Kindles of War

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Kindles of War Page 52

by Nicol Terra

  “Eobomune is affiliated with Angel’s Light, a Guild that acts as the sole defense against the outside world. Their acts are legendary as they repelled even an attack from Eraz years ago.”

  Tom gulped. “Wow.”

  “Their leader is Talulah, she is regarded as an equal to the five great royals that rule our world. She is one of eight guild leaders so strong that not even Eraz would consider attacking her recklessly.” Zane continued

  “Hence why Perth exists,” Rachel added

  Zane nodded. “Perth has just over five hundred million people in the walls. They are the Finance Hub of the world, Eobomune is strategically located near Zynthia, Mysen, Maplesworn, and Kulso.”

  “So that is why it's a Gem, it's a Trade Gem,” Rachel added, which Tom nodded.

  “One Royal family from Kulso has claimed from Eobomune, and the largest corporations that rule finance and book-keeping live here. Despite the Royal Family presence, society is has a high safety net. Low crime, low poverty and not affiliated with anyone other than Angel Feather.”

  “Sounds like a plan. We go, shop around, stock up and fly out.”

  “Eobomune does have a Forward Agreement with Kragg, interested in a job?” Zane asked. Rachel rolled her eyes.

  “Not really. I wanna fuck around.”

  “Well good, because I have someone who wants to join you on your journey.”

  Rachel slid her gaze to the right, a single Faerie woman greeted them. She had white wings and wore a gold-colored dress. Rachel raised a brow, only for the woman to fly up to her and hug her.

  “Oh, my god! I get to meet her!” She said, squeezing tighter. “You are the Flash of the West! You saved us!” She said, snuggling up to her. Rachel pointed quietly at her as Zane nodded.

  “That's Blossom. She is not exactly the looker, but she has hands down the most experience with Alexandria or Lindus, so take her on your journey.”

  Zane said, only for Blossom to turn around and pout.

  “God, what is that supposed to mean! I haven't aged in fifty years, and I still look cuter than a cinnamon bun!”

  Zane took a step back. “I-I mean, I am just saying you don‘t look as professional!”

  Blossom playfully jabbed his side and groaned. “I do too! Look at my dress! Made with the finest gold silk enchanted by the finest magicians! You shush now, or else I will blind you for a week!”

  Zane cursed and took another step back. “Any case, she is yours. She knows the place well.”

  Rachel smiled. “I have room in my airsail?”

  “You have an Airsail?” Tom inquired

  “Oh! Can I have a room next to yours?”

  Rachel scratched her head. “It only has a bed.” She said, then she remembered the room next to the Holocube did have two sleeping bags rolled up somewhere. “Actually, you okay sleeping in a bag?”

  “First time for everything.”

  “Then we leave in a week!” Rachel exclaimed. One part of her journey ended, another part is ready to begin.

  “How is she?” A faint male voice said in the background.

  “Her arm is totally gone, and her heart is struggling to pump blood correctly, but she will live.”

  “Oh, no.” She heard, it sounded like Ryunsun.

  “Losing a Legion Commander in combat is bad, but her weakening is worst.”

  “That's another thing.” The doctor said she saw a dozen of small lights wake her up slowly. “This seems to be permanent.”

  “What?” Ryo said.

  “Usually after a fight, a people's energy will return even if it takes a day to recover. Her body is as recovered as it will get, but she weaker.”

  “How much so?”

  “I think she is awake,” Ryunsun said.

  Yukari eyes widened, the static in her ears faded as she turned to see Ryunsun to her right side. His eyes were red, and his cheeks were crimson. She turned to her left to see Ryo, his eyes were the same, only for her to feel a large hug embrace as Ryo hid himself.

  “Oh god, I am sorry, I am so sorry,” Ryo said, tears rushing down his eyes. “I knew it. We should have waited! I put you in danger.”

  “Ryo...” Ryunsun started.

  “I don't wanna hear it.” Ryo spat, Yukari looked to see Ryunsun take a step back as Yukari felt sorrow fill her heart. Even Ryunsun didn't deserve that. Then, Ryo's face inched a frown, something rare to her.

