Atlantis Lost: The Vanishing Paradise

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Atlantis Lost: The Vanishing Paradise Page 3

by Lauren A. Johnson

wouldn’t be able to save this dimension and fight off the Messengers.”

  “What?” she snapped around.

  “Give her the mind transfer.” Tobias commanded.

  “What? No way, dude.” She nearly screeched back.

  “Dude?” Tobias was not pleased with her tone, he raised one eyebrow.

  “What mind transfer? What does this have to do with me?” Tina grasped for the right questions.

  “Do you have missing moments in time? Do you experience blackouts ? Do you wake up in places and don’t know how you got there?” Tobias asked while Tina only nodded slowly.

  “Adair has learned to telepathically reach out to certain individuals across dimensions, you’re one of them, and you’re our liaison to her without us actually freeing her. She has a wealth of knowledge that we can only guess at,” Tobias explained.

  Tina thought to the woman in the liquid cell, she wasn’t sure but she thought she saw the winged woman smirk.

  “Why was she locked away?” Tina asked almost in a whisper.

  “We don’t have time for this,” Tobias said calmly.

  “Make time!” Tina shouted she was afraid of what was happening to the life that she knew.

  “She was locked away because of her scientific crimes against humanity; she corrupted their souls and made them evil. She created a filthy version of a human, the worst kind you can ever imagine. Lo.” Tobias called Lo and gestured for her to begin the mind transfer.

  “No!” she stuttered. “This is the last time I go on a rogue mission with either one of you, to release a known criminal.” Lo began to back away.

  “This will be the last mission ever if you don’t do it, Adair is our only hope.” Nicklar chimed in.

  “This wouldn’t have happened if either one of you remembered to bring the serum to awaken her, this is the only other way, we’re trapped here, do either of you want to be here when a dimensional drift happens? It may be too late for this dimension but there are others that are breaking down as we speak, someone is gathering the army she built, - we don’t know who this new enemy is.”

  “Better the devil you know, right Lo?” Nicklar said as both he and Tobais gave her looks.

  “We’re the worst agents ever, getting stuck in a dimensional drift,” she said as she put her hands on Tina’s shoulder who was now backed against a wall. The surroundings of the building faded the clean pristine condition it was in turned into a decrepit and unstable environment.

  “Oh my God.” Tina’s boss exclaimed, “This is what the building looked like before the remodel.”

  “Time travel?” Nicklar asked.

  “Time is a dimension, Lo hurry, if the dimensional drift doesn’t get us the Messengers will.” The pounding continued as Tobias spoke, but Lo was already halfway through the mind transfer.

  Time was faster in the mind, as Tina looked at Lo, at first a beautiful light engulfed her and large wings grew from behind her, telepathically she spoke to Tina, ‘You’re name was Adair, you helped fight us in the first war of Atlantis, we lost and now we’ve learned that the Bi’lal, who are now calling themselves The Messengers, our enemies have been conquering the universe one dimension at a time. They’re looking for Atlantis; the story states that you are one of the Atlanteans who helped hide the lost city. What exactly happened? Why have you broken away from us?’

  ‘Because we will lose this way, you know as well as I do that the Bi’lal fights dirty. To turn a small number of humans into aliens is pure genius, they just hadn’t thought of it first. Their whole M.O is to maim, mutilate, and destroy. It was only a matter of time before they saw the humans as slaves. Except I’m not using them as slaves, I’m giving them the upper hand.’ Adair explained to Lo telepathically.

  ‘This is insanity,” Lo shook her head.

  ‘That’s why it’s going to work,’ Adair was confident her plan would work.

  Tina smirked as a series of memories floated to the surface; she remembered everything and was in full control. Even though the customer care representative Tina was still physically present, the memories and motivations of Adair now replaced Tina’s. Tina was no longer present and the entity Adair had completely taken over.

  ‘So it’s true you really have turned against us?’ Lo asked.

  ‘It is true that, that is the story.’ Adair answered smirking, ‘Let’s go back before we die in our sleep.’

  Lo and Adair broke the mind transfer and they were surrounded by their enemies, who found them while they were unconscious. Viren began to speak; she wanted to get to the bottom of something before she proceeded “For humans, it took me a long time to break your security system, which means to me, a human did not put it together.”

