Kindles of War

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Kindles of War Page 50

by Nicol Terra

  “Where is this ship headed?”

  The man suddenly smiled. “OH! We are headed to Awax! We made a deal with a medium-sized university over there. Fifty million coins! This is our cargo.” He said, proudly waving his hand to the dozens of crates being carried. Despite the occupation, trade continued as usual, with the occasional hiccup in searches from the Military, it was relatively hands off. Probably because if there weren't trade, the 5 Royals for Zynthia and Maplesworn wouldn't make money, which they then would push all the pressure on their countries to force the trade. It all came back to the money, which grated Tina.

  She walked over to one crate. It held a few dozen tomes, each describing the basics of magic, math, history, writing, and mental stability. The subjects were varied, but it was all catered towards an educational setting. She felt a smile form on her face.

  “I want to join you on your journey.”

  He blinked, his voice stuttering. “I-I beg your pardon.”

  “I'll give you forty silver now via transfer pay and ten when we make shore.”

  The man rubbed his chin, confused as he leaned on the ship. Tina’s heart beat quicker; if he was suspicious, he could turn her into the Maldition or Chisean Military, both of which would probably execute her if they found out her former occupation.

  “What you heading there for?”

  Tina shrugged. “No reason.”

  “I have only men on my crew. We have a few spare rooms for you to sleep in, but it might be uncomfortable for a week.”

  She nodded. “That is fine. I wanna leave.”

  The man said nothing, taking his hand off the leaning ship as he walked over to Tina. His eyes were not filled with curiosity or anger, but compassion.

  “What reason for that?”

  Tina said nothing for a moment, took a deep breath. “To change my fate.” She answered honestly.

  The man's hand from his chin flew downward. Tina blinked as he looked to his hand extended. Taken aback, she slowly felt her hand being violently but not unpleasantly tugged as he gave a vigorous life.

  “I like yee already, what is your name lassie?” He said. She took a step back, surprised by the question.

  Tina stammered. “T-Tina.”

  “No last name? Perfect, my name is Shack.”

  “We call him Jack because he is always in his shack pumping the Jack during our journey’s.” A man said. Shack smacked him upside the head as the man laughed, quickly climbing back up to the ship.

  “Shush! The girl doesn’t need to know!”

  “Whatcha gonna do with the money when we get it, get an orgy and drown your sorrows with fine whiskey?”

  Shack cursed, raising his fist in the air and flipped them off.

  “Yeah, yeah, fuck you too.” He said, turning back to Tina, who couldn't help laugh.

  “You find that funny.”

  Tina nodded as she rolled her eyes. “I had friends like you before.”

  The man pulled out his Holosphere. “Ill take only forty. Awax is a nice place, and it is not in the jurisdictions of Mysen or Maplesworn.”


  “Silver is your only friend, and hard money is the way of life. Most of it is in your Holosphere, right?”

  Tina took a step back as Shack bellowed again.

  “Knew it. Just keep the silver you have on you. Meals are served by Pine over there, and he cooks for us.” The man pointed to a male faerie as he dropped a crate and waved at Tina. Tina shook back as Shack nodded.

  “Well, get on board. Also, there is one condition.”

  “And that is?”

  “Tell me your story when we hit the seas because I haven’t laughed at such fire and drive in over thirty years.”

  Ahn slipped off his bandages wrapped around his chest. The faint, red tinted white soaked cloth fell off as he took a quick look at the mirror in front of him. The doctor next to him wrote notes; but his body was fully recovered, no scars or anything.

  “Well, you are perfectly healed. Although I would appreciate it if you spent more time here then leave immediately.” The doctor said. Ahn shook his head.

  “Nah, that bed was comfy for a day, the other two I wanted to get out doc, ya understand, right?” He said. The doctor smile, letting out a small giggle.

  “I guess so.” He said. Passing him a piece of paper.

  A few moments later, a nurse knocked his hospital room door as he bowed for a moment.

  “Sir, we have two visitors for Ahn.” She said. Ahn nodded. It was probably Rachel and Illevetar.

  “I guess I can stay for a few moments later, hey doc.”


