Twin Temptations

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Twin Temptations Page 1

by Carol Lynne

  Table of Contents

  Legal Page

  Title Page

  Book Description


  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen


  New Excerpt

  Publisher Page

  Twin Temptations

  ISBN # 978-1-78430-718-9

  ©Copyright Carol Lynne 2015

  Cover Art by Posh Gosh ©Copyright July 2015

  Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz and Nicki Richards

  Pride Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Pride Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Pride Publishing. Unauthorized or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2015 by Pride Publishing, Newland House, The Point, Weaver Road, Lincoln, LN6 3QN

  Pride Publishing is a subsidiary of Totally Entwined Group Limited.

  Good-Time Boys


  Carol Lynne

  Book four in the Good-Time Boys series

  For twins Ryker and Ranger Good, life has never been easy. Kicked out of the house when they were barely eighteen, the brothers started a new life together. Now in their thirties they are ready to make a commitment, not only to each other but to the woman they’ve waited to claim for four years.

  Lilly Bevin has been in love with the Good twins for years, only to be treated like a child by them. Now twenty-one, Lilly’s ready to spread her wings. Working in the town bar is just one of the ways she’s declaring her independence, dating is the other.

  When the twins find out the woman they want is dating a smarmy hustler they try to talk some sense into her, only to be told to butt out. Now it’s up to them to tame their wildcat and bring her into the fold of their love. A wildcat however, has claws and Lilly isn’t shy about using hers to her advantage.


  To my friends, who are supportive no matter what I write.

  Trademarks Acknowledgement

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Here Comes the Sun: George Harrison

  Toyota Corolla: Toyota Motor Corporation

  Chapter One

  Ranger leaned back and put his boots up on the old scarred desk. “I think it’s great that you’ve decided to run for Mayor, but I’ve no interest in running for the City Council.”

  “Just give me a chance to talk you into it. You’re an excellent businessman and it’s time for a change. The Council has been stagnant for too long,” Rawley said, pleading his case.

  “Sorry, brother. Still not interested. Running the feed-lot is about as public as I ever care to be.” A sudden feeling had him sitting up and looking out the window. “Sorry, but I need to go. I think something’s happened to Ryker.” Ranger didn’t give Rawley a chance to answer before he was heading out the door.

  He ran to the northwest lot and scanned the area. “Bub?”

  “Over here,” Ryker called.

  Turning his attention to the large group of cattle, he spotted Ryker limping. Jumping over the fence he ran toward him, pushing cattle out of the way in his haste. “What happened?” he asked, as wrapped an arm around Ryker’s torso.

  “Stupidity is what happened. I knew to be wary of number three-twenty-nine, but I dropped my guard and the damn cow kicked me.” Ryker leaned on him as they walked out of the muddy lot.

  As soon as they cleared the fence, Ranger stopped and knelt in front of Ryker. “Where exactly did she get you?”

  “Mid-thigh, but if you think I’m gonna pull my jeans down out here where anyone can see you’re nuts. Help me get to the office. I’m sure it’s probably just a bruise.”

  Ranger helped him to the office and sat him on the cracked avocado green vinyl couch. It said a lot about their relationship that Ryker hadn’t had to ask how Ranger knew he’d been hurt. They’d just always been that way.

  Undoing, Bub’s jeans, he looked up and winked. “If you really wanted to flash me this morning all you had to do was say so.”

  “Smart ass,” Ryker said, lifting enough to push his Wrangler’s down to his ankles.

  “Woo-wee, that’s some bruise you’ve got started there,” Ranger said, as he looked at the swollen area on Bub’s upper thigh. “A little higher and you’d have been out of commission for a long time.” Despite his humor, Ranger hated to see Bub in pain and leaned over to kiss the hot, raised area. It looked to be about six or seven inch diameter of hurt. He was sure the bruise would spread well beyond that, but this is where the pain would be focused. “Let me get some salve out of the medicine cabinet.”

  Ranger went to the bathroom nestled between his office and Bub’s. Running a washcloth under the cold water, he rung it out and grabbed the medicine. He caught Bub clenching his jaws when he returned, a sure sign he was in pain but didn’t want to show it.

  Kneeling, Ranger placed the cool cloth over the angry red welt. “Do you think you should go for an x-ray?”

  “Don’t be stupid, it’s a bruise.”

  “Yeah, well do you remember Curtis Eben? He got kicked in the shin by that horse and ended up having a stroke when a blood clot made its way to his brain.”

  Bub rolled his eyes. “I promise not to have a stroke, okay? Just put the damn salve on it. I’ll be okay until I can get home and ice it.”

  “Stubborn mule,” Ranger mumbled under his breath. He removed the compress and opened the tin. Dipping his fingers in, he scooped up a generous portion and began lightly rubbing it on the raised area. After wiping his hands, he wrapped his arms around Ryker’s waist and just held him. Just the thought of something happening to Bub had him shaking.

