Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love

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Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love Page 7

by Sherelle Green

  He got into the driver’s seat and began making his way toward their destination. “I have some motion-sickness medicine in case either of you need it,” he said to Nash and Kyra.

  “Motion sickness. Are we getting on a cruise or something?” Kyra asked.

  “No, but St. Lucia is pretty mountainous, so it has many hills, and here we usually go up and down about five to six hills a day. More if you need to get to the other side of the island.”

  “I usually don’t get sick when driving in a car, but I’ll let you know if I need any,” Nash said.

  Kyra nodded. “Ditto what he said.”

  “Sounds good.” Luke turned a corner and started the ascent up the first hill. “Okay, my home is in the mountains. So, before we head there, we’re going to stop by and see a few folks.”

  Luke glanced over at Nash, whose eyes were wide. “Relax,” he told Nash. “You aren’t meeting my mom today. She’s visiting a friend in Barbados, so she flies in tomorrow. These are just friends.”

  Nash exhaled. “That’s good. I really want to meet her, but I—I’m not—”

  “You weren’t prepared to see her right when you got off the plane,” Luke said, finishing his brother’s sentence. “I get it. That’s why I figured I’d introduce you to a few locals first.”

  After twenty more minutes, they arrived at their first stop. “We’re here,” Luke announced.

  “Ralph’s Wharf,” Kyra said, reading the name. “Are we eating here?”

  “Not exactly,” Luke explained, getting out the car. Nash and Kyra followed him to the entrance just as the door opened and a large, burly man walked out.

  “Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle. If it isn’t my nephew looking like he hasn’t seen the sun in days.”

  Luke laughed. “Uncle Ralph, still cracking jokes, I see. For the record, I’m out in the sun every day.”

  “I doubt it, boy. Your skin too light. You need more vitamin D or a day out on my fishing boat to darken you up.”

  Luke heard Kyra and Nash laugh behind him. He’d really missed his uncle’s island accent and the way he was always ragging on him. “Well, when you’re done teasing me, I want to introduce you to my friend Kyra and my brother, Nash.”

  “Nice to meet you, beautiful,” Ralph said, pulling Kyra in for a hug.

  She smiled. “Nice to meet you, too.”

  “And you,” Ralph said. “You look just like my nephew. I thought Luke said you grew up in California, boy. Thought you’d be darker.”

  Nash looked from Ralph to Luke. “Is he my uncle, too?”

  Luke shook his head. “He’s my mother’s younger brother.”

  “But you’re my nephew, too,” Ralph said, pulling Nash in for a hug. “Here on the island, we don’t do all that division crap. Family is family, so you call me Uncle Ralph.”

  Nash smiled. “Sounds good, Uncle Ralph.”

  Luke glanced at Kyra, who was watching the exchange as closely as he was.

  “Well, come on inside,” Ralph said. “I just got a batch of fresh fish and seafood. Y’all must be hungry after traveling.”

  When they stepped into the place, Luke breathed in the familiar scent. Yeah, the fishy smell may bother most, but Luke didn’t mind. To him, it smelled like home.

  * * *

  Kyra couldn’t remember the last time she’d eaten so much food. Ralph was an amazing cook and, aside from the accent, so much of him reminded her of Luke.

  “This was so good, Uncle Ralph,” she announced. “I wanted to eat that last crab leg, but I don’t have anywhere to put it.” Normally, she wasn’t even a fan of seafood, but there was something about the way Ralph made it that left her craving more.

  “I agree,” Nash said. “I haven’t eaten this good in years.”

  “We could tell,” Kyra said.

  Nash frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “It means, you were smacking the entire time you ate like you hadn’t had a decent meal in a while.”


  “It’s not you, Nash,” Luke said. “Kyra has an issue with hearing people chew. She’ll get over it.”

  “I don’t have an issue with people chewing,” she defended. “I just think that you should eat with your mouth closed. People who chew loudly are annoying because it’s unnecessary. I swear, they’d enjoy their food more if they chewed properly. And don’t even get me started on those who talk, then smack on food, then talk, then smack again. I could go on and on about this.”

