bowing in prayer without waiting for an answer.

  Kate slowly lowered herself beside him, as did Tony, and soon the whole

  room followed suit.

  "Lord, please bless Jason, whatever your plan is for him. There are many

  here who would miss him were you to call him to your side, particularly

  Kate and Tony. He is still needed here. Please remember that when making

  your decision. Bless this house and all who live and love here, and help

  them accept what may or may not be. Amen."

  They all stood, except Kate, who was dry-eyed for the first time in days.

  She had no tears left. Mr. Matthews held out his hand to help her up.

  "You must be Kate. I've heard so much about you from Jason and Tony, I feel

  I know you, my dear. Please try to be strong." He was so kind and gentle

  and his blond, boyish good looks added to the charm of the country vicar.

  "Thank you, Mr. Matthews, for coming so quickly." She glanced around the

  room nervously. "Perhaps we should discuss why we called you here


  Tony was shaking his head before she even finished. "No, Kate. I trust

  everyone here. They are as much a part of our life as any family could be."

  He turned to the vicar.

  "Stephen, we want you to marry Jason and Kate. It's what he wants, and if,"

  he couldn't say he doesn't make it, "if something happens, we want to know

  that Kate and any child she may have will bear his name." Stephen started

  to speak, but Tony wasn't done. "It's what we dreamed of, Stephen. Please."

  Stephen sighed. "It's highly irregular, Tony, and if anyone contests the

  validity of the marriage, it probably won't hold up. But if it's what you

  want, and truly what Jason wants, then I'll do it." He started to glance

  around the room, then looked back at Tony in afterthought. "Have you a


  Tony pulled one from his jacket pocket, much to Kate's surprise. "Yes,

  Jason got a special license as soon as he asked Kate to marry him. He said

  that when she finally said yes, he wasn't going to give her time to change

  her mind."

  Kate raised a trembling hand to her mouth. Oh, if only she hadn't denied

  them. If she'd only said yes, it wouldn't be like this. Her wedding day

  would have been joyous, celebrated in a church with friends around them,

  and Jason well and happy.

  Stop it, she told herself firmly. You said you were tired of the what-ifs,

  so stop thinking them. This is the way it is, and even if it's only for a

  short time, she would pledge her love to Jason before God and man.

  She felt a hand on her elbow, and looked up at Tony, by her side, as he had

  been all these long, torturous hours since Jason has the attack. How she

  loved him, how she needed him. She turned into his embrace gladly.

  "Is everyone ready, then?" Mr. Matthews asked, pulling a small Bible from

  his pocket.

  Tony clasped Kate's hand tightly, and nodded at Stephen to begin.

  The room was silent as the marriage ceremony proceeded. Stephen wasn't

  verbose by any means, but he said a few meaningful words about marriage,

  and the true communion of man and woman, sanctified by God, which struck a

  chord with all those present.

  Kate said her vows in a strong voice, still a little rough from ill usage

  the last few days. But when it came time for Jason's, they realized they

  had no ring. Freddie, one of their dear friends, stepped forward, and

  handed Tony a ring that had adorned his smallest finger.

  "It's not much, but I give it to you in love, knowing you will do the

  same." The ring was beautiful filigreed gold in a wide band, set with opals

  and diamonds in a cluster.

  "Was my Grannie's," he said as he handed it over. "She was a capital gal."

  Kate smiled her thanks tremulously, and turned back to Jason. When the

  vicar asked if Jason would take Kate to wed, she closed her eyes, expecting

sp; to hear Tony's voice. Instead a rather irritated voice spoke from the bed.

  "Bloody hell, Kate, you had to wait until I was at death's door to marry


  "Jason," Kate gasped, her eyes flying open.

  Kate threw herself on Jason's chest.

  "Christ, woman, be careful," he growled. He lifted a trembling hand to

  stroke her hair. His eyes were mere slits. "I'm weak as a baby and my head

  is splitting, so let's get on with this."

  Tony couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry, so he did both. He fell to

  his knees by the bed, for the first time in days not in prayer or despair,

  but weak with joy.

  "Jase," he cried. "We thought we were losing you."

  "I'm not ready to cock up my toes yet." Jason's eyes were beginning to open

  more, and he looked around the room. "Fuck, is this a wedding or a wake?"

  By now half the room was laughing as people called out his name.

  Jason smiled weakly. "Let's get on with it. I believe it was my cue. I do.

  There, are we done?"

  Tony tried to give him Freddie's ring to place on Kate's finger, but Jason


  "In our eyes, the three of us are getting married. It's only right you

  place the ring on her finger, Tony."

  Kate cried, again, when Stephen pronounced them all married. This time, her

  tears were tears of joy.

  Three weeks later, Jason was bored out of his mind, and as horny as he was


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