Kindles of War

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Kindles of War Page 38

by Nicol Terra

  “Rachel!” Ahn yelled. Rachel blinked a few times as Ahn rushed towards her, panting heavily

  “You okay?” He asked.

  “Minus a few third-degree burns? I am fine.” She shrugged.

  “Good to hear.” He said.

  “That must be-” She said.

  “Illevetar” Ahn added.

  The two ran down a mile and within ten minutes, they found nothing left except a small crater a few thousand meters wide and ten meters deep. Illevetar laid in the center, eyes closed. The entire crater was fuming with vapor.

  “Holy shit!” Ahn exclaimed. Rachel then felt a few dozen soldiers' miles behind her heading their way. Ahn aura turned instantly purple as he turned around.

  “No time, we need to leave.” Rachel said, lifting up Illevetar and carrying her on Rachel’s back. She stumbled for a moment and fell face first into the ground. Ahn let out a small laugh

  “Lemme carry her, I am more physically inclined, anyway.” Ahn said.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Rachel rose and cooed, tossing the unconscious Illevetar to Ahn, as the two ran southbound. They rushed to the city gate and were greeted by the green forest. Even after spending nearly two weeks in the city, she still felt a sense of familiarity in the forest. The trees warped around, choking plants of moonlight as the small shrubs hid from the sun and stayed close to the ground. These shrubs were dark blue and black, tainted with some strange Magic Rachels could sense, but not pinpoint.

  Hours passed as they too laid near the tree trunks, panting wildly as they struggled to catch their breath as if their air won the race and they sat, weakened and defeated.

  “Oh god, I never ran so much in my life,” Ahn said.

  Rachel spat and panted. “Agreed, but we won.” Rachel raised her fist in the air.

  “You hear that you dumbasses, we won!” She said, slinking her arm back down as she continued to smack her lips and breathe slowly.

  “I am all for celebrating, but we have to get up soon.” He said.

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Thanks for reminding me, lemme just revel in my small, personal victory for a while.”

  “You got a few seconds.” Ahn sighed. Rachel nodded as she laid her head on a tree trunk. She felt her crystal use strain her. She tried to release some of her lightning, only for nothing to come out.

  “Crystals provide a unique ability, right?” Ahn asked

  Rachel spat, her mouth tasted like hot iron. She nodded tiredly as she shot a gaze to Ahn.

  Ahn sighed. “Surprised we survived.”

  “Most of them were regular soldiers, literal weaklings,” Rachel added.

  “Elementals are stronger than they are.” He said.

  Rachel shrugged. “Have you considered the fight between a large, well-trained battalion versus one water boi?”

  Ahn laughed. “I see what you did there.”

  “Ioja and Yas wouldn't have laughed.” She said.

  “I bet your sense of humor erodes after a few weeks of siege and unease.” He said.

  Rachel shrugged. “True.”

  Illevetar fingers twitched for a moment. Rachel turned her head to Illevetar. Her body was white, and her eyes were glued closed. Her body spasmed out randomly, and her stomach was burnt.

  “I mean, at least she is alive,” Ahn said. Rachel accepted half-heartedly. Rachel knew Illevetar for about a month, and she had a lot of thoughts. Spoiled, yet kind. Pampered, yet hard-headed. Naïve, yet far more educated than Rachel was. Rachel turned to Illevetar, weakened. She couldn't help and hide her head behind her legs.

  “I feel bad.” Rachel frowned.

  “Why?” Ahn inquired.

  “Because I should have helped her earlier.” She frowned.

  Ahn said nothing, walking over slowly to Illevetar. He picked her up and leaned her against a nearby trunk.

  “Do you regret parting ways with her?”Ahn asked.

  Rachel nodded.

  “We couldn't watch her all the time, and she is an adult. She is like me, someone trying to find herself.” Ahn said. He spat as he pulled out from his pack of Chakra Chains, only to find they were empty. He let out a curse

  “Like you?” Rachel asked

  “My last name, Rachel. It's Kyung.”

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Mine is Ora.”

  Ahn turned to Rachel, his eyes wide. He looked both confused and angry.

  “Ora? The Ora Family?” He said.

