One Giant Leap

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One Giant Leap Page 7

by Keith Martin

  “Joshua I vow to you, I’m armed and ready with extra magazines in my pockets! I told you I’d wear it if I thought I had to, and I have to now. Are you happy?”

  “No, the world is going to hell in a handbag. But I feel better knowing you’re ready to defend yourself.”

  “I love you too Joshua, be safe and hurry up.”

  “I love you too Shinny Girl. Stay in touch.”

  “I will. Here’s Cindy’s house got to go.”

  That was the second time she had mentioned this Cindy person. “Who’s Cindy?” He asked but the line went dead. He didn’t have time to call her back while figuring out how to deal with this new problem.

  * * *

  Otto took all his clothes and simply dumped everything into the center of his bed and tied it all into a sack pillows and all with his bed sheets then drug it to the front porch. Next he took out a suitcase and carefully yet quickly packed a few things he wanted to have with him just in case he never got to return to the ranch. The kids clay handprints, framed 22cal targets from each of his brood. He raised the kids there and there was a lifetime of memories to decide what had to be left behind from. He couldn’t take it all.

  “My God this is just nut.” He closed the case. ‘What do I pack next? What cant I do without?’ He thought to himself as it all hit him. If the men were all going to die mankind was about to start a race with time into a new future from the Moon.

  He ran through the house twice just to make sure he had everything he needed packed and on the porch. He ran to the barn and set all the livestock loose to fend for themselves and opened the water valve a crank to make sure the water trough would stay full. He stood for only a few seconds looking out over his land and prayed this was not going to be the last time he set eyes on it.

  He started his truck, Old Gray, to warm her up as he packed everything he could think of in the way of tools and farming supplies into the bed of the truck. With what he had on the porch he was going to have a full load with ease. He made sure to grab ropes and a thick tarp to tie it all down with then drove right through his own shrubs to pull up right next to his gear. A few more minutes would have him on the road heading south.

  * * *

  Cindy’s parents had a nice flat at Madison and East 84th street. Shianne knocked using the big brass knocker, she got no response. She started to try the keys she had found on Cindy’s father, the child seemed to brighten up a little and she showed Shianne how to disable the alarm and showed her the right key to use.

  “Well you are a big girl Cindy.” Shianne said as the door opened and they went inside. The flat was great. It was decorated with antiques and art. There were plenty of toys in the living room in a big open sea trunk for Cindy. As she started to pull out a doll and small car, Shianne switched on the T.V. set and turned it to a cartoon network. She then decided to check the whole house to be sure they were safe there.

  First she relocked the front door and added the chain lock to it so that no one would get in without her knowing it. Then she went room to room to make sure the house was clear. With only six rooms in the flat it was a short recon, Living room, dining room, kitchen, and three bedrooms. She made use of the bathroom when she checked in the master bedroom. Then she went through all of the rooms one last time on her way back down to the living room to check on Cindy. There she found Cindy sleeping on the couch, the shock of the day had just overtaken her.

  It scared her at first, but the soft snoring left no doubt that the child was fine. It had all caught up to her; she was dealing with it in her own way.

  Just minutes later Shianne heard a key slip into the lock on the front door. She jumped to go unlock it for Cindy’s mom. The house had many photos of the four of them so she recognized her right away. She still lifted the Glock into her hand just to play it safe as she pulled the chain. She was taking no chances.

  “Your Cindy’s Mother?” As she asked she could tell that the question was a foolish one. The woman was a larger version of her daughter. They looked like twins, yet years apart.

  “Yes, I’m her mother, where’s my daughter?” It was easy to see the fear in the woman’s eyes.

  Shianne opened the door and let the woman in locking up behind her. Once that was done she holstered her weapon. “She’s sleeping in the living room. She’s fine.” The two walked into the living room and the mother gently checked on her child.

  “Do you know where my husband and Jimmy are?” She asked.

  “They’re still at the park, I’m Shianne, and you are?”

  The woman extended her hand and Shianne took it. “Carmel, my friends call me Car.”