  “You got painkillers? I have had faint pains that riddle my upper body since the fight.”

  “Ahh, probably a side effect of the Darkness Magic. Usually, those cut would be severed in space, so you got off lucky.” He said, scrawling across his clipboard with new notes. “I'll get you two pills of anti-inflammatory drugs, they aren’t the element enhanced drugs you might be used too, but it is all I got.”

  He nodded. “Pills are fine.” He said, swinging back to his hospital bed as he laid there, crawling under the blanket. “I'll be waiting here then.”

  The nurse took her leave and then the doctor. Ahn looked to his right side as he saw two envelopes, one with a red lip mark on the back. “Thanks.” It said. Ahn blushed, setting that one aside. Illevetar still loved teasing him, and although he was getting used to it, it was hard to get over it.

  Then, he saw the door swing open. His jaw dropped as he saw two Chiseans, one male and the other female walk in. He didn’t recognize them, but the taller male had two red feathers on their chest, signifying he was part of Phoenix Feathers guild. He rolled his eyes that's the Guild in charge of this place.

  “Oh wow, that's the hero that saved hundreds of thousands, I am honored.” He said, letting a small bow out. The woman next to him blitzed over to Ahn. She had large eyes like a cat and a deadly grimace. Ahn darted away, only for the lady to pull his face around by his cheeks and letting go.

  “Yup, that's him. Ahn Kyung.”

  Ahn grimaced, if they knew his last name and they were Chisean, he only had one guess.

  “Look, if it is about my prior mission to find the Calamity Stone, I kind of got sho-”

  “Oh no, we aren’t Zynthian.” The man said. The woman raised her hand in the air, trying to get Ahn’s attention. He let out a sigh of relief.

  “Name is Yuma. This one here is Hanzo.”

  “Hanzo? Where have I heard name before?” Ahn said, scratching his chin as he tried to recall. Hanzo merely smiled and popped out some Jays for him. Ahn smiled back at him as he kindly took one out. He lit it ablaze with his fire as Hanzo took a drag from a burnt roll himself.

  Yuma scoffed. “Hanzo! This is a hospital.”

  Hanzo rolled his eyes. “Yuma, I wanna get high. Lemme get high before I go back!” Hanzo said dryly. Ahn couldn’t help laugh, and plus, the joints helped soothe his chest, fading his pain away, despite not smoking it himself.

  Minutes later, Ahn looked at the medicine bottle his doctor handed him and bolted outward, unsure if he left because of the smell, sight of smoke or to help other patients, the label on the bottle only had instructions.

  “Take one per day and no more than two per day. Side Effects may include Nausea, Heart Attacks, Dry Mouth, Upset Stomach, Mild Death, Blindness, and Fungal Infections. Almost all men who took Frinezortax experienced a severe loss in sexual performance, this is normal.”

  Ahn raised a brow, amazed as he instead quietly hid the pills in his pocket.

  “What is that for?” Yuma asked.

  “Oh, I have had a strong pain across my chest. I am better now though.” He said, taking another drag of the marijuana cigarette. Hanzo eyes narrowed for a moment as he walked over to Ahn. He leaned over his bed and placed his hand on Ahn’s shoulder. Within moments, he felt his body lose all feeling, and the pain vanishes in an instant. As he parted, he flas
hed Blue. He noticed faint, purple energy come from his body.


  He nodded. “Yeah, I just flushed your body with Life Magic, you should feel better.”

  “I.. do actually. Thanks!” He said. Hanzo smiled.

  “Small price if you listen to us,” Hanzo said. Yuma nodded as she leaned on the wall across from him.

  “How much do you know about our guild?” Yuma asked.

  Ahn blinked, her question catching him off guard. He stumbled, scratching the back of his head. “Oh, I have no clue other than you were supposed to protect this city.”

  Hanzo sighed. “Yeah, that was my bad. I was busy. Actually, I am scouring the west for strong fighters for a mission of mine.”


