Two Days Before Christmas

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Two Days Before Christmas Page 11

by Leenie Brown

  Caroline huffed.

  Georgiana’s eyes grew wide at Bingley’s open and harsh reprimand.

  “Civility is not a mark of birth but of character,” Mrs. Annesley added, drawing a look of absolute loathing from Caroline.

  “My brother should be returning soon,” Georgiana repeated. “He had a particular errand to which he needed to attend.”

  Caroline huffed again. “I cannot see why we must wait while he calls on orphans.”

  “Because it is nearly Christmas, and he will not be in town to see it done on that day,” Georgiana replied. “Ah, here he is.” Darcy had stepped into the room with Elizabeth on his arm. Elizabeth was to join Georgiana, Richard, and Darcy in their carriage, while Jane travelled with the Gardiners to assist with the children.

  “I am afraid I have one more task that needs my attention,” he said. “I will be no longer than five minutes. Has our cousin arrived?”

  “No. But he knew you would be busy this morning and likely adjusted his time accordingly.” It was not like Richard to be late for an appointment, nor was it like him to arrive early when there were people such as Miss Bingley whom he wished to avoid. Georgiana was curious to see how he would avoid her while at Netherfield.

  True to his word, Darcy was only five minutes and had his cousin at his heels. “Richard was in the kitchen,” he explained, seeing Georgiana’s questioning look. “He was pilfering biscuits and teasing the maids.” He shook his head but smiled, letting one and all know that he was not displeased. “It seems the servant’s entrance is not guarded well enough.”

  “Perhaps if your lions roared instead of meowing, they would be more fearsome,” Richard quipped as one of those more-friendly-than-fearsome creatures wound its way around his legs.

  “They do love you,” Georgiana said with a laugh.

  “It is because he brings them fish,” Darcy assured her. “A few scraps each time he calls.”

  “I will not have to smell fish all the way to Hertfordshire, will I?” Georgiana asked Richard.

  He shook his head and winked at her. “They also appreciate a morsel of cheese now and again.”

  “If you spoil them too much, they shall not catch the mice as they are supposed to do,” Georgiana scolded.

  Richard bent and scratched the ear of the tabby that was still weaving around and through his legs. “They know their duty. We have discussed it, have we not, Hattie?”

  The cat replied with a meow.

  “See?” Richard said with a laugh.

  “Are we ready then?” Darcy asked.

  “We are,” Georgiana rose and allowed Richard to help her with her pelisse. “The blankets and foot warmers are waiting in the carriage as is a tin of biscuits and a few rolls and cheese. Did the children enjoy their gifts even if they were two days early?”

  “They did,” Darcy replied.

  “Gifts? You were giving gifts to orphans?” Caroline Bingley paused at the door to the sitting room.

  “No,” Darcy said with a shake of his head as he extended a hand to Elizabeth, “We were giving gifts to children. It is a tradition that I began about five years ago, and it is one Miss Elizabeth and I intend to continue.”

  Georgiana was almost certain that Caroline Bingley was about to swoon as she looked from Darcy to Elizabeth and back. “And why would Miss Elizabeth be carrying on this tradition?” she asked in a strained whisper.

  “Has your brother not told you?” Darcy made a show of removing Elizabeth’s glove from her left hand as Elizabeth blushed and smiled prettily. “Last week, I asked Miss Elizabeth to be my wife. Two days ago, because I could not wait until we arrived in Hertfordshire to do it, I persuaded her father to accept me, and today, I presented her with my mother’s ring.” He showed the small gold band inset with diamonds and amethysts to them all.

  “I had meant to keep it until Christmas, but Master Riley would not be in Hertfordshire to see it, and he will be gone from Mrs. Verity’s after Christmas.” His smile was broad as he continued. “I have just informed the household to expect a new mistress in the new year.” He allowed Elizabeth to replace her glove. “They are assembling to see us off,” he said to her softly.

  “Well, we do not need a send-off,” said Richard, looking at Bingley and nodding toward the door to indicate they should leave.

  Bingley willingly scooted out the door, taking Caroline with him.

  “Georgie,” Richard called from the doorway.

  “In a moment,” Georgiana replied.

  Richard sighed and leaned against the doorframe to wait.

  “I know I said this last week at Matlock House, but I am so delighted,” she gave Elizabeth a hug and then turned to her brother and took his hands. “I know I have a parcel tucked away for you in my bag, but this,” she reached over and taking Elizabeth’s hand, placed it on top of her brother’s, “this is my Christmas gift.”

  Darcy’s brows furrowed, and he glanced at Elizabeth, who merely shrugged and shook her head letting him know that she was just as confused as he.

  “You saved me from misery when you arrived in Ramsgate, and when I saw you return from Netherfield in such a state of despondency, I vowed I would find a way to save you from misery — a different sort of misery to be sure, but misery just the same.” She squeezed the hands that she held wrapped in her own. “I had thought it would be more challenging. I had considered scheming my way to Hertfordshire and pleading your case with Miss Elizabeth.” She shook her head. “I did not know if I could succeed in sparing your heart from being broken, but I knew I had to try, in some small way, to repay you for how you have cared for mine.” She released her hold on their hands. “I am pleased that it has worked out as it has.” She expelled a breath as her brother wrapped her in his embrace.

