Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love

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Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love Page 3

by Sherelle Green

  “Hello?” she repeated.

  “Kyra, hi. It’s... It’s Luke.”

  “Hi, Luke,” she responded with zero emotion. Tough crowd.

  “Taheim mentioned that you need help finding a couple locations and since I just moved to LA, I was wondering if you wanted to meet sometime this week to discuss your needs.”

  “My needs?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I want to help you get everything you want.” Luke cringed at his words. Could you sound more like a personal ad!

  “Right, well, I can meet tomorrow.”

  Damn. He didn’t think she would say she could meet so soon. “I can meet tomorrow as well. How about noon?”

  “That would work. I’ll text you the address to a café near the boutique. Thanks for calling.”

  “Okay, sounds—” The call was cut short before he could even finish his sentence. “That’s more like the Kyra I know,” he muttered to himself. In the back of his mind, he knew he deserved her anger. Back in the day, he hadn’t treated her well after learning that she had a crush on him. He’d tried to say enough to get her to understand that they could never be together, but it had backfired and resulted in them not talking for years.

  Feeling so distant from Kyra was something he never thought would happen. Often, he’d told his mom that even if he and Taheim weren’t friends anymore, he couldn’t imagine not having Kyra in his life. Although he’d had a decent childhood, it wasn’t all sunshine and roses. Kyra was a beacon of light for him. A reminder that there were good people in the world who cared about you even when you didn’t care about yourself.

  And what did you do, idiot? He’d pushed away one of the few people who meant a lot to him. That night she’d tricked him into going to her bedroom, he hadn’t just lost one of his closest friends, he’d lost the woman whom he’d promised to always be there for. He’d apologized years ago, but she hadn’t been willing to hear him out. At least now, he hoped helping her find a location for the boutique and a new home would show her that deep down, he was still the same Luke he used to be.

  Chapter 2

  There wasn’t anything more nerve-racking than waiting for a meeting to take place that you were absolutely dreading. Kyra had arrived at the café ten minutes early to snag a table and calm her nerves since meeting with Luke today was probably on her list of things she’d be okay never doing again.

  In retrospect, asking him to meet today had been a bad decision, but all she’d been thinking about was getting the meeting over with so that she wouldn’t dread it all week. She hadn’t planned to be rude and hang up on him, but just hearing his voice, all deep and husky, made her stomach drop. She hadn’t heard it in so long after dreaming about it more times than she could count. It wasn’t fair for him to sound that good and her only worry was that he looked better than he sounded.

  She had an idea of how fine he still was, but she was proud of herself for not stalking his social-media pages like she used to. In fact, she had even blocked him from a few platforms so she wouldn’t be tempted to look.

  It’s okay, girl, she thought to herself. You’re a strong-ass woman and seeing the man who broke your heart all those years ago will not shake you.


  She closed her eyes at the voice, counting to three before looking upward. The minute her eyes landed on Luke in his dark gray suit and pearly white smile, she knew she should have at least counted to ten before setting eyes on him.

  “Hi, Luke.”

  Even though she was sitting down, his eyes slowly looked her up and down in a way that surprised the hell out of her. “I almost didn’t recognize you,” he said. “You look nice with the copper highlights.”

  Kyra ran her fingers through her shoulder-length hair. “Thanks. I just got them, actually. I’m surprised you noticed.”

  He smiled as he took a seat across from her. “I’ve always noticed you.”

  Always noticed me? Kyra squinted, confused by this version of Luke. Instead of letting her thoughts wander, she decided to ask him about what he’d said. “What’s wrong with you?”

  He squinted. “What do you mean?”

  “What do you mean, ‘what do I mean’?” She leaned closer so that he could hear her without her voice carrying. “You said you’ve always noticed me? In my mind, that’s the complete opposite of how you’ve always treated me.”

  Luke dropped his head a little. “In the past, I’ve called you and apologized for how I treated you on your twenty-first birthday. After that, I texted you an apology. Then, at Taheim and Winter’s wedding, I—”

  “Let’s not talk about my brother’s wedding,” Kyra said, cutting him off. “And while I appreciate your apologies, you’ve still never openly mentioned noticing me at all.”

  Luke shook his head. “Why are you always so difficult?”

  Kyra shrugged. “It’s in my DNA, but regardless, you don’t have a right to say that about me anymore. So how about we just continue on with the meeting.”

  “Are we not even getting anything to eat?” Luke asked, glancing around.

  “There is no time to eat. I have to get back to work soon,” she lied. She took out the packet of info she’d put together with what she was looking for in regard to the location for the boutique, as well as a condo. “This packet has all the information you need to get started on setting up appointments.”

  Luke flipped through the pages, shooting her a look of surprise. “Uh, this is very thorough, but I sort of thought we would talk about everything in person. Hence the meeting.”

  Kyra leaned back in her chair. “Regarding the boutique, we’re looking to stay within a mile of our current location. Unlike the current building, we need a storefront and would love a storage facility or something connected to it for us to stock additional merchandise. And we don’t want to be on a run-down block. The current square footage of our boutique is listed in the packet and we now want at least one thousand square feet more. Also preferably it would be two levels or sections for the boudoir studio.”