  “I am lucky you are alive, but we almost-” Ryo started, only for him to stop mid-sentence. Yukari looked at her right arm, a small, closed off stub where it used to be. She felt it. It was if it was hundreds of miles away, she felt it though. Every time she would try to move it though, her stub only stayed still.

  “Doctor,” Yukari said, her voice broke apart. She took a second to clear her throat, trying to relax and take a few deep breaths. “How bad is it?” She wobbled.

  “Its..” The man started, pulling out a white Holosphere as an image of Yukari appeared on the screen. Her arm was missing, and a red circle around her heart were the only highlights. “Neither your arm nor heart want to recover. We tried everything. We even had a Time Mage try. It did not work.”

  “I tried Undoing the damage too,” Ryunsun said, only for him to shake his head. “I can‘t undo the effect though.”

  “I am sorry, but we tried everything. Your body does not want to recover.” The doctor said, planting his hand on her left shoulder. “I have other patients. Press the button on your bed if you need me.” He said, packing his white Holosphere away, as he left. The sounds of the monitor next to her beeping made her feel uneasy.

  Ryo took a step back, a few moments later his eyes regained composure.


  "Yeah?" She squeaked. His eyes started to fade into a cold, chilling stare that shivered through her spine. It was not how Ryo usually was, and he was stressed and tired.

  He handed her a letter and then walked away.

  “Ryo-” Yukari started, only for Ryunsun to stop her by raising his hand in the air.

  “I have a lot to explain, please. Just listen.”

  Yukari said nothing, and for once, she did listen. She grabbed the letter with her left hand and flipped it open. A small card made her voice break.

  “It's over.”

  “I-” Yukari sobbed, she slammed her left hand in her face as she started to tremble. Her heart was pumping. Her muscles were fading. She felt sadness. Her throat was full as she started to shake. Her will, her image that she built up over the years was now shattered. She wailed. "I was a fool!" She cried. She planted her face near Ryunsun, who petted her head. She lost her arm, she lost her pride, and now she lost her boyfriend?

  “Ryo almost got demoted because of what he did. It isn‘t you.”

  “Then, you guys-”

  “We failed, and then we almost heard you got carried away as a prisoner of war, but Ryo saved you. After he took you back though, him breaking a truce almost got him court-martialled. The courts agreed to let it slide, but he told me it was too much.”

  “He… almost lost his job, for me?” Yukari said Ryunsun nodded his face turned somber. Yukari then let out a small chuckle, turning away from Ryunsun as she stared directly in front of her.

  “I don’t deserve it. I should have died.”


  “I was a terrible person.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I did terrible things. How many have I killed? Thousands? Tens of thousands? I thought I was strong, and I thought I could do anything. I couldn’t! I don‘t deserve to be alive.”

  Ryunsun said nothing as Yukari felt her breathing intensify. She held her tears back as she tried to calm down. She then saw an image of the angel in her head.

  “Did she spare me?” Yukari asked.

  “Yukari… what happened?”

  Yukari swung her head around at Ryunsun, who took a seat near her. He looked directly at her, attentive and compassionate.

  “I beat Tanyl. Then I saw somet
hing I never thought I would see.”


  “An angel?”

  Ryunsun blinked twice. “An Angel?”

  She nodded. “She… cursed my arm and took it from me, She even dug her sword in my heart. I saw myself, dead, and I was a soul. I-”

  “So you saw an Angel, and that is why you are like this?” Ryunsun said, shaking his head. “You expect me to believe?”

  She felt her heart sink. “I am telling the truth!”

  “Angels don’t attack people-”

  “Yes, they do,” Yuki said, rolling into the room as she swung the door open. She had a bandage across her nose and cheek as she looked at Yukari. She darted her gaze away, unable to look at her former comrade.

  “Yuki, don’t entertain her fantasy-”

  “Ryunsun, Angels are not purely good, ya know.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Ryunsun, I can‘t believe you are making me do this, but Yukari is not crazy.”

  She took a pause as she felt a smile form across her face, then a giggle. “Although I wish she were.”

