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Ashes Page 22

by Lauralana Dunne

  Phoenix shrugged self-consciously. “I just figured I’d wear my new Apprentice tunic and trous set,” she told them.

  The girls stared at her. “You can’t wear trous to a royal ball!” Rae exclaimed. “You’re a girl!”

  “Thanks for the update,” Phoenix retorted. “I was wondering when you’d notice.” Elise burst out laughing and poked Rae in the ribs, who made a face and swatted the girl’s hand away. “Besides,” Phoenix continued with a shrug, “I’m also an Apprentice.” The Apprentice title meant enough to her to forgo the need to dress up in impractical clothing.

  “So you’re just gonna wear your Apprentice bands around?” Sophie demanded, pointing to the silver stripes on her tunic sleeves that identified her rank.

  Alan arrived before Phoenix could answer. He puffed, slightly out of breath as he slowed his speed. His own sleeves now displayed the blue double-bands of a senior Runner.

  “Prince Hallan requests your presence in his chambers,” he said formally to Phoenix, his voice clipped from trying to keep the proper tone while talking to her. Everyone within hearing distance went quiet.

  “What?” Phoenix asked in surprise. “Why?”

  “How should I know?” Alan shrugged. “I’m just the Runner.” He rolled his eyes and, as if to prove a point, turned around and ran back out of the room.

  “Gettin’ some new Blood, are ya, Phoenix?” A boy down the table jeered at her.

  Phoenix felt her face turn red.

  “You shut your mouth, Roger!” Rae shot back at him in outrage. She turned her attention back to Phoenix, who was sitting there dumbfounded, and promptly kicked her under the table. Phoenix jumped and rubbed her shin. “Well? Get going! Keeping him waiting isn’t going to help you find out what he wants!”

  Phoenix shot to her feet and stepped back over the seating bench, nearly tripping over it in her haste to untangle herself from the table.

  “Sure there wasn’t anyone in particular you were looking for?” Elise asked again with a clever smirk. Phoenix gave her a withering look before winding her way through the people and out of the hall.

  The Prince had never summoned her before. He often sat in on the King’s council meetings, she knew, as he was so dedicated to taking care of His Majesty that he made sure that he was available on a moment’s notice - much to the chagrin of the court ladies who had been trying to distract him. He always seemed too preoccupied with his duties to notice them batting their lashes at him whenever he passed.

  It made sense now that she knew he was still dedicated to catching the Queen’s killer. Though she could not blame the ladies for trying. The Prince was strikingly handsome. It was a wonder that he was still unattached. He could have any woman that he wanted, and yet his devotion to King Benedict - and his mission, as Master Malcourt called it - had yet to waver.

  Then again, she thought with a smile, the King had a way of looking out for the oddballs in his court. It was not hard to guess where his unwavering loyalty had come from.

  Something brushed her thigh. Phoenix looked down to see Kit trotting along at her heels. She smiled and patted the pup’s large head affectionately. Phoenix had long-since become accustomed to the pup’s uncanny ability to find her within the castle; mostly arriving at times conveniently when Phoenix was alone and needed company. She would make a good hunting dog, Phoenix thought, had she ended up on a farm instead of with her.

  “You’re smarter than you’re given credit for, you know,” she told the pup. Kit flicked her rounded ears forward and gave her tail a wag.

  The corridors were full of people milling about talking to one another. It was awkward walking the halls lately. The newcomers rarely noticed Phoenix, so she often had to maneuver herself around the unmoving bodies without giving offense. Those who had been there awhile had learned to recognize her by sight, and they often gave her a wide berth after learning of her Caller designation.

  Aloof expressions were withdrawn as people caught sight of Kit, most conversations stopping mid-sentence. Noblewomen turned pale. They immediately stepped back and put as much room between themselves and the pair as was possible in the cramped space.

  She was a sight, Phoenix had to admit. Her large rounded ears gave her the appearance of a wild animal - as did the large colored spots along her back - but Phoenix knew it was her giant size which was the most off-putting. She had gotten large rather quickly, but it was easy to see that she had more to grow before she was done.

