From the Tree to the Labyrinth: Historical Studies on the Sign and Interpretation

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From the Tree to the Labyrinth: Historical Studies on the Sign and Interpretation Page 78

by Umberto Eco

  Apresjan, Jurij D., 553

  Arabic language, 22, 96–98, 107, 108, 234, 454

  Arbor Porphyriana (Porphyrian tree), 4–18, 26, 45, 169, 170, 193n20; Croce’s critique of, 532; Great Chain of Being and, 87; Llull’s scientific trees and, 33, 406; matrix compared with, 211; ontologies and, 60; open-ended conception of knowledge and, 55; purpose of, 35; schematism and, 481; semantics and, 550

  Arbor scientiae [Tree of Science] (Llull), 33, 404–408

  Archaeology, 85

  Architecture, 25, 46, 58

  Archytas, 109–110

  Ariadne, thread of, 52

  Ariosto, Ludovico, 539

  Aristophanes, 209

  Aristotelianism, 18, 296, 344

  Aristotle, 1, 21n14, 88, 110, 154, 461; on accidents, 13; analogia entis and, 160; on animal language, 181; Arbor Porphyriana and, 4–5; concept of tragedy, 106; definition of animals, 549; on difference, 12; on genera, 10–11; on imitation of action, 490; on infinity, 526; on language, 174; Latin Aristotle, 96–97; Llull’s Ars and, 387–388; on metaphor, 62–67, 95, 115, 116–117, 169; on mnemotechnics, 78; on poet-theologians, 320; on semiotic triangle, 357–358; Tesauro and, 41, 42; works as encyclopedia, 23

  Aristoteles Latinus (Latin Aristotle), 96, 202

  Arithmetic, 31, 34

  Arithmeticus nomenclator (Anonymous Spaniard), 434

  Arithmologia (Kircher), 386

  Ars excerpendi, 83–87

  Ars Magna (Llull), 41, 386–397, 399, 413–414, 422

  Ars magna sciendi (Kircher), 393–394

  Ars Meliduna, 367

  Ars oblivionalis, 78

  Ars Poetica (Horace), 315

  Ars signorum (Dalgarno), 42, 427

  Ars versificatoria (Matthew of Vendôme), 106

  Art, 146, 315, 543; authentication and, 229, 237; iconography of Christian art, 253; as instrument of philosophy, 319; as intellectual creation, 324; intuition-expression and, 534, 535; as language, 316; modern art, 309; Mozarabic, 255; Oriental, 324; of performance, 105; poetry’s status as, 140; Scholastic theory of, 318; work of art as unicum, 227n5, 236. See also Aesthetics

  Art as Experience (Dewey), 545

  Art et scolastique [Art and Scholasticism] (Maritain), 309, 311–313, 315, 317–319

  Articulation, 207–214

  Artificial intelligence, 4, 60

  Asclepius, Hermetic, 230–231

  Ascoli, Cecco d,’ 30

  Assunto, Rosario, 334n23, 341

  Astrology, 22, 25, 308, 386

  Astronomy, 22, 23, 25, 31, 33; Llull’s trees and, 404; mnemotechnics and, 81

  Attribution, 164, 166

  Auctoritates (authoritative opinions), 243

  Auerbach, Erich, 129n12, 132

  Augustine, 1, 28–29, 111, 118, 135, 165, 342; on abstinence from meat, 186; on allegory, 134, 146, 155; authentication and, 231; authorized reading of Scripture and, 256; Bacon (Roger) and, 369; Bacon’s classification of signs and, 216, 217; Beatus and, 254; Manzoni and, 490; on millennium, 277, 280; on natural signs, 195, 217; on obscure and ambiguous signs, 133; on signs, 359–360, 364; Stoic influence and, 195–197

  Augustine of Dacia, 132

  Authentication: difficulties of authentication procedures, 229–235; at level of content, 232–234; at level of material support of text, 229–230; at level of textual manifestation, 230–232; with reference to known fact, 234–235