  Nash blinked. “I can see that. Remind me to eat even louder next time.”

  Kyra threw a straw at him as all three men laughed at her expense.

  * * *

  Ralph smiled. “Anytime any of you want to eat well while you’re here, just drop by.”

  “Will do,” Kyra said while Nash expressed the same sentiment. She barely knew Nash, but so far, she really enjoyed his company. He kept her laughing and, just like Uncle Ralph, parts of him reminded her of Luke. They looked so much alike.

  When she’d dropped by their office a few days ago, Kyra had been taken off guard by how much the two brothers looked alike. Like replicas of each other in a way that could even pass for twins.

  “What are your plans for the rest of the day?” Ralph asked.

  “Since Mom gets in tomorrow, I was thinking of relaxing at the house for a bit. I had it cleaned and the fridge stocked for our arrival.”

  “Trista is having a party tonight at Lou’s Reggae Lounge in town, so you may want to check it out.”

  “That sounds fun,” Luke said. He turned to Kyra and Nash. “Trista is my cousin and Uncle Ralph’s daughter. I guess you can call her the official island party planner.”

  “She’s the head of St. Lucia tourism and other islands are taking notice,” Ralph explained. “At a young age, my wife and I tried to control Trista, but it was no use. Better to embrace it than change her. And we were tired of cutting down bamboo trees outside her window just so she wouldn’t climb out.”

  Kyra laughed. “Sounds like my kind of girl. My parents used to say I was the reason for all their gray hairs.”

  “I’m pretty sure they still say that,” Luke said, smirking.

  “I’m a lot better,” she defended. “I tell them more information now than I ever did before.”

  Luke raised an eyebrow. “Not according to Taheim. Just the other day, you left out important details about this trip when you talked to him.”

  “Details like what?” she asked.

  “Details like I was bringing Nash to St. Lucia to meet the family.”

  Kyra crossed one leg over the other and adjusted herself in her chair, knowing that Luke was following her every move. “I told Taheim you’d invited me to St. Lucia for the holiday. Why was it important to tell him about Nash, too?”

  Luke pinned her with a look. “You know why.”

  “Clearly I don’t,” she said with amusement. “Why don’t you enlighten me?”

  “Kyra,” he said sternly.

  “Luke,” she said with a smirk. “You only look at me like a sister, right? So telling him Nash would be here wasn’t important, correct?”

  “I’m not doing this with you,” he said. “Taheim called me and didn’t seem too happy that I’d asked you to come here with me.”

  “Taheim should have gotten a clue years ago,” she said. “If he had, he never would have asked you to be my Realtor.”

  Luke sighed. “Just forget I said anything.”

  Kyra wiped her hands clean. “Already forgotten.” She took a sip of her water, holding Luke’s gaze. If he thought for a second she would own up to anything when he wouldn’t do the same, he needed to think again.

  “Oh, this trip is gonna be fun,” Nash said, sharing a knowing look with Uncle Ralph. “In case you haven’t guessed it, these two have som
e unfinished business.”

  “I knew they did the moment he introduced her,” Uncle Ralph said to Nash. “He’s been whining about this one for years.”

  Kyra broke Luke’s gaze and looked to Uncle Ralph. “What do you mean? Luke told you about me? What did he say?”

  Uncle Ralph held up his hands. “It’s not my business to repeat. But, yes, girl, I’ve known about you for a long time.”

  Kyra looked back to Luke, who had the nerve to sit there without an expression on his face. Enough of this. “As amusing as this conversation is, I really need to take a nap or something. Do we have many more stops or can I take a taxi to your place?”

  Uncle Ralph laughed. “A feisty one you got here, nephew. You’ll have your hands tied this week.”

  “Don’t I know it,” Luke said. “No need to take a taxi. We’re headed to my place now.” Luke looked to Nash. “Ready to hit it?”