  Phoenix felt everyone’s eyes on her as she walked past. She ignored them as best she could and led Kit through the hallway towards the royal quarters. She could hear muttered disbelief about her chosen path, but the speakers were quickly hushed so as not to let her hear them.

  Phoenix sighed and tucked her curls behind her ears. Let them stare, she thought, straightening her back. Castle Angor was her home. They couldn’t hurt her here.

  Phoenix ran up the side staircase quickly, using her long legs to advance two steps at a time. Reaching the proper level, she turned and entered the giant wing that was set aside for royalty.

  King Benedict’s chambers were down a corridor to her right, while living quarters and entertaining rooms connected to the large foyer were set aside for visiting guests. They took up several floors in total, and standing in the open room made her feel exceptionally small.

  Phoenix hurried through the foyer and jogged up a small set of stairs that led to the connectors for the adjoining areas. Abruptly she was stopped by two men in strange uniforms who were guarding the double doors.

  “State your business with the Prince,” commanded the first guard with a snarl.

  Phoenix was caught up short by his rudeness and blinked at him in surprise. “Apprentice Phoenix to see His Highness?” She all but asked, giving a courteous bow as she spoke. She was still incapable of the graceful curtsy that came so easily to other girls.

  The door opened a crack, and Prince Hallan stuck his head out to peer into the hallway.

  “Ah, Phoenix. There you are.” The Prince fixed the guard with a serious look. “Apprentice Phoenix is always welcome to visit me, no matter what time of day. Understood?”

  The guard drew himself up and clapped a fist over his heart. “Yes, Your Highness,” her replied while the other guard saluted.

  Nodding in satisfaction, the Prince opened the door wide and waved at Phoenix to enter. She slipped past the guards with Kit at her heels, and the Prince shut the door firmly behind her.

  “I must apologize,” he said, making a face. “Kenneth and Jamie came with me from Kaltor. They can be quite... protective.” He gave her a winning smile, and Phoenix was reminded why it was that all of the ladies of the court continually sighed over the Prince.

  A flicker of annoyance marred his expression - so quickly that Phoenix thought that she had imagined it - and she looked back towards the door to where the guards stood. Instead, she saw that Prince Hallan was looking down at her side.

  “Kit,” Prince Hallan greeted the dog, bowing to her with a small show of respect.

  “Oh!” Phoenix exclaimed, looking down at the dog who had followed her into the grand rooms. “I didn’t realize...”

  The Prince brushed aside her embarrassment with the wave of his hand. “Nonsense! I’m sure she’ll behave...” He smiled again when she nodded. “Have you eaten? Shall I send for something?”

  “N-no. Thank you.” Phoenix was unsure what to do with herself so she could only smile. The reason that the Prince had summoned her was still not apparent, but she was sure that it wasn’t to share a meal.

  Prince Hallan nodded and offered her a chair, which she sat in gratefully. He then pulled another chair close and sat across from her. He ran his fingers through his dark hair, brushing it back from his face almost nervously. “Thank you for indulging me just now, Phoenix. I must admit that I’m in your debt.”

  “Your Highness?” she asked, confused.

  He smiled at her. “I’m still curious, you see. About you, th
at is. You’re a very rare mystery, Phoenix. I can see why it is that Malcourt - Master Malcourt, I mean - brought you here. He must find you fascinating. I know that I do.” He stopped to look at her and Phoenix felt as though he were studying her. It made her uncomfortable at first, but she could feel her cheeks become warm from his attention.

  “Master Malcourt has been very kind to me,” she told him, feeling defensive. She felt momentary resentment for the suggestion that she was nothing more than the puzzle of her past.

  The Prince inclined his head in acknowledgement to her loyalty. “He’s an incredibly compassionate man,” he agreed easily. “And he has a good eye. In fact, everything he touches seems to turn to gold.” His voice was unreadable when he said the last part, and Phoenix was unable to tell if he was being humorous or not.

  “I just wanted to make sure,” he continued, “that he was doing right by you. That you were not lacking or wanting for anything.”

