The Princess and The SEAL

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The Princess and The SEAL Page 7

by Alana Albertson

  We finally arrived at the hotel. Ryan opened the door for me—and I gasped.

  My father was standing there, pacing around the lobby.

  Oh no.

  I turned to Ryan. “That’s my—”

  “Father, I know.”

  My face scrunched up. “How do you know?”

  “Because I memorized everything I could about your country last night. Regular intel for planning a mission.”

  Right. I was a job to Ryan. A challenge. Sure, he was attracted to me, but he seemed to have some misguided duty to protect me. But Ryan’s mission plans were the least of my worries—I had to focus on my father.

  The king.

  My father’s eyes immediately met mine. He motioned toward me to come toward him.

  Uh oh. I royally pissed him off.

  I squeezed Ryan’s hand. “Let me handle this.”

  “I’m going with you.”

  My heart softened toward Ryan. Most men I’d met would run away from any conflict, and here Ryan was offering to stay by my side.

  “No. That won’t be necessary. Why don’t you stop at a café for some coffee? I’ll meet you back at the bed-and-breakfast.”

  Ryan shook his head. “No. I’ll wait for you. I’ll just sit here.”

  He grabbed a newspaper and sat on a sofa in the lobby. I was impressed that he hadn’t bolted the first chance he had.

  I walked toward my father. The second he glared at me, guilt covered me like a blanket. The deep lines around his eyes seemed even more prominent as he scowled.

  But I knew that he wasn’t going to yell at me in public. We were royals, after all.

  He pointed toward an office. Great, he must’ve already secured a room so he could scold me in private.

  Head held high, I greeted him with a curtesy and a kiss on his cheek.

  “Giselle! Where have you been? No one has been able to get in touch with you.”

  Shame consumed me. This was entirely my fault. I knew that my father would worry. I had placed myself in this situation. I needed to take full responsibility for my foolish actions.

  “I’m fine, Papa. I’m so sorry for causing you to worry. That was never my intent.” I needed to come clean now. “I’m sorry I lied to you yesterday in my email. I didn’t merely lose my phone; I was mugged in the town square yesterday. Luckily, I met a gentleman who went after the criminal and retrieved my luggage.”

  My father’s jaw dropped. “A gentleman? Where is this gentleman?”

  “He’s in the lobby.”

  “You said you stayed with a friend. A female friend. That was a lie? Please tell me you didn’t spend the night with some man you met on the street.”

  Well, when you put it that way, it really does sound awful.

  My cheeks burned from embarrassment. “I did, in fact. I had no money or identification, and I didn’t want to alarm you. Nothing happened between us at all. He’s an American Navy SEAL. And quite a gentleman.”

  The second those words left my lips, I knew that I’d just walked into a ring of fire. I had admitted that I’d spent the night with Ryan.

  My father’s hands shook. “Giselle, you stayed with an American mercenary? What were you thinking? You are engaged to be married! Young lady, how foolish could you be?”

  Normally, I would just allow my father to have the final word.

  But not today.

  “I was thinking, Father, that I had just been mugged, and I was terrified. This man, who you just called an American killer, was actually the only person in this entire town to ask if I was okay. He ran after my mugger and attempted to get my items back.” I paused—about to lie. “Absolutely nothing inappropriate happened between us. I’m completely lucky that I met him. You should be thanking him.”

  My father glared at me, and I met his gaze right back. I was not going to back down.

  “Why didn’t you just walk to the nearest hotel and have them call me? I would’ve wired you money immediately.”

  Good question. I didn’t want to tell him the truth. Which was that I’d seen the past twenty-four hours as a brilliant once-in-a-lifetime adventure with a handsome stud. One that I would never regret.

  “Well, honestly, Papa, it was late, and I was scared. I was pretty shaken up after I had been mugged. And I really didn’t want to bother you or have you worry. I took this trip to become independent and enjoy my last days as a single woman. The last thing I wanted to do was run to my father and ask for help.”

