Gemini- The Beginning Of The End

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Gemini- The Beginning Of The End Page 28

by Nathan Dickeson

  Something sharp sliced through Rick’s elbow. He barely noticed the new source of agony, but he glanced down anyway. Warm blood gushed out sliding down onto a black blade.

  “Maybe now Taranis will shut up,” Taranis said summoning several black orbs. “And my family will be avenged.”

  With the last of his strength, Rick summoned Light Weaver and tossed it at Taranis. Taranis shot the blade with the lightning. Rick grabbed Shadow Reaper and cut the collar. Blood oozed from his neck.

  “Gemini,” Rick whispered.

  Taranis didn't even try to attack. With horror in his eyes, he opened a black portal.

  Rick grinned. Both Angel soul and Demon cloak activated together. Playing off each other, they became even more powerful. Unmatchable strength and speed, with unlimited magic power. He was a god! The pain melted away.

  Taranis spun, trying to sprint through the portal. Instantly, Rick was in front of him.

  This feels great! he thought dropping Shadow Reaper. I should stay like this all the time! Grabbing Taranis, he lifted him into the air with one hand as he filled the other with a ball of light.

  “Time for you to give me my friend back.”

  The light enveloped them both and Rick slammed his hand into Taranis’s face. Laughing, he dropped his old friend to the ground. Silver slime seeped from around Taranis’s eyes. With the light fading, Rick released Gemini returning to normal. The world seemed so dull now. His body was healed, but he was so tired.

  How many memories did that cost me? He wondered glancing around. Crap! Why wasn't I supposed to kill him? Rick sighed in relief. Oh yeah, So he could tell me…

  “Assan!” he yelled.

  With a wave of his hand, he hid Taranis. Picking up Shadow Reaper Rick ran and knelt next to Assan. Using light magic, he healed the poor battered man. The color returned to Assan’s face.

  “You’ll be okay,” he said getting up.

  “Rick!” Flare called.

  Looking over he saw Flare and Adam rummaging through the debris. When did they get here?

  “Don’t just stand there!” Adam yelled. “We think we found Devlin!”

  Rick grabbed Shadow Reaper and ran. Scrambling up the rubble, he spotted a bloody hand sticking out from under a collapsed wall. He sliced at the large section. Stabbing Shadow Reaper into the ground, he used shadow magic to send bricks flying. Devlin lay there, his body broken and covered in blood. Rick stopped breathing.

  “Can you save him?” Adam asked tears rolling down his face for his brother.

  “No,” Rick said kneeling down “I can’t bring back the dead.” At least not in any way you’d like me to, he added in his head.

  Everything caught up, the day's events hitting him all at once. Tuning out the world he sat there and stared at the man he’d gotten killed. Devlin shouldn’t have died. What kind of God couldn't save someone? He wasn’t sure how long he knelt there beating himself up, but eventually he noticed Stella sitting next to him her hand in his. He looked at her. She smiled a half smile back at him.

  “It’s not your fault,” she said.

  “How—” He started.

  “Is that not what you were thinking?” she asked knowingly.

  “Yes, it was,” he said looking at the ground. “How long have you been sitting here?”

  “Only a minute or two,” she said. “Flare and Adam are arguing with a group of guards.”

  Rick grumbled.

  “What?” She asked.

  Rick looked over his shoulder. The captain from before was arguing with Flare. Archers were all over their bows at the ready. Rick’s blood boiled. This captain had taken up too much of his time! If he’d only been faster. I could kill them all. It would be easy. It’s what I used to do. Why not? Why’d I ever stop?

  Stella squeezed his hand. “I don’t like the look in your eyes.”

  Rick sighed, the fury fading. “Don’t worry,” he said standing up. “I won't do anything.”

  “Why would you need to do anything?” she asked standing up, too.

  “Taranis and the king were working together,” he said walking toward the captain.


  Climbing down from the rubble, Rick strode up to him, Stella right on his heels.

  “I’m sorry about your friend,” the captain said. “But I still need to bring you in.”

