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Bossy Baller: A Hero Club Novel

Page 11

by Melissa Belle

  “And pets are allowed?”

  “Yep. I double-checked.”

  I let Lucky out of her backpack, and Maverick helps me get her food and water bowls set up in the kitchen area of the suite. We put her litter box by the bathroom and set up one of the blankets from the truck over the couch cushions.

  I play with her for a little while with a toy mouse we picked up at a pet store on the way here, and she chases it all over the place.

  After that, she eats, poops, and settles herself onto the couch. Within seconds, she’s asleep.

  Maverick shows me the video he took of me playing with Lucky.

  I shoot him a playful look. “Don’t tell me you’re getting interested in making memories with a camera now too.”

  He shrugs. “You’re rubbing off on me.”

  I reach out and give him a hug. “I love the video. Thank you.”

  His eyes flash with something I can’t read. Not wanting to push him, I walk over to the floor to ceiling windows and look out at the Denver skyline. The mountains behind the cityscape are breathtaking.

  “This is amazing,” I say.

  Maverick comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “I agree.”

  His lips graze my neck. I shiver as he plants wet kisses all along my neckline.

  “You smell nice,” he murmurs.

  “It’s my shampoo,” I whisper.

  “I like it.”

  “Thank you…oh, God.”

  Maverick’s hands graze my breasts over my shirt. And then, they keep going until he’s unzipping my shorts.

  “Don’t we have to meet…”

  “We have time.” He tugs at my shorts until they fall to my ankles. “I’m not missing out on getting naked with you for anything.”

  Within minutes, we’re both naked and he’s pushing into me from behind. He managed to grab a condom right beforehand, and he slides in easily. As he drives deep inside me, I brace my hands on the windowpane. The mountain vista grows fuzzy as Maverick fucks me into a huge orgasm. He comes right along with me, and we’re both shaking afterward.

  His arms hold me close to him as he mutters, “How does it always get better with you, Hannah? Every damn time.”

  I know.

  “It’s never been like this for me,” I admit.

  “Me neither.”

  An hour later, Maverick and I hurry across the lobby to the hotel restaurant. I’m wearing a green sleeveless top that ties at the waist and blue jeans paired with sandals. My hair is down and loose, and Maverick keeps touching it as we walk toward Dylan and Colton. I wasn’t sure if he wanted his friends to know about us, but he doesn’t appear to be hiding it.

  “You’re late,” Dylan says with a mischievous smile. He pulls Maverick into a half-hug and then gives me a kiss on the cheek. “What were you two up to?”

  “Shut up, Wild.” Maverick turns to the blond guy I remember from outside the courthouse. “Colt, how are you?”

  Colton gives Maverick a hug. “How was your drive?”

  “Great.” Maverick puts his arm around me. “This is Hannah. Hannah, meet Colton Wild in person.”

  Colton’s eyes are bright blue. He’s a couple of inches shorter than his cousin but just as handsome and also in incredible shape.

  All three guys are dressed casually in jeans and short-sleeved shirts. And our group is attracting a lot of female attention. Several women passing us literally stop and stare at the men I’m standing with.

  Colton’s expression is warm and curious as he shakes my hand. “How have you held up with just Maverick for company this week?”

  I smile. “We’ve had a great trip. And it’s not just us anymore; we picked up a stray kitten, too. Her name is Lucky.”

  Colton and Dylan’s eyes widen. “You two share a kitten now?”

  “No.” Maverick tugs at his hair like he’s going to pull it out. “We rescued Lucky. Hannah’s planning to keep her when we get to Chicago. I don’t have time for a pet.”

  “Right.” Colton’s eyes fill with humor. “Just like you couldn’t drive Hannah to Chicago with you. But it looks like you found some time there, didn’t you?”

  Maverick shoots Colton a look I can’t decipher, but Colton seems unperturbed as he turns to me. “I hope Mav is more polite with you than he is to us.”

  “He is. Mostly,” I add jokingly.

