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Smokey Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Smokey slammed his hand on the table. “This is my meeting. Not his. I don’t have time for this bullshit.”

  “We have product. It needs moving, and so far, it has only ended in bloodshed.”

  “So, I told you last time. My time with the mafia is done. You guys are fucking hypocrites. The way you kept a perv in power, and you guys think I’m an animal. I don’t get my nuts off screwing underage girls.”

  Sebastian tensed up. “There are rules to follow.”

  “Yeah, well, I follow the main rules which say those who want to fuck little girls need to die.”

  Smokey glared at Sebastian.

  “If you won’t consider a connection with the mafia again, why did you come?” Sebastian asked.

  “Curiosity. I don’t see why The Boss sent you and didn’t come himself.” Smokey smirked at Sebastian, tilting his head to the side. “Unless you are the big man himself.”

  “I don’t want that role. You know who I think is suited to it.” Again, Sebastian looked toward Ugly Beast.

  Smokey glanced back at his sergeant at arms. Ugly’s past wasn’t pretty. Born Umberto Garofalo. The bastard child to an underage girl at the hands of the previous mafia boss, Nico Garofalo.

  Ugly had been left for dead until Sebastian Drago made something of him. Not many people knew the full history. Smokey was one of the few who did.

  With Nico’s death, the true heir to the mafia throne was Umberto. Ugly Beast didn’t want it. Smokey had talked to him, even tried to reason with the man, but he wouldn’t be talked into anything.

  The only place in the world he wanted was by his side.

  “Now, you being the underboss, which is kind of like the boss in waiting, why didn’t you take the job?” Smokey asked.

  “Because he didn’t want it.” The hard voice came from the corner, and Sebastian shook his head.

  Smokey smiled as the true boss made his appearance.

  “And who are you?” Smokey asked.

  “I’m sure you’re aware of who I am.”

  “Carlos Santigo. The brand-new boss of the mafia. You’ve got one of the worst reputations in your entire outfit, if my memory serves me well. You’re not married. No bastards that people know of. Rumor has it that you kill them. I doubt it. Any kid is better than no kid when it comes to your kind.”

  “My kind?” Carlos asked.

  Sebastian tensed up. “Don’t, Smokey. Do not disrespect him.”

  Smokey stood, sending the chair back with a clatter. “He should count himself lucky that the only thing I’m doing is disrespecting him after the insult I’ve had to deal with. You’re all supposed to be men of your word. Your word means absolute shit.” He pointed his finger in Sebastian’s face. “You’re housing a man responsible for hurting one of my men. I want him back.”

  “I’m under the impression you wish to have power,” Carlos said, coming forward.

  Smokey eyed the man who was now the new boss. He knew a monster when he saw one. After all, he didn’t become the president of the Hell’s Bastards MC because he knew how to play with dolls. “You’ve got nothing I want.”

  “But you see, I do, Smokey,” Carlos said. “I want to come to some arrangement.”

  “Not going to happen,” Smokey said.

  “You acquire more land. More turf. The last deal we had with you gained you a great deal.”

  “And nearly killed my men. I haven’t forgotten what went down and what happened with the Twisted fuckers you decided to join forces with.” Smokey was so close to grabbing his gun and killing them all. If it wasn’t for the mega fallout, he’d have done it already. Ugly Beast stayed perfectly still in his place, watching, observing.

  They all had a part to play.

  Running a hand down his face, he stared at Carlos, waiting.

  “The deal that went wrong had nothing to do with me, or the main outfit. We’re sorry if this has led you to believe otherwise.”

  “I’m not interested in apologies.”

  “Then maybe you’ll be interested in knowing the Twisted Bastards MC have approached me. Creed to be exact.”

  This made Smokey pause.

  Creed was the asshole leading the Twisted Bastards MC.

  “He’s interested in brokering a deal. He’ll be quite happy to distribute our product. He wants guns and the men to take down the Hell’s Bastards MC.”

