Dragon Breeder 2

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Dragon Breeder 2 Page 10

by Dante King

  I considered this and let out a slow breath.

  “We can’t just let Wayne and Garth stay as little dragons?” I asked.

  Claire shook her head again. “Eventually, they will wean themselves off their mothers,” she said. “Then, with no access to our world’s intrinsic magic, they will wither and die.”

  I looked away, back at the dragonlings that had, after seemingly having their fill of milk, taken to the air once more. Their delighted screeches echoed around Augury Grove as they chased one another in and out of the tree branches, sending birds twittering indignantly away as they pelted amongst the leaves.

  “Come,” Claire said, recalling me back to myself and taking me by the hand. “Let the little ones play a while. There is a final test that I need you and Elenari and Saya to help me with.”

  Chapter Eight

  The Seer and I walked back toward her cottage, to where Elenari and Saya were standing with their arms folded over their new post-birth breasts. They were watching the dragonlings zoom around, smiles of beatific contentment on their faces.

  “You two,” the Seer said, crooking the forefinger of the hand that wasn’t holding mine at the two warriors. “I require your help in the matter that we touched upon earlier.”

  Saya and Elenari exchanged looks and giggled.

  “Is this the test that you were talking about?” Saya asked.

  “Yes,” Claire replied.

  “What is this test?” I asked.

  Elenari gave me a deep, searching, mischievous look from under her long eyelashes.

  “Perhaps ‘test’ was the wrong word,” Claire said. “What I meant was that I require the three of you to demonstrate a process for me, so that I can see whether or not Mike truly is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, possessed of the powers that we think he is.”

  I pointed at Wayne and Garth, who looked as if they were having a whale of a time terrorizing the local dragonfly community that lived around the pond.

  “Surely those two little suckers right there are the proof?” I said.

  “They are proof that you were in possession of the seed that produces dragonlings,” Claire said. “We need to verify that this coupling and subsequent birthing of dragonlings was not just some sort of freak one-off.”

  “But you said earlier that Saya and Elenari would need some time before becoming pregnant again.”

  Claire nodded. “I did. But I should still be able to detect whether this potency your seed possesses is something which it still possesses, or whether it has a limited supply. For that, I will need to witness the act of copulation.”

  I felt a furrow of growing comprehension growing on my brow.

  “So, this process that you want to observe…” I said slowly. “You mean that you want to watch me—to watch us,” and I indicated Elenari and Saya, “have sex. Is that about the shape of it?”

  To her credit, Claire remained as impassive as any scientist ever had in the face of a question that, at surface value, had the potential to be pretty freaking awkward.

  The Seer’s mismatched red and green-blue eyes swept the three of us.

  “That’s right,” she said. “I require the three of you to couple so that I can observe the results.”

  I looked at Elenari and Saya, expecting them to make mild protestations to this idea. I didn’t think that they would object out of any sense of prudishness or anything like that, but the two female dragonmancers had just given birth—even if it was some sort of perplexing, oddball birth that I didn’t really understand. Surely, they weren’t going to be in the mood to jump straight back in the sack, were they?

  If the glances that Saya and Elenari were shooting each other were to be interpreted rightly, it appeared that the two women were disposed to consider this arrangement.

  “Don’t you guys feel… Aren’t you, like, sore or anything?” I asked.

  I had no real idea about what was going on, but I felt that enquiring after the health and comfort of the ladies was the gentlemanly thing to do in this situation.

  Elenari smiled sheepishly at me, subconsciously running a hand over one of her breasts. Through the sheer fabric, I saw the nipple harden at her own touch.

  Saya let out a characteristic snort of derision, which convinced me, more than anything she could have said, that she was perfectly capable of fucking my brains out, thank you very much.

  “Now that we have experienced what it is like to carry dragonlings,” Elenari said, “the more I am convinced that the more infants, the better.”

  “As am I,” said Saya.