  “By the Serpent’s fat, ugly—” Stella started to swear.

  “Stella!” Rick said grabbing her before she could attack the captain.

  “Stupid, stupid, stupid,” she growled at the captain trying to break free of Rick’s grasp.

  “I’ll go with you,” Rick said.

  Flare, Adam, and Stella all glared at him.

  “Could you watch my sword for me?” he asked Flare. “And then there’s this kid I left with a vendor. Can you make sure he’s okay?”

  Flare nodded.

  Releasing Stella, he took a step toward the captain.

  She grabbed his arm. “Don’t leave me.”

  “I’ll be right back,” Rick said smiling... and then left.

  Chapter 26

  S tella blinked and shielded her eyes. A ray of light crept up to shine on her face. Flipping over, she buried her head deeper into the pillow. She was not going to face the cold morning air. At least not yet. Devlin dead, Rick gone, Assan unconscious, and the tournament canceled. No thank you! She was going to go back to a dreamland, where everything was perfectly fine, and she didn't have to feel the loss. A knock on the door echoed through her room. Sighing, Stella glared at the offending door. If she’d had fire Elementia, she totally would’ve burnt it to cinders.

  “Who is it?” she yelled sitting up.

  “Flare,” she said in a chipper tone, walking in.

  Speak of the serpent. “I didn’t say you could come in,” Stella said glowering at her.

  “Were you going to let me in?” Flare asked smiling at her.

  “No,” Stella muttered, plopping back down onto her pillow. “How’s Assan?”

  “The Light Elementalist’s said he’d be okay,” Flare said.

  “That’s good.”

  “We should have a Light Elementalist come with us to this thing,” Flare muttered. “Maybe Jack, or Cal? But what if they’re both on a job? Who else could? Zeph? No—”

  “We can worry about that next year,” Stella said sitting up. “Did you need something?”

  “No, just wanted to tell you we’re breaking Rick out so he can go to the funeral. We sent Devlin's body through the portal this—”

  “Hold on,” Stella said raising her hand. “Did you say you were breaking Rick out? We don’t even know where he is.”

  “I sent Adam to locate him,” Flare said with the wave of her hand.

  “And he went?”

  “Only after a ridiculous amount of complaining,” Flare said with a mock grimace. “He needed something to do.”

  Stella flopped back down closing her eyes. “When’s the funeral?”

  Flare didn’t answer. After a moment of silence, Stella opened her eyes and looked. A bucket of icy water splashed in her face.

  “Cold!” she screeched wiping at her eyes.

  Two hands grabbed her ankles and yanked. Stella squealed as she toppled out of bed.

  “Time to get up,” Flare said. “We got work to do.”

  Stella glared at her. “You didn’t have to throw cold water on me.”

  “It was fun.”

  “You’re as bad as Rick,” Stella grumbled.

  “I’m the original,” Flare said with an evil grin.

  “I think he’s a little older.”

  “How old is he?”

  “I don’t know,” Stella said. “Help me up.”

  Flare grabbed Stella’s hand and hauled her to her feet.

  “What work do we have to do?”

  “We are going to convince the king we won the tournament, and that we deserve the reward money.”

  Stella pretended to strangle her. �
�Why do you need me!”

  “I don’t, but you also need something to do,” Flare said spinning on her heel. “Change into something not covered in mud.”

  Stella looked down. She hadn’t bothered changing out of her dust caked clothes from the rubble yesterday, and now the water had turned that dust to mud.

  “It’s only muddy because of you!” Stella yelled. “Where are you going?”

  Flare was at the door. “I’m going to go check on Assan,” she said walking out. “I’ll be back soon.”

  “Yeah, you better run,” Stella grumbled under her breath.

  Slipping out of the crud encrusted clothes, she walked over to the water basin and extended the privacy screen. Dipping her arms into the chilly water, she rinsed the mud off. A knock came from the door.

  “Come in,” she said splashing water on her legs. “You could’ve heated the water for me.”

