A Naughty Santa Gram

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A Naughty Santa Gram Page 18

by Alyssa D Mynx

  "Blake! Blake!" Sensations slam back into me, and instead of my step-father and his poker buddies, it's Drake shaking me with his friends standing around me.

  "Get back," I whisper.

  "What did she say?"

  "Is she back?"

  "What the hell is going on?"

  "Get back," I say, louder and with more force. Still, they stay where they are.

  "Get back!" I yell, loud enough for the neighboring tables to hear and glance our way.

  The guys move back, and Drake drops to his knees in front of me, the men forming a protective circle around me.

  "Blake, it's me, Drake. You're safe, you're here, you're ok."

  I push him back take a few steadying breaths, pushing down the fear and darkness.

  Drake moves to put his hand on me, and instinct demands I react. I jump up, pushing my body back away from them again and into the table.

  "Don't touch me," I beg, tears welling at my eyes.

  "Who was that, Firecracker?" Xav asks, hands out and voice soft.

  "No one, it's not important."

  "It said, 'Motherfucking mother'," Ethan states, staring at me in concern.

  "Fuck," from Drake.

  "I need to go," I say, clutching at my throat.

  "No, you need to fucking sit down and talk to us," Landon growls.

  "I need to go," I repeat, grabbing my phone and clutch and pushing my way through the group.

  "Blake, stop," Ethan says, grabbing my arm.

  I swing around and snarl, "You don't get to touch me. Let me go." Jerking my arm from him, I nearly run to the lobby.

  All of the guys follow and protest, but I just keep going, opening the doors and heading to the first company SUV I see. I'm done, and I need out of this place before my memories overtake me in public again.

  I open the door and climb in, but before I can close it, Xav is there, stopping me.

  "Where is this step-father, and how would you like him killed?" he rages, his eyes so cold of a blue they could pierce flesh.

  "Move, Xav. I need to go home."

  "I will not allow you to go home alone like this. You aren't safe."

  "You are NOT in charge of me because you are NOT my boyfriend. Now move, or I will use whatever means necessary to make you."

  Xav grimaces but lets go of the door, and I slam it shut and lean back in my seat, telling the driver where to take me. My muscles are clenched everywhere, and my throat is tighter than ever. I sit and count cars as we head back to my home for the time being, waiting for the moment I will be safe and can release all the pent-up emotions.

  I shoot Jenna a text, and almost immediately she responds with, ‘On my way’. Thank God for best friends.

  As soon as I get home, I jump out of the car, barely able to thank my driver, and see Jenna getting dropped off as well. I practically run to her, and she just holds me as I cry.

  "Let's get you inside, sweetie, and you can sleep with me tonight."

  Another few weeks fly by, and my interactions with the guys have slowly improved. They apologized for their reactions, I apologized for my actions, and we’ve moved forward. Landon, of course, just smacked my ass and went right back to flirting with me. I keep ignoring my mother's calls now. Her number kept calling after that night, and, terrified to relive those memories again, I never answer. She, or Craig, won’t stop.

  I also started going back to therapy, trying to deal with things again. I've gone to three sessions so far, and it seems to be helping.

  "For fuck’s sake, you are only going to be gone for the weekend. You don't need four pairs of heels! You need, like, one, and some comfy shoes. You're going to see family, not the freaking president or something," I grumble, flipping through Pinterest on my phone.

  "Who knows who's coming to Thanksgiving dinner this year? My mother and father like to surprise me, and they never tell me who is going to be attending. We've had the mayor over before, so, like, lay off," Jenna responds, tossing yet another outfit into the suitcase.

  "Whatever, you'll look great in anything."


  "What the hell? Are you fucking kidding me right now?" I ask, staring at my phone.

  "What's wrong?"

  "That cunt of a secretary just sent me a picture of her and Chad, and she's in my ring. What the fuck?"

  "Girl, listen to me. The fact that she sent it to you means she sees you as a threat. The fact that she's wearing your old ring means Chad is a cheap-ass bastard who will likely rot and die in hell. No need for you to get all upset," Jenna states, matter of factly.