  Authenticity, 237, 249

  Auto-da-fé (Die Blendung, Canetti), 82n49

  Autonomous invention, thesis of, 452, 453–454, 455

  Averroes, 97–105, 114, 115, 395

  Averroes in Rhetoricam (Hermann the German), 107–108

  “Averroës’ Search” (Borges), 99

  Avianus, 138

  Avicenna, 107, 111, 114n21, 215n43, 305

  Aznar, Camón, 255, 279

  Bacon, Francis, 28, 36, 37, 38, 41, 47, 171–172, 425

  Bacon, Roger, 112–115, 125, 215, 216–222, 247–248, 296n5, 359; on denotation, 369–374; epistemology and semantics of, 383; semiotic triangle and, 376

  Balme, David M., 16

  Baronio, Cesare, 281n11

  Baroque period, 27, 35n23, 36, 192, 404

  Barsalou, Lawrence, 60

  Barthes, Roland, 354

  Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 32, 135

  Bartholomew of Bruges, 104

  Basil of Caesarea, Saint, 182, 186

  Baudelaire, Charles, 317, 323, 335

  Bäumker, Clemens, 394

  Beati, illustrated miniatures in, 252, 253, 265–268; 265–266, 266–268

  Beatus of Liébana, 252–260; millennium and, 278–285; theological image of Jerusalem, 273–275; visualization of Scripture and, 260, 261, 264, 265, 269

  “Beauté, propriété transcendentale chez les Néoscolastiques (1220–1270), La” (Pouillon), 340

  Becher, Joachim, 430

  Beck, Cave, 1, 42

  Bede, Venerable, 120, 133, 232, 253, 255–258

  Belot, Jean, 385

  Beonio-Brocchieri Fumagalli, Maria, 21n13, 246, 353, 362

  Bergson, Henri-Louis, 310, 312, 315

  Berkeley, George, 458

  Bermudo, Pedro (Anonymous Spaniard), 39, 434, 435

  Bernard of Chartres, 123, 138, 244

  Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint, 132, 244

  Bernardus Sylvestris, 138

  Bernart de Venzac, 122

  Bertini, Ferruccio, 125

  Bestiaries, medieval, 2, 29–30, 136, 143, 222; Chrysippus’s dog in, 186; symbols in, 322

  Bible. See Scripture (Bible)

  Bierwisch, Manfred, 553

  Binkley, Peter, 21n13, 31

  Biolez, Jean, 310n2

  Biondo, Michelangelo, 222n51

  Bioy-Casares, Adolfo, 91

  Black, Max, 64

  Boas, George, 175

  Boccaccio, Giovanni, 147

  Boehner, Philothetus, 374, 375, 377

  Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus 5, 6, 12, 96, 104, 126, 160, 207, 296, 401; on accidents, 12; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 338, 342, 343; on denotation, 358, 359–361, 378; Llull and, 401; on music, 169; on predications, 159; reading of Aristotle’s De interpretatione, 200–206, 208, 217n45, 247, 373; translation of Porphyry, 162

  Boethius of Dacia, 296

  Bogges, W. E. F., 107, 115n23

  Boke Named The Governor, The (Elyot), 22

  Bonaventure, Saint, 168, 251, 342

  Bonfantini, Massimo, 485n12, 486

  Book of Kells, 343n

  Bord, Janet, 52

  Borges, Jorge Luis, 75, 83–84, 91, 92, 99–100, 437–439, 536

  Bori, Pier Cesare, 132n15

  Borrowing: evident and multiple, 453, 454; obscure, 452, 453

  Bosanquet, Bernard, 339

  Botany, 24, 25, 46, 58, 434

  Boullier, David Renaud, 182

  Boundaries, demarcation of, 516–521

  Bouvard et Pécuchet (Flaubert), 255

  Brahe, Tycho, 487

  Bréal, Michel, 548–549, 550, 558

  Breviario d’estetica (Croce), 542

  Brugnoli, Giorgio, 145n29, 146

  Bruno, Giordano, 55, 84–85, 403, 419–420

  Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc de, 27, 183

  Burgonovus, 385

  Buridan, Jean, 113, 115, 343

  Busi, Giulio, 308

  Buti, Francesco da, 147

  Butterworth, Charles E., 97n6, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104

