Tallulah Rising (The Field of Blood Book 3)

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Tallulah Rising (The Field of Blood Book 3) Page 4

by ZL Morris

Enjoying the tingles his touch starts up for a few moments, my eyes close without meaning to. “Yes, you should’ve. But, alas, you mentioned food instead.”

  “Mum mentioned we have packing to do after, too.” Theo takes my hand and pulls me up from my perched position on the rock until I stand next to him.

  “Way to kill the mood, bro!” Quimby grumbles.

  Resting my head against Theo’s chest, my hands roam across his ribs as I sleepily mumble, “You can pack for me. I only need a few items.”

  Three snorts echo around the clearing.

  “Bullshit!” they shout in sync, making me shake my head at them.

  Some things never change.

  Chapter Four

  Theo, Kenji, and Quimby leave me at the house while they go to help their parents pack for their trip to some of the outer packs. We’re hoping that by sending Argent’s old Alpha, Beta, and Luna, they’ll be able to convince the more stubborn packs who refused Theo into joining us for this war. Although, even the threat of cutting off their supplies didn’t make them budge, so I have no idea how Henrique will be able to change their minds.

  Likely best I don’t know. Ignorance is definitely bliss in this instance.

  “Knock, knock.” Rosalina pushes the bedroom door open.

  Placing the folded shirt inside my travel bag, I sit on the huge bed and pat the space next to me. “Hey, I wasn’t sure if you’d already left.”

  “No, I managed to get away while the boys were talking business.” Taking two bottles from her jean pocket, the contents rattle. “I’ve only taken a small amount from the medical centre. Doctor Andro was dealing with a patient while I snuck in. You have enough here to last you on your trip to the DeLuca’s and back. But you’ll need to see the doctor once you get back. He’ll notice these have gone missing in no time at all.”

  “I understand.”

  “You have to promise me, Tallulah. Do not put yourself or the pup in unnecessary danger. I know you’re going to war and it’ll already be a dangerous place, but please, don’t get yourself hurt if you can avoid it.”

  “I am going to tell them when I find the right timing.” My shoe scuffs across the plush carpet. “I’m sorry you’ve been dragged into this. I know it must be difficult for you to suggest keeping a secret this big from your children and mates.”


  My head whips up when she doesn’t finish what she was going to say, and horror fills me when I take in her guilty expression. “Oh, no, Rosalina! You told Henrique and Leverette, didn’t you?”

  “I couldn’t help it! They knew something was up the minute they saw me, and they’re very persuasive men when they want to be.”

  Panicking, I jump to my feet to pace. “They’re going to tell the guys, aren’t they? This whole thing will be put on hold because I’m knocked up, and Belcoot will take the opportunity to strike instead. That can’t happen. Please stop Henrique and Leverette from telling them until I’m there.”

  “They’re not going to breathe a word, I promise.”

  The conviction in Rosalina’s voice makes me pause. Still uncertain though, I question, “You’re sure?”

  Standing, she takes my hands and guides me back to the bed. Once sat, she cups my hand within both of hers. “They’re clever men. They know it’ll be more than their life’s worth if they spill your secret. But I had to promise them you’d be careful and be honest with the boys once you arrive at the DeLuca’s.”

  “I will, somehow.” At her sceptical look, I amend, “I will.”

  “Good!” Picking up the forgotten pills, she passes them to me so I can hide them away in my bag.

  Once secure, I give my bag a shake to see if the pills can be heard rattling, but no sound comes from the bag. From Rosalina’s nod of appraisal, I’m pleased to know even her keen hearing isn’t able to pick up on the sound.

  “Is my dad around?”

  “Not at the moment, he’s gone to do another run to stock up before everyone goes on lockdown. We’re hoping it’ll all be over by the end of the weekend, but he wanted to make sure everyone was properly stocked in case supplies were hard to come by after.”

  We fought over him knowing about the guys being my mates and never telling me. I was upset he withheld information like that from me, especially after witnessing first hand how hard I had it growing up thinking I would never have mates of my own. Learning the truth and knowing he played a role in keeping it a secret broke my heart.