  "Fuck, I guess if you bring logic into the situation."

  "Exactly. Now, are you sure you don't want to come with? Mom and Dad love you, and you'll be welcomed like their bonus daughter. Believe me, after the four brothers then me, they'd love another daughter full-time."

  "Nah, I'm sure. Thanksgiving is a few days away, and while you are closed and can leave tomorrow and come back Monday, we are open the entire weekend. I volunteered to work tomorrow and Thanksgiving day, plus Black Friday if I get booked out. Besides, it's double pay on holidays. There are some Pilgrims we have working too, and they deliver food items, but I wanted to stick to Santa for now. Maybe I’ll be a different 'gram on another holiday someday."

  "Whatever, it's not like you need the money. You've been rolling in dough for weeks, and it's not even December yet. Pretty soon you're going to just move on out and leave me here all alone again."

  "Please, Bitch, you know you want your closet space back," I tease.

  "True, but still."

  "Whatever. Just pack your shit, so you can leave in the morning. I think I have one gram tomorrow and none so far Thursday." I grin, ready for a few days off to just chill out.

  "Fine, but you're still getting up early to see me off tomorrow, got it?"

  "Deal. Now get this thing zipped.”

  As I predicted, the day before Thanksgiving is slow. I never did get another 'gram, and my Thanksgiving is still free. I go down to one of the restaurants that make turkey regularly and order a to-go box of the Thanksgiving special. Even though I don’t have family to share it with, I'll be damned if I’m not going to eat turkey until I burst.

  Thanksgiving day finds me eating the special as a brunch, and I'm sitting on the couch watching the parade when I get a ding on my phone. I'm wearing my sloppy stay at home and don't go anywhere clothing, and the ding startles me enough that I end up dripping on myself.

  "Dammit," I say to the empty room. I exhale, wipe myself up, and set my to go container on the floor. Gathering up my phone, I pause the parade and see what I've got.

  Well, damn. I didn't expect that one. Someone ordered a Platinum for tonight at six o'clock. I click on the data sheet and read the rundown.

  "Shiiiiiit." The damned 'gram is for Bossman. Who the hell orders a 'gram for the guy who owns the company? An idiot? "Fuck, shit, dammit." Just what I need in my life.

  Aside from our apologies and some pleasantries, I really haven’t talked to the guys much since I flew the coop at the Christmas party. One, I'm busy as fuck, and two, I'm great at avoidance. Please, please, please, don’t let them all be there.

  I read on, and it says to wear a bathing suit and a sexy outfit over top. There's a card that will be at SHG, Inc, and they also ordered the watch. Fucking dumbass. Bossman has a better watch than what we send out. I want to throttle this idiotic person who decided to send the boss one of his own products. For real though.

  With Jenna gone, I’ve only got about four hours to get a nap in. If she were here, I’d have five, but no. She had to go spend it with family, so I have to make myself look pretty on my own, and that takes a little while. Still, I'm totally pigging out and napping on her bed before I go. #NoShame.

  Five o'clock rolls around, and it's a damned good thing I had thought to bring my keys with me. I am literally the only person there. Presley or Sarah must have run over quick and gotten the gift ready because it is sitting on the fro
nt desk all perky and shit.

  We've had a bit of a hot streak, so I've got on my red and black striped bikini and a halter Santa dress on, with little black boots and some white bangles. No hat tonight because it's too fucking hot. I look damned good, so that's enough for me.

  Well, except the makeup. I'm really hoping I go swimming soon because all this isn't going to last very long. I miss Jenna. She's my Platinum makeover person, damn her!

  I snap a picture of my face and send it to her, then grab my things and the gift and head out, locking the door behind me. Plugging in the GPS, I turn the AC on and blast some music, heading to Bossman's house.

  The drive isn’t too bad, although there are a shit ton of cars on the freeway. When I can finally turn off on the exit, my voice might be a teeny bit sore from yelling at stupid drivers. Damn fuckers need to learn to drive.

