Nothing Compares

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Nothing Compares Page 3

by Leigh Allen

  “I have baseball practice after school, but I thought we could hang out after. If that’s ok with you,” he finished.

  I knew I was smiling like an idiot. Talon wanted to spend time with me. I wasn't sure why, but I couldn’t come up with a reason to say no.

  “Ok, how about we meet at Vine Park at six?” I offered.

  “It’s a date,” he said, a cheerful ring to his voice.

  “Great, it’s a date,” I mimicked his happiness.

  We hung up the phone and I felt like I was floating on cloud nine. It was a euphoric moment as I lay in bed, smiling and thinking about a boy who just may have been the light I needed to find my way out of the darkness of my broken heart.


  “What has you smiling like that?”

  I didn’t even hear her come up behind me until she was poking me in the back. Hollis was still talking and I didn’t hear anything she was saying.

  “What?” I asked, shaking my head as I pulled my math book out of my locker.

  Sighing, Hollis rolled her eyes. “You’ve been hanging with Talon a lot lately. Is he helping you out of your Marcus funk?” she asked.

  Slamming my locker closed, I refused to have this conversation with her in the middle of the hallway. I scanned our surroundings before pulling her into an empty classroom.

  “Can you keep your voice down?” I hushed her.

  Laughing, Hollis wasn’t the least bit fazed by my frustration. “You are such a prude. No one heard me. Besides, if Talon is doing things to you that makes you smile like that, then I need details,” she mused.

  “It’s not like that,” I began, sitting down in an empty seat. It was still early and most kids were chatting in the halls before heading to the homeroom. “Talon is… great. We haven't done anything but hang out, but I’m not using him to get over Marcus,'' I argued

  And, the truth was, I really wasn’t. At first, spending time with Talon seemed like a great way to distract myself. However, something happened after being with him the first time. It was like magic; a spell had been cast over me and my heart no longer ached or longed for Marcus. It didn’t bother me to see him in the halls with other girls. I was living and it was wonderful.

  “Wow, that’s great. But, you must really like him,” she added.

  “I think I do,” I sighed. “He wants to spend time with me and he makes me feel special.”

  The warning bell rang over the intercom, alerting us to hightail it to homeroom . We said our goodbyes and promised to text later.

  At lunch, Talon stopped me in the hall before I could make my way to the exit.

  “Hey, can I take you up on that lunch date?” he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  He was painfully cute and I just couldn’t tell him no.

  “Sure,” I said.

  Allison and Hollis were making their way down the hall, but when they saw me walking out the door with Talon, they both stopped, smiled, and then retreated back to their lockers.

  I hated ditching them for lunch, but something told me they wouldn’t mind.

  Talon and I found a nice, shady spot under a large oak tree in the quad. As we sat down, I couldn’t help but notice all the stares we were eliciting from students around us.

  “Um, I think people are staring at us,” I whispered to Talon.

  “Who cares,” Talon shrugged, biting into his school pizza.

  He didn’t let other people's opinions bother him and I wished I could be more like that.

  Talon’s phone pinged, alerting him to a text. He quickly scanned the screen, before laughing and showing me a picture. It was of Mike with his arms wrapped around Allison and Hollis. The text read, ‘I stole Mallory’s lunch dates.’

  I let out a laugh as I saw the goofy smiles on their faces.

  “I think Mike is enjoying the fact that we ditched our friends,” I teased.

  “Looks like it,” Talon agreed.

  “So, other than hanging out with your friends, what else do you like to do?” he asked.

  I took a bite of my vanilla yougart I had packed in my lunch and thought his question over.

  “Honestly, I spend a lot of time studying. I have dreams of going to the University of Kentucky and I need to keep good grades if I want a scholarship. I want to get out of this town someday,” I admitted.

  Talon nodded and smiled. “I believe you will do great things. You are amazing,” he added.

  My heart did a little dance as he spoke. Talon had the power to make me giddy and warm inside and I hoped these feelings never went away.

  “Well, maye we can explore new things together,” he suggested. “I hear there is a drive-in theatre here. We just moved from two towns over. I’ve been here to visit Mike so I know most of this town. I just wish I had met you sooner,” he said, our eyes locking as he looked at me.

  Meeting his gaze, I smiled. “I wish that too.”

  I went through the rest of the day on cloud nine. Nothing could have ruined my high.


  After practice, I rushed home to shower and change before I would be meeting up with Talon. It was already five-thirty and I was giddy with excitement. Quickly dressing in a pair of fringed jean shorts and a yellow tee, I made my way out of the house and to my car. On the short drive to Vine Park, I turned my radio up and rolled down my windows. I sang along with cheesy pop songs and let the cool evening air rejuvenate my soul. Each day, I was feeling more free and like my old self again. I was loving this new feeling.

  When I arrived at the park, I was stunned to see Talon already in the parking lot. He was standing outside his truck, arms crossed over his broad chest, and an adorable smirk on his tan face.

  I knew my face was blushing because I could feel the heat all the way down to my toes. I pulled in beside him and stepped out of my car just as Talon placed his hand on the drivers side handle.

