One Giant Leap

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One Giant Leap Page 2

by Keith Martin

  Today she looked out on a sea of faces she had worked with or were known as the best in their fields of study. These were the people that designed the systems and turned the bolts to make their dreams a reality. Most had had a hand in redesigning the thrusters of the Shuttles. So she had eaten and worked with most of them in some way over the years. Many she called her friends. All were in her extended family.

  For the first time in a week she felt like this crowd was now going to see the light and all would work as one to advance manned space flight. “Being we cant get everyone into this hall that’s showed up for this meeting and all of us here ready to take a break while staff finds us a larger venue to accommodate us all, I will keep this brief.” She began. “I will not be dragged into a debate over the moral right’s or wrong’s of building this ship. Science is not a moral battleground and the development of this system is pure science. Nor will I be pacified by old hot wind blowing up my pant legs; this is about Mankind taking the next step in our evolution. It is about we fellow human beings, all of us everywhere on planet Earth, turning into better human beings.” Her eyes scanned them all as she added. “I believe that with the development of this system, there will be an end to war on Earth.”

  She paused; her words causing a wave of voices to speak out… then she launched her innermost thoughts. “People will finally see we are all sharing this small blue water planet. They will know that to destroy any part of the Earth is to destroy a part of one’s own yard. No longer will warring to gain lands, control religious belief or dictating power over the people be accepted. We will all find peace and touch the stars together. It will take all of humanity working as one to create what will be needed to find out what’s really out there waiting for us in space.” The confidence in her to see the system become the stepping-stone of our evolution into deep space seemed to sink in. Shianne had their full attention; no one moved in the silence awaiting her next words. The committee seemed to be in a trance. Even in the larger hall it was standing room only and they all were waiting to hear her every word.

  As her eyes scanned over them, all could see her Determination. When she recognized her most vocal opponent she knew it was time to bring him into her camp; and she was ready.

  Dressed in the garb of a desert Sheik, as was his birthright handed down to him through a long line of desert tribesmen who held power over vast lands, floating on vast lakes of liquid black gold. He looked stunning in a bright white Turban and flowing robe, his beard was trimmed impeccably, his English precise. Like a man educated here in the states at the finest College.

  Oil had turned his family from wandering desert nomads, into the richest family on the planet in just fifty years.

  Now they called him King Fassil… he was respected as the One True Leader of all tribes and lands in the Middle East. In his world women were to be guarded and respected as a possession. Not looked to as an equal.

  Before allowing anyone to interrupt her train of thought she continued. “Do you wish to be the people remembered throughout time, literally marked down in the history books, as the ones who defied the natural path of mankind at its very birth into space traveling beings?” She let her eyes capture his and she held him in her gaze completely. “No!” She shouted. “To argue in any way about this systems funding is a waste of all of our precious time and an insult to the Human race as a whole.” She knew the words that would push him into her side of this and she used them to make sure she had his support. “I for one will not be remembered for all time as the one who held the human race back when we needed to once again prove to ourselves that nothing can hold mankind back from any goal we reach for.” Her eyes locked with his and she held him in her gaze.

  He nodded in agreement ever so slightly then a smile started to cross his face as he realized just what he had to do.

  Shianne smiled showing him that she felt his support. His old frozen face relaxed, and his smile brightened slowly across deeply tanned features. She knew he would never allow a stain of any kind on his family’s name. The responsibility and pride of being a respected leader of men had been taught to him from birth. She counted on that… it worked like a charm.

  Now She knew he was on her side. Her words showed him the truth and the wisdom of developing her system. His smile broadened as he realized for the first time in the history of his family, that a woman would be spending the bulk of his family’s riches.

  She turned to the rest of the hall to finish what she had to say. “We will be building this ship; of this we are all sure. We must collectively start thinking of mankind’s needs, helping in any way we can, doing whatever it takes to make this ship a reality. I’m not going to talk of what this research will do for mankind. Like the joining of steel rails across this great United States, this ship will change everything about our lives. There is no need to think about not being a part of this. I know it is within each of you to see this clearly once you are willing to let go of the status quo.” She was endearing herself to everyone in attendance as she teased them to open their eyes to her way of thinking.

  Everyone started to laugh; her words had worked their charms. They could all see it was time to let go of the old and reach for her future. So much of the hall was so completely with her those who had doubts soon found themselves on their feet feasting on her words; ready to join her and make this system into a reality.

  Thinking aloud, in softer tones she continued. “We as a people will travel into deep space. We will find what we are seeking in the great vastness. We will live on other planets and we will find life outside of our Solar System. It is only a matter of time. The questions you need to answer are? Will you be a part of it and watch it happen in your lifetimes? Or will you leave these new discoveries to your children or your children’s children? I for one think now is the time to act. I want to know what’s out there and I personally want a chance to see all of it firsthand.”