  A man cleared his throat. Stella froze. Slowly turning her head, she looked over the divider. Rick stood there staring up at the ceiling.

  “Not who you were expecting?” he asked.

  A whole slew of emotions washed over Stella. Rick was back! Her face flushed. She was in her underclothes and Rick was in her room. She screeched. Summoning air she slammed it into him throwing him out of the room and slamming the door behind him.

  Heat rushed to her face. “Serpent’s tail, Serpent’s Tail, Serpent's Tail!”

  Ah! Why’d he have to see me like this? I’m a mess! she thought to herself scrambling over to the wardrobe.

  Grabbing a skirt, she slipped it on, leggings could come later. Reaching the first top she saw, she slipped it on. Rick knocked at the door.

  “I’ll come back later,” he said through the wall.

  “No! You get in here right now. I’m dressed.”

  The door creaked open and a rather embarrassed Rick peeked in. Why was he embarrassed? He wasn't the one who’d been half naked!

  The door flew open and Flare strode in. “Hello Rick,” she said. “Stella, that screech woke the dead. I came running and look who I found, Rick! See, aren't I good?”

  Stella glared at her, her cheeks still hot.

  “Interesting outfit,” Flare said winking at her. “Really brings out the red in your cheeks.”

  Stella looked down. The top and skirt were two different shades of red.

  Rick cleared his throat again. “I really can come back later.”

  Stella glared at him. “Stay,” she said. “Flare, please tell me this wasn’t one of your schemes?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said rummaging through Stella’s closet.

  “Hey! You stole that line from me!” Rick said.

  “Yes sir,” Flare said smiling.

  “What are you doing in my closet?” Stella asked.

  “Trying to find something cute.”

  Stella decided to ignore Flare. She was getting on her nerves. Walking to Rick, Stella wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. He smelled of sweat and debris as he was still in yesterday's clothes. She didn’t care, he smelled wonderful. Rick wrapped his arms around her.

  Safe. He’s back.

  Stella felt her throat well up with a knot. Devlin. Her oldest friend. Gone. Rick sighed. His warm breath gliding along her neck made everything tingle.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered in her ear.

  Stella looked up at him. “It was Taranis, and don’t you dare blame yourself for it.”

  “No, if I—”

  Standing on her tiptoes, Stella kissed him. His lips were soft but firm and tasted wonderful.

  “You try to argue with me, and I’ll kiss you again,” she said pulling back.

  Rick grinned. “Well, if I’d only—”

  She kissed him again. He pulled her in, holding her waist kissing her again and again.

  Breaking it off she stared up at him playing with his shirt collar.

  He grinned. “What was I saying?” he asked. “Oh yeah, well you see—”

  Stella rolled her eyes. Their lips brushed. A gagging sound came from across the room. Stella didn’t stop, but she did look. Flare stood there a finger in her mouth.

  “Two was enough!” Flare said.

  Rick stopped. “Feeling better?” he asked.

  “Little,” Stella said smiling up at him.

  Not really, she added.

  “Here,” Flare said shoving a black skirt into Stella’s hand. “I’m leaving, he’s got you covered.”

  “What about the king?” Stella asked.

  “I—” Flare started.

  “Oh, right!” Rick said. “The king said he’d give the guild the reward money. But he’d like to be quiet about it.”

  Pulling free Stella tossed the skirt to the side “What exactly happened after you left with the captain?”

  “He took me to the throne room, the king and I talked about some stuff, the end.”

  “That’s it,” Stella said.

  “What else do you want to know?” he asked.

  “What did you talk about?” Flare asked.

  “Oh, his dad, the guild, what I’ve been up to, ya know normal stuff.”

  Stella stared at him, and Flare didn’t say anything either.

  “What?” he asked.

  “You had a meeting with the king,” Stella said.

  “The most powerful Elementalist bloodline,” Flare joined in.

  “And you’re acting like it was no big deal,” they said together.

  “Oh, right!” Rick said with that grin of his. “It was very eventful, I’m lucky to have come out alive.”

