Throne of Embers: A Reverse Harem PNR (Beautiful Secrets Book 3)

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Throne of Embers: A Reverse Harem PNR (Beautiful Secrets Book 3) Page 11

by Marie Robinson

  Once more applause broke out, even if it wasn't quite as enthusiastic as the first round. I looked to Jupiter, frowning though she couldn't see it.

  "Is that it?" I asked, point blank.

  She tilted her head, her silver platinum hair falling in a cascade around her shoulders. "What? Did you expect me to rip your hearts from your chest?" She shook her head, her smile flattened once more in the familiar line of disappointment. "I would never be so bourgeois. As I said before, Eleanora, I will give you what you want."

  She stepped back down, waving Beatrice to stay as she strode through the crowd. They parted for her if she'd driven a magical wedge in front of her, watching her with a myriad of emotions. Hope, confusion, disappointment, relief, intrigue. Every one of those emotions wrestled inside of me.

  I should have been feeling relief as Jupiter took her reserved seat at a dinner table and reaching for a wine dark as blood. Even across the long room, I could see that she'd decided to ignore me. Her indifference was nearly as powerful as her rage.

  Brom caressed my arm with his knuckles, and I thankfully dragged my eyes from my step-mother to look into the darkness I loved.

  "Shall we dance before dinner?" He asked, his hand moving from my arm to my waist.

  "Isn't that the wrong order?" I teased, but slipped my arm around him.

  He guided me to the steps, holding me against him, our bodies touching shoulder to thigh. I wanted to curl into him, letting his touch surround me.

  "Darling, you are the most powerful woman in the city now," he said, turning his obsidian eyes towards me, his lip quirked up in smile enough I saw the seductive glint of his fang. "You can do whatever you desire."

  Chapter 18


  The dance floor provided the perfect reason to hold Eleanora close to me, her hand in mine as she was flush against my chest. It was closer that decorum allowed, but I had missed her too much to care about propriety. The time that she had returned with Romulus had been spent organizing and planning our moves, allowing only stolen moments to simply exist with one another.

  "You are a wonderful dancer," Ella complimented me as I turned her in a gentle spin. Her dress was befitting the woman, a crimson red gown hugging her body before flaring out around her legs. And when she moved, the dress sparkled brightly, as if she contained a galaxy of stars in the fabric of her dress. And her mask? Well, the Syndicates knew she was a phoenix, so of course it was a gilded mask, the mask was smooth and delicate feathers were painted on the mask.

  "And you are a wonderful partner," I said, pulling her back towards me, the fabric of her dress swirling around my legs. For this moment, I would allow myself to enjoy the feeling of peace and contentment.

  "Eleanora," I begin, dropping my forehead to rest against hers, the mask cool against my skin. "I have struggled in vain and it will not do. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you."

  "Quoting Miss Austen, Brom?" Eleanora's voice was breathless.

  "I find I have much in common with Mr. Darcy," I spoke, turning us to avoid another dancing couple. It had taken only a moment for others to join us on the dance floor. "How better to tell you the extent of my affections than to use his words?"

  "You're such a romantic," she whispered, her eyes bright with what I hoped was happiness. I suppressed a grin, hoping to achieve an aloof look.

  "Yes," I answered, no point in denying it. "I've been accused as such before."

  A polite cough interrupted us and we stilled.

  "Oracle," Eleanora greeted them with surprise. "You were able to join us after all."

  "I would not wish to miss such an occasion," they answered. "May I cut in?"

  I bowed politely, thinking back to the Oracles' answer to my question long ago. "Certainly." I let Ella go as she accepted their offered hand. To Ella I said, "I shall await you with the others."

  As the Oracle led her into a dance once more I stepped off of the dance floor and wove through the gathered people, searching out Romulus and Merlin.

  Warlocks, lycans, and vampires alike nodded to me in greeting, but none of them stopped me to talk. Their faces were full of relief and I wanted to indulge myself in that same relaxation, but I could not.

  I looked for Madam Jupiter, and she hadn’t moved; Beatrice sat beside her, staring at her plate. I changed my path away from my friends and towards the women.