  Maverick chuckles. “That’s fair.” He gestures toward the restaurant. “Come on. Let’s eat.”

  Our dinner at a Mexican restaurant is casual and fun. We all order drinks, and Maverick and I decide to share a plate of chicken fajitas. Although he takes my advice and orders a side of guacamole and chips.

  “You know you’ll be hungry if you don’t,” I say as I go to close my menu.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Dylan and Colton watching us. Their expressions are a mixture of curiosity and surprise.

  “I have to say, I’ve never seen Maverick out with a woman before,” Colton says. “Dating looks good on you, Mav.”

  “We aren’t dating,” I say automatically. “We’re…” I feel myself flush with heat, and Colton and Dylan chuckle.

  “You don’t have to explain anything to us,” Dylan says warmly. “We just like giving Maverick shit.”

  “In all seriousness, you two look good together,” Colton says.

  “Great.” Maverick puts his hand on my thigh under the table. It feels like a protective gesture. “Can we fucking talk about something other than Hannah and me?”


  As the server brings our food, we keep chatting. Colton’s quieter than the other two, and I get the sense something’s on his mind. At one point, Maverick asks him if he’s okay.

  He insists he is and then asks me if I have any questions about Maverick that I want answered. “We know a lot,” he tells me conspiratorially.

  “What was he like in college?” I ask, partly dreading the answer. But I’m too curious not to ask.

  Dylan’s dark eyes brighten. “Do you want the PG version?”

  I laugh. “I guess so.”

  “Christ,” Maverick mutters. “This isn’t fair. I don’t get to interrogate your college roommate.”

  “Kia wouldn’t have much to say,” I tell him truthfully. “I didn’t do anything scandalous.”

  “Mav’s worst night was probably sophomore year when he got drunk at a party after our biggest game of the season,” Colton says. “He lost his shirt and pants in a bet and had to walk home in just his boxers. The boxers part is debated actually.”

  “A few girls at school videotaped it,” Dylan says to me. “It went viral on campus.”

  “In fact, you might be able to still find it if you search hard enough,” Colton says.

  “You can’t,” Maverick says as he turns to me. “It wasn’t a big deal. I was stupid and drunk is all. And I did have my boxers on the whole time.”

  I smile at him. “I’m sure you looked good nonetheless.”

  “Wasn’t worth the shit I took from these two.” He points at Colton and Dylan across the booth. “They never let me live that night down. I guess I’ll have to get back at you this season.”

  “Yeah, the Cougars are coming to Chicago,” Colton says. “It’ll be weird to compete against you, Court.”

  Maverick smirks. “We’ll kick your asses.”

  Dylan holds up his beer. “Let’s make a bet. Loser buys dinner the next time.”

  “So I buy for the two of you if Chicago loses, and if we win, you two buy for just me?” Maverick grins. “Not exactly a fair bet.”

  Colton laughs. “Hey, you started it.”

  I smile as they try to figure out a bet that will work. I enjoy listening to the three of them mess with each other. They’re all good guys. Colton and Dylan are very kind to me and treat me like they’ve known me for years. They accept me right into their little fold.

  My phone rings. “It’s Kia,” I tell Maverick. “Be right back.”

  “Hey,” I s
ay to her as I start walking toward the back of the restaurant.

  “How are you?” she asks. “Are you nearly to Chicago?”

  I turn into the hallway where the restrooms are located and lean against the wall. “We’re in Denver.”

  “Oooh, you’re close!” She giggles. “How’s your travel partner?”

  “He’s…” I hesitate.

  And that’s all Kia needs.

  “Holy shit. You fucked him, didn’t you?”

  “Kia. Your language,” I joke.

  “Seriously, Hannah. Don’t leave me hanging.”

  I glance around to make sure I’m alone. “Yes.”

  She screams, nearly breaking my eardrum.

  When I bring the phone back to my ear, she asks me, “How was it?”

  “Incredible,” I admit. “Like, crazy good.”

