Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love

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Her Christmas Wish ; Designed by Love Page 17

by Sherelle Green

  It almost seemed like they’d had to go through every obstacle they’d faced in order to ensure that they’d end up in this exact moment at this exact time.

  “Mmm, that was nice,” Kyra whispered against his lips. “Maybe we should skip the Ferris wheel and head back to my apartment to pack?”

  “Pack? Where are you going?” he asked.

  “Did you forget my lease to my apartment was up last week? You didn’t finish your job, Mr. Real Estate Matchmaker.”

  Luke’s eyes widened. “Damn, can’t believe I forgot about that.”

  She playfully swatted him on the shoulder. “It’s about to be Christmas soon and I’m going to be homeless! The only good thing about being homeless in LA around a holiday is that hopefully, I can put one of those red tin cans right next to a tent in Hollywood and collect money. Folks are more giving at Christmas.”

  “You are so dramatic,” Luke said with a laugh. “Why aren’t you staying with Nicole or Aaliyah?”

  “I didn’t want to impose on them. I figured maybe I need to just do a month-to-month lease until I find the perfect place.”

  “You can stay with me and Nash,” Luke said without giving it a second thought.

  “Uh, I appreciate the offer, but you both are still bonding. I’d just be in the way.”

  Luke took out his phone and called Nash. He answered on the second ring. “Hey, Nash, I have a favor to ask you?”

  “Hey, Luke. Need me to help you serenade Kyra or something? You can pick any song, but I draw the line at Christmas music.”

  Luke laughed. “Nah, bro. We’re back together. No serenading needed.”


  “Thanks,” he said. “Kyra’s lease is up and she’s living in a hotel. Would you mind if she stayed with us until we find her a place?”

  “Put me on speakerphone,” Nash said. Luke eyed his phone curiously, but he did as Nash asked. “Hey, Kyra, can you hear me?”

  “Hey, Nash! Yeah, I hear you.”

  “Okay, so now that you’re both listening, yes, I’m cool if Kyra stays with us for a while,” Nash said. “But did either of y’all think that the reason she never found the perfect condo is because you both were supposed to find a condo together?”

  Luke raised an eyebrow. “Uh, my stay in LA was supposed to be temporary, though.”

  “Is that still the case now that you and Kyra are together?” Nash asked.

  Luke gave a goofy smile that matched Kyra’s. “Nope. I guess not.”

  “Exactly. I love you and everything, bro, but I need my own space. I haven’t had a roommate since college. And I think it’s pointless for you to look for a condo and Kyra to look for a separate condo when y’all are gonna be together all the time, anyway. Save money and save yourselves the headache of packing a bag every night.”

  “You know what, Nash,” Luke said. “I like the way you think, brother.”

  “That’s probably one of the best ideas you’ve ever had,” Kyra added.

  “That’s what I’ve been saying all along,” Nash said. “I’m pretty amazing. And that’s why you’ll name your first daughter Nashonda after me.”

  Kyra gasped. “Nashonda? That’s a hideous name.”

  “It’s better than some of the others he came up with,” Luke said.

  “I find that hard to believe,” Kyra said with a laugh. That laugh died on her lips as Nash started going through his list of baby names. To Luke’s surprise, the names actually got worse as time went on.


  Three months later...

  Kyra couldn’t believe everything they’d accomplished in three months. Not only had they closed on the Thomas property, but the Bare Sophistication ladies in Chicago and Miami had also come together to make sure the LA boutique was ready for the grand reopening.

  On top of that, Kyra and Luke had finally found a condo that they both could agree on, and so far, living with Luke was even better than she ever imagined it would be. They’d needed to get out of Nash’s place because they were driving him crazy. They hadn’t been fighting or anything, but Nash had said it was too lovey-dovey in his bachelor pad and that hanging out with Luke’s friends was making him question his bachelorhood.

  Luke and Nash still hadn’t heard much from their father, but Kyra felt like their relationship was better without him in it. Plus, Luke’s mom and Nash were also getting closer. Already, they were planning another visit and Kyra couldn’t wait because as crazy as it sounded, she was missing those beautiful St. Lucia beaches.

  “It’s almost time,” Nicole said, speaking to all the ladies who were gathered inside the boutique while their families, friends and others in the public and media waited outside the shop.

  “I can’t believe it,” Winter said. “This may just be my favorite location out of all the boutiques.”

  “It’s definitely my favorite,” Summer said. “Danni and I are already talking about searching for a new storefront for Miami.”

  “I think we’ll look at upgrading in Chicago, too,” Autumn said. “Can’t let LA get all the fun.”

  “I just love this sisterhood,” Aaliyah said, clasping her hands together. She had given birth to a healthy baby girl two and a half months earlier, but Aaliyah was still hormonal and emotional. Kyra and Nicole had both told her it was possible she’d turned around and got pregnant again, but she refused to believe them.

  “I agree,” Nicole said. “I can’t imagine what my life would have been like had I not joined the Bare Sophistication team.”

