One Giant Leap

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One Giant Leap Page 24

by Keith Martin

  “Just spices?” Was all she said?

  “Well it was great.” He added trying to find the words he needed to say to her, his heart filled with the words he wanted to say but he didn’t want to find out he was being a fool.

  “Thanks My Love….” She sucked air trying to get it all back into her mouth; it had come out on its own as if she had no control of it. Try as she did to pull it back, it didn’t work. All of her being was thinking of him and her young heart was lost in her thoughts and it just escaped from her lips. She wanted to run, she was in a shuttle days out with nowhere to hide. She felt like nothing could save her now. It was sink of swim time and the truth was out.

  He couldn’t believe his ears, he knew he had to be dreaming again, he looked deep into her eyes and asked? “What did you just say?”

  It just exploded from her, nothing could stop it and she had waited too long to get it off her chest. Youth and passion was all she understood and all she wanted was just feet away from her. She felt like she had waited her whole life, she was emptying her soul to him and risking her happiness forever with her words. “I LOVE YOU JOSHUA CHISHOLM, I’VE LOVED YOU FOR YEARS, I WANT TO BE YOUR WIFE AND HAVE YOUR BABIES.” The tears of release fell freely from her eyes. She screamed. “I WANT TO MAKE YOU THE HAPPIEST MAN ALIVE AND I…” ‘Oh God…. I just made a fool of myself.’ Was all that came into her head as she froze in terror?

  He just sat there for a few seconds in shock. His world flying apart then coming back together again. It felt complete this time. It felt more complete than ever before. Like he was just handed the key to happiness and to understanding. For seconds he just sat trying to absorb the emotional rush.

  Did he hear her right? Was this a dream? Could it be so easy? There was only one-way to be sure.

  “Before you say another word…” He looked into her tearing eyes knowing this was love at first sight. As a man of action, he saw only one way to take control of this situation. “Will you marry me?”

  She leaped into his arms and answered with a passion that brought goose flesh from head to toe.

  * * *

  Otto called Ashley and informed her that Pete had programmed the shuttle to fly down on autopilot to deliver the tank of Moon air.

  “It will return automatically once it is refueled and towed to the end of the runway.” He told her. All the air they could possibly need was in the shuttle’s cargo bay and on its way to Vandenberg. “Ashley will your team be ready in ten hours?”

  “Yes Dad; we will all be ready. We took over an old hyperbaric chamber here. It’s all set up now. We’re just waiting on space suits from the manufacture.”

  “Good, Good, now… on to new business. Any more thoughts on the virus? Where do we look? What are we looking at? Where do you need to go? I’m going to have to talk to your sister to get you there.”

  “Dad we’ll know more in about ten days, they have their slide rules out now. You know how astronomers can be about getting it right, it has fifty zeros after it or they don’t like it. They are checking trajectory of a meteor seen entering Earth’s gravity the day it happened. The fragment we have we believe is a chunk of what there was when this got started on its crossing. Most of it broke up, as you know. Joshua’s co-pilot Con Man reported it as they were lining up for touchdown at S.M.B. At the time, it was a few meters across and hidden by the Moon. We think it’s the best bet for tracing the origin.”

  “Good work Ashley.” He was glad she was finally looking at the whole picture.

  “But Dad you….” She started to give him the credit.

  “Helped you to look at this from a different perspective and that’s all. The rest you did. How would I have been able to do a thing without your research?”

  “OK Dad, but I know you have heard that it takes two to tango?” She gave in rather than argue with a man she loved and wanted to share the glory with.

  “It will take us all to save us all Ashley. Are you ok with that?” He rained her in.

  “This could be the break we’ve been searching for, we still won’t be able to get you men home. But we will be able to get women and supplies up. It’s a good start, a big step in the right direction.” She let out a deep long sigh. It told of her long hours and of all her effort. “I pray it is Dad.”