  Luke nodded his head. “Of course. I’ve been to the boutique in Chicago and I even checked out the one in Miami. I’ll have to check out this location to make sure I find some options with the same vibe and energy as the others.”

  “You can stop by anytime this week,” she said. “I’ll be there every day during store hours and after hours prepping for the move.”

  Luke smiled. “Wow, you’re already packing up? I’m glad you’re confident that I will find you some great places.”

  “I’m not,” she stated. “But I’m confident in me finding a real-estate agent capable of finding the perfect place if you don’t show me some good options within the next two weeks.”

  Once again, Luke shook his head. “Different hairdo, same sassy Kyra.” He flipped through several more pages. “The wish list for your condo is pretty long. Are you sure you’re looking for three bedrooms?”

  “Of course I’m sure,” she said. “My bedroom, the guest bedroom and my activity room.”

  “Activity room?” Luke asked. “Like the type of room parents create for their kids.”

  Okay, clearly, he doesn’t want to get in my good graces. “No, not like the type of room parents create for their kids. Mine is an adult activity room, not that it’s any of your business why I want three rooms. You’re just my real-estate agent. You aren’t allowed to judge.”

  “But I am allowed to remind you that with the budget you listed, finding three bedrooms in LA is next to impossible. Especially since you’re also asking for an outdoor space, walk-in closet and an in-unit washer and dryer.”

  “I have expensive tastes.”

  “And a shoestring budget,” Luke huffed.

  Kyra rolled her eyes. “See, this is why I didn’t want your help finding a place, but Taheim insisted. I suppose having these places purchased before the New Year
is asking too much, too, right?”

  “A little bit, yeah. Finding the place is one thing. Finalizing all the documents, getting the lawyer and accountant involved, and working out your loan approval are other issues entirely.”

  Kyra frowned. “I thought you’re supposed to be one of the best real-estate agents around? Are you saying you’ve failed before you’ve even started?”

  “I’m just trying to be realistic,” he explained. “That’s all.”

  Kyra glanced at her phone before looking back to Luke. “Well, keep all that realism to yourself until you’ve actually tried to find what’s on my list. Deal?” She started gathering her stuff, not caring about the fact that Luke was looking at her as if he wanted her to stay and finish their conversation.

  “Deal,” he finally said.

  “Great. If you have any additional questions for me that aren’t answered in the packet, then text me. Other than that, I’ll see you when you drop by the shop.”

  Luke blew out a breath. “Okay, I’ll see you then.” Walking out of the café, Kyra made sure she held her head high and reminded herself to stay firm on her decisions. True, she knew her list was a little unrealistic, but didn’t care. Apologies or not, she wasn’t ready to let him back into her life easily.

  * * *

  “Wait, and who is this again?” Nash asked, following Luke into their new office building.

  “Kyra is one of my closest friends’ sister,” he explained. “She needs help finding a couple locations, but she wants to nail this down by January.”

  “Did you tell her finding anything that soon is damn near impossible?” Nash asked.

  “Of course I did. But if you knew Kyra, you’d know it’s no use. I guess you can say she lives life on her own terms, and if you try and tell her any different, she’s not trying to hear you.”

  Nash smiled as he settled into his office right across from Luke’s. “Sounds like my kind of woman. Is she cute?”

  Luke froze. “Uh, yeah. I guess.”

  Nash shook his head. “Ah, nah, she doesn’t sound like it based off that look you’re giving right now.”

  “No, trust me, she’s attractive. Very attractive. And she doesn’t even try to be. It just naturally pours out of her, inside and out. It’s that type of beauty that slaps you in the face when you aren’t looking. She tries to act all tough like she doesn’t let much bother her, but deep down, she’s a softy. I remember when she went through her tomboy phase. Even then, she was cute.”

  Luke wasn’t sure how long he rambled on. However, when he noticed how quiet Nash was being, he looked across the hallway to see his brother wearing an amused grin. “What’s that look for?”

  “Bro, you could have saved a lot of breath complaining about Kyra on the way to the office if you’d just told me up front how much you’re feeling her.” For more emphasis, Nash wiggled his eyebrows.

  “Yeah, we used to be close when we were younger, but I’m not feeling her the way you’re implying. I just know a lot about her.”

  Nash lifted an eyebrow. “Right. Keep telling yourself that.”

  “I’m serious. Didn’t you hear the part where I said she’s my best friend’s sister?”

  “Nope. I heard the part where you called Taheim a close friend. I figured it was strange considering you’ve told me so much about Taheim and Ajay. So I know they are a couple of your best friends. I also have eyes just like you do. Taheim’s always posting pictures of his family on Instagram and I think I’ve seen his sister in a few. She’s bad, though. Got that Zoe Saldana vibe going on. I understand why she’d get you all hot and bothered.”

  Luke waved off his comment. “Man, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Kyra doesn’t make me hot or bothered. She’s like a little sister to me.”