  Kyra looked to Winter, Autumn, Summer and Danni knowing that they felt the same way, especially since three of them had founded the boutique chain. “I love y’all,” she said to everyone in the room.

  “Can we have a Baby-Sitters Club moment?” Aaliyah asked.

  Autumn glanced around the room. “What’s that?”

  “It’s when we all stand in a circle and hug each other,” Kyra explained. “She’s been making us do this for a year now.”

  Summer laughed. “I’m all for hugging it out. Let’s do this.” All seven women hugged, each grateful in their own way for their Bare Sophistication journey. A knock on the window made them break their embrace.

  “It’s showtime,” Kyra announced. “Ladies, you ready?” They all nodded their heads and filed out of the boutique, where they were welcomed by a huge crowd of people who were clapping and screaming for them.

  “Thank you all for coming to the grand reopening of Bare Sophistication Boutique and Boudoir Studio in Hollywood,” Kyra announced. “We are so appreciative of all the amazing people who have helped make the Bare Sophistication brand a success. When Winter, Autumn and Summer initially created this idea, they had no idea it would be so well received. Not only am I so proud of my sisters-in-law, but I’m equally proud of these strong black women standing beside me who have poured their blood, sweat and tears into this business.” Kyra turned to the women. “Ladies, I am a better woman because of each of you.” They each blew her kisses and Aaliyah, who was standing beside her, gave her a tight hug.

  “To our parents, spouses and partners, we couldn’t do this without you. To our friends and loyal customers, thank you for supporting the brand and help making Bare Sophistication shine.” She made sure the red ribbon was in place and Nicole was nearby with the big scissors.

  “And without further ado, we’d like to—”

  “Hold on,” a voice said, cutting her off. Why does that sound like Luke? she thought. When he made his way through the crowd, she saw that it was Luke.

  “Uh, baby, I’m kinda in the middle of something.”

  “I know,” he said, taking the mic. “But considering we’ve had a pretty busy few months, I couldn’t think of a better time to do this.” He cleared his throat and everything around them quieted as Kyra realized what was going on.

�Oh, my God,” she said, her hand flying to her mouth.

  “Kyra Monica Reed, I am so in love with you and have been for most of my life. You amaze me in so many ways and because of you, I’m a better man. I know that I still owe you so many dates, but I honestly can’t imagine going on another date with you as just boyfriend and girlfriend.” Luke got down on one knee and opened a ring box that revealed a huge princess-cut diamond.

  “It’s beautiful,” Kyra whispered.

  “Not as beautiful as you,” he said. “Kyra, would you do me the honor of making this official and becoming my wife?”

  She nodded her head. “Absolutely!” He slipped the ring on her finger and stood to give her a kiss. Kyra could hear the crowd cheering in the background, but she couldn’t bring herself to break apart from him. Grown-up Kyra was ecstatic and ready to spend the rest of her life with this man, but little-girl Kyra was running around outside in circles and screaming, “He finally did it, y’all!” She’d wished she could tell her young self that the patience paid off because she landed the man. Better yet, he landed her because she was a catch and she knew it.

  The ribbon cutting went on without them, but she didn’t care. In fact, she would have stood outside the shop and continued kissing Luke if she hadn’t remembered something.

  “What are you doing?” Luke asked when she took out her phone.

  “I have to text your cousin Trista,” Kyra said.

  Luke raised an eyebrow. “Now? Why?”

  “Because the rest of my wish came true,” Kyra said, shooting a message over to Trista. “I thought that story was so fake, but the wish I made at Wishing Waterfall came true.”

  Luke smiled. “Did you wish for us to be together?”

  “Technically, I wished for us to be together by Christmas, which we totally were,” she said. “Then, I wished for us to engaged before Easter, which we are.”

  Luke shook his head. “Of course, you made two wishes.”

  “Three, actually,” she said, holding up three fingers. “I may or may not have also wished for our wedding to be in Alaska.”

  He frowned. “You can stop texting her because that part hasn’t come true yet. And by hasn’t, I mean, it will never come true. I don’t want to get married in Alaska.”

  “Baby, we gotta be different,” Kyra said. “Most the folks we know have already gotten married and done so extravagantly. Do you know what that means? Means Alaska is the only thing that will top it.”

  “But you don’t even like the cold,” he said.

  She rolled her eyes. “We have to work on this husband-and-wife thing before we say our vows,” she said. “Basically, whatever I say goes and whatever you say, doesn’t. Got it?”

  He opened his mouth to argue with her, but Kyra beat him to it by shutting him up with a kiss. Granted, Alaska may not be the best place to get married, but wherever they chose, she was fine with it. A wedding was just semantics, anyway. She was already the happiest she’d ever been having landed a great career, amazing friends, a supportive family and a life partner who did crazy romantic things like propose in front of a huge audience. He made life more interesting and, more importantly, he loved her for her.