  Beatrice looked up at my approach, a hopeful expression on her face. Madam Jupiter was slower to turn her attention to me.

  "Mister Tepes," she said, leaning back in her chair. I dipped my head in a short bow.

  "Would you care to dance, Madam?" I asked. The woman was a viper and I was familiar with the venom in her veins.

  But she waved away my invitation, gesturing to Beatrice. "Dance with my daughter, as you seem to have taken a liking to them. I'm sure Beatrice would be happy to be your personal blood slut."

  Beatrice's eyes went wide and anger flared in my gut at the disrespect this woman showed her own daughter. "I believe I shall retire. I seem to have developed a migraine. Please give Ella my apologies. I would, but I see that she's dancing with the Oracle. I'm certain their conversation is most stimulating."

  With that, she stood and finished the wine remaining in her glass before striding away. Beatrice and I watched her as she walked from the room, the footman opening the door for her and letting her disappear into the night.

  I turned my gaze to her youngest daughter, who wrangled her hands as she trembled, still staring after her mother.

  "Shall we?" I asked, pitching my voice low, hoping to not upset the young woman. She turned her gaze to me, her eyes brimming with tears. I hate Jupiter even more in that moment. How could a mother be so cruel to her daughter?

  I didn't waver, my hand held out steady as I watched her struggle with the decision.

  "Yes," she said so quietly I nearly couldn't hear her, "thank you."

  I brought her hand to my arm, escorting her back through the crowd to the dance floor. When we reached the edge, the musicians were just beginning a new song. I looked to see where Ella was, and smiled as Merlin swept her into his arms. He might play at being an uncivilized, street smart rake but he could surprise many with how easily he adopted the suave movements of the elite.

  I turned Beatrice, and we moved into the dance, our distance more appropriate than my familiarity with her step-sister. We moved in silence, Beatrice still struggling to withhold her tears. Ella shot us a concerned look, but made no move to stop Merlin to speak with us.

  "I hope you may enjoy the rest of the evening better than the first part," I spoke. I felt her startle as she looked at me with wide eyes and then let out a shaky laugh.

  "Yes, that would be ideal," Beatrice answered. "It's felt like walking on egg shells with her lately. Anything could set her off. She's even scolded Titania! Yet..."

  "Yet?" I prompted her when she didn't continue. She looked at me, her darker eyes filled with concern.

  "Yet she acts happy, and carefree?" She shrugged as best she could while dancing. "It's as if she truly has accepted that she needs to step aside if she wants to maintain a fraction of the power she's held."

  "Miracles do happen," I offered and smiled when she laughed out, drawing the gaze of others.

  "Yes, but I can't help but feel terrified, waiting for the old version of her to return."

  "Let us hope that it does not for a long while," I said, slowing us to a stop in perfect timing with the music. I bowed over her hand, and offered my arm once more to her. "Come, join us at our table for the meal. And let us not think of your mother for a few hours at least."

  Ella had spared no expense when it came to the meal, and her chef exceeded so many of the guests' expectations. When Beatrice took a bite of the Parmesan mashed potatoes and groaned in delight, the rest of us at the table chuckled, even though we agreed.

  "I guess this is what you get when the cook actually likes you," she said, a mischievous glint in her eye
s. The sorrow from earlier erased for now. No doubt when she returned to her home, she would feel the cold talons of Jupiter in her heart once more. Perhaps, though, it didn't need to be that way.

  "I won't lie that Imelda has been over indulgent when it comes to food," Ella said before taking a sip of her sweet wine. "I swear I'll gain ten pounds just from how many desserts she offers. But I can't help myself."

  Beatrice's eyes dimmed, and I recalled Ella speaking of Jupiter's bullying of Beatrice's weight. I reached for the blood wine, bringing it close to enjoy the earthy scent of dark berries, nutty overtones, and under it all, the sharp metallic of blood. "Didn't you know," I said, looking between Ella and her step-sister, "incredibly thin is out of fashion. For which I am entirely glad. I know of no person, lycan, warlock, or vampire, who wishes to couple with someone who a strong wind might blow away."