  She paused… those not standing were on the edge of their seats and she knew it was time to bring them all to their feet. “Building this ship will bring breakthrough technologies to every field of science. We will find new ways of feeding the masses. Discover new ways of curing sickness. All these things will be mankind’s bounty when this system is a reality.”

  “There also will be no end to the changes that must be made before launching into the unknown. We as a people will have to learn to live in peace and work in harmony as we strive to reach the heavens.” She inhaled deeply giving her words time to sink in. “I for one look forward to watching the evening news only to see the construction reports and see video of components being delivered by the ships we still need to design and build just to lift the sections of this ship into orbit for us.”

  “We will build this ship. All of you distinguished members here today will be the leaders in this endeavor and all of you will be written down in the history books as the ones that made this happen for the good of all mankind.”

  She looked out over them all and she could see she had them in her court. Some would be more willing at first then others; but in the end all would be by her side as her ship was made a reality. “All of us will go home and see our families, then we will all head into work and start designing the systems that will be needed to make this ship a possibility. We have to remember we are designing a ship that can sustain a large population for years without setting down on a planet. So we all have to find new ways of doing things that will withstand the riggers of space and still keep life flourishing for those we send out to represent mankind as we explore the heavens.”

  She inhaled and decide it was just time to end her speech and the weeklong conference on a lighter note. “Thank you all for your time and I look forward to getting to know you all as friends as we move forward into this future.”

  She knew it was a time to let them think it over and to relax a little. She smiled as she took her seat. Just as her butt hit the pad, she stood again and asked all in attendance. “Lunch? Lunch? Did I hear someon
e mention lunch?”

  The room burst into laughter and applause, all on their feet to show their support of this project. The delegate from China stood and was recognized and given the floor. “The Emperor has authorized me to pledge China to stand with Professor Chisholm with all the resources of our nation. All of the industry of China will be brought to bear to help bring her designs to reality and help her to make this next step in the advancement of mankind.” Applause filled the hall and all started to feel the tide turning her way.

  She was surprised when the Sheik stood and took the floor next. The room instantly fell silent out of respect for him as he raised his hands to be heard. “I for one will never be so foolish as to be on the wrong side of this brilliant young woman ever again.” He raised his hands high to the heavens. “Allah praised the day he gave such a brilliant woman to mankind.” He extended his hands toward her. “She is like the first flower on the desert floor after a spring shower, wise to bloom quickly and strong; knowing it is her time to grow.” He raised his hands again in prayer, and then returned his sight to the gathered crowd. “We will have this beautiful brilliant woman go out into this new world we all are part of, seeking the food she will need to think of things we will need next.” He bowed to her, and then suddenly was compelled to be with her to show his complete support and started walking to join her on the stage. As he moved up to her he offered his hand raising her from the seat. “And I too think that it is time for us all to ask Doctor….”

  “Professor.” Shianne corrected him gently as she rose with his guidance. She had a class at UCLA teaching Advanced Propulsion System Design to keep her in the loop with every new thought being expressed that could make the human race fly faster.

  “Professor, I’m so sorry.” He bowed to her slightly with respect seeking her forgiveness with his hand over his heart. She gave it to him with a smile. “Professor Chisholm… to go out for the rest of this beautiful day, allowing us old men and women time to absorb this new and exciting concept. We shall explore the resources of the Earth to fund this endeavor for mankind. It is as it will be. Just as the camel knows when it is time to drink before a long desert crossing, we too know it is time to reach for the stars.” He ended the meeting as the hall erupted with applause.

  Looking into Shianne’s eyes while holding her hand, he begged forgiveness for an old man’s arrogance. “It is the teachings of thousands of years that I must see past to make your dreams come true.” Again he bowed to her out of respect.

  She had gained more than a friend; she had found a powerful ally.

  They shook hands to seal their allegiance bringing the hall to its feet again with applause. At that moment she knew her dreams of exploring space were going to come true. The Sheik’s hand grasping hers was all she needed to be positive her dreams were now reality. The Sheik was going to invest everything he had to help her build her ship; and he would lead the rest of the richest men on the planet to invest as well.

  “My Dear Professor. My people will be in touch with you after you have had some time to relax. Go eat and just breathe in the warm air. I will locate you when the lawyers have fussed enough over the paperwork they always demand and then we will talk of your security, and of the installation that will be used as the primary launch site. I will not allow any harm to come to you as we build your ship. No more wasting of time on this Professor Chisholm… through your efforts Allah has shown me the light of his wisdom. Now I understand why he blessed a wondering Bedouins family with so much wealth. It was given that I might send you leading mankind into space. Allah is wise and great!” He assured her of his conviction to make her dreams a reality. Again raising his hands he gave all the credit to his God. And he was smiling.

  The hall erupted into bedlam as those in attendance heard the Sheik’s words. Half the hall was on their phones, word was spreading; life on Planet Earth was in process of a radical change for the better. The other half shouted their agreement to join this adventure pledging all they had.

  Little did she know, how short this friendship, this victory, would be?

