One Giant Leap

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One Giant Leap Page 47

by Keith Martin

  “WHAT?” He stated innocently.

  “We don’t want to bend any more benches or scare the base like that again. Ok my friend?” He understood why Ton had done what he had done, but he wanted to make sure it was not repeated.

  “Who me?” Ton continued his acting.

  Linda put an end to their games. “Play nice boys, we are all on the same side here.”

  “Yes Linda.” They both said sheepishly.

  The meeting was moving swiftly, Otto liked it that way. “Fred, Vic. You two get on the simulators, you’re going to be Commanders. Joshua, they are under your wing. Train them fast.”

  “Yes Sir.” He gave his father a little salute.

  “Connie… Hackett, you are to be on simulators as much as possible. I want you up and flying in two months. Until then you’re the navigator on G-3. I also want you to stay in contact with all the Commanders to handle any programming that is needed. We will need auto pilot programs for the crossings. There will be a lot of traffic out there, take that into consideration as you design the program.”

  “Yes Sir… I get to fly?” She was close to tears with excitement, her heart was racing, her dreams were coming true right here and now at mach speeds.

  “Unless you want to just be a kid and go to school?” He knew what her answer would be before he asked.

  “No Sir.” She almost shouted. “I want to fly.”

  “Then you will fly little one. It’s that easy. But you have to keep up on your other training and you have to make the programs I’ve asked for. If I load you up too much just tell Fred and he will beat me up for it.” He gave her image a wink and she was smiling like the happy child she was.

  She just sat there glowing, feeling truly needed and loved. Otto paced the floor for a few seconds as they all looked on silently. It was plain to see that he was not finished and was just gathering his thoughts. “This mission could be the mission that saves mankind! All other considerations will be superseded. Needed supplies are to be ordered through me. I will make sure they are delivered as soon as possible. Any questions?” He looked to them all one at a time. “Fine…its wheels up at 6:30am for G-1 and G-3. Hackett you will navigate for Con Man in G-3.”

  “Affirmative…” She gave him a little salute in response.

  “That means you’re at suit up at five thirty sharp with a belly full and bells on, ready to go.” He added. He wanted no mistakes.

  “Sir, what if I’m not allowed to go?” She asked.

  “You have permission to call me or Fred at any time. We will take care of it then” He assured her. “Command training takes precedence over made beds and clean rooms. I know I’m asking a lot of you Hackett. But your one of us now and will be given leave to train.”

  “Thank you Otto.” Hackett knew she was truly one of the team and loved it.

  “Chris is Commander of S.M.B. Master Chair Doreen is Commander of Earth. Ashley will be Commander of Mars. But my vote is for you to run this whole show. All in favor say I” Hackett called for the vote.

  All agreed and the vote passed.

  “Thank God she’s on our side.” Linda said softly to Jill. Everyone heard her and there was a round of laughter for it.

  “I call this meeting closed then. Good luck to us all and God speed.” Otto finished up and took leave with his wives.

  * * *

  As they stopped at the lift doors on the way back to their quarters Jill asked. “You know we will have the crews hired in just a few days Otto!”

  “She’s right.” Linda agreed.

  “What do we do once we have the crews filled?” Jill finished.

  “Why you two are my right hand girls. If it needs doing and I can’t be there to do it, it’s going to fall on you. If you don’t know what to do about something, you just call me. I’ll help get it figured out. You two will have the most demanding jobs of all.” He stood proud looking at them adding, “I don’t think I could do what I’m about to do without you two backing my play. I don’t think I would have the heart to fight so hard knowing there was no way for me to do all that’s demanded. Then I look at you two and I know I’m just going to be your trophy man to help put out fires along the way. I’m ok with that.”

  Steve had followed them to the lift opening the door for them. Hearing this exchange he teasingly added. “Look at the bright side of this, you two get to sleep with the leader of two worlds.”

  “Three worlds Steve, the Moon is its own world now.” Jill said without skipping a beat.