  He shook his head. “If that’s true, you wouldn’t be telling me about it.”

  “Ah, but you see, Sebastian here tells me that Creed is not to be trusted. He’ll back out of deals or find ways to renegotiate. I don’t like men who don’t keep their word.”

  “And you think you’ve got a chance with me keeping mine?”

  “There’s something I like about you, Smokey. You’re not here to manipulate. You want what you want and we’re all here to play your little puppets,” Carlos said. “What I’m offering you is an alliance, of course. One that will benefit us both.”

  Smokey gritted his teeth. It was on the tip of his tongue to tell him to go get fucked. Instead, he waited. “I’m listening.”

  “It’s simple. You will distribute our product. We will not sell guns to any rival MC. When you need help, our men will back you up if the occasion calls for it, and in return, we will offer you up some more land to help with your club’s expansion.”

  Smokey nodded. “I’ll think about it. Come on, boys, we’re out of here.”

  “This is a time-sensitive offer, Smokey,” Carlos said. “I suggest you think quickly.”

  Smokey spun around and grabbed Carlos around the throat, pulling him across the table. “And I want you to understand while you’re throwing your little pussy around, you didn’t offer one more thing. I want Ryan, you piece of shit. If I don’t get him, then the deal is off.” Smokey glanced around the room. His men had pulled their weapons, and it hadn’t taken long for the other men to draw theirs. It was a standoff, and he laughed. “I trust my men, Carlos. Can you say the same?”

  “They will kill you.”

  “And you’ll be dead right along with me. I’m willing to take the risk. The difference between you and me is I’m not afraid to die for my club. Are you willing to die for yours?” He let Carlos go. “I’ll take all the time I need.” He glared at Sebastian. “Next time, don’t pull fucking tricks.”

  He turned his back on the mafia and walked out of the warehouse. His hands shook with his thirst for blood, but he shoved it down. Now wasn’t the time to go after what he wanted.

  He had to take his time. Ryan would be his, and once he was, he was going to find out every little detail that made the little shit turn.

  No one stopped him as he climbed on his bike, fired it up, and took off, heading toward the club. Before he could go deal and be with his woman, he had to bring the offer to the brothers.

  Getting in bed with the mafia wasn’t a safe deal. He knew the risks. He’d dealt with them before and nearly gotten himself killed.

  The journey was long, and by the time he landed in the clubhouse, he was so fucking tired, but the church was set up. He handed in his weapons and cell phone, making his way to the head of the table as all the men filed in.

  Once they were there, he got Verge and Lewis on the phone. They were the closest chapters and had taken their back a few times.

  He gripped the back of his chair as Hunter gave the full details of what they’d discussed.

  “Are they going to give us Ryan?” Brick asked.

  “That’s the only part of the agreement I don’t like,” he said. “There’s not going to be any deal where Ryan lives. Hanson, you’re owed his life.”

  Hanson nodded.

  “So we renegotiate,” Lewis said.

  “Either offer is going to have the cartel breathing down our necks at some point. You mess with the drugs and they’re going to become a problem,” Verge said.

  “One problem at a time. We’re going to take a vote. I want honesty. We’re all going to be making these runs and
doing this deal. I know how fucking messed up it was last time. Do you want to deal with Carlos Santigo with the negotiation we get Ryan?” he asked.

  Lewis and Verge voted yea. One by one, his men all voted the same.

  When it came to Ugly Beast, the man stayed silent.

  “Are you against this?” Smokey asked.

  “I don’t like Carlos,” Ugly Beast said.

  “We don’t have to like them to do business with them.”

  Ugly Beast nodded. “If we get Ryan. Otherwise, for me, it’s a nay.”

  Smokey nodded and kept his gaze on Ugly. “Make the call to Sebastian. Without Ryan, no deal.” He smacked the gavel on the table.

  One by one, the men filed out, and he took off right behind them. He went to his bike, pushing a couple of women out of the way as they tried to get in his path. There was only one person he wanted to see right now.