  “So happy for you!” she says. “And he’ll be in Chicago, too?”

  “Yeah. But I don’t think anything will come of it.”

  “Why not?”

  “I just don’t. I’m supposed to be having a rebound right now, remember? Not a relationship.”

  “Don’t say that,” she says. “We can’t plan when we meet the right guy. Don’t end things just because he doesn’t fit with the plans you set for yourself.”

  Maybe she’s right. Maybe I should talk to Maverick about what comes after we get to Chicago.

  Not tonight, though. I’ll do it after he films the commercial. Maybe tomorrow night, which is our last before we reach our destination.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Once Hannah’s left the table, I tip my chin at Colton. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” he says. “Why?”

  “You’ve been distant tonight,” I say.

  Dylan flicks his gaze over to Colton. “You have been,” he agrees.

  Colton’s eyes dim. “I haven’t been back to Colorado since my dad died.”

  I don’t get the connection.

  Dylan glances at me. “Colt came to Colorado with his parents shortly before that.”

  “Oh. Shit.” I turn to Colton. “This must be hard for you.”

  He shrugs. “It is what it is. Right? I’m just going to try to make him proud in the pros.”

  “I know you will,” I tell him. “I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet him.”

  “He was the best,” Dylan says. “I wouldn’t be here either if it weren’t for him. He loved football as much as we did.”

  “You’ll just have to show him one hell of a season then,” I say to them both. “I’m sure he’ll be watching.”

  “Your mom will be too,” Colton says to me. “We’ve all got people who we wish were here. But they’re still with us.”

  Yes, I believe that. And I want to make sure I can take care of the family I still have here, too. That would make my mom the most proud—to know that my dad and brothers were also all okay.

  We all fall silent.

  “Let’s go for a lighter topic,” Colton says.

  “I’ve got one. Your traveling companion’s got the hots for you,” Dylan says casually.

  I shoot him a death look. “I wish we were on a football field right now so I could kill you.”

  Unperturbed, Dylan just grins. “You’re sleeping together, aren’t you?”

  I suck in a breath and don’t answer him.

  “So that’s a yes,” he says. “You’re shit at hiding things, Mav.”

  “I’m not trying to hide anything,” I say.

  “What’s the big deal?” Colton swallows his bite of burrito. “You like her. She likes you. You’re already fucking. So keep doing it. End of story.”

  “It’s not like that,” I say. “We have an expiration date. The moment our trip ends, so does whatever we have.”

  “Why?” Colton asks.

  “Because Hannah is getting out of a long-term relationship, and she isn’t ready for something serious.”

  Dylan and Colton both raise their eyebrows at me like I’m pathetic.

  “Pretty sure you’re the one who’s not ready,” Colton says. “The fact that she’s a runaway bride is a convenient way to pretend you’re not running away yourself.”

  “Did you have an okay time tonight?” I ask Hannah after we say goodnight to Dylan and Colton and head for our room.

  “I had a great time,” she says, looping her arm through mine as we exit the elevator and walk down the hall. “Your friends are really nice.”

  “You’re nicer.” I hold the keycard up to our suite door.

  As soon as we’re inside, I shut the door and Hannah goes to check on Lucky. She feeds her a can of food and we wait while she uses the litter box. Then, I clean it up and Hannah plays with Lucky until she’s ready for bed.

  Once she has the kitten settled on her blanket on the couch for the night, she finds me flipping the security bolt on the door.

  “Lucky’s asleep,” she says softly.

  “That’s good.” I take Hannah in my arms and back her up against the door. “Because I’ve been waiting to do this all evening,” I tell her as I untie the sash on her top.

  She pulls me closer and kisses me. She tastes like tequila from her margarita, and it drives me wild.

  I grab her ass and hoist her up until she can wrap her legs around my waist. I’m so hard already, and I groan at the friction between us as Hannah rubs against me.

  “I want to feel you with nothing between us,” I say into her lips.