  “Plus we get to order you around if you’re not nice to us.” Linda added with a stern look. “So be nice!” She scolded him and they were on their way.

  “I’m not the leader of anything, so stop saying that.” Otto demanded sternly and he truly meant it. “I simply get things that need doing done.”

  * * *

  The next morning six-thirty rolled around and there was no sign of Hackett. Fifteen minutes later she was still missing. There was no e-mail, no call.

  Berry called Fred to let him know she was late.

  Fred took off at a run to put an end to this now. When he arrived at the Keys quarters he knocked and got no reply. He called Chris to find out if the Keys had reported to their work assignments.

  “Stay calm Fred, she couldn’t have gone too far; we’re on the Moon. I will call you back in five or less.”

  Chris called Otto first and informed him of the situation. “Head to the Keys right away, Fred is like an old bear with a sore tooth. He’s there and pissed!”

  “We are on the way.” Otto assured him rousting his wives. “Hackett was a no show. Fred is biting at the bit. We need to move ladies.” They were dressed and on the way in minutes.

  Chris called both of their duty stations and was told the Keys were no shows. His next call was to Vic to get him moving. Then a Tech was summoned to over-ride the quarter’s door locks. The Tech picked up Chris and Vic with his transport while heading to the Keys living unit.

  Ashley was on her way to work when she found Fred pounding on the door. “I heard Connie scream!” He growled in a panic.

  “Calm down Fred. The army is on the way.” She spotted several of them headed towards them. Otto was out distancing his wives.

  As the Tech pulled up Otto ordered him to open the door. With a quick twist of his wrist the access panel opened` he connected the bypass keypad and entered the access code. The door slid open.

  Inside her parents stood armed with knives. “DON’T COME IN OR I’LL CUT YOU!” Mr. Keys shouted before anyone could enter. “WE ARE NOT LETTING YOU SEND CONNIE TO EARTH!”

  Otto and Jill had to hold Fred back as Linda looked inside. What she witnessed was not good so she turned to Vic saying. “It’s all yours big guy!” She got out of his way. “Try not to kill them!” She knew this situation was going to end badly if the Keys didn’t calm down and drop their knives.

  Vic slowly stepped in and pulled the .38 from his belt. He still had it on him at all times, old habits being hard to break. He pointed it at the floor. He could see fear in Mrs. Keys eyes and he could tell Mr. Keys was the one who was pushing the situation. “Hi folks…” He stood relaxed. He didn’t need the pistol. But he hoped it would get the point across. He didn’t want to have to hurt the Keys. He didn’t want to hurt his relationship with little Hackett by doing what he was trained to do. Vic had 90 pounds on Mr. Keys and a Black Belt in Karate. He had no fear in him as he entered the room. “Can we all talk?”


  Vic figured Hackett was in her room and he shouted out to make sure she was ok. “HACKETT, ARE YOU HURT IN ANY WAY?” Her answer would determine how he was going to proceed.


  Linda walked in behind Vic and looked around him to the Keys speaking calmly, “Is that right? Are you
two scared?”

  “YOU STAY OUT OF HERE.” Mr. Keys growled waving his knife around.

  “I don’t mean to alarm you two. But these men are not going to just go away while you hold Connie here at knife point.” Linda told them how it was, her voice even and calm. She was not threatening them; she was just stating the facts.

  “She is our daughter and we will do whatever we want to do. Now get out or I’ll cut you!” Mr. Keys hissed.

  “Try to look at it as we see this. There are two people not allowing perhaps the most intelligent person on the Moon to go to school and holding her at knife point.” Her calm voice was having a relaxing affect on Mrs. Keys. “We would never let Connie come to any harm. We love her like she was our own. We only want what’s best for her.” Linda stepped to Vic’s side. He had to move to make room for her.

  “Vic, don’t…” Otto started to speak but Vic quieted him with a twitch of his fingers. He had this under control and there was no way any harm was coming to Linda. He liked what she was doing. It was calming Mrs. Keys. Now if she would only drop her knife he would be half finished with this mess. His eyes never blinking or leaving Mr. Keys. If the man even flinched he would be dead when he hit the floor with 2 center mass.