  “Hey, a gentleman always opens a door for a lady,” he said, offering me his hand.

  I gladly accepted it and almost laughed. “Wow, does that line really work?” I asked.

  “My grandpa always told me to open doors for a lady. I’m just following orders,” he winked.

  Smiling, I allowed him to help me out of the car and he never let go of my hand as he led me over to a bench facing a small pond. There were a few families perched along the bank of the water, some fishing, while others threw bread crumbs to floating ducks.

  We sat down and I couldn’t help but stare at our intertwined fingers.

  “How was practice?” I asked, as we both just watched the fading sunlight glisten off the calm water.

  “It was good. Coach has been drilling us hard. We have tournaments coming up soon,” he said, sighing a bit.

  He definitely had the body for an athlete and I almost felt like I was drooling as my eyes raked over his physique.

  “What about you?” he asked.

  “It was fine. The season is almost over, so most of the girls who aren’t seniors aren’t really taking it seriously anymore,” I stated.

  Nodding, he seemed to understand what I was saying.

  After a few more minutes, Talon finally turned so that his body was facing me on the bench. “Ok, I have a question,” Talon began.

  “Ok,” I said, a little hesitant.

  “Well, I know you and that Marcus guy just broke up, but I was wondering how long I had to wait before I could ask you to be more than just friends,” he said, a smile warming his features.

  “I don’t know about you, but I don’t really kiss my friends like we have been kissing,” I sort of teased. Even though I made light of the situation, my heart was totally doing flips in my chest right now.

  “I hope you aren’t kissing anyone else,” Talon stated, a hint of danger in his voice.

  I kind of liked it.

  “No, no kissing anyone else,” I said, making eye contact with him.

  “So, what do you say we make this official?” Talon asked. “I mean, I don’t want to date anyo
ne else and I really hope you don’t either,” he said, looking at me closely.

  As much as I liked Talon, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was all happening too soon.

  I could tell Talon could see the hesitation in my eyes. I did want to be with him, but I wanted to make sure my heart was completely healed before I was ready to let someone else in.

  “Talon, I just…” I couldn’t finish my sentence.

  “Look, I get it. We can take things slow,” he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

  “Are you sure? You're not mad?” I asked, feeling ashamed now.

  “No, I will wait until you are ready, because you are worth it,” he said, leaning in and placing a soft kiss to my lips.

  I was afraid I had just messed everything up. Did he feel rejected? Realizing I just couldn’t walk away from this right now, or allow him to think I wasn’t interested in him, I spoke up again. “Talon, you don’t understand. It’s not like I don’t like you… because I do,” I began, but my words were jumbled.

  Taking my hands in his, Talon forced me to look at him. Something about the way he looked at me, like I was a rare flower in his hands, made me calm down.

  “All I’m asking is for you to just talk with me. To let me see you. To let me see you smile. I’ve waited for so long, only seeing you in my dreams. Now you are standing here and I am waiting here, holding my breath, just asking if it is too much for me to just be with you a little while,” he said, his eyes pleading with me.

  Tears filled my eyes. It was hard to say what he saw in me, or what I was even doing right now, but one thing was for sure; Talon had just broken down every barrier I had ever built.

  We sat back and watched the sunset together. Just me in his arms and he by my side. No one else seemed to matter at that moment.


  The next day, I was feeling invincible as I made my way through the halls of school. Marcus had got caught making out with a freshmen during gym, and was currently being berated by the principal as he received his detention notice. I heard the rumors already spreading, but I didn’t care. He was no longer my problem, and there was currently a new boy taking up residence in my heart and mind. If only I could allow myself to give him all of me.

  The warning bell rang and I jumped, startled from my own thoughts.

  “You want to get out of here?” Talon asked, walking up to me at my locker. I jumped again. Man, I really needed to pay better attention to my surroundings.

  Looking around, I laughed, thinking he was joking. “Are you serious? It’s only second period,” I said, exchanging my biology textbook for my math book.

  “Yeah, let’s go and hang out at our spot,” he suggested. His hand trailed down my arm, sending goosebumps on high alert. I watched as his fingers touched my sin, the act so simple yet so erotic at the same time.

  “I have class and so do you,” I reminded him, closing my locker. “I’ve never missed a class in my life,” I finished.

  Talon closed the space between us, causing my back to push up against my locker. I was cornered and at his mercy.

  “You have straight A’s and a perfect GPA. You already know all of the material being covered in class. Come on, let’s live a little. We can hang out alone without the fear of our friends showing up or calling us,” he suggested. “Plus, I have all my classes with Mike. He can bring me whatever I miss.”

  His warm breaths were tingling my cheeks and as much as I wanted to argue against this idea, I just couldn’t. He had a point.

  “What if we get caught? We could get in trouble,” I argued, even though I barely believed what I was saying.

  “We won’t get caught. Just fake sick and say you need to leave. They will believe you because you never do anything like this,” Talon stated.

  He leaned in and placed a soft kiss to my lips and all of my worries and arguments melted away. He knew the effect it had on me and he was using it to his advantage. His beautiful eyes were irresistible.