  I fixed gazes with the Seer, who was watching me intently with a slightly knowing smile playing about her Angelina Jolie-esque lips. I shrugged. “Hey, if the girls are up for it, then who am I to refuse a threesome in the name of…”

  “In the name of thauma-biological study?” Claire said.

  “Right,” I said.

  I put one arm around the waist of Elenari and the other around Saya. The women pressed in close to me, and all of a sudden, I found myself as the filling in a delicious boob sandwich.

  “Um, how exactly are you going to observe?” I asked the Seer.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, Claire reached into her robes and extracted a pair of what looked to me like your run-of-the-mill glasses.

  “These bifocals,” she told the three of us, “have lenses of crystal that were melted together with dragon’s blood and ground using a special technique known only to a few. They will help me see within the women at the moment of climax.”

  My eyebrows raised of their own volition at this. “So, I presume that, what with their being two women, you’re going to want me to, ah, climax, twice?” I asked.

  “Yes,” said Claire.

  I nodded. “Right, well, despite the fact that Elenari and Saya are both a couple of the hottest women that my retinas have ever had the pleasure to look at, I might need a little time to recharge in between… you know.”

  Saya gave me a nudge in the ribs with a finger. “You are forgetting one thing,” she said.

  “What’s that?” I asked her.

  From my other side, Elenari got up on her tiptoes and bit my earlobe. Her tongue caressed the side of my neck.

  “You’re once again failing to remember that you are a dragonmancer now,” she said. “It’s not just your stamina for running and leaping and fighting that has been greatly increased…”

  I looked down at her, and she laughed to see the look on my face.

  “Well, well, well,” I said, “ain’t that a turn up for the books.”

  Claire clapped her hands and then said, “Very good. If that is all agreed upon, why don’t we head inside. As pleasant a day as it is out here, it would not do for our experiment to be stumbled upon by a random scout flying by on their way to or from the Academy. As I said before, it is to the benefit of all that this development remains a secret for as long as possible. Once the Martial Council and the Lorekeepers find out about it, things will become a lot more convoluted for you, Mike.”

  “A lot more bureaucratic, you mean,” I said.

  “Yes,” Claire said, “that is precisely what I mean.”

  The three of us walked into the cozy confines of the cottage and closed the door behind us, leaving our dragons outside to guard Wayne and Garth.

  The inside of the Seer’s cottage was as comfortable and welcoming as you would expect a home to be after the inhabitant had lived there for a few centuries or so.

  It was a single large room, with a kitchen complete with a log-burning stove and scrubbed wooden table and handmade chairs, generous fireplace surrounded by a couple of squashy couches and a well-worn reading chair, and a plethora of hams, game birds, herbs, and sausages hanging from the beams that crisscrossed the ceiling. A single corridor led off from the back of the room and toward the Seer’s bedroom, along with a couple of small guest bedchambers.

  The furniture had that genuine vintage, handcrafted look that cafe owners in L.A. suburbs like Silv
er Lake paid top dollar for. In fact, if you could have transported the Seer’s whole house to somewhere like Westwood and turned it into a vegan restaurant, you’d be laughing all the way to the bank.

  The Seer led the three of us over to the section of the room that I would have designated as the lounge and ushered us onto a green velvet sofa. Then, she sat herself comfortably on the reading chair, propped her feet up on a pouffe, and pulled a small end table closer to her. There was a roll of parchment, a quill, and a bottle of ink set on the table already. Clearly, the Seer had not been worried that I would turn down her request.

  I supposed that was the benefit of being able to see into the future. Strangely, she still needed to perform this test even though she was a seer. I figured that, like most fortune tellers and their ilk, there were certain things she couldn’t see, or were blurry or something.

  Claire slipped her special, dragon blood-inculcated spectacles onto her nose and looked over the top of them.

  “You may begin,” she said serenely, picking up her quill and dipping it into the ink bottle.

  Her words had to have been the least sexy way that I had ever entered a sex session. It felt more like the starter’s gun than anything else.