  “You stay back or I’ll cut you!” Mr. Keys hissed again.

  “Now Mr. Keys, you don’t want to hurt me. If you even try to this big wall of a man will shoot you before you could get two feet. Do you really think he would let anyone harm me while he still breaths?”

  He calmed down a little hearing these words and he responded. “Well I guess not. But she is our daughter and she is not going to Earth!”

  “Now both of you put down your knives and let’s talk.” Linda said softly.

  Mrs. Keys dropped her knife and said. “I’m not having any part of this anymore. I told you Connie would be just fine in the shuttle. I knew they didn’t plan to take her from us and leave her on Earth.”

  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Mr. Keys shouted at his wife.

  “I’m not being a fool that’s what I’m doing.” She stepped to the side distancing herself from her husband.

  “I won’t let her go!” Snapped Mr. Keys.

  “Mrs. Keys, I don’t want you hurt. Please step out in the hall with me.” Linda reached for her hand and Mrs. Keys took it.

  Linda guided her into the hall never taking her eyes off of Mr. Keys.

  “Good riddance. I don’t need you to tell me how to run my life anyway!” He barked after his wife as she walked into the hall.

  Jill took her from Linda and had her sit down across the hall out of sight from her husband as she held her to calm her. The woman was visibly in shock and had a black eye starting to show.

  Linda walked back next to Vic and continued to try to work this out peacefully. “Now Mr. Keys, please put down the knife and come out into the hall so we can all talk.”

  “I WILL NOT!” He screamed at her.

  Mrs. Keys black eye growing was not expectable in her book. “Well I’ve done all I can for you Mr. Keys. I’ve tried to be reasonable. But nothing seems to please you. Maybe I should just let you boys work this out!” Linda was tired of playing his game, she had Mrs. Keys out of the way, Connie was secure in her room and she knew Vic had this situation well in hand. If there was one thing she truly believed in that was Vic’s ability to handle a man with a knife in his hand. She just hopped he didn’t rip his arm out of socket disarming him.

  “That’s just fine Linda.” He pulled his handcuffs and dropped them at Mr. Keys feet and ordered him to put down the knife and cuff up.

  “You can go to hell!” Mr. Keys said trying to stay in control.

  Vic gently placed a massive paw on Linda’s belly and guided her behind him almost lifting her from her feet placing her behind him in his safe zone before he ended this movement to first secure her. He was finished with the negotiating too. “Here is where you get to make a choice. “One.” He raised the 38-caliber snub-nose and pointed it at Mr. Keys groin. “Two.” He cocked the weapon. “Do I count three?” He asked with a cold smile. He was not bluffing. He finger started to tighten on the trigger. He knew the first 3 rounds were rubber and would just hurt like hell. He just forgot to tell anyone on base this little fact.

  The knife hit the carpet, and Mr. Keys reached for the cuffs. “Cuff up tight, we don’t want those slipping off.” Vic advised Mr. Keys as the cuffs started to click shut.

  Otto had enough of sitting on the sidelines. He walked in and took control of Mr. Keys taking him by the arm escorting him into the hall. He had some words to say to this man and he was not going to give him any slack. His actions had endangered the operation of the base and could have cost the human race one of its most precious minds.

  “He was going to shoot my pecker off!” Mr. Keys complained to ears that cared not.

  “I still might let him do it too!” Otto informed him as he placed him against the hall wall, not all too gingerly and face first.

  A crowd was gathering to give assistance if needed. All felt it was time to cut away this dead wood.

  Fred was in the Keys quarters like a shot and he forced Hackett’s door open with Vic’s help. She fell into Fred’s arms sobbing. He lifted her into his arms and told her that everything would be ok sweeping her from the housing unit.

