Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Collision: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 16

by Karen Frances

  “Are you sure I look okay?” I ask, fidgeting with my sundress.

  “Of course. You look amazing. Will you please stop doubting yourself?” He stands behind me as I look in the mirror. “I really wish you could see in yourself what I and others see in you.”

  “Funny, so do I,” I say, turning around to face him. “Are we ready?”

  “Yes, and I think we should go out and just enjoy the day.” He kisses my forehead before taking my hand and leading us from our suite. I’m not the only one who has dressed for the glorious weather. He’s wearing shorts and a crisp white t-shirt, and a cap on his head. We’re set for a day out alone and I for one am going to enjoy it because he’ll be back with the manufacturers and his tech team before I know it..

  It’s not until we’re outside the hotel, the sun high in the sky, the heat hitting my face, I realise he’s still holding my hand, and for once, I’m not caring if anyone sees. We walk along the street, and I’m loving listening to the hustle and bustle. There are workmen on the roads, people in a rush, and others like us, happy and taking in the atmosphere.

  “I love this,” I say as we cross the road, heading toward the harbour and the yachts.

  “I’ve never really appreciated this before.”


  “No. I’ve been here a few years and not once have I stepped outside my hotel during the day to soak up the atmosphere before the qualifiers or the race. I’m usually too busy doing interviews and press conferences to keep Les and our team happy.”

  “Well, in my opinion, you’ve been missing out.” He nods and pulls my body closer to his.

  “Maybe. Although, my company is what’s making today special.”

  As we walk, he tells me all about the preparations for this weekend. He’s filled with a wealth of knowledge, but I would expect that. Racing is his passion. I had no idea what went on to make this Grand Prix possible. It takes six weeks to put together all the seating around the course, and as I glance around, I can see the work that’s put in; temporary grandstand seating built at what must be great view points, mostly around the harbour.

  I find myself asking questions that I genuinely want to know the answers to; like the streets being closed off. What happens on each of the qualifying days and then about the race itself.

  He talks with passion and enthusiasm, making it so easy to listen to him.

  A few people stare and whisper as we walk past them. I smile but Ryan dips his head and I’m about to ask why when I realise that he’s a celebrity. I’m surprised no one has stopped to speak to him or ask for his autograph.


  Maybe going out for a walk wasn’t one of my better ideas. What the hell happens if we’re pictured together? Abruptly, I stop.

  “Ellie what’s wrong? For someone who was so happy, you’re a funny shade of grey.” He takes hold of my shoulders.

  “What happens if we’re pictured together?”

  His body sags and I can see the relief on his face. “If we are, we’ll deal with it. Please, Ellie. I know it’s going to be hard but being out walking with you feels so normal to me. I won’t let anything bad happen or be said about you. I promise.” He dips his head and kisses my nose. “I’m happy.”

  “Me too,” I whisper.

  Re-taking my hand, we continue walking, and I’ve never seen so many expensive-looking yachts all in the same place. What did I expect? After all, Monaco is home to the rich and famous. People who like to flaunt what money they have. And a great place for a charity organisation to hold an event and have people part with their cash.

  I turn around, looking at our hotel, and from here I can see our balcony overlooking the entire area. Visiting a place like this is something I could only ever have dreamed of. I glance at Ryan and I smile.

  I squeeze his hand and I’m rewarded with his cheeky grin. “What do you think?” he asks.

  “I don’t know. This is incredible. Everything from the palm trees swaying lightly in the breeze to the terracotta tiles beneath my feet. The cars driving past on the road. What’s not to love?”

  “The cars will be so much faster come the qualifier and the race on Sunday,” he tells me.

  “That scares me.”

  “Why? It shouldn’t.”

  “I know Colton was in a bad crash.”

  “Yes, he was, but he and I both know the risks that come with what we do.”

  “Are you scared?” I ask.