  “I am disowned my family, but it is technically my name.” She said, only to let out a shrug. “Royals don’t matter to me. I don’t care if you are rich or poor, you are fine to me if you are a good person.”

  Ahn walked back over to his trunk, sitting across from Rachel as he shot her a glare.

  “So you're rich?” Ahn asked.

  “My dad was. I moved out on my own when I was twelve.” She answered.

  “Twelve?” Ahn gasped, coughing once and spitting on the ground.

  “I got a small job, paid rent, and I trained. I trained a lot.” She said. She always did remember the sword play she learned from her rather. Using a knife was her preferred weapon, but it still was better then being unarmed.

  “And that is why you are so skilled.” Ahn said.

  “And you? You're rich, yet unlike Illevetar, you know how to fight.” Rachel said.

  Ahn looked away. Rachel raised a brow, standing up to walk over to Ahn, her eyes staring at him. She leaned close to him, Ahn blushing in response.

  “I fought a lot. I loved to Duel.” Ahn said. Rachel said nothing, walking over slowly around him and staring at him. Ahn was motionless, leaning on the trunk, his breathing steady. He was blushing, but his eyes were strangely fierce.

  She walked away and sat on the trunk.

  “One minute, then we are on the trail again.” Rachel said. Ahn face flushed back to his normal coloration. He nodded in agreement.

  The path in front of the two was a simple dirt road. Despite her own desires, she stayed on the path to avoid any missed time. Ahn carried an unconscious Illevetar. Her breathing stabilized, and the only significant injury it seemed was the burnt hole in her stomach stopped all bleeding.

  “I wonder where Xin is.” Rachel said. The two quietly were walking on the path for an hour, and Ahn shrugged.

  “I got my own thoughts right now,” Ahn said. Rachel raised a brow.

  “Pretty sure the Lieutenants escaped.” Rachel added.

  “To where?” Ahn asked.

  “Nearby camp?” Rachel added to the question.

  “To who?” Ahn asked again.

  Rachel raised a finger, then lowered it. She grumbled to herself. “Xin.”

  Ahn smiled. “You want a medal?”

  “Fuck you.” Rachel said. Ahn giggled.

  “I didn‘t expect you to take so long.” Ahn said.

  “Sue me, I am tired.” Rachel groaned.

  “Your brain is also fried?”Ahn said.

  Rachel flipped him off jokingly as she swung her head forward again. The forest faded away into a golden plain. The two suns peaked in the distance, someone cut the plains in half by a river. The crystal blue water sparkled fractals of light. The river was over a quarter of a mile wide and stretched for miles. She raised a brow.

  “I realized we have to cross a river.” She said.

  “How about we stare ahead?” He said.

  Rachel stared, and she saw something she never expected. The walled city had dozens of gates, each gate linked to a smaller river. The gates waddled as the water freely inside the city. The gates connected to the stone wall and a faint, blue sphere covered the city. Rachel sensed it, it was Water. She turned to Ahn, who nodded.

  “So sphere of enchanted Water? This Chieftain might be stronger than Yas.” Rachel added.

  “Magic Bubble, they are not expecting us, or they are prepared.” He said.

  Rachel pointed above with Ahn swinging his head up. A single, black cloud stretched beyond the horizon, hiding the two suns as
quickly as they appeared.

  “What is that?” She said.

  “I think it is a Water Spell.” Ahn said.

  “Never seen it.” Rachel said.

  “I am taking an educated guess.” Ahn said

  “There!” A loud voice said. Rachel swung around to see a dozen soldiers behind her. Rachel turned back to the river, trying to jump in the river only for her to trip and fall in the dirt.

  “Hey Rachel, I know you are tired, but this isn‘t the time to sleep!” Ahn cooed.

  “Ahn.” Rachel growled..

  “Yeah?” Ahn let out a small sarcastic smile.

  “Fuck you.” Rachel said. Ahn shook his head, trying to jump across the river, only to fall.

  “What the hell?” Ahn said.

  Rachel swung her knife around as a dozen soldiers rushed to her. She shouldn't use her Lightning Element, it would only tire her out.

  “Ahn, it‘s enchanted.” She cursed.

  “Bending, you mean?” He swung in the river.