  I drive up, always up, through winding trees and some gorgeous views of the city. Finally, I come to the gate that the instructions mentioned and type in the passcode I was given. As soon as I open my windows, I can hear thumping music, laughter, and the murmur of people talking. I guess he's a partier?

  I drive up to the front, where there is an actual valet who takes care of parking for me. I walk in the house, and there are waiters and waitresses passing out drinks and food. I ask the first one I see where Drake might be. He gestures to the outdoor patio area, and I head that way.

  Drake doesn't just have a house; he has a fucking mansion. The floors throughout are a dark wood, and the ceilings are vaulted with crown molding. I swear, there are more rooms on the ground floor than one person could ever use. I pass through a couple of sitting rooms, a room with a piano, and one room with just a bunch of plants, all before I get to the back of the house and the patio.

  As soon as I step onto the wood, I come to a whole new world. There are lantern lights and string lights strung everywhere, a buffet set up with finger foods, and a big bar with several bartenders. There's a big ass pool and hot tub too. How loaded are these guys?

  "Blake?" a voice calls out.

  I look to my left, and there they are, all five of the guys on wood lounge chairs, just chilling. Johnny waves from next to Ethan, and the others turn my way.

  "Well, well, well, what brings you here, Brat?"

  "Somebody ordered you a Santa Gram, Bossman, and here I am." I stride towards them and hand him a card with the watch. "Don't see why since you get annoyed by me every day at work."

  Drake snorts, opening the card. "It was my little brother. I'm sure he thought it would be funny to send me something from my own company. Whatever."

  "Awesome, now that I've delivered my present and presented myself, how about I head out so you can party with all these people, hmmm?" I ask, turning on my heel to head back through the maze of a house

  "No, stay with us, Love. Right, Drake?" Johnny asks. I pause, waiting for his response.

  "Hmm... Only if my brat can behave herself."

  "I don't know, Bossman, these six hours of a Platinum is an awful long time to behave. Besides, I think you like it better when I misbehave." I know I like it better when I misbehave. I get this thrill I've never felt when I flirt with them all, or even just one. They help me feel happy again. It's been a few weeks since I've felt much of anything, and just seeing them all together has put me in a better mood.

  "Then I guess we'll just have to count spanks, and when the party ends at ten or so, you'll get that number... from each of us," Drake grins, lust heating his eyes at the promise of punishment. Sadist, I tell you. But I guess that makes me a masochist because just seeing them, I dearly want each of their hands on my ass tonight.

  "Deal. Now, what kind of party is this, and where can a girl find a chair and a drink?" I ask, sauntering over to the guys.

  A big thick arm snags me, and I screech, falling into Xav’s lap.

  "It’s a Thanksgiving party for my coworkers and friends, along with some of Ethan’s models. Now, I’ve found you a seat, Firecracker. Why don't you settle in and get comfortable?" Xav adds.

  "Don't mind if I do," I reply, purposefully rubbing my ass against his cock.

  Xav gives a sharp inhale, and I smirk, knowing and feeling that I'm already getting to him.

  "Fire, you're up to one already."

  "Well, shucks, that just stinks, doesn't it?" I grin cheekily with no sadness whatsoever.

  "Hey now, I want to share my seat with you, Love," Johnny whines, pouting just a little.

  “I’ll share with you,” Ethan says. Johnny groans and just shakes his head, glancing around at the guests.

  "I'll share, but I say we get a half hour each with Blake in our laps while the rest go mingle. Deal?" Xav asks.

  A unanimous agreement sounds from the guys, and I settle into Xav, taking in his warmth and his safety. Conversation starts back up between Johnny and Ethan as Drake and Landon go mingle with their guests. Xav starts to play with my hair, gently rubbing it between his fingers and twirling it. I doubt he realizes what he's doing, but god, it feels so good. I shift a little and put my head on one of his shoulders while swinging my legs across his.

  "My little Firecracker, it's been weeks," he murmurs into my hair. "Are you doing ok?"

  I shake my head. "I'm trying to be ok, but I'm not yet."