  “Right by me?” Phoenix shifted in her chair.

  Prince Hallan’s eyes moved across her face as if searching for something, and Phoenix couldn’t help but notice what a deep green they were. She held her breath while he looked at her.

  “I want to find out where it is that you came from,” he told her, his voice firm enough to bring her to her senses. Quietly she let out her breath. “You have the Blood,” he continued. “Anyone sensitive enough to it can see that. I’m just wondering why he has yet to locate your family. Not that he’d want you to go, of course. But usually he is much more resourceful. You’ve already been here an entire season...”

  He trailed off with a frown, letting that hang between them as he watched her.

  Phoenix attempted to hide how hurt she felt by his suggestion. The idea that her Master had been purposely stalling his investigation had never occurred to her. But the Prince had a point. Why was it taking so long? For such an unorthodox event - for two Callers to disappear - it was hard to believe that their absences would not have been noticed. And the Mastercaller had so many connections throughout the kingdom… Perhaps he’d already exhausted them. Perhaps he was not searching abroad for the answers.

  But she hadn’t asked. She’d been so content here, studying her Power and spending time with her friends, carving out a home for herself, that she’d hadn’t thought to ask for an update. He deserved for her to do that before jumping to conclusions. He had been so kind to her. Surely he would have told her if he’d found something.

  Phoenix drew herself up in her seat. “It doesn’t matter where I’m from,” she said with quiet dignity. “Master Malcourt was one of the only people in my life to ever show me such kindness. Even if I were to find out where I’m from I wouldn’t want to leave. My friends are here, and my studies are far from finished. Just because you’re from somewhere it doesn’t mean that you belong there. This is where I belong.”

  Prince Hallan watched her quietly as she gave her impromptu speech, her words ringing with the truth that she felt. He was relaxed, and his expression was disarmingly friendly, but his eyes watched her with an intensity that she had never experienced before. She didn’t know what it meant, but she was conscious of a warm feeling that was growing along her spine.

  Prince Hallan smiled. “You’re very smart, Phoenix. You’ve blossomed so much during your short stay with us here. I’m excited to see how much more you progress with your studies.” Phoenix felt her cheeks heat into a blush. “Malcourt must place an incredible amount of trust in you,” he continued. “You must find it overwhelming at times.”

  His compassion seemed so genuine that Phoenix felt her eyes fill with tears. “Sometimes,” she admitted quietly, surprising herself by doing so.

  He nodded, unsurprised by her admission. “It can be hard: coming to a new place; taking on too much to feel like you belong. That’s why I asked you here, Phoenix. I felt as though you could use a sympathetic ear - someone to talk to if you need any help. After all, I went through the same thing when I came here not too long ago.”

  His smile was tender. She couldn’t tell if it was meant for her, or because of a memory that had surfaced while he spoke, but his attention was fixed so thoroughly on her that Phoenix felt her head spin.

  Prince Hallan moved to the edge of his chair, the movement fluid and unhurried. He leaned in close and placed his hand on her knee. Phoenix felt a soft warmth spreading through her body from the simple touch. She was acutely aware of the light pressure of his fingertips against her leg, and a strange feeling hitched in her stomach.

  “What about now?” he asked, his face only a hand-span from her own. “With the King’s birthing celebrations so soon, you must be feeling apprehensive about something.”

  Phoenix was conscious of how close he was. The warmth of his breath on her face. The pounding of blood in her ears. The smell of the Prince was intoxicating, and she found herself so caught up in his closeness that she was having trouble concentrating on anything else. She stared at him blankly for a moment before his question registered. Belatedly she opened her mouth to answer, but she found it difficult to form the words that he wanted.

  He watched her mouth, his too-green eyes flicking their attention to her face when she didn’t speak. Her breath caught, and she could only watch as he lifted his hand to touch her cheek, his palm curved to cup the side of her face.

  A sharp pain cut through her confusion and her body went cold. With a yelp that startled them both, she jerked back and looked down to see that Kit had firmly entrenched her teeth into her thigh. Phoenix jumped up quickly, knocking her chair over backwards, and dislodged the dog’s mouth from her skin.

