Throne of Embers: A Reverse Harem PNR (Beautiful Secrets Book 3)

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Throne of Embers: A Reverse Harem PNR (Beautiful Secrets Book 3) Page 14

by Marie Robinson

  "Boys," she chided us, but she was smiling. Fuck we all were, like a bunch of jackasses. She reached out, even with how slow she moved, her hand shook, until she could pat my thigh. "You'll just have to make it up to me with a proper bath."

  I leaned forward and pressed a kiss to her hair, "I will make it up to you as much as you want, Ella."

  A polite knock had me wanting to grumble. Could we not have ten fucking minutes?

  "The Oracle," Ella whispered and I frowned at her. How could she know?

  Romulus went to open the door, and she was right. They were waiting politely to be invited in. Brom offered them his vacated seat and they waved it away.

  "I will not be long, Master Tepes," they answered before turning their amber eyes to Ella. "Madam Bediver. Welcome back."

  "Oracle," she tilted her head. "I think I understand you better, now."

  "Really?" They seemed amused, while I shared a confused look with Brom. She noticed and patted my thigh.

  "I'll explain later," she assured me before continuing. "Jupiter?"

  "Being taken to Alhambra as we speak," they answered. "After some... encouragement, Titania decided it would be best if she were to assist her mother in adjusting to her new life. After all, it will take some time for Jupiter to accept being blind and without magic.

  "Without magic?" Brom frowned and looked at Ella. "Is that what the light was?"

  She nodded, swallowing hard. "I burned her out, like I almost was in Tír na nÓg. I... couldn't bring myself to kill her. It wouldn't have given me any peace to have her blood on my hands."

  The pain in her words, as if she feared our reaction, had me cupping her face and I kissed her softly. "You were right. As much as she deserved death, you don't deserve to have that on your shoulders. She's marked too much of your life already."

  She raised her hands to mine, her eyes watering in gratitude. Carefully, I wiped away her tears, and pressed my lips to her forehead.

  "And Alhambra?" Romulus crossed his arms, and cocked his head. "It's vaguely familiar, but I can't pin down the memory."

  "I'm not surprised," the Oracle answered with a shrug. "It is a fortress in the desert created by an ancient predecessor of mine. The wards and enchantments there will be a suiting imprisonment for Madam Jupiter. And when she dies, the fortress itself will decide if Titania is reformed enough to leave."

  Huh. I tried to process that, struggling to think of how many complex enchantments it would take to create such a room—let alone an entire fortress.

  “Beatrice?” She asked and I could answer that one.

  “Decided to travel. She has family on the West Coast, out on the islands—her father’s side. Jupiter didn’t approve of them, so she figured she would likely fit right in.”

  "There is only one more matter of business before I can take my leave," the Orcal interjected politely. "The Syndicates are yours now, Ella. It must be—"

  "No," Ella interrupted, her voice stronger than before. "They're not mine."

  This time it was the Oracle's turn to look puzzled. It was only a moment before they schooled their expression into one of polite interest.


  "The prophecy was that I would destroy them, right?" She challenged us all. We nodded slowly. She swallowed hard and took a moment before continuing. "Then they're destroyed. If they are mine, my first and last action is to disband them and create a unified people, governed by a council of peers. I thought I’d want a throne, but”—she shook her head—“while I was asleep I found a better solution.”

  "Combining the factions," the Oracle blinked, "would certainly qualify as fulfillment of the prophecy."

  "It has too," she said, her tone grim. "Since I no longer possess the powers of the phoenix."

  I startled at that, cursing myself for not having bothered to check her magical aura. But, with a practice unfocusing of my eyes, I could see exactly what she meant. Before her aura was bright, too bright to look at for long, and powerful. But now, certainly she was powerful, but Eleanora's power looked no different than any other warlocks.

  "Lass," Romulus reached out to her, sorrow on his face. But she shook her head.

  "Honestly, I'm amazed I survived," she whispered. "They wanted me to go back. But I couldn't. So I let the power burn through me, hoping that I was strong enough to survive it."