  Beatrice's cheeks flushed as she looked back down at her plate. But when she took another hearty bite of her meal, Ella flashed me a bright smile. I raised my wine glass to her before taking a sip.

  The wine was cool, the fat from the steak breaking through the harsh tannins and letting the flavors I had scented burst onto my tongue. I ran my tongue over my right fang, feeling them respond to the taste of blood. Vampires couldn't survive off of blood wine, but for those who could indulge, it was a wonderful appetizer before the real thing.

  I let my eyes trail over Ella's face, dropping down to the pale flesh of her neck. I could see the faint movement of her skin as her heart beat. I took another drink of the blood wine, letting the flavors fill my mouth as I focused on that one spot—her pulse drawing me in an unexpectedly erotic way. I shifted, hoping that the table linens covered the growing bludge in my pants.

  "Were you dancing with your dad's mistress?" Romulus was asking Merlin, and I let their conversation flow over me as I focused on our lover.

  "Not his current one." Merlin snorted, laying his arm over the back of Ella's chair. He felt the same need I did, certainly, to always be in contact with our little bird. "Did you see he didn't even have the balls to show up tonight? Worthless."

  "Nor did my own father," Romulus said with a shrug. "They are too set in their ways. Perhaps they will accept the new order, or perhaps they will die, alone and forgotten."

  "Let's talk about something happier," Ella suggested, and Merlin waggled his eyebrows, causing her to laugh loudly, and the rest of us to smile.

  I gasped, feeling as if I had been struck over the head, my fangs elongating at an attack. My vision grew dark but I fought back, the table buckling under my grip from where I clung to it. I looked to the others, their faces in as much bewildered pain as I felt.

  Merlin recovered first, or at least enough to cast his arms wide, magic flowing him him. I looked around to the other guests and it seemed it had not been a targeted attack. Everyone seemed to be slumped as they clutched their heads.

  "Merlin," I growled, demanding an explanation.

  He cursed, his face growing paler. "Ella," she turned her head up, squinting at him, "Jupiter was taken off the wards when she left the estate, right?"

  "Yeah," she bit out, a hand coming to rub at her temple. "Or she should have been."

  "What is happening?" Romulus stood as he spoke, his fists balled. I could see the change rippling under his skin as he fought the instinct to shift.

  The chandeliers flickered, startling people as they tried the doors. There were closed tight, and so an enterprising lycan tried to break one of the large windows only to be rebounded to the floor.

  "It's my mother," Beatrice said, her voice shaking. "This must have been what she planned all along."

  "Fuck," Merlin bit out, spinning in circles, likely inspecting the wards placed around the ballroom.

  "She means to destroy us all," Ella said, and we all looked to her. She was filled with a righteous fury, her skin glowing brightly with her power.

  I snarled, wishing I had torn Madam Jupiter's throat out when I had her in my hands before. If she wanted bloodshed, I would gladly spill hers this evening.

  Chapter 19


  I cursed my step-mother as the seeds of dread that'd been stewing all evening finally erupted in my gut. This evening's celebration was too perfect of an opportunity for her to pass up. Not only did she have me trapped, but also the leaders of individual lycan clans, vampire broods, and warlock covens. Not to mention the official leaders of the lycans and vampires, Romulus and Brom.

  "Eleanora," a familiar voice broke through the growing panic as people tried to fight against the wards. I looked over to see the calm face of the Oracle. That made me even more angry—how dare Jupiter disrespect the Oracle like this. The crowd parted and they walked towards me with the pace one would imagine more suited to a rose garden. When they reached me, they clasped their hands in front of them, their billowing sleeves giving them a medieval appearance. Their sand burnished skin framed their dark eyes—and while there was no outward appearance of unrest, the Oracle's eyes held the focus of a hawk just before its dive.

  "Oracle," I greeted as I strove for respect even now. "I see that Madam Jupiter's words were nothing but falsehoods."

  "It might appear as such," they answered and turned their gaze upon the ceiling. It had been enchanted so that the starry night sky took the place of the ceiling, and my heart twinged at the sight of them. The feelings of familiarity had faded since I returned from Ireland, but there would always be a part of me that ached to return to the stars.

  "I have foreseen my death," they spoke, their gaze still upwards. "And that is many years from now."