  My father exhaled. “I understand, Giselle. So, what are your plans now?”

  Breathe, Giselle, breathe. “I plan to continue my vacation.”

  “Very well. But I must insist on providing you security. Pierre and Henri traveled with me. Henri can stay behind with you.”

  I didn’t want to travel with Henri—I wanted to travel with Ryan.

  “I appreciate that offer, Papa, but I have to do this on my own.”

  My father shook his head. “No, Giselle. I insist. See what happened when you traveled without protection?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I do. And that was wrong of me. But I want to be alone, away from the palace and everything that goes along with it.” I paused and closed my eyes. “I’ve hired the Navy SEAL as my own personal bodyguard for the rest of the trip.”

  His eyes bulged. “An American? No. Our security detail is fine.”

  I silently doubted Henri or Pierre would’ve handled the mugger the way Ryan had. “Well, it’s not up to you, Father. This is the last time I can be on my own before my wedding. I’m continuing my trip with Ryan.”

  “That’s completely out of the question. In case you have forgotten, young lady, you are engaged to Miguel. It’s inappropriate for you to be traipsing across the country with an American man.”

  Heat stirred inside me, and years of anger and resentment pulsed through my words. “And what, pray tell, is Miguel doing at this exact moment? Last time I checked the tabloids, he was on a yacht in Ibiza with a bunch of models. I’m not married yet, and I will do what I want, when I want. I’m sorry I worried you, but I assure you that I am fine, and my virtue is intact. You will see me back at the palace in a week, but until then, I’m going to continue my trip with Ryan as my bodyguard. That’s final.” A wave of relief rolled off me as I said those words.

  Wow. I couldn’t believe I actually stood up to him. I had always been the dutiful daughter, princess, and subject. What had possessed me to stand up for myself?

  One word.


  I had only known him for a day, and I was already asserting myself.

  My father locked his eyes on mine. I had his stubborn streak; he knew that all too well. I would not back down.

  “I must meet this young man.”

  Right. Ugh. Meeting the parents was a bit too soon, but Ryan wasn’t my boyfriend; he was my bodyguard. But Ryan had already offered to talk to my father, so I was sure it would be fine.

  “Of course you can. He’s in the lobby. I’ll go get him.”

  I walked out to Ryan, who was staring at his phone. His eyes lit up when he saw me, and warmth flooded my body.

  “How’d it go? Do I need to kidnap you from your castle in the middle of the night?”

  I rolled my eyes. He was always such a smartass. “My father wants to meet you.”

  “Cool, I’m always down to meet a king. Let’s go.”

  Ryan’s self-confidence amazed me. Most men were nervous to talk to my father.

  Ryan stood up, and I couldn’t help but sigh. He was so handsome and rugged. And completely not my type. But at least he did look like a bodyguard. I hoped this would work.

  We walked into the room, and my father gave Ryan the once over.

  Ryan bowed when he saw my father. “Honored to meet you, Your Highness.”

  I melted, pleasantly surprised Ryan had shown my father respect.

  My father’s stern look widened into a smile; he always responded well to deference. Then he extended his hand out to Ryan.
“Thank you for watching out for my Giselle. I appreciate your help, but we are no longer in need of your services as we have our own security. Please let me know what I owe you.”

  Oh no.

  Ryan’s jaw clenched.

  I put my hand on his as if to urge him not to speak, but I was too late.

  “May I ask where your security detail is?”

  “No, you may not. Young man, my safety, and the safety and well-being of my daughter is none of your concern.”

  Ryan let out a laugh, and I cringed as he pointed to Pierre, my father’s personal bodyguard, who was lounging on a chair outside of the room we were in. Henri was busy chatting up a maid in the corner. Ryan eyed him as well. “Those guys?”

  My father nodded. “Yes, actually. They are the best in my country.”