  “Ow!” she said loudly, using her hands to bat where the dog’s head had been. Kit had already let go, and she had since positioned herself between Phoenix and Prince Hallan.

  Kit’s fur was stiff with fury, bristling in a way that Phoenix had never seen before. She growled a threat at the Prince, and Phoenix was shocked at her ferocity.

  “Stop that,” Phoenix told her angrily.

  “Are you all right, my dear”? Prince Hallan asked, concerned. He had risen abruptly at her outcry, but had since composed himself enough to offer her a helping hand with picking up her chair. Kit pressed her ears back against her head and, with a savage snarl, lunged at the offending hand. The Prince jerked his hand back in time for the pup’s teeth to clip together audibly in the air.

  “Toads!” Phoenix swore. She grabbed Kit’s scruff and jerked her back next to her heels. After she had the dog secured, Phoenix turned to Prince Hallan and tried to stammer out an apology. “Your Highness,” she began, mortified. She didn’t even know where to begin.

  The chamber doors crashed open, and Kenneth and Jamie burst into the room. They brandished their swords and advanced towards Phoenix. She stood still and held on to the snarling Kit, who tried to lunge at the men.

  The Prince held up his hand and the two men stopped in their tracks.

  “I’m fine,” Prince Hallan said with a dismissive flick of his hand. His voice was almost angry as he spoke to the guards. “Phoenix’s... friend... is more protective of her than I’d realized.” He rolled his eyes at his own oversight, then winked at Phoenix with a smile.

  The two guards did not move and continued to glare at the two.

  “Anything else?” The Prince asked the pair, somewhat sharply.

  The guards sheathed their swords and stiffened into a salute. “Yes, Your Highness,” the other guard said. “Captain Rolf is here to see you. We can tell him to return later, if you are busy...”

  “No!” Phoenix protested, feeling flustered and dragging Kit to the door. “We should go,” she said, glaring down at the dog with embarrassment. She tugged forcefully on the dog to pull her out the door. “We’ve taken up enough of your time.”

  Prince Hallan sighed with regret. “Very well, Apprentice,” his voice took on a formal tone. “But next time, perhaps, you could leave your champion behind?” His words were teasing, not mocking, and his expression he
ld such longing as he watched her go that Phoenix could feel her flush deepen. She ducked into a sloppy bow and yanked the growling dog out into the corridor.

  “What a surprise,” a sardonic voice said behind her. “Apprentice Phoenix. Why is it always that wherever you go trouble seems to follow?”

  Captain Rolf stood tall in the foyer glaring at her suspiciously, an expression of distrust settled on his face.

  “Animals roaming the castle?” he asked scathingly, reminding her of the time he’d found her lost in the back corridors of the castle. His eyes ran over the silver bands on her sleeves and he smirked. “You don’t get to ignore the rules because you’re a Caller, girl. You might think that you’re above the rest of us, but I know your Master knows better. I’m sure that he wouldn’t like to hear that his reputation was marred by your constant disobedience. Neither would the King, I imagine.”

  Phoenix glared at him. Kit, who was finally behaving, stood obediently at her heel, so Phoenix let go of her and rested her hand on the dog’s head protectively.

  “Always bringing trouble,” he continued, as if musing out loud. “And you came across your current Master at such an opportune time. It’s all very convenient when you think about it. Tell me - why shouldn’t I suspect that you were sent here to kill the King?”

  Phoenix was so enraged by the suggestion that a jolt of heat ripped through her entire body. The palms of her hands burned with anger. She clenched her fists to try to extinguish the Power, but the heat spread along her knuckles to the tips of her fingers instead. It connected with the ring, causing the focus stones to flare to life and absorb the heat of the flame - cooling both her skin and her temper.

  Calmly she opened her hands. Wisps of smoke curled from her palms and rose into the air. She counted herself lucky when the Captain didn’t notice her lack of control. She continued to glare at him, but she kept her voice even as she spoke. “I could ask the same of you,” she told him.


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