A Naughty Santa Gram

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A Naughty Santa Gram Page 20

by Alyssa D Mynx

  “I told the guys. I don’t get it, and I want to know why, but they told me there has to be a logical answer, and that you would tell us when you were ready. So I decided to make you feel good,” he states, playing with my hair.

  “Thank you, Johnny. I… well, I was hurt by a man in the past, badly, but I want to feel again. I want those memories replaced with better ones.” He makes soothing noises and pets my hair.

  Finally, I feel strong enough. I turn, raise my arms, and clasp my elbows. “Green.”

  “Are you sure, Love?”

  “Yes, Johnny. I want you all to make me feel good.”

  “You heard her, gents. Ethan, come make her feel good.”

  Ethan approaches slowly, thank you Jesus. “Poppet, do you want me to touch you?”

  “Yes,” I respond, relaxing into Johnny’s legs. I shift a little and make him groan.

  “Mmm, you can rub up against me anytime, Love.”

  I tilt my head to smile at Johnny, then gasp as there’s a soft brush against my nipple.

  “Your breasts are beautiful, Poppet. They make me want to tie them up and bind them, tease them, pinch them. I think they’d look good in nipple clamps.”

  I moan at that, never having dabbled with or thought about playing with clamps.

  “You like that, don’t you? Tell me, Poppet, have you ever had your nipples clamped?”

  “No,” I whisper out, arching into Ethan’s touch.

  “Have you ever had them bitten?”

  “No,” I say again, gasping as my erect nipple is flicked.

  “Well, I think I’m going to have to change that,” Ethan growls softly.

  Drake and Xav move farther forward into my space, leaving my voyeur to watch.

  “Xav, you're up," Drake barks, hot eyes scorching my body.

  "Ethan, truth or dare."


  "I dare you to suck one of our little Firecracker’s nipples through that suit since you seem so enamored with them,” Xav suggests.

  "Gladly,” Ethan murmurs, slowly moving his mouth to my neck, then working his way down.

  "Johnny, lift her higher," Drake demands.

  My breath comes out shaky as Johnny does as instructed, excitement coursing through my body. I come further out of the water, and I’m left defenseless, open and vulnerable. My chest is pushed further out as the middle of my back is raised above the water, and Johnny uses one arm to hold me up, the other caressing my face.

  God, I want this. I want them.

  "Good, Brat. Ethan," Drake barks.

  "Mmm, you got it," he agrees, moving his lips closer and closer to my nipple. One of his arms goes on the edge of the pool to steady himself, the other grasping my right breast in his hand. My head drops and eyes close, and I bite my lip. The moment his mouth circles my nipple and tugs, I'm moaning, squirming at the suction and heat. My eyes open, and I can barely focus on anything but his mouth.

  Drake moves in and repeats the actions on the other side of my body, taking hold of my left breast and leaning in to tease my nipple.

  I squirm, and Johnny's cock pushes against my neck behind me. The sensations and scandal of it all are raising me to a peak without even having my pussy touched.

  Xav moves in between the others to stroke a hand down my belly.

  "Do you want to know the best part about water sex, Firecracker?" he asks.

  I'm not sure what comes out of my mouth, but I know I agree, because he answers.

  "Making you feel weightless and getting you lost within the moment, pleasure overtaking you, and your body filling with sensations you didn't know you could have. Becoming so overwhelmed yet feeling safe and cradled in the water that when you cum, it's a release, a relief, to just let yourself go.”

  Both Drake and Ethan take that moment to suck a little harder, and I cry out, words unable to express where I am right now.

  "Xav, touch her. I dare you," Landon says, moving closer to watch behind them all.

  My legs are quickly pulled away from me, out towards the center of the pool, and spread wide. I bring my head up just enough to see that Xav is moving between my legs, and that he has the hottest burning eyes. I let my head drop back down to Johnny's lap, nuzzling my head against his hard length, causing him to moan softly and thrust his cock up into the back of my head.

  Big hands wrap around my ankles, and they move slowly upwards. My calves get a massage, and I'm moaning again. Both of Xav's hands are on my left leg when my right is taken into hot hands as well.

  I jerk my head up and see that Landon has finally joined the party.