  "Do you want to talk about it? I'm open ears if you do. Plus, I'm Chief of Police. I can do a hell of a lot of shit if I need to."

  "I do, but I don't. Not yet, at least. Thank you, though," I respond, touched that Xav cares enough to even offer.

  "You're welcome. I want to see that fire back in you sooner than later. I think it makes you stronger," Xav states, brushing my hair away from my face.

  "Strong and tough, that's me alright," I reply, lost in thought.

  “Well, I want you to know you are safe in our house. No one will hurt you here without your permission.”

  “Wait, our house? Do you all live together?” I ask, incredulous.

  “We do. Best friends plus for life,” Xav replies. After that, we both just sit silently for a little while, Xav holding and brushing his hands through my hair, calming me and making me feel the safest I've felt for weeks.

  Soon enough, a small timer goes off, and Johnny announces, "Switch time. Who's next?"

  I giggle. "Well, from what I hear, we started with the eldest, so we'd best just go down the line. Next up is Bossman. Someone better go find him, or else nobody else gets a turn."

  Johnny gives an adorable little pout that makes me want to bite his bottom lip, and I chuckle. "I promise you'll get your turn, Johnny. There's plenty of me to go around. You just have to have patience."

  Johnny nods and runs off to find Drake. I stay cuddled in Xav’s arms until I see him getting closer. I start to get up, but Drake beats me to it, swiftly standing and scooping me up off of Xav's lap. Looking down, I giggle.

  "Might want to put a pillow or something on your lap, Xav."

  "Fuck," is all he says, reaching below his chair for his towel and bunching it in his lap. “Landon, you go out and tell the kid to stay out there and mingle. Ethan, go with.”

  I giggle at his predicament. "Hi, Bossman," I say, looping my arms around Drake's neck and tucking my head beneath his chin.

  "Hey there, Brat," he murmurs into my hair, sitting down and settling me on him the way he wants. "How are you doing? I notice you've been avoiding me lately. Care to tell me why?"

  Heat licks up my cheeks, and I turn my face deeper under his chin. "Nope," I answer.

  "Tell me, Brat, or I'll add a spanking."

  My head pops out, and I lean back from him. "You wouldn't."

  "Gents, we are up to two."


  "Three. I suggest the next words out of your mouth be the answer I'm looking for."

  "Ugh, fine. I've avoided you because you're a probing pain in the ass who wants to know everything, and I'm not ready to share everything, ok?"

  "See, that wasn't so hard. Now, what don't you want t
o share?"

  "No.” I shake my head against his chest. “Not tonight. Tonight I want to relax and just be. Be free, be with people I like, be me. Please don't try to make me tell you," I beg, closing my eyes tight and fisting my hands into his shirt.

  "Alright, alright, Brat. But only because you beg so sweetly."

  I turn my head up and kiss his neck, then I giggle. His scruff tickles and burns my lips.

  "I think you need to shave, Bossman," I tease, tucking my head back under his chin.

  "I do every morning, Brat, it just grows fast." Chagrined, Drake shakes his head.

  A sigh comes from deep within me, and I take relaxation to a whole new level.



  "Why do I find it so easy to be around you and your friends? Seriously, it took me way longer to get with my ex, and I was more selective in what I said with him. You all get the real and unfiltered me. Only my BBF Jenna and an old friend from back home get this version of Blake."

  Drake heaves in a large sigh and gives me a light squeeze. "I think it's because, in your gut, you know that we can be trusted, and that we would do anything to protect you. You see the way I care for all my employees, and you know I provide. Xav is Chief of Police, and I think you look to him for authority and safety. Landon is a jokester. His size doesn't scare you; rather, I believe you see that as a safety net. Ethan is calm, which you need, and Johnny is just innocence personified, and I believe that sings to your soul."

  "Wow," is all I can say.

  "Wow what?" he asks.

  "How do you know me so well? I've worked with you for, like, almost two months."

  "I make it a priority to know things about the people around me, be it a Santa, or a beautiful brat I'd like to get to know better."


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