  Since then, we’ve made up, but it put a distance between us that wasn’t there before. Throw in us going to war with a rival pack and me being there with my mates on the front line means I’m not his favourite person right now. “Is he still pissed at me?”

  “He’ll get over it.”

  “My ears are still ringing from when I told him what we are planning.”

  “I take it you’ve not given him the newest information?” Rosalina chortles.

  Perplexed by her enjoying my misery, I elbow her. “I wouldn’t have my bags packed if that were the case.”

  “Very true. He’s a father worrying about his only daughter, though. That doesn’t change because you’ve found your mates and moved out. Give him some time.”

  “Is it horrible to admit I thought about getting Theo to give him extra runs and jobs to do to take his mind off me?”

  “Depends on why you want him to have the distraction. Because you want him busy enough to take his mind off you or because you want him to be busy enough that he doesn’t have the time to flap around you?”

  Guilt bubbles up, but I answer honestly, “A bit of both.”

  “It’s an adjustment for both of you. Up until a few weeks ago, it was only you and him. Now, you’ve got three mates, and your father is likely feeling like he’s lost a piece of himself.”

  Feeling like a complete asshole, I rub at my face. “You’re right. Doesn’t mean I have to like it, though.”

  “None of us ever like a male who flaps around us. But it’ll settle with time.”

  “Not any time soon once he knows what’s happened.”

  “Imagining six burly men awaiting the arrival of pups is not going to be a fun experience.” Rosalina shudders. “I’m not sure even childbirth will be enough to have me wanting to swap places with you on that one.”

  Something she said earlier catches up with me. “Hang on, you said pups! Do you think I could be having twins?”

  Snorting, Rosalina gives my hand a squeeze. “I wasn’t sure if you noticed that slip-up. It is a strong possibility. I’m surprised you didn’t consider it.”

  My free hand rests against my flat stomach while I try to imagine what it would look like protruding with two babies smushed in there. “I did, briefly, but I pushed it to the back of mind when I broke out in a cold sweat. How will I know if it’s twins?”

  “You won’t until you get home and Doctor Andro can get a good look at you. Although, with the rate the babes grow, you might have a pudge by the time you arrive back home.”

  “I’m pregnant for five months, right?”

  “That’s for parents who are both full shifters. If I remember right, your mother carried you for seven months before having you. You were healthy and deemed a full-term pup.”

  Ignoring the sting of being reminded that I’m different yet again to full shifters, I wince. “Oh.”

  “Oh, Tally. I didn’t mean it like that, sweetheart.” Pity thickens Rosalina’s voice.

  “I… It’s okay. Honestly, I need to start embracing my… quirks and not let it beat me down.”

  “Absolutely! It doesn’t matter if you’re a full shifter, half-human, or fully human. We all love you just the same.”

  Tears well up and spill over before I’m able to shut down my emotions. “Ugh, stupid hormones are making me a mess.”

  “I’m surprised my boys haven’t picked up on that yet.”

  “I think they’re assuming it’s because we’ve been working our asses off and lack sleep lately.” />
  “The lack of sleep is the exact reason why I’m surprised they’ve not pieced it together.”

  At her laugh, I choke on my embarrassment. “Oh, my god, stop!”

  Calming, Rosalina takes my bag. “Come on, let’s take the bags over to the office so they don’t come here looking for you. They’ll wonder how I managed to get here when I told them I was heading over to the pack waterfall to say goodbye to some of the ladies.”

  Chapter Five

  Pills tucked securely in my bag alongside the perfume Rosalina gave me, I pass my stuff to Kenji so he can load up our belongings before we set off for the DeLuca’s. “What the hell do you have in there?”

  “Everything but the kitchen sink.” I worry at my bottom lip as I take in the pack house, then the members who stand in front, ready to wave us off. “Are we leaving now?”

  “No, we have a couple of things to sort out with our parents first. Your dad is back from the run and demanding to see you before you go to the DeLuca’s.”