  Chapter Nine

  Ava came to as someone kissed up her back. At first, she tensed up, gasped, and was about to pound whoever had broken into her house. Her arms were grabbed and she was pressed to the bed. Her face against the pillows.

  “Shh, it’s me,” he said.


  “You got plans for any other man to be sneaking in your room late at night?”

  “When did you get back?” she asked.

  “A couple of hours ago. I’ve been dealing with the brothers and club shit, but I didn’t want to go another night without having your pussy.” He pressed his lips against her neck, and she released a moan. With the way he touched her, she was so addicted to him.

  Closing her eyes, she sighed as he touched her pussy. His hand slid beneath her shorts to touch her.

  “Did you miss me?” he asked.

  She chuckled. “You know I did. I always miss you.”

  He let go of her arm, and his mouth went from her neck and down her back. She pressed against the bed in an attempt to sit up, but he stopped her, keeping her in place.

  “I’m not ready for you to move.” His hands traced down her back, going to her bed shorts. “This ass should never be covered up.” He pulled down her shorts and she stayed perfectly still.

  He moved some pillows from the top of the bed and thrust them beneath her pelvis. “Perfect.” He grabbed her ass cheeks and spread them open. “I can see your cunt and your asshole.”

  “Please,” she said.

  “You want my dick?”


  “Then you hold this ass open while I play.”

  She whimpered as the tip of his cock toyed with her entrance. He held himself still and then slowly began to thrust inside her. “I think it’s going to be quite easy for me to get used to seeing you take my cock. I’ve never seen a prettier sight.”

  Inch by inch, she took him, holding her ass open.

  His hands went to her hips, and she didn’t let him go as he grabbed her hips and began to pound inside her. His strokes were rough, hard, almost angry and desperate. She loved it, pushing back against him, wanting more of what he could give her.

  Suddenly, he paused and lifted up. Then his fingers stroked across her anus. “This is the one hole I haven’t taken, babe. The one hole I want to make mine.”

  She cried out as he leaned over her, driving his cock deep into her pussy as he reached for the drawer beside her bed.

  “I’ve been keeping this safe in just the right event,” he said.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the tube of lubricant. She tried to listen to what he was doing but he was so quiet.

  He pulled out of her pussy and then something cool and slick teased across her anus. She bit her lip, waiting. The tip of his cock replaced his fingers.

  “I’m not going to lie to you, babe, this is going to sting a little.”

  She tensed up as he started to work inside her ass. She really didn’t think he was going to fit, but there was no defying Smokey. He held her hips steady in his grasp as he pushed inside her asshole.

  Ava let out a cry and he stilled. One of his hands circled her throat, pulling her head back and kissing her neck. “I’ll go easy. I promise.”

  With his other hand, he cupped her pussy and stroked her clit. She moaned his name as he worked her body.

  The pain of his penetration faded slightly as he worked her clit. She was at a fever pitch within seconds. He didn’t allow her to come straight away. He took his time, making her wait as he filled her ass.

  Inch by inch, his cock filled her ass until she could take no more. “You’ve got all of my dick now, Ava. I own every single part of your body. What do you have to say?”

  “Please,” she said. “Please let me come.”

  “Good girl.”

  He stroked her pussy until she came, screaming his name. She no longer cared that there was a big, fat cock in her ass. She wanted him, every single part, and there was no backing down.

  Smokey let go of her pussy and started to ride her ass. His strokes started out slowly at first until she became accustomed to the sheer size of him. Then he took her harder until the sounds of their bodies smacking together echoed around the room. She didn’t want him to stop, and she loved the slight pain as he took her.

  When he came, he wrapped her hair around his fist and bit down on her neck.

  The tight heat filled her body, and his cum pulsed in her ass.

  The pleasure began to ebb away and all that remained was bliss. She was happy.

  Smokey groaned. “Time for a bath.”

  Before she could stop him, he’d lifted her in his arms. “It’s late.”