  “Yeah, let’s go.” As they were walking out of the restaurant after saying their goodbyes to Uncle Ralph, Nash leaned to Kyra and whispered, “Luke is always so calm, yet you rattle him unlike I’ve seen before. You pulling his leg or making him sweat for what he did back in the day?”

  “He told you about that?” she asked in surprise.

  “Not the whole story, but enough.”

  Kyra rolled her eyes. “Not that it’s any of your business, but I’m not that petty.” Ha! Tell that lie again, sis. She was about to repeat herself when she noticed that Nash had stopped walking beside her.

  “What?” she asked. “I’m not.”

  “You know that saying, ‘game recognizes game’?”

  She shrugged. “Yeah.”

  “Well, I see what you’re doing,” Nash said. “And, yeah, you’re entitled to make him sweat, but just know that Luke isn’t that great at hiding his feelings. I want to see y’all work it out. Just don’t make him pay all vacation.”

  Kyra’s face grew serious. “Although I may not care for what you’re saying, I love that you care so much.”

  Nash smiled and glanced at Luke, who was leaning on the car looking out into the water. “We haven’t been brothers long, but he’s my guy.”

  “You’ve always been brothers,” she said. “Just because you didn’t know the other existed, doesn’t make that any different.”

  “I guess you’re right.” He turned back to face Kyra. “While I have you alone, there’s just one more thing I need you to keep in mind while you’re here.”

  Of course there’s more. “And what might that be?”

  “If you decide to make Luke do anything stupid on this petty quest of yours, make sure I’m around to capture it on camera.”

  Kyra laughed so hard, she almost doubled over. “I was not expecting that,” she said in between laughs.

  “I wouldn’t be a younger brother if I didn’t capture the embarrassing stuff,” he said. “Do we have a deal?”

  Kyra glanced down at his outstretched hand, still laughing, and accepted his request. “Deal.”

  “I already don’t like whatever y’all are agreeing to,” Luke yelled from the car. “Now can we get out of here, or do the two of you have to conspire some more?”

  “We’re good,” Nash announced as they reached the car. “Kyra, I want to lay down until we get there. Can you ride shotgun?”

  She glanced from Nash to Luke. “Uh...”

  “Great.” Nash was in the backseat so fast, she didn’t have a chance to really answer. Reluctantly, Kyra got in the passenger seat of the rental and they headed off.

  “How far is your home?”

  “Only an hour,” Luke said.

  “An hour? You say that like it’s nothing.”

  Luke laughed. “On the island, it really isn’t long. I live in the mountains, and with us having a huge rainforest and overall hilly terrain, an hour is typical.”

  Kyra sank deeper into her seat. “Would you kill me if I took a nap until we got there? The motion is getting to me a little.”

  “Do you want to take something?” he asked.

  “No, I think I’ll be good if I just rest a little.”

  “Okay, I’ll wake you and Nash when we get there.” He glanced her way before looking back to the road. “If you change your mind, let me know so I can give you something.”

  Kyra nodded. “Thanks, Luke. I will.” The last thing she remembered seeing before she closed her eyes was Luke’s smiling face.

  * * *

  “We’re here.” Kyra heard Luke’s words and she gently nudged awake. She slowly opened her eyes to a beautiful glass-and-white-concrete villa surrounded by lush trees and greenery.

  “Damn, bro,” Nash said from the backseat. “I knew you said you had a home in the mountains, but this place is huge.”

  “Not huge. Just five bedrooms, four bathrooms and a pool.”

  Kyra glanced back at Nash, then both of them repeated Luke’s words in a mocking voice.

  “Stop it,” Luke said with a laugh. “That came out wrong. I just meant there are much bigger mountain villas in St. Lucia than mine, but I fell in love with the place the first time I saw it.”

  “I can see why,” Kyra said, stepping out of the car. “We haven’t even walked inside and I can already tell it’s going to be hard to leave.”

  “Then how about I give you both the tour and then we can get the luggage.”

  Nash nodded. “Sounds good to me.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Kyra said as they followed Luke to his home. “You have a bridge over a small pool that leads to your front door?”