  "You, Eleanora Bedivere," Brom's voice shook, "are undoubtedly the most stupid, amazing, strong woman I have ever had the privilege to meet."

  "Thank you, I think," she laughed out. God, her laugh. Three days I had feared I'd never hear it again. "Oracle," she called and I realized they'd intended to slip out of the room unnoticed.

  "Yes?" They answered, apprehensive.

  "You know what I am going to say?" She said, a knowing smile on her lips.

  The Oracle winced. "Yes."

  "Then I won't say it," she replied. "I will only wish you the best of luck on leading the council."

  They bowed to Ella and disappeared out of the door.

  "Did you... just make them the leader of the new council?" I asked, in awe. "And they knew you were going to do that?"

  "I learned that the Oracle's power and my own come from the same source, albeit we channel it in different ways," she explained before offering a shrug. "They are impartial, like the stars. They'll be the best to guide our world into a new era."

  "You're a genius," Romulus said, incredulously.

  We slumped there, exhaustion finally catching up to us. I just wanted to gather Ella in my arms and sleep for days.

  The door swung open once more, and Hei-Sook bounded in with a grin on her face and a tray in her hands.

  "Finally, Ella," she scolded her as she kicked my boot to get me to move. I grumbled, but moved over so the fox-spirit could set the tray over Ella's lap. "I was getting ready to come in and shake you awake. You got to sleep through the crazy shit that went down when you went supernova. I thought these boys were going to go on an even bigger murder spree. Luckily the lycan here needed to heal and I was able to talk some sense into them. Now eat up, it's his aunt's soup. She said you'd prefer it?"

  The fox spirit spoke so fast I could hardly keep up.

  "Thank you," Ella said and reached for the spoon. Before she'd taken the first bite, Hei-Sook was speaking again.

  "So, now that you've gone and taken out the syndicates—sorry, I was definitely ease dropping—what are you going to do now? What are you all going to do now?"

  I looked between Romulus and Brom before looking to Ella. With the syndicates being broken apart and restructured, there was no real need for us. Romulus and Brom could probably take spots on the council, but that would be too close to maintaining the old customs and I sure as shit didn't want to lead anyone.

  Ella looked between us all, a sly grin on her lips. "I sorta want to run away. Who's with me?"

  I laughed, and soon Brom, Romulus and even Hei-Sook were laughing. We laughed hard, needing the release after the days we'd had. I wiped my eyes and nodded.

  "Yeah, Ella," I agreed and dipped my head down to kiss her. "Let's run away together."



  The sky was a brilliant blue above me, unmarred across the entire horizon—not even a wisp of white cloud. The scent of the sea surrounded me as I lay in the sun, the yatch rocking gently under me. For once in my life, I felt utterly relaxed and my body felt like putty. Beyond leaving the city behind, having three very generous lovers willing to provide massages would do that to a girl.

  I could feel the sun’s warmth sinking into my skin and, with a sigh of great effort, I turned myself until I was on my stomach, my head pillowed on my crossed arms. I had enough experience with burns in my life.

  The sun disappeared over me, then I felt lips press a kiss against my lower back and I grinned.

  “This scrap of fabric you call a bathing suit is officially my favorite of all of your clothes.” Merlin’s breath tickled my skin as he trailed kisses up my spin
e. I wiggled my hips, teasing him.

  “I’m sure my red leather jacket will be upset about that,” I murmured, keeping my eyes closed as I felt his hand trail up my thigh and squeeze my ass.

  “You’ll just have to wear them both, then.” He pushed my hair away from my neck and kissed me behind the ear.

  I arched my back, lifting my hips against his hand. We couldn’t get enough of each other. We’d been traveling for three months now, seeking out warmer weather as New York succumbed to winter. Australia was lovely in December.

  Merlin’s thumb traced over the edge of my swimsuit, teasing me as he dipped lower to where I wanted him. I lifted my head to glare at him, but caught Brom and Romulus stepping onto the deck from the quarters area.