  “You’re right, it was me.” Adair continued to smirk.

  “What are you smiling at, you’re about to die.” The creature, Viren held up her weapon to Adair’s head. Adair looked down and saw two of her lifeless coworkers.

  “Tell me the point in that.” Adair demanded.

  “They annoyed me.” Viren shot back.

  “You Bi’lal are disgusting! They were harmless,” Adair rolled her eyes, “You’re battle is with us.”

  “I see you’ve got your memory back Adair, tell me where is Atlantis, before I kill another one of your beloved humans.”

  “You know you asked me earlier why I was smirking, and I have to tell you that I’ll be laughing in a matter of seconds.” Adair shrugged and began to walk around as if the gun weren’t even on her.

  “Atlantis was lost over millennia ago, and you never thought to ask yourself what I was doing this whole time I was hidden?” As Adair spoke, the ground shook and gravity became unstable, it even made one person vomit.

  “What are you talking about? Tell me or I’ll shoot…” before Viren could finish talking, a creature that could move at lightening speeds shot in through the window grabbed Viren and began to drink her blood.

  “That’s what I’m talking about,” Adair smirked, she looked over at the other two aliens as they turned into silver piles and slithered away leaving their leader behind to be drained of her life.

  “No loyalty whatsoever,” Adair turned and faced Nicklar and Lo who had weapons drawn on her. “What is this?” She shook her head.

  “What did you do?” Lo asked.

  “You idiots, I sent the distress signal not to save this body, I can always get another Tina , Joe, or Jenny. But I cannot get another one of those.” Adair pointed to the creature that burst into the room, “This is a rescue mission, but it’s not my rescue mission – it’s his. Damascus, that’s enough, we have to get going.” Damascus stopped drinking Viren’s blood at the command of his leader. Everyone turned to face the horror that was their savior yet a monster while Adair explained the purpose for sending the signal was to create a way out for him, so that he could escape the deadly drift. The being that she called Damascus looked like a man, covered in the alien blood of Viren, the blood that he had been drinking. Adair looked around as the drift continued to occur, “I’ll answer all your questions about this whole situation later, the drift is happening.”

  “No. Explain now.” Nicklar demanded.

  “Fine!” Adair tried to think of a quick answer, “When we were kicked out of the garden, my number one followed me to this dimension, at first I was on Otar, God I hated it there! Do you know how hard it is to hide a creature of the night on a planet like that?” Adair explained. “So we decided to come back to Earth. But someone turned off the Yikar Satellite.”

  Nicklar, Lo and Tobias looked at Adair for the rest of the story, “So what?” Tobias finally spoke.

  Adair shook her head, “Don’t any of you know anything? Kublai created the Yikar Satellite to keep the dimensions from crashing into one another. There are different versions of this device across the dimensions. Some dimensions use it as a teleportation device, some dimensions use it to make androids, but its main pur
pose is to recycle unseen energy and keep the stability of the universe.”

  The three agents looked at one another and nodded, they kept silent since they wanted Adair to continue.

  “When I got back the Yikar Machine, wasn’t just tampered with, but it was off; which is an accomplishment all on its own. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all my vampire creations disappear at the same time the Yikar Machine is tampered with. At least I could have checked the machine to find a log of who’s crossed in and out of the dimension but I can’ t rely on the information now. Someone is going across dimensional space and destroying my enhanced human army.” she ran her hand through the Damascus’ curly hair as he kneeled beside her. Adair sighed and shook her head.

  “You made them into vampires!” Lo shouted as she looked to Tobias. His face was grave and unmoving, he could only nod to confirm.

  “Who tampered with the machine? Do they work for the Messengers?” Lo asked.

  “I’ve been in a liquid box for the past millennia, I don’t know!” Adair shouted. “I’m borrowing this body because my real body is trapped somewhere else!”

  Damascus licked Viren’s left over blood from his hand, “She is a hybrid. I can taste it in her blood. She’s not a full member of the Messengers.”

  “Look, the drift is getting worse,” Adair looked outside, the clear blue sky was no more, the people of Earth could look directly into space, the world was rumbling and changing around them, people from the

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