  “Thank you,” he whispered and kissed the top of her head. “I could not ask for a better gift.”

  She placed a gloved hand on his cheek. “No, you could not,” she replied with an impertinent grin.

  He rolled his eyes and laughed as she left the room. “Are you ready to be greeted by what will soon be your new household staff?” he asked Elizabeth as he brushed a tear from her cheek.

  “Your sister…,” she said as another tear slid down her cheek.

  “She is rather wonderful, is she not?”

  Elizabeth nodded.

  “Come. We must go,” he said, drying her eyes with his handkerchief. “There are celebrations and a new life awaiting us in Hertfordshire.” He cupped her face in his hands. “There truly is no better gift she could have given me,” he said before bending to kiss her softly.

  Elizabeth could not agree more. Darcy’s love was the best Christmas gift she could have ever received, and every year, from that one forward, in addition to gifts being exchanged on Christmas morning in the Darcy home, gifts of the heart would be given as well. But these gifts, these special gifts of love, would neither be given nor received on Christmas morning but would always be shared, just as Georgiana’s had been — two days before Christmas.


  Coming January 2018:

  One Winter’s Eve, a sequel to Two Day’s Before Christmas, which will tell the story of how Elizabeth’s challenge to Colonel Fitzwilliam to reconsider his opinion of Caroline Bingley plays a part in altering the course of his life

  Before You Go

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  and as a thank you, you will receive a copy of Teatime Tales as well as Better Than She Deserved, A Willow Hall Romance Sequel:

  Book News from Leenie Brown



  There are many who have had a part in the creation of this story. Some have read and commented on it. Some have proofread for grammatical errors and plot holes. Others have not even read the story and a few, I know, never will.
However, their encouragement and belief in my ability, as well as their patience when I became cranky or when supper was late or the groceries ran low, was invaluable.

  And so, I would like to say thank you to Zoe, Rose, Kristine, Ben, and Kyle. I feel blessed by your help, support, and understanding.

  I have not listed my dear husband in the above group because, to me, he deserves his own special thank you, for, without his somewhat pushy insistence that I start sharing my writing, none of my writing goals and dreams would have been realized.

  Leenie B Books

  Novels ~ Novellas ~ Shorts


  Oxford Cottage: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

  For Peace of Mind: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

  Teatime Tales: Six Short and Sweet Austen-Inspired Stories

  Listen To Your Heart: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

  With the Colonel’s Help: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

  Two Days before Christmas: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

  Coming January 2018:

  One Winter’s Eve: A Sequel to Two Days before Christmas


  The Choices Series: Pride & Prejudice Novellas

  (available as a bundle and individually)

  Her Father’s Choice (book 1)

  No Other Choice (book 2)

  His Inconvenient Choice (book 3)

  Her Heart’s Choice (book 4)


  A Dash of Darcy Collection

  Finally Mrs. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

  Waking to Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

  Discovering Mr.Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

  Unravelling Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Novella


  A Dash of Darcy Companion Story Collection

  A Very Merry Christmas: A Pride and Prejudice Novella (A sequel to Waking to Mr. Darcy)

  Not an Heiress: A Pride and Prejudice Novella (A sequel to Discovering Mr. Darcy)

  Becoming Entangled: A Pride and Prejudice Novella (A sequel to Unravelling Mr. Darcy)


  Willow Hall Romances

  And Then Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Prequel (book 1)

  The Tenant’s Guest: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novella (book 2)

  So Very Unexpected: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novel (book3)

  At All Costs: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Novel (book 4)

  Better Than She Deserved: A Pride and Prejudice Novelette (sequel 1)


  Touches of Austen Collection

  His Beautiful Bea


  Other Pens

  Through Every Storm: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

  Henry: To Prove Himself Worthy (A Mansfield Park Continuation)

  About the Author

  Leenie Brown has always been a girl with an active imagination, which, while growing up, was a both an asset, providing many hours of fun as she played out stories, and a liability, when her older sister and aunt would tell her frightening tales. At one time, they had her convinced Dracula lived in the trunk at the end of the bed she slept in when visiting her grandparents!

  Although it has been years since she cowered in her bed in her grandparents’ basement, she still has an imagination which occasionally runs away with her, and she feeds it now as she did then ─ by reading!

  Her heroes, when growing up, were authors, and the worlds they painted with words were (and still are) her favourite playgrounds! Now, as an adult, she spends much of her time in the Regency world, playing with the characters from her favourite Jane Austen novels and those of her own creation.

  When she is not traipsing down a trail in an attempt to keep up with her imagination, Leenie resides in the beautiful province of Nova Scotia with her two sons and her very own Mr. Brown (a wonderful mix of all the best of Darcy, Bingley, and Edmund with a healthy dose of the teasing Mr. Tilney and just a dash of the scolding Mr. Knightley).

  Connect with Leenie Brown


  [email protected]




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