  “And as much as I’d love to see my cum dripping from your ass you’re going to be sore if I don’t do something about it.” He carried her through to her bathroom and placed her on her feet.

  She watched, a little embarrassed as he filled the tub with water. “You don’t have to do this.”

  He added some of her soothing salts and tested the water.

  She hadn’t realized he was still dressed. He wore his shirt and his pants were still around his waist. His cock, now flaccid, hung from the opening of his zipper.

  He came toward her, stripping off her shirt. He held her hand as she climbed into the bath. Within seconds, he was naked and climbing in behind her.

  She rested against his chest, closing her eyes, feeling the heat and warmth of him surround her. “This is nice,” she said.

  “It’s been a long day.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?” she asked. He didn’t share club stuff with her, but if he needed to talk, she was more than happy to listen.

  “Can’t, babe. It’s club stuff. Did Ryan ever say anything to you?” he asked.

  “Who’s Ryan?”

  “That guy’s bar where you were drinking the first night I met you.”

  “Oh, no. I didn’t know him. That night was the first time I’d been there.”


  She frowned and tilted her head back. “I don’t like you looking so troubled.”

  “It’ll fade.”

  She sat up and turned so she could face him. “I know I’m not club, but you can trust me. Whatever we talk about, I won’t say anything.”

  Smokey smiled. “You’re so naïve. You don’t have the first clue what my club will do to you. What we can do.”

  “I’m not stupid. You think I don’t see you guys carrying? The way you are? I’m not stupid, Smokey.” She tried to stand up, but he caught her waist and settled her against him. “I can be trusted.”

  “Can you? Do you know I’ve killed people? That I love hurting people and I consider it a fine art to torture them?”

  “I knew you weren’t normal.”

  He snorted. “I’m not a lot of things. You should be running from me, Ava. I know everything there is to know about you, and yet, you’re not running. Why is that?”

  “I don’t need to run. You don’t scare me, Smokey. Neither does your club. I know life isn’t always easy.”

  “You’ve o
nly seen the good in life.”

  This made her tense up, and she turned toward him. “What makes you think that? My parents? Their wealth? Maybe it’s because I got married? Just because I’ve known happiness doesn’t mean I don’t know how bad life can be. My parents … they ran several foundations. They didn’t raise a daughter to live in the clouds. They raised a woman who was aware of the world around her.”

  “Then why aren’t you running from me? Any sane woman would prefer a man with a nine-to-five job.” He stroked her hair back.

  She cupped his face. “I had that guy, remember? He hurt me more than anyone else I know. He took great pleasure in doing it.” She licked her lips. “I don’t want to be hurt ever again. I know that you don’t promise me forever, but you don’t lie to me, Smokey. I … I love you for that.”

  He tensed up and pressed a finger against her lips. “No. Don’t fucking say shit like that. I can’t give you love.”

  “I’m not asking for you to give me love, but I can’t stop the way I feel for you, Smokey. I love you. I’m in love with you. I won’t … I don’t expect anything from you. I know you don’t do love and this is only temporary, but I do love you.” She pressed a kiss to his lips.

  He gripped the back of her neck and pulled her in close. “You’re too good for me.” He took possession of her mouth, and she kissed him back, not holding anything in. Letting him know with her kiss and touch that she meant every single word she said.

  Smokey moved her so she straddled his waist. Within a matter of seconds, his cock was rock-hard as he pressed against her pussy.

  “Again?” she asked.

  “You don’t like it?”

  “I have no complaints.”


  He moved her over him and positioned his cock at her entrance. She cried out his name as he began to fill her.

  Smokey wasn’t completely erect, but with how he moved inside her, he was so close to it.

  “I want you to look at me. No one else, only at me.”

  She stared into his eyes as he grabbed her hips, and together, they thrust against each other, working the other into a fever pitch of arousal and pleasure. Smokey got her to lean back so he could play with her tits. He stroked her clit, bringing her to another orgasm.


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