  Pulling my hair to tighten the hair tie, I pause. Is my dad still worrying over the vampires? He’s not mentioned them for a while.

  Voicing my thoughts, I ask, “He’s not still worried they’re going to turn me into food, is he?”

  “Yep.” Quimby pops the P as he pulls me out of the way of the car to give room to more stuff being placed inside.

  Irked by my father’s constant reservations against the vampires, I whine, “I’ve told him I’ll be fine. They didn’t hurt me last time.”

  “His issue isn’t with the DeLuca’s this time, though. You’re going to a house where there’s likely to be hundreds of vampires who are at various stages of transitioning. Some of them are newly changed and don’t have complete control of their urges.”

  “Oh… Ohhh. Well, shit. Now, his flapping makes more sense.”


  Wincing at his volume, I plaster a smile on my face as I peer over Quimby’s shoulder. “Hi, Dad.”

  “Don’t you, ‘hi, Dad,’ me. I’ve been looking all over for your ass. Were you going to leave without saying goodbye to your old man first?” His meaty fingers wrap around my elbow, and he pulls me from behind Quimby.

  Quimby gives him a low growl for grabbing me, but my father ignores my mate’s warning.

  He takes a step back, but never let’s go as he inspects me with a scowl of concentration. He pauses on my midsection. I have a moment of panic, but his eyes quickly move away and continue to scan the rest of my body before he pulls me into a bone-crushing hug.

  “You’re not that old, Dad,” I wheeze as my lungs struggle to pull in much-needed oxygen.

  Ignoring my struggles for breath, he continues to hold me. “You’ll be careful while you stay with those bloo…vamps?”

  The familiar scent of my father takes me back to my childhood, and for a moment, I take the time to think back on everything we’ve been through and what we’ll continue to go through once I come home. Maybe, he’ll find himself a lady.

  Squeamish by the thought of my father indulging in a female, I shutter out the idea and opt for sarcasm. “Of course. I’ll stay by one of the guys the whole time I’m there. I’ll even let them come with me to the bathroom while I poop.”

  “Don’t be a smart ass,” he snaps.

  Ignoring his grumpy attitude, I poke. “Actually, I’d be a stinky ass, but go on, what other demands do you have?”

  Annoyed with my back chatting, he sighs. “Good god, Tallulah. Let an old man speak, will you?”

  Finally giving in, I rub my cheek against his worn shirt. “Sorry.”

  His voice drops and loses all the gruffness I usually associate with my father. “Promise me you’ll come back whole.”

  Thrown by the shift in attitude, I pull back. “What do you mean?”

  He steps back a little and looks over my shoulder at something, but I don’t understand why until something I’ve never seen before shines in his eyes. With one hand on my back, he angles me slightly while the other disappears between us. Confused at what he’s doing, I try to step back, but he tightens his hold on me to stop me from moving.

  My eyes grow impossibly wide when his hand settles on my stomach, and he cuts me a glare. Holy shit, how the fuck does he know?

  “Come. Back. Whole.”

  Flustered, I struggle to get the right words out. “How— What— I don’t—”

  “Don’t try to talk your way out of it, Tallulah. I love you. I want you safe, but I know as a Luna you have to do this. But promise me you’ll come back whole. Both of you.” He drives the point home by rubbing a hand against my stomach as if he could hold the baby in his palm and take care of it.

  Knowing better than to try and lie my way out of it, but thankful he’s not trying to hold me back, my voice catches on a sob. “I will. We will.”

  A hand presses against the back of my head and moves me until I bury my face in his shirt to hide my tears. “Shh, none of that. If they see your tears, they’ll think I was a horrible bastard to you and try to string me up.”

  “Thank you,” my voice croaks with the tide of emotions threatening to swallow me whole.

  “For what?” His hand continues to hold my head like he’s done so many times while I was growing up.

  “For being the best dad, ever. And for already being the best grandpa in the world.”

  Emotion clouds his voice, but he reins it in. “I’ll see you when you get back.”

  “You’ll be the first stop, I promise.” I try to wipe at my tears so the others don’t see.