  Nevertheless, the girls didn’t seem to mind. On the contrary, they both leaned across me—I was sitting in the middle of them—and began to tongue and kiss each other. That sight fired up my blood, and I slipped both my hands down their backs and gave their asses a squeeze.

  The girls grinned, even as they played tonsil hockey with one another with their eyes closed. I reached my hands down further and began to ruck up their shifts from where they were sitting on them.

  Elenari and Saya both propped themselves up for a moment so that I could free the loose garments and expose their beautiful, curvaceous asses.

  It was then that the sound of the Seer’s quill scratching against the parchment found its way into my subconscious. Try as I might, and despite what was going on, I couldn’t tune out the sound.

  Elenari and Saya broke apart and began taking it in turns to kiss me, but even with their tongues probing into my mouth and their hands beginning to roam like horny pioneers exploring the wilds of the south, I couldn’t get the sound of that damn quill out of my head.

  Elenari must have picked up on my lack of focus because she pulled away—pulling my lip in her teeth for a second—and asked, “What’s wrong, Mike?”

  My eyes flicked over to Claire and then down at the quill that was poised in my hand.

  “Ah,” the Seer said, “I see. Perhaps it would be better if I simply committed my notes to my mind?”

  “Might be a bit less distracting,” I admitted. “Especially seeing as this whole scenario already feels weird enough, you know?”

  “A fair point,” the Seer said. She put her quill down and pushed the end table away from her. Then she settled back more comfortably in her reading chair and motioned for us to continue.

  And continue we did.

  But only for about three and a half more minutes.

  I detached myself from a very enjoyable, deep bit of lip-locking because I just still wasn’t feeling it.

  “What’s wrong?” Saya asked breathlessly, leaning away from me so that she could look into my face, as Elenari stroked my hair.

  “It’s not you guys,” I said. “It’s just…” I waved my hands around in an airy fashion. “It’s just that the mood is all wrong. This obviously wasn’t the most organic, impulsive thing initially and, what with Claire sitting over there in her very pretty, but quite clinical robe, I just get the impression that I’m under a microscope or that we’re at school in a class while a teacher watches us present a project or something.”

  What I really felt was that I was acting in one of those terribly scripted pornos; where the teacher catches some pupils getting it on in her class and, instead of suspending them and calling their parents, risks losing her job and being vilified on social media, by joining in and showing them how it’s done.

  “Perhaps,” Claire said, in the same calm and reasonable voice with which she said everything, “if I were to look like I was part of proceedings a little more—a participant, rather than just a spectator—you might be a little less distracted?”

  I made an unconvinced noise in my throat, but this tailed off into a gurgle when the Seer abruptly stood up and pulled her ethereal white dress up over her head.

  It became evident in a second that Claire had been hiding the body of a yoga instructor under the loose, billowy dress that she wore. She had a similar build of body to Elenari—athletic and willowy, with none of the obvious, hard-etched muscle definition that Saya did—but was taller and longer limbed. Her breasts weren’t massive, but perfectly proportioned to her body, and stood up as perkily as any twenty-year-old pornstar. My eyes made the journey southward, and I saw that she was wearing a lacy white G-string and nothing else.

  “Is this better, Michael Noctis?” she asked, sitting back down in her reading chair. She crossed her long legs with a slow seductiveness that, had she not been wearing any panties, would have put Sharon Stone to shame.

  “I—uh—I—um, yeah… That’ll—that’ll do it,” I stammered.

  “I’m glad,” the Seer said. She toyed with the waistband of the G-string and bit her full lip. “Carry on, then.”

  Elenari, taking inspiration from Claire, stood up in front of me and pulled their shifts over their heads. Their skin gleamed with that strange golden sheen, smooth as satin and silk, in the light that was coming through the open window shutters.

  I felt a throbbing in my crotch at the sight of the two stark naked women. To my right, in her chair, the Seer’s eyes were glued on the two women, drinking in the sight of them.