  “Well, before I say that, I got a present for you. It is my thanks.” He said, reaching in his back jean pocket, pulling out a red wrapped small box. He handed it to Ahn. Ahn inspected it for a moment and ripped off the red wrapping paper. A little box not much larger than his hand was inside. As he flipped off the box, it was a small pack of ‘Golds,’ a high-end pack of marijuana cigarettes, costing a single gold coin for ten premium rolls of specially bred cigarettes. He smiled and bowed.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Zynthians love our product.”

  “Our product? You mean.”

  Hanzo smiled and nodded. “Yup, I am that Hanzo. I am the owner and CEO of Gold Brands and also the leader of Phoenix Feathers.”

  Ahn pulled his roll away and hacked. He felt the irritating feeling of smoke fill his throat as he coughed into his hands. He remembered now.

  “Hanzo? The only one with an Osmium Bounty in Zynthia? The one who wants to overthrow the five royal families and Aruma?”

  He nodded. “Very same. Surprised you knew much.”

  “I am from the Kyung family.” He started, as a smile formed across his face. He felt his heart beat more quickly. “I heard you take in exiles from other families, and you unite them under your own guild.”

  “All on the nose,” Hanzo said, he took one last drag of his cigarette as the paper incinerated into nothing but ash. He pulled out a Gold Holosphere. “What's your Holo ID? I need it so we can stay in touch.”

  “So wait.” Ahn started, his mind trying to collect all the information he had gathered. He then felt it as his heart rate grew even more rapid. He felt his body soothe a few seconds later as Hanzo touched his shoulder again. “Easy there, I just met ya. I don‘t want ya dying on me.”

  “You want me to join your guild to overthrow Zynthia?” He asked.

  Yuma rolled her eyes as she swung over to look at Ahn. She nudged at Hanzo as he pulled out his pack again with his free hand. She lit it ablaze with her finger and took a drag herself.

  “Well, the first part is optional. The second part is a request. We know you are the Heir to the Kyung family, despite you shaking off your name.”

  He blushed, darting his gaze away as he clenched his bedsheets.

  “Let's just say, we know you don’t like your family. We want to overthrow the government, and if we do, you get a chance to end this war.”

  “You mean.” Ahn swung around as he slowly got out of his hospital bed. “You want to start a revolution and end this war?”

  He nodded. “That is the general plan. I have a force strong enough to compete with the army at least in raw power. We just need numbers.”

  “And the goal is to form a coup, I am sure you are aware of the tensions between the five other families.”

  He shook his head. He reached to his left desk for his Holosphere and popped it on. He pressed the news app as he slid his fingers down the headlines.

  “Sin vs. Kyung. A family divided against each other.”

  “Riots across Cosmow and Gru raise the question of Martial Law being imposed.”

  “Beaten and Silenced: Journalists imprisoned left and right, without trial. Aruma faces condemnation from Kragg from his actions, “more sanctions to come.“”

  He felt his jaw drop; he was speechless. He was just on the continent a month ago, everything was fine. The soldiers were afraid to go to war, sure, but the people were relaxed. He smacked his lips together, swallowing his spit.

  “What changed?”

  “Politics.” Hanzo started. “Aruma is losing power, the gap between the rich and poor continue to widen with the Royal families divided among themselves. Yukari Unmei, a prominent Princess to the Unmei family just mysteriously quit. Tensions are high. And the war is unpopular as well.”

  “Last I checked. “ Yuma started. “The war is at sixty percent disapproval.”

  “The Battle of Agall was a failure too. A ceasefire is now in the air, and we are now missing a tenth of our soldiers. The momentum is gone.”

  “So in other words, one failure after another and the people want out,” Ahn said. Hanzo nodded.

  “That's right. Aruma is scared that a revolution will take place. Which he is right, but we need one more key before we make our move.”

  “What is that?” Ahn asked. Hanzo nudged at Ahn, leaving him confused.

  “You. We need a mole in on the Kyung Family. They are the only family in support of Aruma. Hell, even the neutral Unmei family is turning against Aruma. War isn’t good for business.”

  “So you want me to inform you about our inner workings?” Ahn finished. Yuma nodded, a smirk forming across her face.

  “Well, if you say no, we can at least give you a spare Airsail to the west. If you say yes, we will pay you well.”