  “That was the designer’s idea,” Luke admitted. “The water is only a foot deep, but she felt like the bridge would be a nice way to greet visitors.”

  “I fully support this designer already,” Kyra said as Luke opened the front door and she stepped inside. “Although seeing this foyer and grand staircase might give the bridge a run for its money.” Kyra didn’t think she was impressed by many homes since she knew a lot of people with grand estates. Hell, she’d even been raised in one. However, there was something about Luke’s villa that was giving her a very lush and lavish vibe that she wasn’t quite sure she’d experienced before.

  As Luke took them through each bedroom in his villa, her mouth dropped even more at the beauty. Nash was on such a high searching through every room, Kyra wasn’t even sure when they’d lost him.

  “Everything is so crisp,” she said. “Was it your idea to have this white, heather gray and light blue color scheme or was that the designer?”

  “The color choice was all me,” Luke said with pride. “I wanted it to have that warm Caribbean vibe and I’ve never been one for bold colors. This palette works for me.”

  “It suits you.” She stepped deeper into the last bedroom and second master of the villa, her steps faltering when she noticed that the balcony doors opened into a private plunge pool separate from the main pool. “This has to be where you sleep.”

  Luke laughed. “Did the plunge pool give it away?”

  “Heck yeah! All the bedrooms are beautiful, but who would pick any of the other rooms when they could have their own private pool.”

  “True,” he said, stepping out onto the balcony. “That’s why I want you to stay in this room while you’re here.”

  Kyra shook her head. “Oh, no, I couldn’t put you out like that. This is your home, so I’ll just take one of the other beautiful bedrooms.”

  “I insist,” he said.

  Kyra shrugged. “Well, pull my arm, why don’t you? I’ll stay here if you insist.”

  He laughed. “That’s the Kyra I know.”

  “The one and only,” she said with a twirl. “But seriously, thank you for being so gracious.”

  “You’re welcome.” His eyes studied hers and she wished like hell she knew what he was searching for. “I’m just
glad you were able to join us on this trip.”

  Kyra cleared her throat. “Me, too. So far, this definitely beats house hopping in Chicago in the cold.”

  “St. Lucia suits you,” he said, his voice getting deeper.

  Kyra’s heartbeat quickened. “You can’t possibly know that. We haven’t even been here for a day yet.”

  “I know,” he said with conviction. “And in case I forgot to tell you, you look beautiful today.”

  Kyra glanced down at her dress. “Thank you. At first, I thought it was too much for the plane, but I’m glad I wore it.”

  Luke looked her up and down, his eyes lingering on her legs. “I’m glad you wore it, too.” At his words, Kyra’s breath caught. Okay, who are you and what have you done with the real Luke O’Connor? The old Luke would never openly flirt with her like that, let alone check her out. If she didn’t know any better, she’d say this St. Lucia heat was getting to him.

  Breaking the tension, she walked away from him and past the pool so she could look out into the greenery. “At first, I couldn’t even imagine living in the mountains. But now, I see what all the fuss is about.”

  Luke approached and leaned over the railing next to her. “Since I grew up in the States, it was an adjustment when I purchased this home. I didn’t plan on getting a house that was so off-the-grid, but that’s exactly what happened when I found this gem. It needed some love and care, but after the renovations, it became my dream home.”

  He was so close, his masculine cologne teased her nostrils. “In case you can’t tell, I’m already in love with this place.”

  “I can tell,” he said with a smile. “And if you like all this, wait ’til you see the rooftop.”

  “Please tell me you do not have a rooftop deck.”

  Luke extended his hand. “Then how about I show you rather than tell you.”

  Kyra glanced down at his hand, noting that she’d had more physical contact with him in the past week than she had the entire time she’d known him in her past. “Lead the way, maestro.”

  As she followed him through the bedroom and up a spiral staircase in the back of the home, she tried to remind herself that she wasn’t the type of woman who liked to hold hands. Yet somehow, she didn’t want to let go of Luke’s hand.


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