  Her giggle became a quiet snicker as she tried to look at Yukari, only for her to stop mid-laugh as she turned back to Ryunsun, confused and disgusted.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t rub it her in her face.”

  “Yeah, you shouldn’t,” Ryunsun said.

  Yuki rolled her eyes. “Ever heard of the Eight World Theory?”

  “You mean that the Eight Species that call Alatorem home come from the eight moons? Yeah, I heard of it. It is stupid too.”

  “Well, what if I told you, I went to Dulsa.”

  “Dulsa?” Yukari said, swinging her head around. Yuki nodded.

  “Yeah, it is one moon. The furthest, actually. It is around a million miles away. It is a moon inhabited only by Angels.”

  “Crazy talk. Even Angels in our world attack no one, they are afraid of us like all other species!

  “The ones from the moons are actually far stronger than the ones here. They are the progenitor race, and they could wipe out Zynthia in a heartbeat if they wanted.” Yuki said, nudging at Yukari for a moment. “Exhibit A.”

  Yukari rolled her gaze as Ryunsun face turned somber. “Fine, assuming you are correct, then what are they doing here?”

  “How should I know? I said I knew they inhabit the moon and they are probably stronger than our nation. I do not understand what is going on... I ain‘t psychic.”

  “Well, what did you see?”

  Yuki froze, as she let out a small shake, only for her to regain her composure.


  “You didn’t see anything. You passed out, didn’t you?” Yukari answered. Yuki eyes blinked a few times as she nodded.

  “That's right, actually.”

  “So what, our attacker just puts people to sleep?”

  “No, what I did see before that was a red cross and a white circle around it, and then I passed out. I woke up elsewhere. In fact, I didn’t remember until today.”

  “That's convenient,” Ryunsun grumbled.

  Yukari then held her head for a moment, trying to recall all the memories she had. She heard the angel’s voice, but her words were completely hallowed, she said something, but she couldn’t remember what.

  “I remember her saying something,” Yukari said, Yuki nodded as she walked over to Yukari.

  “Yeah, she said something too.’

  “What was it?” Ryunsun asked.

  “I don‘t remember.” They both said.

  Ryunsun slammed his hands into the ground and then facepalmed himself “Great, your memories are on the north side of useless.” He got up from his chair as he stopped, just a few feet from the door.

  “I wanna believe you, Yukari. But it is just as likely Tanyl messed up your mind more than an Angel dropping from the heavens.” He said, walking away from the two, leaving them alone. Yuki started to walk away, only for Yukari to grab her hand.

  “What do- Let go-”

  “I am sorry,” Yukari admitted. Yuki eyes widened, her cheeks softened as she turned back around to her. Yukari felt tears rush down her face and cheeks.

  “I am sorry for what I said. I was wrong. I am not fit to be a leader. I just..don't wanna be alone with no one to believe me.”

  Yuki face turned somber, her black clothes and leggings in direct contrast to Yukari white hospital robes. She was fine, same with Ryunsun. Their soldiers protected them.

  Many of hers are dead, and she is missing an arm

  Then, Yukari felt a hand brush her hair as Yuki took a seat at the chair next to her. She rolled over to her.

  “I believe you. Now tell me your story.”

  Hours passed, and although they felt like Moments, Yuki listened. She listened and thought quietly to herself for moments as she hid her face behind her hands, clasped together. Yukari was no longer crying, but she felt a sense of exhaustion, and her throat started to break. She rubbed her closed fists on her forehead and closed her eyes. Within moments, she slacked them to the side.

  “So, let's say you are right. If she has your arm where do you start?”

  Yukari said nothing, only for her to remember the globe. Angels only live in the far North, in the corners of Zynthia with little cities and more Iceland.

  “I am going back to Zynthia and heading to the Frozen Wastes.”

  “You can't go out there!” Yuki said, standing up. “You still have a job to do.”

  “A job I am only half confident of doing with only one hand. Plus, how can I be a Legion Commander if a Lieutenant can beat me now?”

  “Wait, so-”

  “I can't use Aura anymore. I tried using my Avatar a few times during our talk, nothing. I might weave elements, but my power is sealed.”

