Atlantis Lost: The Vanishing Paradise

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Atlantis Lost: The Vanishing Paradise Page 9

by Lauren A. Johnson

that up to the changing weather and atmosphere. People even asked about the guitar that he always carried around. The pirate always told them that the guitar was his favorite instrument. But after meeting Damascus and Adair Donnie took a closer and harder look at the creature he once thought to be a god. Questioning everything about him, even the guitar he carried.

  The invader didn’t seem as warm and kind as before, Donnie didn’t like the cold and detached feeling he got from the stranger. He didn’t like the way Adair and Damascus were behaving and how they disappeared. And he especially did not like the way the newcomer was looking at his girlfriend.

  “I can finally get what I came for,” the man dressed in dark green garments placed his guitar on the side of his seat and stood as he closed the gap between himself and Linda.

  “And what would that be?” Donnie spoke up from the back of the ballroom.

  “Don, nice of you to join us,” the pirate said sarcastically, “Tell me, where have your brand new friends run off to?”

  “Donnie?” Linda asked, she could tell that something was wrong.

  “Step away from him,” The closer Donnie walked to the intruder he noticed a device in his hand.

  “Sorry, I know you worked hard and I know that you wanted to believe that I was here for all the right reasons, because you’ve seen and lived through hell, but I can assure you…dude – that you ain’t seen nothing yet!” The pirate pointed the device at Linda, he thought he saw something in the corner of his eye, the Deltorian stood very still as he looked to his left and could only see the mirror wall that provided nothing more than his and Linda’s reflection. A tremble shook the Earth startling Linda.

  Afraid to waste any more time, he diverted his attention back to his subject. The device lit up and activated itself with just a touch of his thumb, but before he could press the button Damascus knocked him off his feet while Adair scrambled to pick up the device.

  “What is this?” Adair asked trying to figure out the purpose of the handheld object.

  Linda rand into Donnie’s arms and while the group stood in the middle of the ballroom the earth growled and trembled. “The drift is getting worse,”

  “I put a band aid on your little Yikar thing, the best that I could do was slow the drift down,” the pirate tried to struggle away from Damascus.

  “And this is?” Adair held the device up in her hands. It was silver and in a rectangular shape.

  “Acoustic manipulation!” A voice sounded from the balcony behind them.

  “Rollett!” Adair shouted. The pirate stopped struggling long enough to notice Damascus rolling his eyes in the reflection on the mirror.

  Distortedly Carols Santana’s “Black Magic Woman” started to play over the speakers, Rollett jumped from the balcony to ballroom floor to explain. He looked at Damascus and then at Adair. “I see you got my message,” he said warmly.

  The ballroom floor spilt, everyone lost their balance and tried their best to keep their footing. The pirate was more interested in saving his guitar. Adair wobbled and was close to falling into the open Earth, Damascus let go of his prisoner and rushed to pull her to safety.

  Rollett and the space pirate only looked at one another as if to confirm suspicions the both of them once talked about. “Okay, this is a real sweet that you two have found each other again, but it won’t mean anything if we die.”

  “Wait!” Donnie shouted. “You promised you’d save us!”

  “I lied.” The pirate snatched the device from Adair’s hand pointed it Linda and pressed the button. The woman screamed as a loud as she could. The Deltorian pirate pressed down on the device while he read the gauge, he did not let go until the gauge read full. No one could hear Donnie’s shout’s of protests over her screaming.

  “What did you do to her?!” he cradled his girlfriend who had fallen unconscious. He was relieved to find that she was still alive.

  “Okay, I have the key let’s go before,” a chandelier dropped from the ceiling and crashed. The mirrors on the walls cracked and blew into thousands of shards. The pirate reached in his pockets for an object.

  “Looking for this?” Rollett asked holding up a silver object that wrapped around his hands interloping around his fingers.

  “You stole that from me, I’m hurt, it’s as if you don’t trust me,” the pirate folded his arms in fake anger.

  Rollett held his hand out to the open space and a portal opened right before them, while Adair shook her head, “You want to travel through a portal through an unstable environment?”

  Ignoring her question, Rollett looked over his shoulder and called to the angry and terrified couple, “Come on if you’re coming.”