  "Let's take this to the shallow end. Everyone's gone, so we can really start to have some fun," Landon suggests.

  My nipples are released, and I whimper, begging for more of their skillful tongues to give them a workout. Johnny releases my arms, and I stretch them out.

  "Come on, Sweetness, let us take care of you. You just relax while I take you over there."

  I float on my back, trying to cool my face and body down a little. I don't know what they have in store for me next, but I'll be damned if I don't let them take what they want if they give me more. I've never in my life felt this much pleasure, and if this is what it will be like with them, then sign me the fuck up. I really hope I remember this tomorrow because I have a feeling this will be a night worth remembering.

  "Ethan, Landon, you both take her arms. I suggest you put those hands to good use," Xav demands, taking control of the group.

  "Drake, you take that pussy and own it. Johnny, you and I will see what these breasts look like. What color you at, Firecracker?"

  "Green, fucking green," I gasp out, clenching my thighs and shivering at what awaits me.

  "You got it, Brat," Drake says.

  I'm floating on my back, and there's the sound of water moving. Soon, my right hand is gently taken and brought behind my head. Ethan moves into my vision, his hips out of the water, and he smiles.

  "Will you touch me, Poppet? Will you bring me pleasure? My cock aches for your touch."

  "Yes," I gasp out as hands start to caress my stomach and sides.

  Ethan moves from my line of sight, and soon I have my hand wrapped around a bar of hot steel.

  "Mmm, more, please," I beg.

  My left hand is quickly taken and wrapped around a familiar girth. "Landon," I gasp.

  "You know it, Sweetness."

  "I want to taste you again."

  "Soon, Sweets, soon,” he promises, while the water gently holds my body up.

  By this time, Johnny and Xav have worked me up through my suit again, sucking my nipples to peaks once more. A sharp pinch burns through me, and I squeal.

  "Mmm. Firecracker, you good?"

  "Oh, fuck yes, do it again, Xav," I cry out.

  "Oh, Firecracker, when you're in my hands, you call me sir. Drake and I are your sirs; the others you may call by name." A sharp pinch to my nipple again. "Do you understand?"

  "Yes, sir," I respond, gasping at the pain and pleasure that sweeps through me.

  "Johnny," Drake commands. "Take off her top."

  "Of course, it'd be my absolute pleasure."

  Nimble fingers quickly undo the bow at my back, but the knot on the back of my neck takes more effort. Finally, Johnny has it released, and my cold, wet breasts are free in the night.

  "Fuuuck," I moan, the small amount of warmth from my suit gone, leaving me open and shivering in the cold air. I squeeze Landon and Ethan a bit harder, moving up and down their shafts in the water.

  "Cold, are we? Let us help warm you up, Firecracker," Xav says.

  His huge hand finally wraps around my naked flesh, the heat coming off in waves. I turn my head slightly and watch as Xav moves his mouth ever so much closer to my nipple. Almost there, he catches my eyes, smirks, and blows air across it instead, sending gooseflesh racing across me and a shiver through me. At the same time, a warm mouth and hand cover my other breast, and I'm moaning and writhing in need and want. A hot arm
reaches beneath me and helps hold me up.

  I start to rub my thighs together, aching to have a need filled there. Warm hands grasp my ankles and tug to pull them apart. I resist, just because I can, and I pull a hot growl from Drake.

  "Nine, Brat. Open your fucking legs and let me touch the pussy that belongs to us."

  I've never been spoken to like that before, but I'll be damned if my body doesn't like the way it sounds coming out of that man's mouth. I relax my legs and let Drake walk his way between them. He crouches down so that his face is at my pussy. Fuck, I really should have had Jenna wax there when she offered last week.

  Drake holds my legs and stretches them, opening me wide to his view.

  "Mmm, I remember this pussy. Does it remember me, Brat?" Drake asks, running a finger along my seam through my swimsuit bottom.

  I'm so deep in pleasure that I can hardly get a word out, but I think I manage to nod or say yes because Drake slips a finger through the side of my bottoms and touches my lips. He teases back and forth as Xav and Johnny work my nipples, and I work Landon and Ethan. All the sensations are building, rising in waves, building to a finish I can't wait to achieve.