  * * *

  Designed by Love

  Sheryl Lister

  “I don’t know what impresses me more, beauty or your brains.”

  She whirled around at the sound of the deep, seductive voice. Mr. Athletic had a hip propped on the table a few feet away, his arms folded and a twinkle in his eye. He straightened and sauntered toward her with one of the sexiest walks she’d seen in a while.

  “It’s the brains, I’m thinking.” He stuck out his hand. “I’m Jeremy Hunter.”

  “Serita Edwards, but then you already knew that.” His large hand engulfed her small one.

  Jeremy smiled and a dimple appeared in his right cheek. “That introduction was for the workshop. This one is personal. I really enjoyed your presentation.”

  “Thank you.” Serita belatedly realized he hadn’t let go of her hand and she gently pulled back. He towered over her five-foot-three-inch frame by a good foot or more and looked even better close up. He stared at her with such intensity, Serita felt her cheeks warm. To distract herself, she glanced around to make sure she had everything. “How long have you been in the field?”

  “Sixteen years. And you?”

  She tried to do a mental calculation. If he’d been in robotics that long, it would put him closer to forty, and he didn’t look anywhere near that age. “Just over eight years.”

  “Are you in a rush?”

  “I... No.” She really should have said she had evening plans, especially since she sensed his interest. She didn’t do long-distance relationships—okay, she didn’t do them at all right now—but couldn’t resist the opportunity to talk shop for a few extra minutes.

  Sheryl Lister is a multi-award-winning author and has enjoyed reading and writing for as long as she can remember. She is a former pediatric occupational therapist with over twenty years of experience, and resides in California. Sheryl is a wife, mother of three daughters and a son-in-love, and grandmother to two special little boys. When she’s not writing, Sheryl can be found on a date with her husband or in the kitchen creating appetizers. For more information, visit her website at www.sheryllister.com.

  Books by Sheryl Lister

  Harlequin Kimani Romance

  It’s Only You

  Tender Kisses

  Places in My Heart

  Giving My All to You

  A Touch of Love

  Still Loving You

  Sweet Love

  Spark of Desire

  Designed by Love

  Visit the Author Profile page at Harlequin.com for more titles.

  For all of you who believe in love at first sight.


  My Heavenly Father, thank you for my life and for loving me better than I can love myself.

  To my husband, Lance, you continue to show me why you’ll always be my number one hero! I couldn’t do this without you. Twenty-five years and counting...

  To my children, family and friends, thank you for your continued support. I appreciate and love you!

  A very special thank-you to Nanette Kelly. I’ll never see the game the same again. Love you!

  Thank you to all the book clubs who have hosted and supported me. Y’all rock!

  They always say to find your tribe and I’ve found mine. They know who they are. I love y’all and can’t imagine being on this journey without you. Thank you for keeping me sane!

  A very special thank-you to my agent, Sarah E. Younger. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate having you in my corner.

  Dear Reader,

  Do you believe in love at first sight? Every now and again a hero comes along who is all in when it comes to love, and Jeremy Hunter is one of them. Serita Edwards isn’t ready for a man who pursues her with a passion unlike anything she’s ever known. I hope you enjoy the ride as the final member of the Hunter family claims his forever love.

  This is a bittersweet ending, as not only does the series end, but this is also my last Kimani Romance. I’ve enjoyed bringing you stories of African American love and will continue to do so. I so appreciate all your love and support and I thank you for taking this journey with me. Without you, I couldn’t do this. I love hearing from you, so be sure to email and let me know your thoughts. Stay tuned for what’s next!

  Much love,



  [email protected]



  Instagram: SherylLister


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Chapter 1

  “We miss you, Jeremy!”

  Jeremy Hunter smiled at his family. They were huddled around his brother Cedric’s iPad screen while Jeremy sat in his hotel room Sunday night. They were celebrating his cousin Alisha’s three-month-old baby daughter’s christening. “I miss you guys, too.”

  “How’s Madrid?” his mother asked.

  “So far, so good. The time difference is still giving me fits, but I slept a lot today.” He had chosen to fly in two days early for the weeklong engineering conference that would start tomorrow.

  “Don’t forget to take a lot of pictures.”

  He chuckled. “I won’t.” His mother had only reminded him twenty times in the last week—in person, by phone and by text.

  Cedric took the iPad back. “What day are you speaking?”

  “Wednesday. I’m glad it’s not tomorrow and that it’s earlier in the week. It’ll give me more time to relax, explore and not be worried about the presentation.” He would be conducting a session on medical robotics.

  “Hey, brother-in-law.” Cedric’s wife, Randi, waved into the screen. She sat next to Cedric and laid her head on his shoulder, and Cedric kissed her forehead.

  Jeremy shook his head at his brother’s expression. His diehard bachelor brother had fallen for the feisty fire investigator in less than three months, and Jeremy had lost a two-hundred-dollar bet because of it. “Hey, Randi. How are you feeling?”


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