  “In that case, thank God we don’t have a little sister. Unless we don’t know she exists yet, just like we didn’t know about each other. Oh, wait...” Nash snapped his fingers. “Have you had a DNA test done on Kyra to make sure she’s not our sister?”

  “No, fool. I didn’t do that. Trust me, Kyra Reed is not related to us. I’ve known the Reed family most of my life. She’s definitely not our sister.”

  “Great, then you can ask her out on a date and stop tripping.”

  Luke put his hands in the air. “I can’t ask her out. Have you not been listening to anything I’ve been saying? She’s Taheim and Ajay’s younger sister. That’s like, asking to fuck up two decades of friendship.”

  Nash squinted his eyes. “Taheim and Ajay don’t strike me as the type to give the you-can’t-date-my-sister speech. Especially when it was Taheim’s idea for you to help her out in the first place.”

  “Well, they did,” Luke said, thinking back to the conversation he’d had with Ajay all those years ago. “Kyra had a crush on me and everybody but me knew it.”

  “Because you were too busy denying your own feelings for her,” Nash said.

  “Exactly!” Luke’s face dropped. “Wait, that’s not what I meant. What I meant to say is I was too busy dealing with my own shit to recognize anything else going on back then.”

  Nash smirked. “Right. I get it.” However, his look was saying that he absolutely didn’t buy it.

  “I’m serious, but you look like you don’t believe me.”

  “How long have we known each other?” Nash asked.

  Luke shrugged. “About a year, I guess.”

  “And how long does it feel like we’ve known each other?”

  Luke thought about the quick friendship he’d built with his brother. “Feels like we’ve always been in each other’s lives.”

  “My point exactly. I may not have been in your life back then, but I know you better than you think I do. My guess is you suspected she had a crush, but you were too busy denying your own feelings for her. Don’t you get it, bro? You’re living in your own romance movie right now. Boy meets friend. Friend introduces boy to little sister. Boy adores little sister. Sister begins to have crush on boy. Feelings continue as boy and girl get older. Boy messes up. Girl gets pissed. Years later, boy has chance to make it up to girl. Girl makes boy pay for breaking her heart. Boy and girl have revelation. They fall in love and live happily ever after.”

  Luke blinked. “What makes you think I messed up with her?”

  Nash snorted. “Man, please. Men always mess up. Now is the part of the movie when you try to win back her love in case you weren’t following.”

  Luke shook his head. “Uh, you have quite the imagination.”

  “All I’m saying is now is your chance to finally see what could have been. And although Taheim will probably be the best man, you betta make me a groomsman.”

  “For my imaginary wedding?”

  “Yeah, fool. Have you not been listening? We already know how this story ends. At least, that’s how you want it to end. There’s also the possibility that you will mess this up again and girl will run off with another guy, but I’m going to help you out so that you don’t lose her before your relationship even starts.”

  Luke laughed. “I don’t know whether to listen to your crazy advice or just forget we had this conversation.”

  Nash walked across the hall and leaned against the doorjamb of Luke’s office. “Were you listening to anything I just said? Bruh, you were already taking my advice before I even finished giving it. Man, are you sure you’re not the younger brother here?”

  “I have three and a half years on you,” Luke said. “So, yeah, you’re the youngest.”

  Nash popped his collar. “But clearly, I’m the intelligent one.”

  “Nah, I’m just entertaining you this morning because I figured your ego needed a boost since you’re talking all this romance mess.”

  “My ego never needs a boost,” he said. “I stay ready. Don’t hate because I’m spitting that knowledge.”

Their banter continued for a few more minutes and Luke had to admit, he’d wished he’d had Nash in his life growing up. There wasn’t a day in his adolescence when he didn’t wish he had a brother, but he’d also known it wasn’t going to happen. His parents were the type that never should have had kids together in the first place.

  Now that he had Nash in his life, he tried not to think about all the parts of his childhood that he wished he could change, but rather, he was focused on building his relationship with his brother. Already, dude was saying things that got under his skin, but then again, what younger brother didn’t say things to annoy their older brother? Regardless, Luke couldn’t deny that Nash had his mind racing with how he needed to proceed with Kyra.

  Chapter 3

  “Um, I don’t like this place, either,” Kyra said for the third time that morning.

  “Let me guess,” Luke said. “The view from the front balcony isn’t good enough?”

  “No, the view is great. But this is only one and a half bedrooms and no washer and dryer in the unit.”

  Luke shook his head. “This is a two-bedroom unit and I already told you that it could be installed for a little extra.”

  “You call this closet a second bedroom?” Kyra asked, nodding her head to the bedroom on the left. “You could maybe fit a twin-size bed in there, but not much else. They should just call it a closet.”

  “They already have a master closet in the other bedroom,” Luke reminded her. “This is definitely a second room.”

  Kyra shrugged. “It’s still a closet.”

  “This is LA. Some rooms are small.”

  “Well, then I need you to do better and find me something that’s not a closet.”

  Kyra wasn’t really surprised that she and Luke had been disagreeing for most the morning. She was surprised when he’d called her last night and asked if she could check out three condos with him. She’d only just met with him two days ago.


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