  And then Drake slips a finger into me and finds my clit, flicking it, and I explode. My body goes taut, and my head is held aloft as my orgasm moves throughout my entire body, waves crashing over me, shudders running through.

  Slowly, I come back down, and my legs are released, sinking to the bottom of the pool.

  "Well, fuck, boys. That's the best goddamn sex I've ever had, and we didn't even do anything.”

  “If that was the best sex, then your ex was a selfish prick.”

  “Oh,” I murmur, then grin mischievously. “Hey, Drake?”

  “Yes, Brat?”

  “Truth or dare?”

  “Dare,” he responds, just as I’d hoped.

  “I dare you all to do that to me again.”

  “Aw, Sweetness, we can do better.” Landon winks.

  “Prove it,” I reply, hands on hips, tits out on display, and eyebrow arched.

  When I’m suddenly swept up in strong arms, a scream escapes.

  “Don’t worry, Firecracker, we’ll more than prove it. But first, let’s get dry and have another drink,” Xav recommends.

  “Ok, but, umm, can I have my top back?”

  “Not a chance. This view is much too nice to hide away."

  Moving up the steps of the pool, the wind whispers across my skin, and I shiver in response as goosebumps cover me.

  "But I do suppose we don't want you getting sick," Xav worries, snagging a towel and handing it to me as he gently sets me down on the brown tiles.

  I wind the towel around me and glance at the pool. "Umm... Someone's going to need to fish that out for me," I giggle, pointing to the pool.

  Landon smirks. "Nah, we'll leave your top there. Makes it easier to keep you half naked."

  Jerk. I tug the towel a little further up my body and tighten it. Not that I mind if the guys see my chest again, but the wind is fucking chilly. I follow the guys as they go to the bar, Ethan stepping up to be our bartender.

  "What'll you have, Poppet?"

  "Hmm... How about a strawberry daiquiri?

  "One strawberry daiquiri coming right up."

  The others grab bottles of beer or tell Ethan what they want, all while I start to shiver.

  "Shit, Sweetness, you should have said you were too cold."

  "Well, are my lips blue yet?" I quip.

  "No, not yet," Landon replies, concern etching his face as he checks me over.

  "Then I'm fine. But, ya know, if you wanted to share body heat, I would not be opposed to that."

  Landon smiles and comes closer, scooting in and wrapping his arms around me. I snuggle deeper into his arms and sigh, enjoying the warmth of his skin.

  "Aren't you guys cold? You’re all shirtless."

  "We are men; we don't get cold."

  "Then why is there such a thing called ‘The Man Cold’?" I ask pointedly.

  "Shh, that's a myth. Never once proven, but once spoken over man, it is said to be a strong power that can bring down much disfavor on the man," Landon proclaims, so serious about this.

  "You're so full of shit." Rolling my eyes, I take the drink from Ethan and down it. “Another, barkeep!”

  As soon as this one is replaced, I sip it and ask, "Would you like a tip, oh bartender?"

  "Always, Poppet."

  "Take me upstairs and let me show you what I can do with this mouth."

  The others all moan at that, and most of the guys down their drinks pretty quickly. I, however, smile and take my time, sipping on my drink like a right proper fucking lady.

  I swear, the guys are growling and panting like wolves about to attack. Finally, Ethan can't take it anymore, saying, "Fuck it. Drake, get the girl." I'm scooped out of my chair before Ethan can even finish speaking. "Johnny, get some more drinks. Landon, run ahead and clear out the Master of whatever shit is in there and put a few extra blankets on the bed. Sorry, Poppet," he says, smirking at me, "but my cock wants to meet your mouth, and they have a date they're about to be late for."

  I clutch my drink, sipping at it while grinning my evil grin. Operation: get them to fuck me really soon? Success.

  We move swiftly to the house, through way too many rooms to count, up some stairs, down a hall, and finally come to a stop at a set of cherry wood double doors.

  Ethan and Johnny push them open, and Landon is just finishing tossing some blankets on the biggest fucking bed I've ever seen. Like, I can’t look away from the thing. It has to be big enough to hold, like, six people.

  Oh. Yeah, they did say they've tried sharing before. Wait a minute, have they been planning on this? What the hell kind of--

  "Firecracker, I can smell the smoke coming off of your brain. Calm down, finish your drink, and let us love on you," Xav instructs.