  “No, and I don’t want you to be. I want you to soak up the atmosphere, and then when you write an article about me winning, your passion will come through in your writing.”

  It’s true, passion certainly helps when you’re writing.

  “And if I ever feel scared, it’s time for me to give it up.”


  “A scared driver puts others at risk. Now, are you ready to stop off at a café or a bar for a drink yet?”

  “No, I’m happy to continue walking, but we could grab some water.”

  He wraps his arm around my waist and we casually stroll along the waterside, stopping at a cart that is selling cold bottles of water. There are a few people mulling around like us. A young couple passes by and I hear them talking before they double back and ask Ryan for a picture with them. He obliges, and I take the photo of the three of them. He spends a few minutes talking to them about this weekend’s race before they wish us a good day and good luck.

  The farther we walk, the bigger the yachts appear to get. All this money in the one place is ludicrous. Well, that’s how it seems. I suppose the rich and famous that live and choose to holiday here have worked hard for what they have.

  I wonder if they appreciate it or take it all for granted. I appreciate everything in my life that I’ve worked damn hard for and there’s nothing I take for granted.

  There’s an empty bench, and we decide to stop and sit down. I draw in a deep breath and all the scents fill my nostrils; it’s fresh and clean.

  “This is beautiful,” I say, looking around, taking everything in. Across the harbour is what looks like a fortress wall, but I know it’s not; it’s a cliff face. I’ve admired that part of the harbour from our room’s balcony. There are a few shops farther along on the other side of the road. There are yachts before us; each one I look at is bigger than the last. There are scooters lined together that I think are for hire, a great way to whizz around and see more than just the harbour.

  “It is. I’d like to come back out with race season. I know a lot of drivers who live here.”

  “Would you? What’s stopping you from staying here?” I ask, surprised.

  “Yes. I’ve thought about it. I even stayed here in a gorgeous villa for a few months, but if I stay here I can’t help out Claire with the charity work and that’s something I enjoy doing. What about you and holiday plans?”

  “I’m happy getting a week’s holiday in Blackpool,” I say, laughing.

  “I’m sure we can manage somewhere better than Blackpool.”

  My heart starts beating quicker at the thought of us on holiday together. “Hey, don’t knock it. I love it there. I spent a lot of time there with Frank and Grace and their daughter. Lots of fond memories for me.”

  “Memories are always good, to be cherished. And then there are new memories to make.” The smile on his face and look in his eyes have my heart skipping a beat. Surely he can’t mean memories we make together? Although, regardless of us, I think I’ll have good memories of my time with the hottest F1 driver Britain has to offer.

  “What’s wrong, Ellie? You’ve disappeared into your own world.”

  I turn facing him, and he takes my hand in his. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just enjoying the moment.”

  “Snap. This has been normal.”

  “Even with the couple asking for your picture?”

  “Even that. Wait until the qualifiers and race day. It’s mental, in a good way. I’ll sign posters, take selfies with fans, it’s crazy.”

that distract you from the race?”

  “No. It helps hype me up.”

  “Because that’s all you need, is to be hyped up.”

  He moves his head closer to mine. Those perfect lips almost in touching distance. His rough stubble so close to my face I can almost feel it. “I’m hyped up now, for you,” he says softly before his lips crush against mine in a kiss that should be reserved for the bedroom.

  I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him with the same force.

  “That was unexpected,” I say breathlessly as I pull my lips from his and meet his greedy, hungry gaze.

  “Everything with you is unexpected to me,” he says, softly pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. “I think it’s time for a spot of lunch, then we can walk some more.”

  “That sounds perfect.”

  “Like you.”


  “I’m trying. I know we’re just going for lunch, but should I book us a table in a nice restaurant for tonight?”

  I think for a moment and I already know what I want. “No. We’ll just order room service and eat…”

  He interrupts and finishes my sentence, bringing a huge smile to my face. “On the balcony and watch the sun set. That sounds like the perfect end to our day.”

