The Princess and The SEAL

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The Princess and The SEAL Page 5

by Alana Albertson

  Giselle daintily nibbled on some berries. “So, what do you plan to do today?”


  “Hadn’t thought about it. Just going to walk through town, check out the shops, maybe mingle with the locals.”

  “That sounds fun. Bayeux is a splendid town. It’s less touristy than in my country. I always imagined that it would be nice to have a summer cottage here.”

  Wow. It must be nice to just be able to buy property wherever you want. I considered a smartass, sarcastic response, but held back.

  “Summer cottage? My goal is to afford one home, not two, and on my salary, that will be a long shot, especially if I stay in San Diego. It’s very expensive there.”

  A flush crept across her cheeks. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I hope you don’t think I’m bragging. Forgive me. Do you like San Diego?”

  “Love it. Miles of beaches, military city, laid-back vibe. I would never consider living anywhere else.”

  “It sounds lovely. I’ve always wanted to visit. I’ve been to New York but never made it out to the West Coast. Maybe you could show me around San Diego one day.”

  I glared at her. “With your new husband?”

  She shook her head. “No. I will still travel alone on occasion.”

  Probably without security, too. She just didn’t get it. This—she and I—had a looming expiration date. I would never mess around with someone else’s wife. Especially a royal.

  “Well, based on what happened between us last night, I don’t think that would be a good idea. You’re like crack candy to me; I’ll always want you. I’m in the military, honey. I don’t want to be charged with adultery, especially with a princess. It would create an international incident. I can see the headlines now. ‘The Princess and The SEAL: How a Summer Love Affair Turned into a Royal Scandal.’ My commanding officer would be on my ass, and it would ruin my career. And your reputation.”

  Her lower lip trembled. I decided to throw in a glimmer of hope.

  “Of course, if you don’t marry him, I’d love to show you a good time.”

  Her voice weakened. “Oh, I’m getting married. Definitely. I’m so silly. Of course you wouldn’t want to see me again. Sorry, I wasn’t thinking. It just doesn’t seem real to me yet. I’m sure I’ll adapt.”

  The fact that she was describing getting married as “adapting” was heartbreaking. Well, it was her life. But she deserved more than a loveless marriage.

  “I didn’t say I wouldn’t want to see you again. I said I couldn’t see you again. There is a difference.”

  “Right. I get it. Well, instead, maybe I could show you around town today? And then I could check into my hotel later. There’s really no rush. Once my father finds out what happened, I’m sure he’ll make me return home.”

  Smart man. “Can’t say that I blame him. I’d order you back home, too. Hell, I’ll go with you. Let me talk to him. I’ll advise him on how to set up his own military.”

  “He’d probably love that. He really respects warriors. One of the reasons he wanted me to marry Miguel was to get some of the Quintana troops to create a base in Santa Cariña.”

  I laughed out loud. “That’s ridiculous and absolutely not a reason to marry Miguel. Your father would be better off hiring a bunch of my retired SEAL buddies as contractors.”

  “That’s an interesting idea. I’ll suggest that to him. But I’m still marrying Miguel.”

  “Right, you keep saying that. Suit yourself, Princess.” She was setting herself up for a life of misery. At least I was a straight shooter.

  She looked out the window. “So, would you like to spend the day with me before I have to say goodbye?”

  Goodbye? Fuck that, she wasn’t going anywhere. But I wasn’t going to tell her that yet.

  “Yup. What do you want to do today?”

  She blushed and crinkled her nose. “Me? I’m happy to do whatever you want.”

  I found her so incredibly adorable. She hadn’t agreed to spend my entire vacation with me—yet. I wanted to make sure she had a good time with me, so she would accept my offer later tonight.

  I shook my head. “No, Princess. Tell me what you want to do with me. You seem to spend your life doing what people tell you to. I have the rest of my vacation to do whatever I want to do alone. You only have one day to spend with me. So how would you like to spend it?” I was using a trick I had learned in SEAL training. Create a sense of urgency to get better results.