  “The best? I walked into this room with you, the king. He didn’t even frisk me. I could be armed . . . but I don’t need to be. I’m a Navy SEAL—I’ve killed men with my bare hands. Some bodyguard. If I was your bodyguard, I wouldn’t allow anyone to get near you.”

  “Well, fortunately for me, you are not.”

  My eyes watered. I couldn’t even watch this train wreck. I grabbed Ryan’s hand to urge him to stop, but he kept on talking.

  “I completely disagree that you’re no longer in need of my services. Your daughter, the crown princess, was traveling alone in a foreign country, and she was mugged by two assailants. And I saved her. She has informed me that she would like to continue the excursion she had planned and offered me a job as her security guard. An offer which I accepted, despite being on my own vacation.”

  My father narrowed his gaze at Ryan. “That is absolutely out of the question.” He glanced at me. “Young lady, you can continue your trip with Henri, or you will return to the palace at once. It is your choice.”

  Ryan opened his mouth. “Doesn’t sound like much of a choice to me. Sounds like an ultimatum. Like the rest of her life ‘choices.’”

  No one ever stood up to my dad.

  And now Ryan had.

  My turn again.

  “No, Father. I will be continuing this trip with Ryan as my personal bodyguard.”

  A slight grin graced Ryan’s face. “Please don’t worry about your daughter. I promise she’ll be well taken care of, and I will not harm her or disrespect her or your country in any way. You have my word. I can leave you my information as well as the contact numbers for my military command. I can authorize them to send you my qualifications and the details on my numerous combat medals.”

  “Bye, Papa. Please leave the copies of my identification, my credit cards, and my passport with the concierge.” I gave him a kiss on the cheek. His fist clenched, and a look of confusion and rage swirled on his face.

  I turned and walked right back out of the hotel with Ryan trailing behind me.

  Chapter 12


  I GRABBED GISELLE’S HAND ONCE we were outside of the hotel. “Are you okay?”

  She leaned into my chest, and I embraced her. “No, of course I’m not. And thank you for backing me up; it means a lot to me. No one has ever defended me to my father like that.”

  That’s because you’ve never dated a real man. “No need to thank me, babe. I was so proud of you and the way you stood up to your father.”

  And I was, but I knew that it was one thing to stand up to her father about a quick vacation before she was married. She would never stand up to her father in the long term. No matter what happened between us in the next week, she would definitely go through with her marriage.

  Not that it mattered to me. I’d known her for only a day. Why would I care who she married? One thing was for certain: she would never marry an American like me.

  “Yeah, I did. I think I really made him upset. But he had no right to come after me and demand I come home. I just knew he would do this; I knew that he wouldn’t trust me to be on my own.”

  I smirked. I didn’t want to agree with her father and upset Giselle, but even so, I felt the need to be honest with her. I could tell that, like most privileged girls I’d met, Giselle spent her life surrounded by yes people who would never call her out on her shit.

  I would always tell her the truth, no matter what it cost me.

  “I mean, I can’t say that I blame him. I would’ve come after you, too.”

  She gritted her teeth and pulled away from me. “I’m an adult. Why does everyone treat me like I’m a child? My father, Miguel, and now you? I can handle myself.”

  I exhaled. That did not come off the way that I’d intended.

  “I understand, babe. I’m not saying that at all. I know you can handle yourself, but like I’ve been saying, you’re royalty. He was obviously worried, and rightly so.” I needed to change the mood. I put my thumb under her chin and forced her to look at me. Her mascara was smudged under her eyes, but I still thought she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. “So, what do you want to do now? Go out to dinner?”

  She shook her head. “Actually, no. I’d like to just rest and order room service.”

  I paused. We were staying at a small bed-and-breakfast. I didn’t think they had room service, but I could ask.

  “Sure, whatever. I’ll ask the innkeeper if she can make us dinner, and we can eat in our room.” Her face contorted. What was on her mind? “What? What are you thinking about?”


  “No, it’s not nothing. What are you thinking?”