  Otto checked her out to see if anything had happened to her as they exited the living unit. She was fine except for a red cheek. She had been slapped. “Hackett, I know you’re a little girl still and I’m not trying to be a jerk. But there is a mission with your name on it waiting for you right now on the runway. You’re the navigator; do you feel up to it?” He was going to spend the rest of his life protecting her. But he was just provided with the test that would let them all see just what she was made of. Like any good teacher he pushed her to teach her who she really was.

  “Yes… I can do it Otto. Thank you.” She said bravely. She was still feeling the safety of Fred’s arms but she knew it was time to show them all she was a tough member of the crew.

  “What for little one?” Otto asked.

  “For not treating me like a baby.” She answered.

  Otto tossed her hair with a big smile. “Now don’t go too far. You’re still our little girl.” He informed her. “Fred take the transport to suit up, she’s late.”

  “Slave driver…!” Fred would rather her take a flight some other time. But he knew Otto was right. He didn’t put her down until he was belting her into the passenger seat. “... Old mean old man.” He continued as he belted her in trying to make her smile. “Did you eat Munchkin? Chow hall is on the way you know?” He leaped over her and hit the driver’s seat like a pro.

  Otto stood in front of Mr. Keys watching the transport head down the hall.

  Vic told the onlookers it was time to move on and everything was under control.

  As soon as the transport had turned the corner Otto spun him so they would be face to face.

  Most of those gathering had started to move on except for the miners. In their world this was a time to hang back and see just what Otto was made of. They held ones actions to a higher code due to the life and death world they lived and worked in. This test had presented itself to Otto and they were going to stick by to see if he passed or failed.

  “What do we do with these two?” Vic asked.

  “If we had a jail I would lock them both up and throw away the key. But we don’t have a jail, so they bust rocks, a week for her, a month for him.” Otto made his ruling then turned his attention on Mr. Keys. “If you ever raise your hand to a child or woman on this base ever again I will send you to Earth. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?” He screamed with his nose just an inch from Mr. Keys nose. His emotions caused him to focus only on this one man; all others just seemed to be a part of the background. He stepped back and delivered a slap that cracked down the hall folding his head over and almost knocking him to the ground. Blood started to seep from the corner of his mouth. “I ASKED IF YOU UNDERSTAND ME CLEARLY

  Mr. Keys was weak in the knees and ready to pee himself. He had been a bully in grade school and had always treated those around him like trash. He knew everyone was smarter then he, so he built up muscle to prove his worth to them all. “I understand!” He said quietly not wanting to do anything that would make Otto strike him again as he cowered in fear.

  Otto wasn’t finished yet. “You hit your own flesh and blood. A child! A little girl! I should kick you off base right now.” “CRACK” Otto’s hand found Mr. Keys face again with a right backhand. “You Sir, are lower then bird shit on pavement.” “CRACK” Otto was making sure he got his point across. “You slimy bastard, you hit your own wife!” “CRACK” He slapped him so hard Mr. Keys was on the vary edge of passing out. “If I hear even one word of complaint out of you…. Even one word, your off the Moon.” His fist twisted up in the man’s shirt and he lifted him bodily from the floor with one arm. “I should beat the hell out of you!” He let go as he flung him crashing into the wall. “Vic get them out of my sight!”

  “Come on you two.” Vic helped Mr. Keys to his feet and took Mrs. Keys by the arm in his controlling vice grip. “You have a date with a big rock.” He started to escort them down the hall. On his face was a broad grin. He loved Otto even more after this day. He would have slapped Mr. Keys around if Otto hadn’t. In his book shooting him for striking a woman or a child would not have been out of line. And he was guilty of both.

  The miners were impressed and their love and trust in Otto just grew by leaps and bounds. “Tis a fine thing you did there Otto! May the Saints watch over you and yours. Will you be needen me and the boys any longer?” Their spokes person voiced all of their feelings eloquently.

  “Just make sure the lock gets changed here and have the pass card delivered to one of my wives.” He gave them his orders as he took his wives by his arms and escorted them to breakfast. A little fuel to stoke the fire he would need once Linda and Jill realized they were up hours earlier then expected.


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