  Romulus only wore blue swim shorts despite complaining that his Irish skin couldn’t handle the sun, and I drank him in. Brom stayed under the canopy, but had traded his suits for tailored shorts and linen shirts. Merlin had given him shit, until I’d crawled into the vampire’s lap, unable to resist my attraction.

  The next day, Merlin had been sporting a similar white linen shirt, which I teased him about. Until he shut me up by burying his face between my legs.

  “Everything still standing back home?” I asked, pushing up onto my forearms. I knew I was giving them a fantastic view of my breasts, I still reveled in how much they worshiped my body.

  Romulus flopped onto the soft bench across from me, ignoring the sun he proclaimed to dislike. His eyes trailed over my face and down to my chest, before winking at me. “Well enough at least. Hei-Sook hasn’t killed anyone.”

  “Yet,” Brom clarified. He had his back to us as he poured a glass of chilled wine. He brought it to me as he continued. “I still don’t think the fox-spirit has forgiven you for nominating her for a position. Certainly the Orcale hasn’t.”

  “Hei-Sook is a valuable asset,” I countered, accepting the glass. “Besides, if she’d been left to her own devices, she’d likely have taken over the city.”

  “Fair enough,” Brom agreed and bent down, capturing my lips in a slow, languid kiss. He tasted of fresh mint and crisp fruit. A phone rang, interrupting us and Romulus sighed, dropping his head back.

  “Who knew that running away would involve so many calls from home?” He grumbled. “Not it,” he insisted.

  Brom rolled his eyes. “You can’t avoid answering phones forever, wolf,” he chided the lycan but disappeared into the quarters once more to answer the phone.

  Merlin’s thumb resumed its stroking, and I spread my legs in silent enthusiasm. My forward action was rewarded as he stroked his fingers down over my slit, teasing me through my bathing suit.

  I pushed back against him, and a small moan slipped from my lips. That got Romulus’s attention as his head snapped up, his eyes locked onto mine.

  I loved how these men made me feel—whole and complete, cherished and adored. Desired and protected. In them, I had found more than my freedom from Jupiter. I’d found my path, my strength, and love. So much love I thought I would burst.

  Romulus stood smoothly, taking the two strides across the deck until he crouched in front of me.

  “You know those sounds of yours do things to us, lass,” his voice was rough with desire and it made me burn hotter than the sun above us.

  Merlin’s fingers slipped underneath my swim suit and made me gasp. Romulus threaded his fingers through my hair tipping my head back to kiss me. His tongue stroked into my mouth as Merlin’s finger slipped into me.

  “As loathe as I am to interrupt,” Brom did sound sincere in his regret, “but that was Lord Blackthorn, from England.”

  I looked at Brom over my shoulder, unfamiliar with the name, and bit my lip as Merlin continued to stroke me.

  “What’s the prat up too?” Merlin asked, as if he wasn’t slowly fingering me.

  “Seems like he’s gotten into trouble with the Russian witches,” Brom spoke as he watched me and palmed himself. “Said he’s calling in the favor you owe him.”

  “The fucker,” Merlin said and I could hear him rolling his eyes. “Well, we can’t get there this instant. And I have much more pressing engagements in mind.”

  “I’ve always wanted to go to London,” I said even as I reached back and untied the straps to my bikini top. I pulled at the front until I could throw it at Romulus with a grin. “I also suddenly wonder what it’d be like to be fucked on the deck of a yacht.”

  The lycan grinned wolfishly and I felt Merlin slide another finger into my pussy as Brom joined us.

  “We should help you find out, lass,” Romulus said. “Then we’ll go to London tomorrow.”

  I closed my eyes, smiling widely, as Brom, Romulus, and Merlin proceeded to show me exactly what it was like.


  Keep reading to get the first book of the Magical Kingdom’s series for free!