  “Fine,” I sighed, smiling up at him.

  “Awesome. Meet me at your car in ten minutes,” Talon said. A wide smile shined from his face as he began to walk away. I wasn’t sure where he was going, but I knew what I needed to do.

  Ten minutes later, I was leaving the nurse's office with a note to leave school. I had faked a stomach ache and the school nurse had totally believed me.

  I was almost skipping as I left the school.

  Walking to the student lot, I paused as I spotted Talon leaned up against my tiny red car. Arms folded across his chest, he had a smirk that promised fun and naughty things to come. My heart skipped a beat and suddenly, I couldn’t get to him fast enough.

  Running, I jumped into his arms as I reached my car.

  Picking me up, Talon lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist. I couldn't contain my excitement as I crushed my lips to his.

  “I thought you might back out,” Talon said, as his lips still kissed mine.

  Pulling my head back, I stared deep into his eyes. “Not a chance,” I said, before kissing him again.

  Talon slowly placed me back onto the pavement below, and grabbing my hand he said, “Come on, let’s get out of here before someone catches us,” he finished. “Follow me to our spot,” he added, kissing me one last time before leaving me to get in my car.

  It was a strange emotion that suddenly came over me. Being in his arms,I felt safe and wanted. However, the moment his hands were off of me, I felt a sense of loneliness that caused my heart to ache. I couldn’t explain it, but one thing was for sure; I was falling for Talon fast.

  In no time, we were both pulling onto the dirt road that led to our spot. Parking my car beside Talon’s truck, I got out and was instantly greeted by his strong arms around me.

  “So, now that you have me here, what do you want to do?” I asked, placing my hands on his chest.

  “I have some ideas,” he winked, causing butterflies to flutter inside of me.

  We walked over to the small creek and sat down under a large oak tree. Living in a rural area, we were blessed to have so many hidden gems like this tucked away from the outside world.

  Talon had told me his house was on the other side of the creek and part of me longed to see where he lived. We hadn’t reached that part of our relationship yet, but I hoped he would soon.

  Talon leaned up against the tree and motioned for me to sit in front of him. With his strong arms wrapped around me, I allowed myself to fall back into him. Closing my eyes, I listened to the soft sounds of the water and the wind blowing through the trees.

  “What’s on that beautiful mind of yours,” Talon asked, his lips caressing my neck.

  Sighing, I reveled in his touch. “I was just thinking about how much I love this place,” I said.

  “Yeah, it is pretty amazing. I walk down here sometimes when I just need to get away from the world. Now that I’ve been bringing you here, it has a whole new meaning to me,” he said.

  I turned my head so that I was able to see his face. “Thank you for sharing it with me,” I stated.

  “Of course. Like I told you the other day, I want to get to know you and spend more time with you,” he said.

  I looked around at the beautiful sky and the lush green grass that seemed to go on forever. It was just us right now and we could both be vulnerable if we were honest with each other.

  “Tell me about you,” I stated, picking up a blade of grass and tearing little strings off the silky blades.

  “What do you want to know?” he asked, sitting up straighter.

  “I don’t know. What music do you like? What’s your favorite food? Do you get along with your family?” I rushed the words out, because he sort of caught me off guard. I didn’t think getting to know him would begin with me asking so many questions. Everything else about us had felt so easy, this seemed more difficult.

  “I like all music except for pop boy bands, my favorite food is hotdogs you get at stadiums during baseball s
eason, and my family is...complicated,” he breathed.

  “What does that mean, complicated?” I asked, prying further.

  Talon released a steady breath and he seemed to grow more stiff next to me. I instantly regretted asking. “My mom took off when I was four-years-old. I haven’t seen her since. I live with my dad and stepmom, Gloria. She is nice enough. But they both work a lot and don’t really bug me,” he said, shrugging his shoulders.

  Reaching over, I placed my hand on his.”I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you,” I said, watching his face.

  “I’m not upset and you don’t need to apologize. My family is a bit fucked up, but it’s all I know,” he stated. “My dad sort of thinks I am a screw up. We don’t really get along, but it doesn’t bother me.”

  Something told me that last part wasn’t true, but I would never say it to him.

  “I can sort of relate,” I added. “My dad left a few years ago after cheating on my mom. Now, mom works all of the time and I have pretty much raised myself,” I finished.

  “Looks like we have more in common than we thought,” he said, squeezing my hand.

  “I guess so,” I said, smiling.

  “You know I like you, right?” he asked, staring deep into my eyes.

  Something warmed inside of me. I knew he cared for me, but we hadn’t really talked much about it.

  “Yes,” I nodded.

  “I want you to be mine,” he began. “I know last night I told you I could wait, and I can and will, but you have no idea how difficult it is looking at you and not being able to call you mine,” he said. “We both just shared how messed up our family lives are. We can be there for one another,” he finished.

  His words solidified the last bit of unease I had. What in the hell was I waiting for? I was allowing old fears to get in the way of my own happiness. I would be crazy to ask him to wait any longer. To not want to be his.

  “I am yours,” I breathed.


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