  Dad inspects my face and gives me a nod. “Go on. They’re waiting.”

  Leaving the pack behind to prepare for lockdown, Theo navigates the car through the gates and onto the lane that follows the border until we reach no-man’s land. The trees become far too dense, which makes it hard to see anything beyond the side of the road.

  Kicking my shoes off, I rest my head against the headrest. “How long until we get there?”

  Theo speaks up from the front, “Two or three hours. We need to head east before going north. This way we can bypass Belcoot’s terrority without him getting wind of where we’re heading.”

  “Is he not already suspicious enough to think we’d go there and have traps set?” Going anywhere near Belcoot’s terrority puts me on edge.

  Kenji pulls me against him, his hand coming to rest on my hip. “Not yet. But he will be once we give him the location to end things.”

  Settling my weight against him, my head comes to rest on his chest. “Have we decided where that’s going to be?”

  Kenji’s lips brush against my forehead. “No. We’ve purposely left that up to the DeLucas to decide. This way, if we have any more Belcoot informers inside the pack, they won’t have any information to pass on.”

  Remembering what happened with the last Belcoot informer annoys me. Lana was a crazed bitch who wanted the affections of my mates and was desperate to have me out of the way so she could claim the Luna title. She figured out who I was when she overheard Henrique talking about me inside his office and reported her findings back to Belcoot, hoping it would give her free access to his Wolfsbane supply.

  What she didn’t count on was me having grown up around pack members who allowed me to spar with them while in human form and them in their wolf form. She underestimated me by only seeing me as a weak human.

  Kenji rubs at my thigh before grabbing my fist and prising my fingers apart. I hadn’t realised I tensed up at the thought of Lana.

  Pushing thoughts of her away, I breathe in Kenji’s scent and try to relax.

  His fingers tangle in my hair as his other arm settles around my waist. “Get some sleep, we’ll be there before you know it.”

  Lips press against my forehead, waking me from a deep sleep. “Tally, sweetheart, we’re here.”

  Half asleep, I reach into the footwell to put my shoes back on. “How long was I out?”

  Quimby peers between the front seats. “Couple hours.
You slept like the dead.”

  Through a yawn, I grumble, “I could sleep a couple more, too.”

  Shoes on, I straighten and take a look around.

  The place is huge. A pool rests in the middle of the driveway with a lone statue in the middle. Carved Vampire faces decorate around the outside, giving it a creepy feel, and farther down, more cottage style homes line the drive. On the other side of the car, a wide set of stone stairs lead up to a huge, solid oak front door connected to a house from a completely different era. Different shaped windows dot the front of the house, but something blocks any attempt for someone to peer inside.

  Dumfounded, I murmur, “What is this place?”

  Kenji opens his door and climbs out before offering me his hand. Still awestruck, my eyes don’t leave the house when he answers, “The DeLuca residence.”

  Distracted by everything around me, I ask no one in particular, “How long have they owned the house?”

  Theo’s hand settles against my lower back, which ignites the tingles from our bond. “From my understanding, it’s been in their family for thousands of years.”

  Nerves settle in my stomach at the idea of what could be on the inside. “Do I need to be aware of anything going in?”

  “Just don’t stray too far from us. While the DeLucas run a tight ship, they do have some younger vampires with them, and they’re not fully in control of their urges. It could be dangerous.”

  Remembering the DeLuca’s mind-reading ability has me hoping they’re the only ones who have it. I imagine it would be exhausting to keep thoughts to myself while we’re here. “Any other mind readers?”

  “Not that I’m aware of.” Theo jabs his finger against the doorbell with a small gargoyle placed above it.

  The door swings in, and creaking echoes around. A man in an impeccable, black, three-piece suit becomes visible. “Hello, Alpha, Betas, and Luna of Argent. Thank you for joining us.”

  The four of us are really underdressed in jeans, t-shirts, and trainers compared to Cassius, but it doesn’t diminish Theo’s power as Alpha. “Hello, Cassius. It’s been a long time since we’ve last seen each other.”


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