  “Are you sure? We could go to Omaha Beach.”

  “I’ll do that later. Alone.” Paying my respects to men who had died in battle was not my idea of a romantic day.

  I wrapped my arms around her. I racked my brain trying to think of the perfect date. What did princesses like to do for fun? I honestly didn’t know too much about her. Sure, I had studied her wiki. I knew about her charity work with children and her love for crocheting, but what really made her tick? “What’s one thing you’ve always wanted to do that you’ve never done before?”

  “I don’t know. Let me think.” Then her brow lifted. “Why are you trying to be so sweet to me, Ryan? You had this whole vacation planned, and I have already taken so much of your time. Why are you knocking yourself out to impress me?”

  Good question. But I didn’t have a good answer. “Stop asking so many questions. Your problem is that you think about everyone but yourself. You’re constantly talking about your country, your father, your fiancé. I can guaran-fucking-tee that he isn’t thinking about you while he’s off sleeping with half of Europe.”

  Her bottom lip quivered again.

  Fuck. I shouldn’t have said that. I’d never had a filter. The truth hurt, and it was raw. I was sure she was surrounded by yes-people who told her what she wanted to hear.

  But I came from a different world. A cold, dark reality where I took things as they came. Except in battle. When it came to war, I was always prepared and always one step ahead of the enemy to ensure my success and the success of my Team. But I doubted this strategic preparedness helped in areas of the heart.

  “You’re right. I know you are. It’s just hard. I never really have free time. I always go where I’m told, do what I’m supposed to do.”

  I may have been many things—insensitive, cocky, and pretty much an asshole—but indecisive was not one of them.

  “Got it. Well then, I’m planning the day. Get dressed. I’ll be right back.”

  She pursed her plump lips and nodded. “Okay. What should I wear? Are we going somewhere fancy? Or casual? Would shorts or a dress be more appropriate?”

  Did she have someone lay out her clothes in the morning for her?

  I would show restraint and not be a smartass. “Wear a sundress.” I gave her a quick kiss and ran downstairs.

  The innkeeper greeted me with a smile. “Monsieur Shelton. Did you like your breakfast?”

  “Yes, we did. It was delicious. Thank you.” I browsed some brochures near the desk. Museums, history tours, train rides, the usual stuff. One caught my eye—skydiving. But I’d jumped off so many planes in my life, I didn’t need the adrenaline rush right now, and I was sure Giselle would be terrified, which definitely wasn’t my goal.

  “Can I help you with anything?”

  I never asked for help, but I didn’t know the area, so what the hell.

  “Actually, yes. I want to surprise my wife. We plan to do all the traditional tourist activities later in the week. Do you know of somewhere special to go to? Romantic? A hidden spot?”

  She smiled at me. “Of course. I know just the place. There is a beautiful waterfall at the end of a short hike. I’ll even pack you a picnic lunch.”

  Perfect. “Great. Thank you. Where is it? How do I get there?”

  “It’s about twenty minutes up north. Do you know how to ride a motorcycle?”

  “Of course I do. I have a Harley back home.”

  “Well, then, you can borrow my husband’s. He would be thrilled to lend it to you newlyweds. He used to take me there when w
e were younger. May I ask how you met your beautiful wife? She looks very familiar to me.”

  That’s because she’s a princess.

  I needed to figure out something after today. If she agreed to spend the next week with me, the paparazzi would definitely find us. The last thing I needed was my face plastered all over the international newswires so ISIS could put a bounty on my head.

  “Classic damsel-in-distress story. She was being mugged, and I swept in and saved her. We fell in love. The rest is history.”

  She clasped her hand to her chest. “What a lovely story. Let me prepare your picnic basket. And I’ll get the bike and helmets ready.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  “Don’t mention it. We are happy to help you celebrate your love.”

  I nodded. She was so nice. I wasn’t used to such kindness. I wanted to take it at face value, but my past didn’t allow me to do so. She was probably only being nice to me because I had booked this place.