  “Hey, guys, Momma asked me to drop these…”

  Ranger’s head whipped around toward the door. Lilly was standing with what appeared to be a box full of yellow sweet corn. “Fuck,” he said, going still. “Don’t you know how to knock?”

  Lilly bit her lip and even from across the room, Ranger could see the tears in her jade green eyes. He hadn’t meant to growl so harshly, but shit, it was Lilly.

  Dropping the box at her feet, Lilly turned and walked back out the door without a word. Ranger closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Bub’s chest. Most people were sickened by any display of physical affection between the brothers, and they knew it. It was exactly the reason they’d built a house back in the woods on their family’s ranch. There, they could hold each other and kiss on occasion and no one cared.

  “I want her,” Ryker said, as he closed his eyes and threaded his fingers through Ranger’s hai

  Resting his head on Bub’s chest, Ranger sighed. “I know, Bubba, I want her too, but it’s still too soon. She’s just not ready for what we have in mind.”

  “How much longer? We’ve waited damn near four years for her to grow up. She’s twenty-one now, don’t you think she’s old enough to make up her mind? What if she gets snatched away from us?”

  Ranger looked at the spilled box of corn. “You know one of us is gonna have to go talk to her about what she walked in on. I’d say it should be me. You’d just melt at the first sign of tears. Besides, I’m the one who yelled at her. It should be me that apologizes.”


  “Tonight, after the lot closes. I’ll drop you by home and then come back to town.” Ranger released his hold on Ryker and sat back.

  “That plan doesn’t make sense. Why don’t we both go into town and you can drop me off at the diner. I’ll get us a couple plates of chicken fried steak to-go while you talk to her.” Ryker reached for his jeans.

  “How’s the leg?” Ranger asked when he saw Ryker flinch.

  “Sorer than a motherfucker, but it’s my own darn fault.”

  Helping him stand, Ranger pulled Ryker’s jeans up. “We’ll get it iced tonight and put some more salve on it.”

  Slipping his boots on, Ryker sat back on the couch while Ranger tied them for him. “You think we disgusted her?”

  “Lilly? Hell no. I think she probably would have joined in if we’d invited her. Naw, I think she was just surprised and got her feelings hurt when I snapped at her. It’ll be okay.” He stood and kissed Ryker. His brother was the sensitive one of the two of them, and always had been.

  Dipping his tongue into the dimple on Ryker’s left cheek, he grinned. “Thanks for the mid-morning snuggle, but I think it’s time we both got back to work. Why don’t you take over manning the phones, and I’ll go out and make sure everyone’s still got some work to do.”

  * * * *

  With his leg propped up on a chair, Ryker made a few phone calls. He ordered feed and arranged for some of the cattle to be shipped out to the county auction the following week. Now, with his head rested on the high back of his desk chair he thought of Lilly.

  His fascination with her had started the summer before her senior year. He’d felt like a dirty old man, but the look in her eyes when she had caught him and Ranger kissing in the feed barn, had caused an ache that had yet to go away. He wanted to go after her when she’d turned eighteen and graduated from school, but Ranger would have none of it. He’d explained that Lilly was the perfect woman to let into their lives for the long-haul, not just a quick affair. In order to assure she’d be ready to commit, they needed to give her time to grow-up and experience a little bit of life.

  “Yeah, right,” Ryker said to the empty office. The evening Nate had teased Ranger about Lilly hooking up with one of the bar patrons had almost killed him when Ranger told him about it. Ranger had to talk him out of going to the Dead Zone and carrying that little five foot five woman out over his shoulder. Just the thought of one of those sweaty cowboys putting their hands on Lilly had him seeing red.

  By the time Ranger came back in at the end of the day, Ryker had worked himself up pretty good.

  “Ready?” Ranger asked, tossing him his black cowboy hat.

  “Yep. I think I need to go with you to the Zone.” He adjusted his hat and locked the front door.

  “What brought this on? I thought you were going to get our dinner?” Ranger got into the quad-cab pickup.

  “I’ve been thinking. I don’t like the idea of Lilly working in that place. I think we should talk to her about it.” He buckled his seatbelt, refusing to look at his brother. He knew what he’d see anyway. “And stop rolling your eyes at me.”

  “Jeez, Bub, you can’t just walk in and start demanding stuff of her. You’ll scare her all the way to Kansas City. Why don’t you let me handle it?”

  “Fine, just make sure she understands that she shouldn’t be working in a bar. She’s better than that.”

  Ranger unbuckled and leaned over to give him a kiss on the neck. “You’re so damn cute when you get all protective and shit.”

  “Just drive.”

  Chapter Two

  Lilly was bussing a table when Ranger walked into the dark smoky bar. He waved his hand in front of his face as he passed a table of chain-smoking cowboys. Finding a seat in the back, he watched Lilly work. Damn, she was beautiful. He’d give anything to take those long black curls out of the messy haphazard ponytail.