  Buyssens, Eric, 553

  Cabbalism. See Kabbalism

  Calboli Montefusco, Lucia, 62n34

  Calboli, Gualtiero, 62n34

  Cabrol, Fernand, 343n

  Cajetanus, 160, 162

  Calcidius, 286

  Calimani, Riccardo, 307

  Callahan, Leonard, 311

  Callimachus, 24

  Callisthenes, 24

  Camillo, Giulio, 35, 75

  Campanile, Achille, 556

  Canaletto (Giovanni Canal), 537

  Canetti, Elias, 82n49<
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  Cannocchiale aristotelico [“Aristotelian Telescope”] (Tesauro), 37–42, 127, 164

  Carnap, Rudolf, 354, 550

  Caro, Annibal, 571

  Carolingian Palatine school, 32

  Carrefours (crossroads), 69

  Carreras y Artau, Joaquím, 406, 418

  Carreras y Artau, Tomás, 406, 418

  Cartesianism, 312

  Casaubon, Isaac, 230, 235, 248

  Cases, Cesare, 565

  Cassirer, Ernst, 468n8, 474

  Catedral de Urgell, Beatus of, 252

  Categories (Aristotle), 4, 5, 96, 126, 161, 169

  Cato of Utica, 148

  Causality, 165, 459, 464, 465

  Cecco d’Ascoli, 30

  Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Recognitions, 438

  Celestial Hierarchy, The (Pseudo-Dionysius), 152–153, 156

  Ceñal, Ramon, 40

  Cevolini, Alberto, 83, 87, 87n53

  Characteristica universalis, 46

  Character pro notitia linguarum universalis (Becher), 430

  Charity, principle of, 73, 272, 552, 555, 557

  Charlemagne, 278

  Chartres, school of, 342, 403

  Chenu, M.-D., 244

  Cherchi, Paolo, 21n13

  Childers, Peter G., 57

  Chinese ideograms and language, 425, 440

  Chomsky, Noam, 297, 424

  Christianity, 112, 230, 396, 425

  Christie, Agatha, 91

  Chrysippus, 175, 176, 177, 179, 181, 583

  Churchill, Winston, 234–235

  Cicero, 22, 74, 81, 83, 116, 119, 445

  Clavius, Christopher, 420, 422

  Clement of Alexandria, 129n12, 131

  Cocteau, Jacques, 311

  Cognitions, 513–514, 515, 522, 523, 524

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 336–337

  Collison, R., 21n13

  Columella, 185n12

  Comenius, 422

  Commedia (Dante), 105, 299, 307

  Commentarius (Beatus), 261

  Commentarius in Canticum canticorum (William of Saint-Thierry), 105

  Common Writing, A (Lodwick), 42, 427

  Communia Matematica (Roger Bacon), 112

  “Communication and Convention” (Davidson), 555

  Compagnon, Antoine, 243

  Comparetti, Domenico, 138

  Compendium artis demonstrativae (Llull), 400

  Compendium studii theologiae (Roger Bacon), 369

  Complementarity, 19, 69

  Componential theory, 553

  Computer science, 3, 473

  Conclusiones cabalisticae (Pico della Mirandola) 411–412

  Condillac, Étienne Bonnot de, 183

  Confessions (Augustine), 258

  Connotation, 353, 379, 380–381, 382

  Conrad of Hirsau, 137

  Consilium de Encyclopedia (Leibniz), 46

  Constitutum Constantini (Donation of Constantine), 228

  Contra Gentiles (Thomas Aquinas), 17, 115

  Contrariety, 19

  Convivio (Dante), 145, 146, 148–149, 190

  Copernican revolution, 55, 486

  Copernicus, Nicolaus, 62

  Coq et l’arlequin, Le (Cocteau), 312

  Cordovero, Moses, 398

  Corpus Dionysiacum, 230, 235, 239, 240

  Corpus Hermeticum, 230, 240, 248

  Corpus Hippocraticum, 194

  Corti, Maria, 295, 296, 306

  Corvino, Francesco, 378n16

  Coseriu, Eugenio, 553

  Cosmography, 34

  Coumet, Ernest, 421

  Counter-Reformation, 160, 321, 332

  “Coup d’oeil sur le développement de la sémiotique” (Jakobson), 1

  Courtés, Joseph, 551

  Coussemaker, Edmond de, 242n31

  Cratylus (Plato), 1, 212–213, 289, 440

  Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry (Maritain), 319, 323–328, 336, 337