  I closed my eyes and shook off my anxiety.

  No, Ryan. No.

  Maybe she was just a wonderful woman who truly enjoyed making others happy. It was possible.

  Man, I was fucked up. I hoped Giselle didn’t know what a complete mess I was.

  I raced back up to the room, opened the door—and my breath hitched at what I saw.

  Fuck, she was fine.

  Giselle was sitting there in a white sundress that ended right at her creamy thighs.

  I wanted to climb on the bed, rip off her panties, and devour her pussy until she came all over my face.

  My cock immediately stood at attention. How was I supposed to control myself around her?

  Maybe I really should let her go after today.

  I’d think about that later.

  “So, where are we going? Is this dress okay?”

  “It’s perfection. You’re perfection.”

  She giggled and pulled me onto the bed. I covered her luscious body with mine and pressed my cock between her thighs, with only the denim of my jeans and the soft lace fabric of her panties between us.

  After a minute, I managed to push myself off of her and roll to my back. “Actually, you should change into some jeans if you have any.”

  “Really? Where are we going?”

  “We’re taking a motorcycle ride.”

  “I have never been on a motorcycle. Do you know how to ride one?”

  I laughed. “Yes, babe. I own a Harley. You’ll be fine. Just relax, and let’s have fun today.”

  She climbed on top of me, and I grabbed her ass and kissed her like she was mine. Which she was.

  If only for today.

  Chapter 8


  A MOTORCYCLE RIDE? MY FIRST thought was to say no. He had told me to choose what to do, but I hadn’t. This was all my fault. I was sure he would be okay with me picking another activity, but the main reason that I took this vacation was to be open to new experiences. So, I decided to force myself to go with the flow.

  My hands shook as I followed him downstairs. Of course I’d never been on the back of a motorcycle. My father was way too paranoid to allow me ever to endanger my life. He would absolutely flip out if he knew I was about to get on the back of a motorcycle with someone who was practically a stranger.

  Giselle, stop! Your first thought is always what your father, your country’s subjects, or your fiancé would think.

  I closed my eyes; it was time to start living my life, doing what I wanted to do, and not stressing about what my father would say if he knew. After all, I was about to become a married woman. Surely, I deserved some time to myself?

  Ryan grabbed my hand, and we walked over to the innkeeper, who let out a dreamy sigh as we approached.

  “Ah, the lovebirds. To be young and in love. Cherish this time.”

  Her words shook me. Would I have this much fun on my own honeymoon? What would I even do? I pictured awkward, painful, loveless sex, followed by me spending the day alone in the spa, sobbing while Miguel played poker in some bar.

  What was I doing?

  The innkeeper placed her hand on my shoulder, which brought me back to reality. And the truth was that today, I was still not married. And I was about to go somewhere with Ryan, my own personal bodyguard.

  The lady handed me a picnic basket. “I have prepared lunch and even added a bottle of wine for you lovers.”

  “Merci beaucoup.”

  “De rien.”

  She turned to Ryan and began giving him directions.

  I shifted side to side on the gravel beneath my feet and pulled on my hair. Maybe this was a terrible idea. I really should just get to my own hotel. Going on this indulgent excursion was so reckless of me.

  Ryan put his arm around me. “Let’s go, babe.”

  Babe. No one except for Ryan had ever called me babe, not even my fiancé.

  The innkeeper led us out to the motorcycle. Ryan handed me my helmet and then strapped the picnic basket into the saddlebag.

  Ryan adjusted my helmet for me and gave me a devilish grin. “Are you nervous?”

  “Yes, actually, I am. I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”

  “You’re going to love it—there’s nothing like the freedom of being out on the open road, the wind rushing through your hair, all your problems melting away.”

  That did sound lovely. I took a deep exhale and decided to give myself permission to take a risk. “I’ll try to keep an open mind.”

  “That’s my girl. Don’t worry, babe. I got you. Just hold on tight.”

  Ryan put on his own helmet and effortlessly climbed on the bike.