  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for joining me throughout Eleanora’s journey. This book series has been a roller coaster. Back in February, I was working on Stone and Iron, the last book in my Magical Kingdoms series when the idea for Ella came to me. It refused to leave me alone so I promised myself that I’d write only 500 words before going back to the project I had a deadline for. Well, 500 words became a frantic fifteen or so days where all I could do was work on House of Secrets.

  This book series represents a lot for me. I am not ashamed to admit that I’ve struggled with depression and anxiety, and that it became much worse while pregnant in 2017. For a year, I was off of medication and doing well. But I realized, half way through writing House of Secrets that I was definitely not doing well anymore. I was kind of annoyed that I apparently needed to be utterly depressed to write a book in less than a month. Depression always shows up in people different ways, and it’s not always the same each time for someone.

  The next time I found myself in a very low spot, I couldn’t bring myself to work and Deck of Shadows almost was late.

  I realized in July that it wasn’t getting better so I reached out and asked for help. I am fortunate to have a support system in my husband, family, and friends. They know that depression doesn’t just mean that I’m sometimes sad, or that I’m always panicking. Sometimes it means I go on a manic writing spree, or have a bad temper for a week. Or sometimes it means thinking about what would happen if I got in a car accident with my toddler in back seat.

  I realized that I didn’t need to feel like that, so I got the help I wanted.

  And I want to let you know that if you feel similar things, it’s okay. Well, I mean, it actually fucking sucks a lot. But you aren’t alone and please ask for help. Even if you just reach out to a friend and say that you’re not doing okay. It can be embarrassing, sure, to admit that you haven’t done laundry or the dishes for two weeks because the world is gray around you. But I promise your friends would rather you ask for help than let yourself suffer.

  They definitely would want you to ask for help instead of harming yourself. Just in case you need this, here is the USA’s Suicide Prevention Lifeline:


  And please, remember that you would be missed and that you are loved, even as hard as it could be to feel that way when depression has its hands around your heart.

  This book had to be delayed because of my depression and being overwhelmed with basically just LIFE. It was hard to tell you all, hey I can’t do this right now. But the outpouring of love you all sent me in response was amazing. I really couldn’t have done this book without everyone’s support.

  I want to thank Marty, my editor, who deals with all my silly author notes and holds my hand while correcting me on something that he’s had to correct over seven books now. I want to give a big shout out to Mandy, for telling me when the book didn’t make sense or wasn’t consistent. And for letting me hang out with her at Literary Love Savannah, that was a lot of fun! Then there is always the lovely Renee and Crystal, who are the best cheerleaders—even if Crystal is a b
it bloodthirsty!

  Finally, once again, I have to thank you for reading this series. I want to say that I write for the love of it and the art of it, and I do, but I’ll also admit that if no one read my books—that’d be pretty shitty and I’d probably stop. So, thanks for reading!

  I’ve rambled on too much now, so I’ll sign off. If you’re wondering if this is the end for Ella and her harem, it is for now. But I love these characters so I might be called back into their world down the line. Until then, they’ve run away into the sunset to have their hard-earned happily ever after.

  I hope you have your own happily ever after.

  All my love and gratitude,

  Marie Robinson

  About the Author

  Marie Robinson lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband Michael, their son Kal, and their two aging-but-young-at-heart pit bulls who love to sleep on the couch. After years of helping out authors as an editor and literary agent, she took the time to write her own book and has never looked back. She loves magic, adventure, and romance—and so that’s exactly what she spends her days writing about.

  Keep in touch with Marie Robinson in her Facebook group:

  Tower Sirens on Facebook

  Magical Kingdoms

  A Complete Reverse Harem Fantasy Series

  My kingdom is under attack.

  Four guardians cursed into dragons.

  And a magic I can't use…

  Want to be carried away to magical world filled with dragons and sexy romance?

  Princess Maeve is sent away to a magical tower, guarded by four sexy men cursed into the bodies of dragons. They are supposed to keep her safe but cannot resist her beautiful charms. As much as Maeve wants to stay in their bed for the rest of time, her kingdom is in trouble—and now she has some real muscle on her side.


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