  “So you are saying-”

  “I am quitting. Please dismiss me!” Yukari said, grabbing Yuki at her chest. Yuki sprawled out a panic, slapping her hands away.

  “I can’t dismiss you. Only a higher rank can do that!”

  “Then convince Ryo to do it!”


  “Yuki!” She shouted, then she let go as she pulled her hands back to her knees. She hid her face under knees, rolling them up into a ball. “I don’t know what I have to do, but I have to do it! I can’t explain it; it's just-”

  “A feeling you have.” Yuki interrupted. Yukari rolled her eyes up to look at her, as her stern face became a howling laugh, a broad smile forming across her dimples. She leaned on the wall, trying to stop herself laughing, only for her to laugh harder than before. After a few minutes, she petered out as she smiled at her.

  “I'll accept your apology and do your favor, on one condition.”


  “I am going with you.”

  Yukari and Yuki were in the back of a transcontinental train, heading towards the Northern Interior. Yukari rubbed a black envelope with her fingers, flipping it open and taking the letter out. As he gaze flew down, she read it slowly.

  Dear Princess

  At first, when I heard from Yuki, I was shocked. You planned to leave with her? I don’t know how much you changed, but I can’t manage your life. You are yourself. You might fail, but you two can work together to do wonderful things.

  I wanna let you know privately this: there is a world beyond this one. All Eight of them, their creators as strong as Aruma, maybe stronger.

  We keep this from billions, to avoid mass panic. I trust you will dispose of this letter as soon as you read it.

  You have been granted an honorable discharge, and Yuki quit her position. I pulled some strings, but it is done. I wish you the best. If you don’t come back in a year, I will come to find you, I promise.

  -Love, Ryo

  “You quit too?"” Yukari asked. Her right stub was wrapped in bandages, hidden under a long sleeve shirt. Her red shirt and blue silk pants were the only things she wore. She couldn’t ‘lift’ her great sword with her weakened state. Yuki sighed.

  “Oh shut i
t, you know as well I didn’t ‘love’ my position.”

  “Oh? Then why did you have it?”

  “I mean, I didn’t mean to take it. I got powerful. They handed me promotion after promotion. Five years in, I was Legion commander.”

  “Speaking off, how did you get it?”

  “I forgot.” Yuki laughed, taking a hit from her roll of marijuana inside the glass cubicle the two. Yukari smiled, accepting the joint and taking a puff. Every time she had an anxiety attack or some flashback, she would smoke. This newfound habit helped her as taking long puffs made her re-evaluate life.

  “Well, we are free.”

  “Well, when Ryo handed me that, we were ‘promoted’ to Forwards. Technically, as far as the state is concerned, we are mercenaries.”

  “So basically, a salary without the orders?” Yukari passed it back as Yuki took a big puff, holding in a plume of smoke.

  “Yeah, and while we get paid far less, it is enough to live with.”

  “You sound like you did it before.”

  “Well-” Yuki started, taking a puff from her roll.

  “You kidding me?”

  “It was for my first year. When I was promoted as Lieutenant, I was offered a position in the army or a raise. I got four times the pay for being a Lieutenant, so I took it.”

  “Why?” Yukari asked. Yuki rolled her eyes.

  “Prior responsibilities.”

  “Speaking of, we are going away from city life for a year.”


  “You ready to eat fish?”

  “That the only thing up there?”

  “Actually, yeah, I am not kidding there. My father flew me there once. I had to dig a hole to fish my own lunch," Yukari said, rolling her eyes

  The train whirred in the snow, the flakes of ice fell down on the metal outside. Yukari saw the blue-tinted mountains fill her vision for miles. She saw only the flat plains of snows and mountains. She took a peek outside as she saw something fly in the distance. She smirked

  “So are you sure you know the general location?” Yuki said.

  Yukari grumbled to herself, leaning on the frozen plain. “Even if I am wrong, we can take a plane to the west. I ain‘t stopping till portal.” She said.

  “Well, I am confident you are right on track. I remember before I lost my memory northward.” She said, letting out a small smirk as she nudged her shoulder.


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