  “It’s nice to meet you Car, wish it could have been under better circumstances. Your little girl is quite the trooper.”

  “Yes she is, but why isn’t Ken and Jimmy here?” The fear in her eyes was plane to see.

  Shianne decided it was not time to pull punches. “You know by now why they’re not here Car, you were out there long enough to see what’s happening for yourself, it didn’t happen to all the other men and not your boys. They’re gone and it’s time to accept it.”

  “No, it can’t be, Ken is too strong to be taken like this, it can’t be true.” She was shocked by what she now had to face. She knew it for what it was as she moved through the streets on her way home from the store. All the men where dead, it was that simple, there was no changing that fact.

  “Yes Car, this is real. This is our reality and it’s going to get worse before it gets better.” She handed all she had taken from her husband’s pockets to Car. “I found these things on your husband, I hope it will help. They are at the ball field. But there is nothing you can do! Its done Car! Im sure there will be crews to clean up the bodies.”

  Carmel started to break down, tears started to stream across her stunning face. Shianne took her by the arm and walked toward the front door. “I must go now, I’m sure there will be work that needs doing, it’s time for me to get to it.”

  Carmel looked up and for the first time noticed the holstered weapon on Shianne’s side. “Are you an officer?”

  “No, I’m just a good scout. Do you have any weapons here in the house?”

  “Yes, in the night stand in the master bedroom.” Carmel replied.

  “Go get it now, right now. Keep it on you at all times. The next few days will prove to be quite… uneasy.” She chose her words carefully. “If you have friends or relatives close by, band together. There is safety in numbers. Do this Car. It’s the only way you and Cindy will make it through this thing…. alive.” Shianne advised.

  “Ok, I’ll get started on that now.” Carmel assured her.

  “Please be careful and keep Cindy safe, I must go. She’s strong, and she will need you to be strong. Don’t let her see you break down. You’re her rock now, so buck up and prove to her just how strong you can be.”

  “I will Shianne. I’ll do my best; you’re an angel for bringing her home safe to me. God bless you for that.” She gave Shianne a hug and opened the door to let her out. She had tears rolling freely down her cheeks. There was no way for her to stop her heart from breaking knowing she had lost a husband and a son.

  “Thanks Car, now lock up, and don’t let Cindy out of your sight.”

  “You have my word Shianne. Be safe.” Carmel said as Shianne went out the door; she closed and locked it behind her.

  4 The Race Begins

  As Shianne walked through the carnage that littered the street she took her cell phone in hand and went to work again. She had to step over, and around bodies with almost every step. The mass of dead humanity before her tried to block her path through the city sidewalks. She gave up and took to the streets and speed dialed her father. On the second ring he picked up. “I’m on the road Little One. I’ve got Old Gray going just over a hundred ten and I feel like I’m flying and I’m gaining speed. Thanks for the heads up Shianne.”

  “No reason to thank me Dad. It is my job to keep you alive and safe just like
you always did for us. What’s your ETA at Vandenberg?”

  “At this speed, four hours or so, with one stop for some supplies. Don’t say a word, it has to be done.” His tone told her he was going to stop for supplies and that was that.

  She knew better then to argue with him. He was a pro at getting his way and never lost a battle. “Ok Dad, just be careful and be quick. Joshua will have a pass at the gate waiting for you. I’m sure you will get an MP escort out to the shuttle.”

  “Yea, that’s what I figured too. I’m about to call him now, so I need to go. I am driving a bit fast to be yakking on the phone. You be safe; are you carrying your Glock?” He asked.

  “Yes. Joshua already made sure I strapped it on, and I’ve got one chambered, I’ll be fine.”

  “Okey-dokey Shi Baby. I’ll call you once I’m in the air.” He assured her. They exchanged loves and hung up.

  Shianne dialed 2 and waited for Joshua to pick up. This time he just started rolling from the hip. “Hi Sis, I’m reaching atmosphere in two hours. A pass is waiting for Dad at the gate. Anything else you need?”