  Saya was about a head taller than Elenari. She ducked her head, took the smaller elf’s head in her hands, and kissed her deeply. Where the other kisses had been soft and tender, this one was hungry and rough. The two warrior’s tits pressed together in a way that I couldn’t take my eyes off. Their nipples rubbed against each other, becoming more and more erect, as they groaned into one another’s mouths.

  I kicked off my boots, feeling that I had come overdressed to this party, and unlooped my sword belt before tossing it onto the other couch. Trying to keep my eyes on the pair of women as they writhed together, I pulled my shirt over my head.

  I was just about to go the whole hog and rip my loose fighting pants off, when Elenari began to kiss her way down Saya’s neck and chest. The red-haired elf woman ran her tongue around the great globes of Saya’s jugs and then, taking it in turns, started nibbling and sucking on the other dragonmancer’s diamond hard nips.

  Saya moaned and stroked Elenari’s head while she did this, but her eyes stayed locked on my face.

  Elenari slurped and bit at Saya’s nipples for a while longer, then she dropped slowly to her knees—displaying a great deal of quadricep strength, I couldn’t help but notice—and kissed her way down Saya’s chiseled abdominals. The elf’s tongue ran over the hard ridges and planes of Saya’s impressive stomach muscles before dropping lower.

  Saya, her eyes still on me, moaned and opened her legs wider. Elenari, taking the hint, went lower and buried her face in Saya’s hairless crotch.

  I couldn’t see anything too naughty, due to Elenari’s head being in the way, but I could hear her tongue lapping at Saya’s box, while Saya pressed Elenari’s head tighter into her groin.

  My cock was nearing silicon carbide hardness as I watched this display, and I was thinking that it was just about time for me to tag in and do my part for thauma-biology, when Saya pulled Elenari’s face away from her crotch by the hair and grinned at me.

  “We’re forgetting ourselves, Elenari,” she said. “Mike is integral to the success of this experiment.”

  Elenari licked her lips. Saya’s girl juice was smeared all over her face.

  From virgin to mistress of cunnilingus! I thought happily.

  “Look at you go, gir
l,” I said, and I motioned for the elf to come over to me.

  Elenari crawled over to me on her knees and began to tug my pants down. My cock sprung free from the confines of my breeches when Elenari got my pants over my hips and pulled them off.

  Saya’s eyes gleamed at the sight of my rock-hard schlong and cast a sideways look at the Seer. I followed where she was looking and saw that Claire was also staring intently at my dick.

  Was it just my optimistic brain, or was there a slightly avid and eager look in the mismatched eyes?

  I didn’t have long to mull on this. At that moment, running her hands up my thighs and sending shivers racing through me, Elenari moved forward and took the tip of my cock in her mouth.

  “Holy shit,” I gasped as the elf swallowed my rod like she’d been to the School of Blowjobs and majored in Deepthroating.

  “You like it?” Elenari asked as she briefly came up for air.

  “Fucking-yes!” I said.

  “Then I shall continue,” Elenari said with a wet grin.

  Saya came down and sat next to me, while Elenari gave me the sloppiest, most enthusiastic blowjob that I think I had ever received. She gagged and moaned and spat, only occasionally coming up for air so that she could look at me with those big, emerald eyes of her.

  Meanwhile, one of my hands had snuck down and was busy toying with Saya’s vagina, my fingers running up and down her slot, which was still slick with Elenari’s saliva. Saya leaned back against the arm of the sofa and tugged and pinched at her own nipples. Her tits were so big that she was able to reach her nipples with her tongue, and she took advantage of this, lapping and licking at them as I played roughly with her clit.

  “That’s it, harder,” she urged. “You think that I can’t handle a bit of rough, Mike, is that it? Do you forget who you’re pleasuring? Harder! Harder! Harder, harder, harder!”

  I took her at her word and stuffed two digits into her soaking love box. She growled in response and tipped her head back.

  “That’s it,” she grunted.


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