  * * *

  Pete ‘Com Man’ Connelly wouldn’t leave the Remote Control Station at Mission Control while the shuttle was in flight. He landed it remotely from the Moon not allowing the program to land as it was designed to do. “I don’t think we have enough G-Class Shuttles to risk landing one with a computer!” And G-2 touched down.

  * * *

  The women learned quickly and were unafraid to work saving humans from the virus. Most of the engineers and machinist had been men. Now women worked and studied in large groups brainstorming. Women training women to replace a man’s domain… it was taking time.

  To learn something is one thing, trusting that knowledge to take you into space is another matter. Experience takes time. No one gets around it. It was that one thing a classroom couldn’t provide.

  Women were launching rockets all the time on earth now. These were their practice rockets. At first most blew up on the launch pad. This was nothing to be ashamed of; the male engineers went through the same trial and errors as they learned to design ships that finally made it into space. They were making their mistakes now, without a human payload; no one wanted to risk lives to advance the field of space travel.

  Shianne began finding her advice sought after more and more during this time of testing and learning. She was well known as top dog in space engineering and she was asked to help teach the new engineers following in her footsteps.

  Shianne really didn’t want to leave the ranch at first, she’d seen too much during the cleanup effort. She didn’t feel she had the energy to start teaching green students. But, as the years had gone by, her advice brought success to the launches and her lessons inspired many to look at this field in a different light.

  “It is not if we will find our new lives in space, it is when we find our new lives in space.” She was quoted, and her words became part of the teachings at every engineering college.

  Touchdown was letter perfect and G-2 taxied right to the hanger where the hyperbaric chamber was located. Otto was impressed with this young man’s work; he could see why Joshua had groomed him for command.

  Over the couple of years that Com Man had been flying missions with Joshua he had become a member of the Chisholm family on the Moon and he was like a son to Otto. Although he and Joshua were totally different in every way they were best friends and where you could find one the other was not far off.

  Ashley and Shianne opened the cargo bay doors and started to remove the air tank themselves. Com Man and Otto with at least thirty other people in Mission Control were all watching the screens with them. Otto had cameras in the cargo bay and inside the cockpit. He wanted to see as much of the girls work as possible.

  They pulled the tank as Ashley and Shianne guided it out of the cargo bay. They did a professional job, Otto was proud. They seemingly we’re unaware of all the cameras trained on them while working.

  Everyone watched them exit from the cargo hold and they didn’t show up out on the tarmac. Suddenly two upside down smiling faces filled the screen. Both started to blow him kisses, stick out their tongues out at him and then they vanished again. All in Mission Control started to laugh and tease Otto. “And these two are going to save the human race?” Vic asked with a straight face and a new round of laughter erupted.

  “Do you expect less?” Otto said with confidence. He expected no less from his children. He knew that between them they would do wonders for the future of the human race. He crossed his arms looking to Vic sternly for the answer, proud of his children, and knowing no matter how mankind was saved, his brood would be leading the way.

  13 It’s a Shi Blue Day

  Shianne supervised the refueling of the shuttle while Ashley got the
tank of Moon air hooked up and double-checked everything just to make sure there would be no mistakes made.

  Shianne used the Com-link to call Pete and have him walk her through each step of the refueling and preflight checklist. Just like Joshua did for any green pilot. Even though she could build a G-Class shuttle from created parts, she was going to follow regulations and do it by the book. This was protocol for a green pilot.

  Pete went slowly at first until Shianne teasingly reminded him that she designed most of the G-Class Shuttle. “If I remember correctly, I think I even designed the Breaker...” She informed him. “And it went past light speed.” Things moved with a quickness after that.

  She found a crack in the front landing gear strut that no green engineer would have found with the naked eye. She ordered it changed out at once sending the ground crew into action.

  She was onboard running a full diagnostic of the bird while she had a chance. A thruster valve was moving five percent slower than the others. It was trashed and replaced. The flight control computer was fourteen degrees too hot, not a real problem, just a few degrees warmer than normal. She had it changed out.