  Critique of Judgment [third Critique] (Kant), 457, 461, 479, 481, 483, 485

  Critique of Pure Reason [first Critique] (Kant), 457, 460, 462, 463, 466; on perceptual judgment, 469; schematism and, 471, 478; on time and memory, 474

  Croce, Benedetto, 318, 339, 531–547

  Cryptometrices et Cryptographiae (Selenus), 417

  Curtius, Ernst Robert, 148, 320, 339n25

  Cyrano de Bergerac, Hercule-Savinien de, 427

  Dahan, Gilbert, 104, 111

  D’Alembert, Jean-Baptiste Le Rond, 28, 47, 49, 52, 437

  Dalgarno, George, 42, 425, 427, 432, 435, 463

  Dante Alighieri, 42, 105, 122, 132, 135, 164, 537; Croce’s aesthetics and, 540, 541, 547n4; De Bruyne’s historiography and, 343; Hebrew as protolanguage and, 298–308; Maximal Encyclopedia and, 50–51; on metaphors, 125, 144–150; poetic allegorism in, 137; relation of language to experience and, 425; on souls of animals, 190–191; on speech acts in Genesis, 286–298; vernacular language and, 291–293, 294

  Da Verona, Guido, 546

  Davidson, Donald, 552, 555–557

  De abstinentia [On Abstinence from Killing Animals] (Porphyry), 176, 178, 181, 186, 189

  De anima (Aristotle), 96, 173, 174, 182

  De anima (Avicenna), 125n43

  De animalibus [On Animals] (Philo of Alexandria), 177–178

  De Antechristo (Hippolytus), 282

  De artibus liberalibus (Grosseteste), 111

  De auditu kabbalistico (Llull), 414, 415

  De Bestiis (attrib. Hugh of Fouilloy), 186, 192

  Debenedetti Stow, Sandra 308

  De Bonald, Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise, Vicomte de, 441

  De brutorum loqui (Fabrici d’Acquapendente), 221n50

  De Bruyne, Edgar, 139, 238, 311, 315; historiographical lesson of, 338–345; intellectual intuition and, 345–352

  Decadent movement, 312, 339

  De causis (attrib. Aristotle), 240

  De Chirico, Giorgio, 236

  De civitate Dei (Augustine), 231, 277, 280

  De claustro animae (Hugh of Fouilloy), 272

  De coelo (Aristotle), 21n14, 96

  De consolatione (Boethius), 104

  Deconstructionists, 516, 570, 571

  De corpore [Computatio sive logica] (Hobbes), 380–382

  De dialectica (Augustine), 195

  De dignitate et augmentis scientiarum (Bacon), 171–172

  De disciplinis (Vives), 23

  De divinis nominibus (Pseudo-Dionysius), 238

  De divisione (Boethius), 12

  De divisione naturae (Eriugena), 403

  De divisione scientiae (John of Dacia), 111

  De doctrina christiana (Augustine), 28–29, 195–197, 218n46, 233, 490

  Dee, John, 385

  Deely, John, 172n, 321n12, 348n34

  De ente et essentia (Thomas Aquinas), 16–17

  De fide catholica (Alan de Lille), 244

  De generatione et corruptione (Aristotle), 96

  De Gérando, Joseph-Marie, 436

  De Ghellinck, J., 243n12

  Degrés du savoir, Les [The Degrees of Knowledge] (Maritain), 317

  De imagine mundi (Honorius of Autun), 135

  De interpretatione (Aristotle), 96, 173, 200–206, 208, 357, 373; on symbola and semeia, 217; Thomist reading of, 125, 207, 364