  Doesn’t it just.

  Chapter 23

  The cool breeze tonight is refreshing and welcome after all the walking we’ve done in the sun. I realise now that I should’ve taken my sun cream out with me; my shoulders are a little red, although not too sore. Ryan, ever the gentleman, ensured I had plenty of aloe vera after sun on as soon as we arrived back in our suite.

  I stroll toward the balcony, taking my time because I don’t want our day to end. It’s been perfection since the minute I woke up. Ryan is leaning on the balustrade, looking out across the harbour, still dressed in his shorts and t-shirt, minus the cap. I wonder what’s going through his head. I’d imagine thoughts of the Grand Prix. The table has been set and there is a trolley with covered plates. A bottle of champagne is chilling in an ice bucket.

  I smile and step toward him. He spins around, and his eyes travel down my body before he grins when he sees that I’m wearing one of his white shirts. I shrug.

  “That looks hot on you.”

  “I didn’t know what to change into,” I say with a soft, nervous chuckle.

  “Come here.” He opens his arms and I walk two small steps and then he pulls me close to him. I wrap my arms around his waist. His head is resting on mine and he inhales deeply, smelling my freshly washed hair. “I could stand here with you in my arms all night long.”

  “I think we’d get very tired,” I joke. “Or I’d at least have shaky legs and then you’d have to keep a hold of me.”

  “I think I could manage that.”

  I revel in the warmth and closeness of him, with the cool sea breeze filtering through the air. “I ordered food,” he tells me.

  “Yes, and I see champagne. Are we celebrating?”


  “What are we celebrating?” I ask, lifting my head until I can see his face.

  “Life. Feeling so alive.” I can only nod to his words because that is how I feel; alive. “We should eat before it gets cold,” he says with a quick kiss to my forehead. I nod in agreement.

  “Madam,” Ryan says, pulling my seat out for me. I sit down and watch him open the champagne and pour two glasses before placing the covered plates on the table. He removes the cover from the plate before me. “Have I made a good choice?” he asks as I stare at the food.

  “Yes.” Salmon fillet with fresh vegetables and new potatoes. “Thank you.” He takes the seat opposite me and I smile when I see he has ordered the same for himself.

  “A toast,” he says, raising his glass. I lift mine. “To life and us.”

  With a smile, we clink our glasses. “To life and us,” I say hesitantly, and I hope he didn’t notice.

  We talk as we eat, mostly about me, which I find hard because I’ve never really opened up about myself. No one has ever been that interested in my past, but Ryan is different. I feel at ease with him. He doesn’t judge me on my mother’s mistakes, which is something I always worry about; being compared to her. He listens as I talk easily about my family, Frank and Grace, and my unofficial adopted sister; that’s what Beth calls me. I’m happy as I talk about spending time with the three of them, and also, my work.

  The food is great, company is perfect, and the champagne is flowing. I’m relaxed and I can tell Ryan is too, although it’s in my head that he will close off to me to concentrate on what he’s here in Monaco for; racing.

  When we’ve finished eating, Ryan clears away the plates, sitting them on the trolley and puts another bottle of champagne in the ice bucket. I stand and stretch, feeling a little tired and stiff.

  Our balcony is more like a rooftop terrace, with sun loungers as well as the eating area. We’ve been here since Sunday and this is the first time I’ve taken time to appreciate where we are. I walk slowly along the balcony, my eyes looking far out and straining to see where the sky and blue sea meet. His footsteps follow me.

  “Look, from here I can see how far we walked today,” I tell him, turning my head slightly and glancing over my shoulder.

  “Here, your drink.” I take the glass from his hand and take a sip before he refills my glass. “We did walk for what seemed like miles, but I enjoyed every step we took.”

  “Today is a day I’ll cherish forever,” I say, knowing in my heart that I will.