  He watched as she spotted him and chewed on that raspberry colored lip of hers. It must taste damn good because she seemed to chew it enough.

  Straightening her shoulders, Lilly lifted her chin and walked over. “Ranger.”

  “How come you’re the only one outside my brothers that can tell me and Ryker apart?” He asked, giving her his best playboy grin.

  “You have two dimples, Ryker only has one. Now, what can I get you?” Lilly asked in a business-like tone.

  “I don’t suppose you can spare a couple of minutes to talk to me?”

  Lilly turned her torso to glance at the clock over her shoulder. The movement accentuated her already large breasts even further and Ranger had to swallow a groan. “I get a break in ten minutes. If you’re still here, I’ll give you a couple minutes. Can I get you something from the bar?”

  “Bottle of Michelob.”

  He watched the natural sway of her hips as she walked back toward the bar. Ranger caught himself staring and quickly looked around. Good, no one was paying any attention to the queer in the corner. After what happened with Lionel Hibbs, Ranger reckoned any bigots in town had learned their lesson. He didn’t care if he disgusted people with his relationship with his twin, but he’d be damned if he’d let people try and intimidate him because of it.

  Lilly came back with his beer, set the bottle on the table before stalking off without a word. Oh boy, he had a hell of a lot of climbing to do to get himself out of the hole he’d dug.

  The more he watched her, the more animated she became. He wasn’t sure if this was the way she usually was at work or if she was trying to get him riled up. Regardless, Lilly was doing a damn good job of it. Ranger watched as she rested her hand on her cocked hip, laughing at something one of the cowboys at the bar said. When he saw the man smooth a hand across her ass, Ranger stood. Running on pure instinct, he stalked toward the bar. He knew Jeff, and he wasn’t someone he wanted Lilly around.

  Lilly must have seen Ranger coming because she quickly turned to face him and put up her hands. “Stop,” she warned. “Just go back to your table, and I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Ranger was taken back by the vehemence in her voice. He narrowed his eyes and studied her for a second. Lilly put her hands on her hips, once again, and stared right back. Deciding it wouldn’t do much good to apologize for earlier if he was an ass now, he turned on his heel and went back to his table. He couldn’t help but to feel like a kid who’d just been sent to his room.

  His vibrating cell phone snapped him out of his pout. He looked at the caller ID and saw it was Bub. “Hey, sorry, I’m running a little late.”

  “You want me to come over? Our dinner’s getting cold. Betty put them in one of those nice insulated containers, but sitting here’s just making everything soggy.”

  “Give me ten minutes. Lilly’s just walking over to take her break. Boy, Bub, we gotta talk. Lilly actually snapped at me a few minutes ago.”

  “Damn, what did you do? Lilly’s one of the sweetest people I know.” Ryker chuckled on the other end of the phone.

  “Some asshole was taking liberties with her ass, and I took exception to it. Lilly shut me down fast.”

  “Who was taking liberties with our girl?”

  He didn’t dare tell Ryker that asshole had been Jeff Brown. “Doesn’t much matter whose hand it was. By the way she reacted it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence.” Lilly was almost to the table, his heart lurched despi
te himself. “Here she comes, be there as soon as I can.”

  Ranger drank the rest of his beer as Lilly looked at him with narrowed eyes. “What do you want, Ranger?” She crossed her arms, accentuating her breasts and stared at him.

  “I wanted to apologize for earlier. Ryker was kicked by one of the cows and was…you just surprised me and I didn’t mean to snap at you like I did.” Ranger watched as Lilly bit down on her plumb bottom lip.

  “I shouldn’t have just walked in like that, I know, but I can’t say it didn’t hurt when you yelled. And as far as that”—Lilly motioned toward the cowboy at the bar—“that is none of your business.”

  Ranger felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end at the statement. “Do you always let men grope you while you work?”

  Lilly sighed and leaned forward, resting her arms on the table. “Listen, Ranger, I’ve spent a good portion of my adult life mooning after two people who obviously aren’t interested. This is my time. I’ve decided to live life to the fullest and if a pat on the ass from a good-looking cowboy happens, I’ll decide what I want to do about it, not you.”

  “You’re wrong about those two guys not being interested, but you’re too young for what we have in mind. You need to live a little before you settle down.”

  “Ha,” she said, getting right in Ranger’s face. “Either make the offer or butt out of my business.” Lilly moved around the table to stand at Ranger’s side. With a wicked grin on her gorgeous face, she bent to whisper in his ear. “I guess the only thing you have to worry about is whether I’m still available once you think I’m old enough.” She finished with a lick to the shell of his ear. When she pulled back it was to look directly into his eyes. “You want me to live a little? You just sit back and watch.”


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