  By the time she was finished with G-2 she would be race ready. Shianne had her sights on the finish line and it was going to be a quick 250.000 miles to the checkered flag.

  “Only three hours to change out a landing strut. That was fast Shianne.” Pete expressed his admiration.

  “Well like I said, I can build this thing from the ground up if I have to.” Shianne said proudly. “The ground crews know it and they do their best when I’m here supervising. No one likes to mess up in front of the boss!”

  “Why are you not teaching at some school then?” Pete asked.

  “Are you kidding Pete? When you train a pilot how many do you start with?” She asked trying to set him straight.

  “Thirty five, and we are lucky to keep two.” He said.

  “Well, I’m building a rocket or shuttle and one day, a galaxy crosser. I just need a few ten thousand to help get it done. That’s like thirty to fifty thousand green recruits all at once.”

  “Ouch. I get it now.” Pete agreed. “It would be like teaching a small city.”


  “Where are you on the checklist now?” Pete was rolling with her flow now instead of fighting her for control. It was working much better for him.

  Shianne read down the extensive list of systems she had worked on or had replaced while she had her hands on the ship. He could tell her crews were jumping to perform for the big boss.

  Shianne was finished with the whole preflight checklist. But she was enjoying this time to get to know Pete a little bit better. This was the longest period of time she had spoken with a man since… “I’m in the cabin in the right seat at the moment Pete. Just kicking back with my feet up. It feels good to be in a G-Class again. Did you know that I have never piloted a shuttle?”

  “No… really?” ‘How could she build them and have never flown one.’ He thought to himself.

  “Really Pete. I want to get into the air. I want to go to the Moon and hug my dad.”

  “I understand how you feel Shianne. Only hugging Otto would be a little out of line for me!” He made his little joke and got started on his checklists as she kicked back drinking a cold soda and enjoying the cockpit around her.

  Pete watched as a light started to blink red; he spoke again to Shianne. “This is very important to get right. Building a shuttle is one thing; piloting them is another ball of wax.” He stared at the Auto pilot disable light flashing at him.

  “Shianne… What are you doing?” He hoped he was seeing things.

  “By the way Pete; on paper you’re going to teach me to fly this thing when we’re up in a few hours.” Shianne set him up; there would be no saving him now. When she designed and engineered the G-Class Shuttles the powers that be demanded that she earn her pilots license and log in four thousand hours of stick time to qualify to fly the ship she created. Like anyone had four thousand hours to spend flying and not working. They had set the mark so high for her she thought she would never reach it. She figured that was the point N.A.S.A. was trying to make, pilots are pilots and engineers are engineers. Now was her chance to change all that quickly.

  “Shianne what are you doing? You are to reengage the auto-pilot.” He reached for the remote switch, and watched the Remote Disengage Warning light come on flashing red. He now had no control of the ship. “Shianne Chisholm, you will reengage the auto-pilot and remote controls now. That’s an order young lady.” He said with as much authority as he could muster.

  “Your funny, I like you Con Man.” She said with a giggle, and the Com-link went dead as she pulled that fuse too.

  Pete stood so fast his chair shot across the room behind him. Then he pulled his headset and threw it at the screen so hard it snapped into pieces. He screamed in frustration. “THAT DAMN WOMAN IS GOING TO KILL HERSELF AND TAKE ASHLEY WITH HER!”

  The whole room went silent, yet every eye was on him. He looked around the room finding that Otto had left to continue working. “Go find Otto Chisholm right away and bring him to me.” The technician he addressed froze in her tracks for a second; she didn’t want to be the one to tell Otto Chisholm to do anything. “NOW DAMN IT MOVE!!!!” Pete screamed to get her started on her way.

  She took a portable Com-link and patched into the system out in the hall. “Otto Chisholm, Otto Chisholm, Please call Mission Control at extension two two.”