  “I thought you said—” she started.

  “I blackmailed him,” Rick said.

  “Um,” Flare said.

  Standing up, Stella walked back over to him. “Okay, you my friend, are going to tell me your past. All of it.”

  Rick pursed his lips.

  “I don’t know anything!” she said. Then her face started turning red. “And I love you.”

  What did I just say? Was it too soon? What if he runs away?

  She started rambling. “I’ve put some pieces together, but not much. And if I don’t know anything about your past, I’ll wonder. But if you really don’t want to tell me I’m fine with that too. So, if you—”

  “Woah, wait, hold on, you love me?” Rick interrupted.

  Stella stiffened. What did that mean? Does he not feel the same? What about the kissing? And the moments we shared? I knew it. I blew it.

  “And it's not like fish love,” she muttered staring at the floor.

  “Wait, what?”

  Stella kicked at the ground. “You know, when someone says they love fish. What they really mean is they love the taste of fish. If you loved the fish you wouldn’t have pulled it out of the water, cut it up, and cooked it.”

  Say something, anything, please don’t dodge this like you always do, she thought slowly looking back up at him.

  He was grinning!

  “Stella, you make no sense,” he said hugging her.

  Stella’s heart cracked, and her shoulders sagged.

  A hug? Great.

  She hugged him back, hoping he couldn’t see her face.

  “Oh, and,” he said lifting her head. “I love you, too.”

  Then he kissed her. Something was different this time. She could feel it. Kissing him back, her heart soared! His hand slid down her back and pulled her closer. Wrapping her leg around his, she kissed him harder. Serpent's tail! Her chest was on fire. Sliding her hand up his back she scratched it. Rick kissed her neck. Back to her lips. Mmm, his lips tasted even better.

  Rick pulled back, frowning.

  Now what? She thought panicking. Did I do something wrong?

  “I’ll tell you about my past,” he said. “And after, you can take back what you just said if you want.”

  “I won’t,” she said calming down.

  “Where’d Flare go?” Rick asked looking around.

p; Stella looked behind her. He was right. Flare wasn't sitting on the bed anymore.

  “I didn't see her leave.”

  “We might have been a little preoccupied,” he said grinning again. “Let’s sit down.”

  Grabbing her hand he led her over to the bed and sat down. Suddenly Stella realized where they were. Alone, in her room, with no one to bother them, even though Flare was most likely listening in against one of the walls.

  “I, uh,” she stammered.

  “You okay?” he asked looking concerned.

  “Well, we’re alone. In my room.”

  He transformed his grin into a mischievous smirk. “I promise to do my very best to misbehave.”

  Stella punched him in the arm and smiled.

  “Okay,” he let out a long breath. “Where should I start?”

  “The beginning.”

  “The beginning, beginning?” he asked.

  Stella nodded her head.

  “Oh, man,” he said. “I guess I’ll start with the fact, that I’m a God.”

  “A what now?”

  “A Demigod.”

  Stella reached up and felt his forehead.

  Rick gave a sad chuckle. “No one ever believes it.”

  “You’re more powerful than anybody I've seen. But a God?”

  “What if I told you I’m thousands of years old?”

  “Elementia kills you in five.”

  “Been using it for eighty years.”


  “The Taranis out there, he’s the same Taranis that started your guild. I broke him out of prison.”

  “But if that was true, then you started our guild.”

  “Yup,” Rick said. “I was psychopathic when I met him, and he helped snap me out of it.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Rick looked at her. “I’d rather not say.”

  “But how does living a long time make you a God?”

  “It doesn’t,” he said. “I became a Demigod when I was called as one of the Twelve Generals. I was bestowed with Godhood, and I was given seventy two legions which each consisted of a commander, who was in charge of ten generals and they each led a hundred thousand soldiers. Oh, and I had three Emperors who each dealt with 24 of the legions.”

  “You have to be making this up,” Stella said doing the math. “That’s a million men!”

  Rick shook his head. “Try seventy-two million.”


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