  “We can do that,” she says.

  I open my eyes and stare at her. “How?”

  Her lips turn up in amusement. “I’m on the pill. And I’m clean. So if you are too…”

  “I am. I had a physical before I left town.” I grip her hips and try to calm down. “Are you sure you want this?”

  She smiles at me like she can read my anxiety. “Have you ever done this before, Mav?”

  I shake my head.

  “We don’t have to,” she says.

  “I want to,” I say quickly. “I really, really want to.”

  I let her down to the ground and strip off her pants and underwear. When I slip my hand between her legs, I find her more than ready for me. She fiddles with the zipper on my jeans until my cock is freed, and then I pick her up again.

  Bracing her against the wall, I drive into her in one motion.

  “Holy hell.” I drop my head against her shoulder. “Hannah…you feel so fucking good.”

  “Mav…” Her tone is halting as I pull out and thrust forward again. “Oh, God…”

  A few more hard thrusts, and she’s coming. I keep her in my arms as I walk to the bed and flip her onto her stomach. I drive into her again, and she claws at the comforter.

  “Deeper,” she moans. “More.”

  I give her more. Harder, deeper, faster while I hold her hair back and suck on her neck. She comes again, calling out my name, and this time, I follow her.

  I come so hard I collapse on top of her afterward.

  That felt like making love.

  For the first time, I can admit that.

  I’m getting in too deep with her.

  I have to pull back.

  But I don’t know how.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Filming the commercial takes longer than anticipated, and Hannah and I don’t get on the road until after noon. We should drive as far as we can. But I don’t want to let go of Hannah just yet. So, I suggest a plan.

  “Platte River State Park is about eight hours from here,” I say as we hit the highway. “I figured it will be dark when we get there, so instead of camping in a tent, I have an alternative.”

  “Which is?”


  She claps her hands. “I’ve always wanted to do that!”

  “Really?” I smile at her. “This place has glamping cabins with beds that are on rollers, so you can choose to sleep indoors or on the balcony with mosquito netting.”

  “That’s so cool. I can’t wait
.” She pets Lucky, who’s nestled comfortably in her lap. “Thanks for getting me in to watch you film the commercial. You three all looked hot. But you were by far the hottest.”

  I lift her hand and bring it to my mouth for a kiss. “I’m glad you were there.”

  The campground is quiet and peaceful. And by the time we pull in, it’s also dark.

  “Good thing we don’t have to set up the tent,” Hannah says. “I don’t want to risk losing Lucky at night.”

  “The cabin will be safe,” I say as we pull into the gravel drive of our spot.

  “It looks exactly how you described,” Hannah says as we walk up to the cabin and step inside.

  A bed in the middle plus a chair, bathroom, and mini kitchen make up the cabin.

  “With a/c,” I say. “That’s a nice surprise.”

  “It’s like we’re playing house,” she says as she looks around the cabin.


  Not real.

  Real is going to be when we say goodbye tomorrow.

  I suck in a breath and go set up Lucky’s litter box.

  Once the kitten is comfortably resting at the foot of the bed, Hannah and I go out to the patio to look at the stars.

  “I never get to see stars like this in L.A.” Hannah laughs. “Unless I go to Hollywood.”

  I chuckle. “Los Angeles has a different breed of stars for sure.”

  I look over at her standing next to me. She’s resting her arms on the balcony while she gazes up at the night sky. My heart lurches. Because I don’t want to leave her tomorrow.

  I pull her toward me in the moonlight.

  “Dance with me.”

  She melts into my arms as we dance with no music.

  I hold her close. “I’ll miss this. I’ll miss you.”

  “Me too.” She looks up at me hesitantly. “But we’ll be in the same city, right? So we could keep in touch.”

  She’s throwing me the ball. And…whatever she sees on my face makes her step back.

  “But that’s not a good idea,” she says hurriedly. “You need to focus on your career. We should end this when we get to Chicago. This was a fairytale, not real life, right?”


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