  * * *

  She was leaving the meeting to a standing ovation in the escort of the Sheik and a following of many world leaders. She was shaking hands with everyone as they vowed their support to the project all the way out of the hall and out onto the sidewalk.

  The tide of change was so powerful she felt light headed as it all flowed to her with each new reassurance of support. She was glad to have the Sheik by her side to help guide her from the hall. It all tried to overwhelm her as she let the reality of gaining the support that she would need to move forward with what would take the rest of her life to accomplish take her dreams flying.

  She said her goodbyes to the Sheik on the sidewalk. “I don’t know how to thank you enough King Fassil?” She was walking on air and felt so light on her feet it was as if she could simply float away.

  “It is I who must thank you, consider yourself under my protection from now on and together we will create this massive ship in the heavens to take mankind to new worlds. I will hear no arguing from you young lady… you are to go out and enjoy this day to the fullest. It well could be the last you have for a long time. My team will locate you in a few hours.” He handed her a new cell phone. “This will tell us where you are when we need you and I must have your vow that from now on you will carry it with you at all times? We can not loose you now that we have found you.” He stated with a warm smile.

  “You have my word King Fassil.” She vowed.

  “And from now on you are to address me as Omar. It will save so much time over the years to come.”

  “Omar, I am Shianne and that suits me right down to the ground.”

  “I will have my people write an income of a million dollars per year for the rest of your life as we move forward so that you wish for nothing in your privet life and you will have an open account to build as your heart desires Shianne. There will be no arguing this at all, If you are to build the greatest ship ever created by mankind you are to be rewarded greatly for doing so.”

  She knew better then to argue with him at all and she loved every word he was speaking. “I am at your leave Omar, I will bow to your wisdom in these things, Just don’t place me too high on a pedestal. I don’t want to spend my time climbing off of it to get any work done.”

  Her words made him laugh and he knew he was doing the right thing for his people as well as the people of the Earth. They shook hands again and she headed out into the city to feast, she was famished. As she walked she was on her toes almost ready to dance along the way.

  Her mind raced with all the thoughts of one watching their dreams becoming reality. It made her dizzy; she walked along on autopilot. The rest of the city vanished into the background of her mind. The income offered had no affect on her at all, she could only see the stars growing closer and she was going to have a front row seat for it.

  She didn’t know how far she had walked before realizing where she was. It was her luck that her autopilot was attached directly to her hunger, and she snapped out of it right where she wanted to be. She had stopped at her favorite restaurant. ‘Chi’s Thai Food Take Out’.

  Years ago when she first came to New York she found the little restaurant. At the time she was looking for funding for an improved drive system for the Space Shuttle. She spent the better part of a month in town to secure the funding for that project.

  At times she felt that she was spending most her life asking committees for cash to fund her dreams.

  But she got what she needed once she set her mind to it.

  While dragging her feet through the Washington bureaucracy, never finding much time for meals, she had discovered her favorite dish was just two blocks from Space Command Headquarters. The restaurant was no more then a small room with a few tables. Chi had built the kitchen in the front so that he could serve the walk up customers without bothering those seated inside for authentic Thai meals. Shianne even ate inside once escaping
from a cloudburst that drenched the street. Chi insisted she come in to dry out, and there was no arguing with the feisty little Thai chef. He sat her right behind him as he created meal after meal and they got to know each other chatting as he worked.

  She had been away four years, working in Houston on the Proton Drive Prototype. But with a simple “Hi Chi” She called out catching his eyes. “How are you this beautiful day?”

  “Much better now I see your shining face Little One” Came his grinning reply as his face lit up. “Like roses in window box, you smile make this poor life of mine place of richness.” His skilled hands gathered up what she needed and it all went into his massive gas fired wok to heat. “You people let my friend in to eat. She is a vary important woman and we cant keep her waiting for her wok.” He scolded those in line to advance her to the front. The heavenly aroma of it wafted into her nostrils, her stomach rumbled knowing her meal was soon to follow… in just seconds under his skilled hands and with a few splashes of spice seared into his creation it was ready.

  “Oh Chi, you’re a charmer.” She bantered back as she paid for the meal. “Keep the change.” She loved the aroma of this little place in the big city. Chi had a crowd gathered for lunch, without asking she was moved up in line so that her meal would be ready without waiting. Chi knew she was a woman of great importance; he always wanted to make sure her time was spent enjoying her meal, not waiting for it. Scooping it all into a takeout box he placed chopsticks on top handing it over with a diet soda to complete her order. “You in city long?” He asked, wondering how long she would be in town. “You gone too long, Chi miss smile, if Chi young man I ask you for hand. That keep you in town. But Chi old man now. I lose again.” He shrugged his shoulders playfully waving her on her way with a toothy smile as his skilled hands started creating another meal.

  Every time she passed his place it was the same wave and the same toothy smile. It made her feel like she had a little piece of home even in this crowded gathering of the big city. “I’ll be here tomorrow Chi, I plan to sit and eat here for a change, see you then.” She shot back.


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