  She dropped her shoulders. “Seeing my dad rattled me. And I told him you were my bodyguard. Now that he knows about you, I don’t think we should lie.”

  “I’m not following you, babe.”

  “Is there any way we can stay at my hotel? I have a suite with two separate bedrooms.”

  “My place is fine.”

  “But it’s really not, Ryan. If word gets out that we are sharing a small room, it could be really damaging to my image.”

  I exhaled. I knew this was coming. Now that her father knew that I would be traveling with her, I would have to guard not only her but also her reputation.

  I had given my word to her father, so I might as well man up.

  “Fine. Let’s go check out.”

  She placed her hand on my arm. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.”

  “Don’t mention it.”

  We walked down the street in silence. I was careful to keep my distance from her while I scanned the area for any suspicious people. Once we arrived at the bed-and-breakfast, I had the awkward talk with the innkeeper. She had been so kind to us that I didn’t want her to think that we hadn’t enjoyed her place. I paid her in full for my week and explained that Giselle wanted to be in the center of town.

  As I carried our luggage back to the château, I had doubts about what I had agreed to. What on earth was I doing playing bodyguard to some pampered virgin princess? I wasn’t even going to get laid on this trip, and now I was working.

  I quickly squashed my desire to ditch her. I had agreed to this, and I always finished what I started.

  We checked into the château, and Giselle was pleased to know her father had done as she’d requested and left her documents with the concierge.

  The bellman led us to the suite. I entered and took in its opulence. It was nothing like my cozy room back at the bed-and-breakfast. There were gold chandeliers, velvet curtains, sculptures, and artwork. There was even a grand piano in the middle of the room. Too bad I couldn’t play.

  It was still cool as hell—I could get used to this.

  The bellman tapped me on the shoulder.

  “Pardon, monsieur. Your room is across the hall.”

  Oh, hell no. “I’ll be staying with Princess Giselle; I’m her bodyguard. There are two separate rooms in this suite.”

  “Her room has secure locks and an alarm. I was given strict instructions by her father, King Rémy, that you are to stay in the room across the hall.” He handed me my key.

  Giselle turned to me. “I had
no idea. I—”

  I put up my hand to stop her from completing the sentence. “It’s fine. I’ll sleep there. Good night, Princess. Enjoy your room service.”

  And with that, I went into my room. Alone. Just how I liked it.

  Well, usually.

  Chapter 13


  THE NEXT MORNING I WOKE refreshed and ready to face the day. I felt awful that the bellman had asked Ryan to stay in a separate room, but it had given me the space I’d needed to think. And after taking some time alone, I was confident that traveling with Ryan was the best decision I had made recently. I needed this excursion. And for now, I needed him.

  I just hoped Ryan wasn’t having second thoughts about traveling with me. I wouldn’t blame him if he was. I couldn’t help but feel like I was ruining his vacation.

  But today, I would make it up to him. I had the full day planned. We were going to see the Normandy beaches. I had already arranged for a tour guide and limousine to take us.

  I ordered a full breakfast to the room and got ready. I picked the prettiest sundress I had packed, curled my hair, and put on my makeup. I was full of joy for no reason at all; all I knew was that I wanted to get pretty for Ryan.

  I was about to leave the room and knock on his door when I heard a rap on my own. It was probably room service.

  I pulled open the door—but it wasn’t room service. It was Ryan, who looked as handsome as ever.

  Except for that scowl on his handsome face.

  “Good morning. Why are you so sour?”

  “Why did you open the door? You didn’t even ask who it was? I could’ve been some stalker.”

  Ah, Ryan. “You are so paranoid. We are in a safe hotel, and no one knows I’m staying here beside you and my father and the staff. Anyway, I thought it was room service; I ordered breakfast. Come inside.”

  “Are you sure? Your father won’t be too mad if I’m alone with you, will he? I can wait in my room. Or even in the lobby, if you’d prefer.”


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