  Dear Lord, he looked so incredible in those jeans, which tightly hugged his sexy behind. I climbed on the back, wrapped my arms around his strong back, and said a brief prayer as he revved the engine.

  When he drove off, my heart raced. I’d never done anything like this in my entire life. I forced my nerves to calm down. As we took our first turn, the cracked pavement below us made the bike seem a bit unsteady. For the first few minutes, I closed my eyes and clung to Ryan for dear life. But as the road smoothed out, the rumbling in my heart gave way to pure bliss.

  I was really doing it. I was living my life. Uninhibited. Wild.

  I opened my eyes and took in the beauty of the moment. For the first time in my life, I was truly free. Free on the open road; free to enjoy my day how I pleased, and free to be me. I still hadn’t checked in with my father. In fact, he had no idea where I was. I wasn’t doing charity work or making a public appearance to promote tourism for my country. I was being selfish and indulgent.

  And I had to admit, I loved it.

  About twenty minutes later, we finally arrived at a meadow. Ryan helped me off the bike, and I took off my helmet.

  “What did you think?”

  “I loved it. I’ve never felt so free!”

  His eyes twinkled. “Glad you liked it. I remember the first time I went on a motorcycle.”

  “Oh, really? When was that?”

  He looked away from me. “It was a long time ago, but I loved riding. I vowed to one day own my own bike. You should see mine back home—she’s a beauty.”

  I pursed my lips. I had only known Ryan for less than twenty-four hours, but I was starting to notice a disturbing trend.

  He hadn’t told me anything noteworthy about himself.

  Sure, he’d told me that he was a Navy SEAL, that he lived in San Diego, and that he never wanted to get married. But he had mentioned nothing about his family. I was dying to find out what his story was, but I had no right to ask. Especially since, after today, we would never see each other again.

  He leaned me against the motorcycle and kissed me, pressing his body into mine. This kiss differed from the previous ones we had shared. It was simple; it was sweet; it was the type of kiss I imagined a normal couple would share before going on a date. A couple who were dating because they both liked each other, not because they were being forced together.

  “The innkeeper told me that there’s a waterfall about a half-mile from here. Are you game for some hiking?”

  “Of course. A hike sounds fun. It’s so beautiful out here.” Fields of wildflowers surrounded us, and their bright pops of color plus the scent of the fresh air filled my heart with joy.

  But after we began down the path, my jubilation was replaced by concern. We were in the middle of nowhere. There was nobody else around for miles. No one knew where I was. I didn’t even know where I was.

  Yes, this was super romantic. A motorcycle ride out to a secluded location, complete with a picnic lunch and a waterfall. But I reminded myself again that I did not know Ryan, and he did not know me. For all I knew, he could be a psychopath. He could have lured me out here to rape me and leave me for dead.

  Actually, the one thing I knew about him was that he had killed people. Nobody would ever know what had happened to me.

  Oh my God! What was wrong with me? I was so paranoid—a complete mess. My chest heaved as my emotions and hormones took hold.

  It was so difficult growing up the way I had. My entire life, I had been protected, sheltered, and controlled. Once my mom died, my father had become more protective than before. Now that I had this brief window with the freedom to do things on my own, I had zero confidence in my abilities to take care of myself or to discern if people were telling me the truth.

  My steps became slower, and I tried to focus on the beautiful deer grazing in the brush ahead . . . but anxiety took hold of me again, and I broke.

  Ryan’s head immediately snapped back, and he looked at me. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m just overwhelmed. That’s all. Can we just take a minute?”

  Ryan studied my face. I didn’t want him to look at me to see what was inside, a weak mess.

  He took my hand and motioned for me to sit down, then sat beside me. “Babe, it’s okay. I’m here. What’s wrong? You can tell me.”

  I tried to gain control of my emotions, but I failed and began to cry.

  Ryan just held me close to his chest as I sobbed. When I finally caught my breath, I looked up at him. He gently wiped away my tears.


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