  He pulled his cell phone while in stride and dialed. “Otto Chisholm here, what’s going on? Is Joshua Ok?”

  “Sir, please get here as soon as possible. We have a situation with your daughter Shianne.” Pete said gravely.

  “I’m on my way now.” Otto did a perfect about-face and took off at a run. He would get the information he needed when he arrived at Mission Control.

  * * *

  Shianne was kool as could be, but she was mad at Pete. “Who does he think he is to order me around? This old boat is an ancient piece of equipment. I’ve designed the fastest most efficient propulsion systems known to man. I can fly this in my sleep!” She was full on ranting as she opened the communications faceplate and popped the fuse out. All communications came to a halt. “TRY ORDERING ME NOW FLYBOY!” She shouted, as she pocketed the fuse.

  “Excuse me ma’am?” The Crew Chief addressed her. She was standing there behind her for this whole exchange of wills and she was a woman so she understood why Shianne did what she did. But then there was the whole this was her G-2 Shuttle not Shianne’s. She was the one responsible for its upkeep, maintenances and the training of her crews on Earth.

  “Yes Chief?” She turned totally professional, her anger only directed at Con Man. Like a light switch flipped; she was nice as could be.

  “You promise to reinstall that before lift off, right?” She had 38 days of formal training under her belt when the virus hit the base. Now she had 3 years of supply missions flown down remotely as the Commander of her loading and maintenance crews to hone her skills as a Commander. She was a true Crew Chief.

  “And let Fly Boy…” She started to lose it.

  The Crew Chief cut her off at the knees. Shianne was now on her turf and she was not to be trifled with. “This is my pile of junk. It will be one hundred percent on take off. Right Ma’am?” She was not really asking.

  Shianne reined in her anger. “Yes Chief. It will be installed before lift off. Sorry I bit your head off.”

  “You were saying something about some flyboy?” The crew chief added with a knowing grin. She too thought ‘Con Man was out of line ordering this woman around. “Great smile, all man with a ramrod spine, attitude of one hundred and twenty percent pure testosterone with lunch? That Flyboy?”

  They busted up and her tension was swept away. “You definitely clipped his wings Ma’am.” The crew chief added and it renewed their laughter. “You really can fly this bird right?”

  “Yes chief…. Like a bicycle!”

  “Ok Shianne, but remember this ride can cost lives if you fall off.” The Crew Chief warned her.

  “I copy that Chief.” Shianne said with assurance. “Also; let’s put on a full load. No point in making a crossing just for two passengers.”

  The crew chief looked silently at Shianne; apprehension in her eyes.

  “I’ll be fine. All my simulator flights were with max loads onboard. I’ll do better with a full load Chief.”

  “A full load it is then.” The crew chief said with obvious concern in her voice.

  Shianne wanted her at ease with all this. “Don’t worry chief. I’m golden. No sweat!”

  “COPY.” She exited the shuttle to get the loading started. But her first stop was the computer and she logged directly into the simulator site. She pulled up Shianne’s records just to be sure. It was her ship this woman was going to fly and she needed a little assurance she could do it. Records showed that Shianne had one thousand eighteen take offs and landings on Earth, five hundred more landings on the Moon and always with a full load in the cargo hold.

  She flew with precision.

  The woman could fly!

  Shianne finished with her work on the shuttle and got back over to Ashley at the chamber. “Where have you been Shi?”

  “Preflight checks.” She answered.

  “That’s Crew Chiefs work; not yours.” Ashley shot back. “Shianne what are you up too?” She asked with concern in her tone.

  “Welcome to Chisholm airlines.”

  “Are you planning?”

  Shianne cut her short with out being rude. “I never question your ability Ashley; do I?”

  “I’m glad it’s you at the controls Shianne; it just surprised me with the change of plan.”

  A wry grin crossed Shianne’s face as she said. “You think you’re surprised? You should hear Pete. He is birthing whole rooms full of kittens right now.”


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