  “De la connaissance poétique” (Maritain), 319

  De la grammatologie [Of Grammatology] (Derrida), 554–555

  De lampade combinatoria Lulliana (Bruno), 420

  De Leo, Pietro, 228

  De l’esprit des choses (Saint-Martin, Louis-Claude de), 441

  Deleuze, Gilles, 475

  Della Volpe, Galvano 545

  Del Rio, Martino, 385

  De Lubac, Henri, 341

  De magistro (Augustine), 195

  Demaria, Cristina, 86n51, 89n54

  De Mauro, Tullio, 457–458

  De memoria (Aristotle), 182

  Demetrius Phalereus, 119n4, 129n12

  De mirabilibus auscultationibus, 24, 26–27

  De modis sig
nificandi (Boethius of Dacia), 296

  De motu animalum (Aristotle), 97

  De Munnynk, Maurice, 313n5

  De natura animalium [On the Nature of Animals] (Aelian), 24, 180–181

  De naturis rerum (Neckham), 135

  Denis the Carthusian, 343

  Dennett, Daniel, 512

  Denotation, 353–355, 383–384; Abelard and, 361–364; Anselm of Canterbury and, 361; Aristotle and medieval thinkers on, 357–361; Bacon (Roger) and, 369–373; Duns Scotus and the Modistae on, 373–374; Ockham and, 374–383; Peirce and, 355–357; suppositio and, 366–369; Thomas Aquinas and, 364–366

  De occulta philosophia (Agrippa), 419

  De oratore (Cicero), 74

  De ornamentis verborum (Marbode of Rennes), 124

  De ortu et tempore Antichristi (Adso of Montier-en-Der), 283

  De proprietatibus rerum (Bartholomaeus Anglicus), 135

  De pulchro et bono (Albertus Magnus, attrib. Thomas Aquinas), 238n10, 316, 511

  De regimine principium (Giles of Rome), 307

  De rerum natura (Lucretius), 23

  De rerum naturis (Rabanus Maurus), 31–32, 135

  De Rijk, Lambert, 366–368

  Derisi, Octavio Nicolàs, 311n2

  Derrida, Jacques, 554–555, 570

  Descartes, René, 182, 245, 345, 435, 436

  De schematibus et tropis (Bede), 120, 133

  De scientiis (al-Farabi), 111, 112

  De signis (Roger Bacon), 216, 219, 369, 370–372

  De situ orbis (Mela), 24

  De sollertia animalium [On the Intelligence of Animals] (Plutarch), 178

  Des signes (De Gérando, Joseph-Marie), 436–437

  De Trinitate (Augustine), 400–401

  Deuterocanonical writings, 225

  De vanitate scientarum (Agrippa), 75

  De vetula (attrib. Ovid), 239

  De vulgari eloquentia [DVE] (Dante), 286–298, 307, 424

  Dewey, John, 487, 545

  De Wulf, Maurice, 352

  Dialectica (Abelard), 198, 362, 363

  Dialecticae institutiones (Ramée), 34

  Dialectica Monacensis, 127

  Dialectics, 31

  Dialectique (Ramée), 34

  Dialogus super auctores (Conrad of Hirsau), 137

  Dictionaries, 3–4, 42, 555; Arbor Porphyriana as first idea of dictionary, 4–18; in modern semantics, 18–21

  Dictionary of the History of Ideas, 175

  Dictionnaire de l’Archéologie chrétienne et de liturgie (Leclerc), 343n

  Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences du langage (Greimas and Courtés), 551, 553

  Didascalia in Rhetoricam Aristotelis ex glosa Alpharabi, 107

  Didascalicon (Hugh of Saint Victor), 137

  Diderot, Denis, 28

  Difference, 6, 7–9, 9, 13, 19

  Diogenes Laertius, 24

  Dionysius the Areopagite, 233

  Discours de la connoissance des bestes (Pardies), 182


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