  A satisfied hope uncurled from my heart and beat back the tendrils of dread creeping through my veins. "For that I am glad," I said with complete sincerity. "If you'll excuse me?"

  "Of course," they answered, their voice sounded distracted. I cast another look up towards the heavens as an idea formed in my mind. I gathered the skirt of my dress and marched over to where my lovers had gathered in the center of the room. They tried their best to settle nerves, but I didn't blame the guests. For all they knew, we were sealed up in a pretty box for Madam Jupiter to deal with on her own time.

  "Gentlemen," I interrupt them politely and ignore the stares of those surrounding us. I noticed Beatrice and Hei-Sook were close by and I jerked my head at them. "I require your council," I said as I led them to where the short stage was.

  "We should have expected this." Romulus's voice was rough, as if he was holding back the change by will alone. It was entirely inappropriate for the moment, but I couldn't repress the shiver of arousal at the disciplined power contained within my lover.

  "The people are getting close to panic," Brom said and looked over his shoulder.

  "Ella?" Merlin asked me and reached out to graze his knuckles over my arm, as if seeking comfort. "What's the plan?"

  "I call on my family," I answered with a soft smile. They looked towards Beatrice, who appeared as confused as my lovers. "Not her." I shook my head. "In Tír na nÓg, I can't explain it in a way that makes sense, but I was a star for centuries. It's where my phoenix powers come from. It's not a blazing fire deep in the earth, but an all consuming life giving star from above."

  Merlin frowned as if trying to understand, and Brom looked at me intrigued.

  "My ancestors spoke of birds of fire racing through the night," Hei-Sook spoke with understanding in her eyes. "It was always a sign of a new beginning."

  "Exactly," I answered and took a deep breath. I reached out and grasped Beatrice's hand in mine. "I do need your help though. We all do."

  "How? Anything," she offered immediately.

  "You must help us track her. You share her blood." Her eyes went wide at my words before looking at Brom. My eyes followed hers. "Could you track Jupiter from Beatrice's blood?"

  He rubbed his chin as he considered my request. "It would not be an exact location, not like you or Merlin. But," he hesitated before nodding, "I think it can be done. After all, I have a p
hoenix's blood in me." Brom turned to Beatrice. "I should not need much. It would be best if you take a seat." Brom's voice was velvety smooth and I could see how his allure settled my step-sister and he guided her to one of the seats.

  The idea of Brom drinking from Beatrice didn't inspire fear or jealousy, but nor was it arousing like when he fed from Merlin. His movements were efficient, sterile, his charm used only to relax her. I trusted my lovers with my life and now, especially now, I was resolute in my acceptance of their love.

  Something Jupiter had always said I would never have.

  Well, it was time to prove her wrong yet again.

  "Hei-Sook." The fox-spirit tilted her head, her eyes glowing with her power. Perfect. "When I bring down the wards, I need you to cast an illusion. I need you to make anyone watching think that everyone within has disappeared. Romulus, will the lycans protect those here? They should stay until the there are no more of Jupiter's people watching the house. It may be a while."

  "Absolutely," he said. "I'll spread the word."

  "Can you do that?" I looked to the fox-spirit, whose smile turned wicked.

  "Easily," she answered. "Then I'm coming with you to hunt the bitch down."

  I snorted, amused at her blood lust. "Fair enough. I can always appreciate more help, especially with your specialty, Ready?" There was no time to waste. Jupiter was likely waiting for the chaos to boil over into full-blown panic. But with Romulus and the lycans barking out orders, calm settled over the crowd and they looked to me in expectation.

  If I couldn't free us, I'd lose their trust. This had to work the first time. Hei-Sook stepped aside, nine ethereal tails appearing behind her as she raised her hands. I swore her teeth grew sharp and I could only have gleeful respect for the fox-spirit who had been beside me since the beginning.

  "I should likely make a grand speech about how I will always overcome Jupiter," I called out before shrugging. "But the time has passed for pretty words. So, please, instead give me a moment to break the wards over this room. After, I would ask that you listen to the lycans and remain here for your safety. However, if you wish to leave, you are free to do so."


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