  “I don‘t want money,” Ahn said, he scoffed at that notion. He left the Kyung family for having too much money. He hated having money and being bound to expectations. The idea of begging at Father’s feet to let him back into the Main Family. Disgusted him. Yet the idea of dismantling it was enticing. “I wonder if Uncle Jimin is still okay… I guess if I ask him for help, he will do it.”

  He took a long sigh and smirked at the two. “I'll do it. But give me a week.”

  “A week? For what?”

  He smiled. “Rachel leaves in six days I think and Illevetar in four. I wanna say bye to my new friends before I leave.”

  Ahn pulled out his phone app as he showed Hanzo a black QR Code. He scanned it with Hanzo adding him on his Holosphere. He nodded. “For the record, I hate the Kyung family. The idea of going back disgusts me. But I have something personal to gain from this.”

  “Oh, and what is that?”

  Ahn smile faded, his face turned stern as his eyes turned a faint red. “Pure satisfaction of watching my father’s business empire fall.”

  Breaking News: “One hundred Maldition Squads, once poised to take Idera was surprised to be defeated in the Battle of Tenclo. Thousands of refugees move to the small city of Tenclo, as three brave warriors defeated the commanders while maintaining minimal causalities. One of which is known as the Flash of the West, a forward from Kragg and the other two are only identified as Chisean and Elven. While their work was honored and celebrated across the islands, the outside world worry as tensions remain high between Kragg, Mysen, and Zynthia, all of which are opposed to each other. Nicholas, Aruma, and Maya had no comment on this matter while Eraz stated it was only a ‘Setback.’ Hundreds of Volunteers from Kragg are now destined to make landfall in a week to help rebuild the lost property.”

  Illevetar smiled, laying in bed with bandages covering across her body. In a few days, she has decided to lay back, watching movies on her Holosphere and chatting with her two new friends in a group chat. Rachel's hair was tied in a ponytail and Ahn having a new scar on his right cheek.

  “Ahh man, you lost a point in cuteness,” Illevetar said. Ahn blushed.

  “It isn‘t my fault!”

  Rachel giggled. “Yeah, because we get scars on purpose.”

  “I am sure it happens!”

  “You got it from a duel. What did you expect?”

  Illevetar shrugged. “I can heal you later if you want.”

  Ahn sh
ook his head. “I think I will just see the local doctor.”

  “The doctor here doesn’t know how to weave elements. He gives you pills.”

  “Asprin doesn’t seem too bad.” Ahn sighed. “Plus, we have free healthcare in Zynthia. I am probably swinging by after I recover.”

  “When will the doctor release you completely?”

  “Tomorrow.” He said. “He told me it was free of charge, something about saving the city.”

  “I leave today,” Illevetar said.

  Rachel giggled. “Speaking of that. Do you plan on going back home?”

  Illevetar nodded. “Probably, but I might take you up on that offer you suggested.”

  Ahn grumbled. “I am unsure what I will do, but I am leaving the island.”

  “Well, wanna make it a final day out then?” Illevetar asked the two nodded in agreement.


  “Lemme just sneak out of this hospital, and I'll see you soon.”

  Illevetar smiled. “Let's meet up at a Bubble Mart!”

  Illevetar was given a key to her newfound house. She, Rachel and Ahn got a house donated to by the city. Although Illevetar giggled as soon as she left every time to get something to eat as thousands of people would walk up to her and ask for an autograph. The people know her now, they ‘forgot’ to mention to the press it was Princess Illevetar.

  “Princess!” A child-like voice came from the back. She looked as she locked her front door with her Holosphere. She smiled. The child had a pink dress, holding a teddy bear with a picture of the three under her bear. The child blushed, she started, only for Illevetar to pull out a small pen.

  “It is okay, show me the picture. I'll sign it for you.”

  The child smiled, putting down her teddy bear and held out the picture of the three. Ahn, Rachel, and Illevetar posed in front of the city hall, with confetti. The city leader and the last ‘Ace’ left named Zane handed us a golden plaque which we were all holding. Illevetar and Rachel were hugging each other while Ahn was leaning on the podium in the city square, making a peace sign. Illevetar couldn’t help smile every time she autographed these pictures because it felt like a reward for her hard work.


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