  He wraps his free arm around my waist. I lean into the warmth of his body and stare out into the sky. “New memories to be made and shared together.” I watch him take a drink, a hundred questions swirling around my head, wanting to know what he means. The words, ‘us’ and’ together’ have been used frequently today.

  But I don’t say anything. Instead, I turn back, facing the horizon, sipping at the champagne in the comfort of Ryan’s arm and watch with an unwavering gaze as a fiery red light slowly moves towards the horizon. The dancing lights linger in the sky, mingling with the soft rolling clouds, dyeing the heavens orange, then red, and then blue as the sun dips beneath the horizon. Standing still with Ryan by my side and the noise of the street rumbling beneath us, I can’t take my eyes away from the now dark sky.

  “That was beautiful,” I finally say.

  “I don’t know if you’re being serious or if that’s the cocky side of you.”

  “Let’s get something straight, sweetheart.” I smile at the use of his term of endearment. “Since day one, I don’t think the cocky side, as you put it, has really been given a chance. When I say you’re beautiful, I mean it, so you should believe me.”

  “Okay,” I mutter with a yawn

  “You’re tired.”


  “Liar,” he says as I yawn again.

  “I am but I don’t want this day to end.”

  “Me neither, but when I go to bed, I’m happy knowing, I’ll be waking up with you tucked safely in my arms.”

  “That sounds a little romantic.”

  “I think the whole day has been very romantic.”

  “This coming from the F1 playboy.” My stomach does somersaults at my own words, pangs of jealousy filling me.

  “Ouch, you’ve hurt my heart. But I suppose I deserve that. That’s a reputation I wish I didn’t have.”

  I don’t say the words out loud, but I wish the same.

  “I want to stay out here just a little while longer,” I plead with him. I had and still have plans for us. Sleep can wait, for now.

  “Fine, for a while. But I’m getting comfortable and back off my feet.” Ryan walks toward one of the sun loungers, taking his glass of champagne with him. A warm, fuzzy feeling bubbles in my stomach. Little does he know that is exactly where I want him, although I’m sure he will catch on pretty quickly to what I had in mind.

  I watch him sit down and cross his legs. He leans back, closes his eyes, and I drink
him in. His skin has a warm glow from all the sun he’s been in today. He’s happy and relaxed, not what I thought he would be days before the Grand Prix.

  But I’m not going to dwell on that. Instead, I’m going to focus on here and now, and what I’m about to do.

  With a deep breath and excitement filling me, slowly and with confidence, I stride toward him. He must know I’m near, but his eyes don’t open. I bend and remove the glass from his hand.

  “I might’ve still been drinking that,” he says, a cocky grin on his face.

  Without answering, I straddle him. His eyes open and widen in surprise at my sudden braveness. “Now, this might be much more interesting.”

  I pull his shirt up a little, revealing what is underneath. “Fucking hell, woman. This is definitely about to get much more interesting.”

  I smile smugly. Yes, it is.

  He wraps his arms around me, pulling my face to his. Our lips meet in a long, slow kiss. Not what I wanted, but it’s better than I had expected. His arms caress my back as he holds onto me tightly.

  I might have taken the lead, but I’m under no illusion that he is the one firmly in control, and that’s just the way I like it.

  “You’re full of surprises,” he whispers against my lips. My mind flicks back to the sex against the wall, taking me hard and fast.

  “Not just a pretty face?” My cheeks flush at his words and my last thought.

  “Oh, Ellie, you are so much more than a pretty face. You need to believe that because I see so much more in you.”

  I silence him with another kiss. This time I feel the urgency and desire between us and I press myself against his erection. I run my hands over his shoulders and down his back, clawing at him, holding him, needing him. I slip my tongue into his mouth. My body presses against his. My tongue dancing with his.

  The need.

  The desire.

  His hands leave my back and cup my face, warm fingertips brushing tenderly over my cheeks. Our kiss slows and comes to a stop and he rests his forehead against mine. He’s thinking, and I don’t want him to think. I need him to feel.


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