  Rachel nodded, then she turned back to the river as blasts of wind shot past them. Rachel thought for a second and threw her knife in the air. Her crystal shined slightly as the river water flew up to her dagger. Rachel feet buckled for a moment as she struggled to lift the river, her body starting to give out. She felt her body grow numb, only to be raised by Ahn before she could fall. She crawled her feet across the new dirt road for them. The river was not too deep, only a solid ten feet, yet it was a wide river. Blasts of wind shot at them, with Rachel blocking each shot with a small, circular shield of air before it can hit her. She would fight, but she needed to get Illevetar in the city.

  Then, halfway through the river, she saw one of the large, wooden gates slide up. A few boats popped out from the gate as dozens of soldiers rushed out, holding guns. They pointed and Rachel eyes closed.

  “Please tell me they don‘t think we are the enemy.” She prayed.

  The soldiers blasted shots of across the river as the soldiers behind her were shot down. In a mile, the shots crossed in a millisecond, and the fighting was over.

  Rachel collapsed, as the river fell on the two. She felt water rush inside her lung, only for Ahn to pick her up.

  Rachel stumbled and snatched her knife falling from the sky. Her eyes twitched.

  “I'm hungry.” She grumbled.

  “Well, we got a friendly greeting, maybe we can get a free meal if we tell them we will defend them.” He exhaled.

  “Can I get paid now?” She joked.

  Rachel's eyes widened as Ahn turned to her and smiled. The two crossed the river in ten minutes, and they were greeted by soldiers rush towards them.

  “This one stomach is burnt, she needs Medical Attention!”

  “Get a Shaman on this one!”

  Rachel slammed her feet in the ground, trying to force her balance once more.

  “I'm fine.” She said, brushing aside a soldier. The man nodded and walked away.

  One Soldier walked up to the two. He had a single gold star on his armor, the rank of Major given to him. He was human, and Rachel's eyes widened.

  “Tom?” Rachel asked. Tom was five foot even, the same height as Rachel and was fairly well built. He had a white suit of shining armor and had gentle, yet fierce eyes. Most Forwards chose their own cliques, and Tom was a friend of Rachel’s friends. The few she had, at least.

  “Been a while,” Tom said.

  “You know him?” Ahn asked.

  Rachel shook her head. “Sort of, we are just fellow forwards.”

  “Yeah, and the only high-level military to command.” He said. Rachel shot him a glare, only for him to finish the sentence. “Technically Forwards are retroactively given the ranks of Lieutenants, so I am right.”

  “You got three fighters close to Lieutenants in power,” Ahn said.

  “Stronger than Lieutenants.” Rachel said Ahn brushed her comment aside

  “Three vs. Three. We can win.” Ahn said confidently.

  The man nodded. “Come, we have a strategy to discuss. Oh, and Rachel?”

  Rachel's eyes widened as she tilted her head.

  “Where is Liam?” Tom said.

  Rachel took a step back. She forgot about him, and he was supposed to show up.

  “No idea.” She said.

  Tom sighed. “Then it's true then.”

  “What is true?” She asked.

  “Rachel, let's talk privately.” He said. Ahn and Rachel both blinked.

  “Uhh, what?” Ahn asked.

  “Kragg Business,” Tom added. Ahn rolled his eyes, but Rachel turned back to Tom.

  “Fine.. just let's make this quick.” Rachel said, her tone and mind was exhausted as she was unable to form a coherant sentence. “Just give me some time, I might need to catch up on some sleep.”

  The bells rang in the air, shattering Erudite’s eardrums. Her eyes broke opened as she grumbled.

  “All right, You Butterflies! Get up, get up, get up! Today is test day!” Jay said, yelling and shaking the beds. Erudite floated downward, stretching and fluttering her wings. Rose and Tina were sound asleep as Eve and Evelyn drifted downward. Eve flew slowly to Erudite, pointing at Rose and Tina, who were still asleep.

  “Want me to do it, or you wanna do it?” Eve asked.

  “Eh. It is funnier if you did it.”Erudite smirked.

  Eve smiled, dropping a ball of water on the two as they shot upward. Tina flew and hit her head on the ceiling, and Rose fell face first on the ground.

  “Good Morning, had a nice nap?”Erudite joked.

  “Ahh fuck you too, Eru!” Rose said. Tina merely cursed, rubbing the side of her face.