  The tall and blonde haired Donnie looked to his raven haired beauty “Come on,” he held her hand, still worried about what the Deltorian had done to her.

  Linda began to cry; she squeezed his hand and pulled him back. She opened her mouth to speak but could not.

  “You took her voice!” Adair said in shock.

  Donnie had to make a decision, he knew he couldn’t stay there and die, but he knew that only the two of them could escape. It was the very same decision that had plagued him before during the war. “We don’t have time, they’re our only chance,” he started to guide he towards the portal. Linda shook her head and tried to pull away.

  Donnie looked to Adair and Rollett, the surfer guy that they met on the street and another person emerged before them, a person Linda had seen before, Adair couldn’t place the name of the change but Damascus could. Damascus knew that Donnie was once a soldier, “Do you trust them? Will we be safe? Can he put her voice back?”

  Rollett shook his head, “I have to be the last one to walk through this portal or it will close, I’m leaving with or without you guys.”

  “You’re not leaving without me,” Adair snapped before turning back to Donnie, “Donnie we don’t have time to explain what you already know,” another shot of crackling thunder rang through the air, “If you stay here you will die. But if you come with us you know you have a chance. It’s you who needs to decide,” Adair looked at Linda, “You’re holding him back, he’s being nice he could just knock you out and take you with him, but is it better to be noble and die with your friends and family or come with us and stop this from happening again?”

  After the group walked through the portal the entire team ended up on Adair’s ship.

  “You stole this ship,” Rollett remarked while he looked around the bridge.

  “Shut up, I’ll give it back.” Adair said flatly.

  “This is Tobias’ ship!” he shouted. Rollett inspected the ship, “What are those scratches?”

  Adair frowned, “Damascus did you?”

  “It must have been one of the newborns, before I locked them away.” Adair narrowed her eyes; she could sense that Damascus was lying. But the truth was Damascus had been coming out late at night trying to claw his way through the wall of the bridge. Even he didn’t know why he was doing that.

  Rollett looked over at Damascus and smirked, “This is Tobias’ ship,” he managed to repeat again as if held a significance that no one but him knew.

  “Really! That guy’s been chasing me around the galaxy and now I’m in his stolen ship, I think I might like you.” The pirate said to Adair.

  Donnie who tried to console his frightened girlfriend spoke up, “This is all very fascinating but…” Donnie stopped his sentence short when he saw Jupiter crashing into a planet he did not recognize.

  “Okay, space pirate, whatever you’re going to do – do it now.” Adair said looking at him.

  “Her voice has the ability to sing a certain note,” he said as he placed the rectangular device into the ship’s console. Everyone moved their hands from the console as the computer program was activated and turned into an instrumental console.

  “Hey dead guy, point us towards Britain…” The pirate commanded while he worked with the musical computer prog

  Damascus did as he was told but was angry about it, “I’m going to kill him after this is over.”

  “Yeah right...” he shot back.

  “Both of you…shut up.” Adair commanded, “What are you doing?”

  “Not a lot of people don’t know this because…it’s a secret but some of the Atlanteans that were left behind tried to recreate Atlantis, it’s actually called Hy Brasil an alchemist tried to create a special ship that would take us directly to Atlantis using sound waves, the engine that he used responds to certain notes, a sound that only the Nephilim can create,” a countdown clock appeared in the corner of the ship’s screen showing how much time they had left before the dimensions completely crashed into one another.

  “Only a nephilim can create?” Donnie asked looking at Linda who only looked at the crashing planets in horror.

  “Your girlfriend is mixed with an Atlantean,” he touched her soft coils hair and smiled. “Yeah it’s soft, like an Atlanteans, either your parents are grandparents – somewhere in there is an Atlantean.”

  “Yeah, you guys went all kinds of crazy after Atlantis disappeared, a baby here a baby there, babies everywhere!” The computer beeped and he shouted, “Got it!” The Deltorian pressed a button and everyone listened as an ethereal sound filled the air. A fast moving gust of purple wind shot straight for the location of the alchemist’s engine a beam shot back out towards them engulfing the entire ship in a hot bright light; too bright for

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