  Drake stops and tenses, and before I can say anything, he's tossing me onto the bed, the towel that had covered me still in his grasp.

  "Drake, you ass!" I exclaim, rolling over to cover my naked breasts. "It's cold in here!" I shout.

  The bed dips, and a sharp pain comes from my ass at the same time a SMACK sounds. I grab my butt and howl because fuck, that was hard.

  "I think that takes you up to ten from each of us, Brat. Well, nine from me now, but ten total from the rest."

  "I seriously thought you were kidding. You're not serious, are you?"

  "Are you what?"

  "Huh?” I ask. Then it hits me. “Oh, shit. You're not serious, are you, sir?"

  "Deadly. You have your safeword, remember that, but you will be punished."

  I'm tugged to the end of the bed by an ankle and tossed like a rag doll over a lap. Somebody’s hard length is against my stomach, bruising me but making me crave it in other places. Then I remember I’m supposed to be mad. Damn alcohol.

  "What the hell, guys? I thought you were going to make me feel good," I whine, shifting my hair off of my face to see whose lap I've landed on.

  It's Ethan's, and he grins as he says, "Well, I have it on good authority that your ass likes to be red, and that you enjoy it." SMACK. SMACK. SMACK

  I squirm, reaching back to cover my butt, but my hands are pushed away.

  Xav's face comes into view as my hair parts.

  "Firecracker, I'd keep those hands to yourself if you want this to go easy on you. I'll fucking cuff you or restrain you if I have to."

  I groan, both at the words and at the rubbing of my ass. It's not what I'm craving, though, so I reach back again.

  "Firecracker," Xav warns.

  "I'm not trying to block the fucking spanks, sir, I'm trying to get these damned bottoms off, so I can feel his hand on my skin, dammit."

  Masculine chuckles surround me, and I blow my hair out of my face enough to see four beautiful fucking cocks around me, all up, all saluting. I lick my lips.

  "Damn, guys, I'm in cock fucking heaven." I reach out and
touch Xav, the nearest to me. "I always knew you were a fat boy. Don't worry, I'll get to you soon, my love," I croon, running a finger down the hard length. I'll be damned if the alcohol hasn't kicked in and made drunk Blake come out and play.

  Xav gently takes my hand from his cock and gathers my other hand, holding them in his.

  "You a little tipsy, Fire?"

  I nod. “But only the teensiest bit. I promise, I want this.” My hormones are screaming yes at me, and I’m feeling a little down tonight, so fuck it. I want this.

  “Are you sure?” Xav asks again.

  “One hundred percent, Chief!”

  "Good," he nods, and a smarting hammer of seven solid smacks land on my ass.

  I'm squealing, and tears are starting to build up, but no way in hell am I gonna cry. Xav lets go of my hands, and I'm picked up off of Ethan's lap. When I finally get to see what was bruising me, I almost orgasm.

  "Ethan, fuck, that's a fine fucking cock." My grabby hands are reaching for his length, while someone final-freaking-ly slides my damned bottoms off. Ethan stands and chuckles, capturing my hands while Xav sits down. My attention is immediately drawn to his package, and once more I am enthralled.

  Until I land on it, and it stabs me

  "Bad cock, bad," I tell it, drawing one hand out of Ethan's grasp in order to move it, then getting caught up in the length and hardness of it. Let's just say I get distracted, mkay?

  "Firecracker, you need to stop before you make me cut the fun short. I'd much rather come in your mouth or pussy than on your stomach,” Xav tells me.

  I moan and move my hand away, letting Ethan take hold of it once more.

  Xav rubs my ass, caressing it. He even dips down into my crack, and who knew that would feel so damn good. Not me, that's for damned sure. I'm not into that type of shit.

  "Oh, Firecracker, has anyone ever played with your brown star?" He rubs his finger around my tight hole, and I shudder. Ok, guess I might be into that shit.

  "No, sir."

  "Well, I think I might have to change that. I love your little ass. So much so, that I think I'm going to punish it."

  SMACK. SMACK. SMACK. Three horribly hard whacks hit me, and I almost let the tears drop.


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