  “This better be worth such a wake-up call.” She growled

  “Get up guys. We are doing the physical and the test.!” Evelyn said. Both Tina and Rose stumbled up, a few moments later, Robin walked in and yawned.

  “Yo, you ready?” Eve inquired. Robin nodded, taking one more yawn, his wings fluttering.

  “Give me a moment.” Robin yawned, his tone as quiet as a mouse.

  Jay came in the room, his eyes widening and veins ready to pop out at any moment.

  “Up, up, up!”Jay said, throwing his hands in the air repeatedly. Jay flew to Erudite.

  “You're in charge, get your squad up and in the field in ten minutes.” He spat

  Erudite nodded and saluted him. The two left apart.

  Erudite landed on the ground, walking forward to the exit door. Robin sneaked back out to head to the field and Rose drooped below. Erudite felt a frown inch on her face.

  “Don't worry about it, Just pass and Let's kick ass.” She said. Rose smiled back at Erudite.

  Evelyn smiled, Tina added a coo.

  “Aww, so cute! You are so forgiving.” She said dryly. Her sarcasm when something was serious always did make Erudite twitch with annoyance at times.

  She rolled her eyes, Tina voice more jarring than usual. “Shut it, I wanna pass so we can kick out some invaders.”

  Tina smirked, Rose flying up to Erudite.

  “Oh, wait, we are getting deployed to the South Gate?” Rose asked.

  “Or West Gate. I don't know.” Erudite said. Tina darted her gaze away. Erudite knew what she was thinking. She patted Tina on the back.

  “Don't worry. I will make sure you get your neighborhood back.”Erudite said. Tina lifted her gaze up, not with a smile, but with a nod.

  “And mine!” Rose said, smacking her fist in her right palm repeatedly. “I am gonna kick some ass when I get out of here.”

  Erudite nodded. “Half our squad is from the Southern District.”

  Tina raised a brow. “Who is the other one?”

  “Robin. He was born in Riverside.” She said. Tina took a step back, yawning.

  The five met up with Robin and made it to the field in eight minutes. The field was a new training ground. It was a forest of trees of varying types, with the golden brown leaves flying in the air. Spores filled the air, and the forest shielded
from light. There was an invisible, greenish purple light that covered the circular forest. The forest was wild, with large trees, spores prevalent in the air. Erudite felt a small breeze of spring flush outward. It looked like Jay helped make this.

  “Oh, no,” Rose whispered

  “Well, ready for part one?” Tina asked.

  “I-” Rose started.

  Before Rose could say anything, Erudite flew over to hug her, patting her back. She parted in a few seconds, with more color returning to Rose’s face.

  “Everyone!” The room echoed. Erudite looked up, Jay floated freely above them, holding a speakerphone.

  “There are ten squads ready to be tested. The forest is just under a square kilometer in area. Those who survive the forest will be greeted by a turning river that can as easily drown you as it can slam you against the rocky cliff side. The end of the river is where the written test will be administered. You have two hours to get through the forest and the test. If you don’t make it and finish by two hours, you automatically fail.”

  “So trick question.” Rose interrupted. Eve and Evelyn turned to her.

  “What?” They both asked.

  “So if Maplesworn has the budget to build a small forest complete with a deadly river that warps or bends reality, then why couldn’ they drop us in the middle of nowhere and test us before?” Rose asked. Erudite felt this question sting for a moment as she snapped her neck in place.

  “No clue. Pretty sure-” Erudite started, only for Tina to interrupt.

  “Out of all the crazy things happening in the world you ask this?” Tina asked. Everyone around them fell around silent.

  “She is right you know,” Erudite said finally.

  “Let's just say, this built test for us could have been done better,” Rose said.

  Erudite shook her head. “Follow mine or Tina’s lead, if you can't weave advanced abilities, just stay close to us.”

  Tina nodded. “So I stop things, and we use warp bubbles to cross the test.”

  Erudite smirked. “Of course.

  “Wait, we can bend space and cheat?” Rose said, a smile forming on her face. Erudite nodded.

  “I mean, they never did separate us as individuals. We are supposed to work as a team.”

  “And we yes, we are cheating,” Tina said. “At least, stopping time and bending space is cheating reality.”


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