  “Yes, just two things. I love you and take good care of Dad for us, Ok?”

  “You know I will. I will find him some work right away to keep him busy, or he will go nuts. I’m sure he will be running the place in a few days anyway, you know Dad!”

  They both laughed. They both knew it was the truth. His second line started to ring and it was his father. “Got to go, Dad’s buzzing in, stay in touch.” He hung up without waiting for her reply. “Yea Pop?”

  “Tell me about the green houses at S.M.B? Are they up and running yet?”

  Joshua expected his father to hit the ground running and his father just proved to him he was doing just that. “It is being installed right now; it is supposed to be online in sixty days.”

  “No, it’s online now. I will have supplies with me when I reach you.”

  “Dad, this is no time to stop and shop. You need to get here right now.” Joshua demanded.

  “I’m the father, you’re the son. That makes me the Boss, not you Commander. Let’s just try to remember that in the future, it will make living with me go so much smoother. Just have a crew on hand to unload my supplies when I arrive.”

  “Yes sir. But you raised me to be a Commander. Do I need to send a chopper to pick you up? I’ll do it!” He knew it was useless to argue with his father, but at least he could show the man he would put up a fight.

  Otto liked the sound of authority in his son’s voice. “Thank you Son; but no. Just get to work there, give it some thought and get it rolling. Times awasten, expand your view; get rid of the box, there is no more box. Those in authority that you look to for orders are all going to be dead soon. You are the authority and don’t give your ship to anyone until this is over. Hand pick a crew and get armed at once!”

  His words hit like a ton of brick. His father was right, he had a lot to do and he wasn’t thinking of the game, he was only thinking of the next play. “Copy that Dad, I just woke up. I’m on it. If you have any trouble call me right away, I’ll send in the Marines to fetch you.”

  “That’s my boy, I’ll be fine Commander, trucks running great. My ETA is four hours plus or minus a few minutes. Be ready to lift off as soon as my cargo is onboard.”

  “Yes Sir, all will be ready well before you arrive. It will be great to spend time with you again Dad.”

  “Yes it will be Son.” Even with all that was happening he was looking forward to working with his Son again. He knew their lives just got thrown into some new direction. Together he was confident they would get a handle on this with a quickness. “Bucks Feed is coming up. Got to go.”

  “Hurry Dad. We don’t know how much time we have.”

  “Copy that Son. Supplies, fuel then on my way again… Is there a space suit big enough to fit Sergeant Price?”

  Sergeant Price, a California State Trooper with the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Otto had known him for six years. They met during his rookie year. At just short of seven feet and two hundred and seventy five pounds, he was pure Italian and a force all his own. The two had hit it off and became fast friends from their first handshake. He was like a grizzly bear with a gun and a badge. “Why do you ask Dad?” Joshua asked.

  “He’s in his Hummer here at the feed store. A good man is hard to find, I’ve found one right here, so I’m asking him to come with us. I’m going to ask for an escort and we are keeping him once we have him on base. We can use good men like him on the Moon.”

  “Your right there Dad, Bring him along. I’ll be ready for him when you get here, one-way or another. His pass will be at the gate. Get a move on Old Man.”

  “Will do Commander. With his escort it should cut my ETA by thirty minutesish.”

  “I’ll be at loading dock one Dad. See you both there.”

  “Copy that, I’m out” He responded then hung up.

  * * *

  As Otto pulled into the feed store parking lot sliding to a stop his friend was exiting his Hummer with his sidearm in hand. As soon as he got a good look at the 1969 427 Chevy 1 ton long bed 4x4 sliding to a stop on 42s he holstered it. He knew the truck like it was his own. “Good God Otto, what’s the damn rush? Chickens hungry?” He shouted out with a grin on his face.

  He pointed to the sky and there was a C.H.P. patrol plane banking overhead. “I have the situation under control here. No assistance will be required Air Patrol, thanks for your help. Over and out.” He radioed the tracking plane and took control of the situation.

  “We have you clocked at one hundred and twenty-three mph on the farm road and they say you took a hundred and fifty feet of air when you crossed the railroad tracks out by Parker’s Farm.”

  “Copy that Patrol twelve. Resuming patrol, have a good day, over and out.” Came the reply from the air-unit back over his P.A system.

  Buck stepped out of the door of the feed barn and called to his friends jokingly. “If you cite him he won’t let you fish on his pond no more.” They all laughed. Otto had one of the best largemouth bass ponds in the county. Many a weekend had been spent trying to out-fish each other there.

  Buck and his wife where real people from another time, at only five feet six inches and at least seventy years of age, Buck knew more about growing crops and raising critters then most would ever learn. His cracked, sun tanned, leathered face and hawk like brown eyes showed wisdom still ready to impart. He had the drawl of a true Texan and the walk of a man long in the saddle. Even with twenty plus years in California he still had his heart in Texas.

  “The Mrs. just made some fresh Lemonade. Get on in here and sit a spell.” Buck barked heading for the house.

  “Be right there Buck. Need a word with Vic first.” He turned to the Trooper.

  “Boy, you don’t have to swat at this old horse fly twice. I’ll see you old farts inside.” He replied and turned toward the house. “Ma, Otto’s come to visit, pour him a tall one.”

  “You tell him to take his time you old bag of bones.” They could hear her shout back from the house. There was no love lost in their banter. Their marriage had stood the test of time and they loved every minute they had to spend complaining playfully about how hard it was on them both just to look at each other.

  “What’s up Otto?” Vic asked offering his hand to his friend. “What has you flying at those speeds? I don’t know how I’m going to clear this with my department? The tracking plane recorded you and that camera picked up the plate on the truck for sure.”

  Otto wasted no time. He understood Vic couldn’t know what was going on, so he checked to make sure. “Have you seen or heard the news this morning?”

  “No Otto, Been on the road all morning, why? I’m gonna have to write you up for something or it will be my butt.”

  “Look Vic, I’m not pulling any punches now, not at all. This is life or death I’m speaking of. I need you to listen to what I say and do as you think best. I’m offering to save your life.” He
wasn’t pulling any punches.

  “What the hell are you talking about Otto?” He shot back wondering if his friend had smoked something too strong.

  Otto told him about his calls with Shianne and what he had seen on CNN. “It’s spreading fast Vic. I need an escort to Vandenberg and you’re going along to the Moon with me. You’re going to be the only cop there and we will need you. I’m not sure just how this is all going to go down, but it’s bound to get a little hairy at times. I want you covering my six, do you want the job?”

  Vic looked at him with disbelief in his eyes. Otto understood it was a lot to swallow all at once. “This is on the level?”

  “Yes, I’m on the level. We need you my friend. But there is no time to play patty cake right now. Joshua is waiting for us. He will be flying us up personally. Its shit or get off the planet time, what will it be?”

  “This is July Otto, not April you old fool?” Vic was not ready to believe what he was hearing from his friend quite yet. But at the same time he didn’t think of Otto was a man that would lie to him or anyone.

  Otto extended his hand to Vic. “Well my friend, it’s been nice knowing you. I’m sorry you won’t be living to regret this decision. I’ve got to get supplied up and on the road as soon as I can. At least can I rely on you for an escort down to the base?” Otto asked soberly.

  Vic could see no sign of jest in Otto’s face what so ever. He could tell this was no dog and pony show. This was life and death and Otto was offering to save his bacon. “How long do I have to pack up?” He asked not willing to question his friend’s motives. If Otto was that sure his life was at risk he would just go with the flow and see what happened.

  “I should be out of here in half an hour at the most.” Otto replied. “Joshua is coming in as we speak and will be waiting for us at Vandenberg. We have to get a move on my friend.”

  “Ok, I’m your man. I’ll be right back. I’ve got to pack if I’m going to join you.” With that said he turned to go. “Don’t leave without me!” He shouted back over his shoulder.


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