A Naughty Santa Gram

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A Naughty Santa Gram Page 24

by Alyssa D Mynx

  I pause, the shaking increasing as I start to sweat even though I feel like I am freezing. Johnny moves his hand under the blanket, finding mine and giving me an anchor in this storm.

  "The night before I left, I was excited. I was moving from Kansas to UCLA, I would be free of my mother and Craig, and I'd get to have a life. That's the night I forgot to lock the door.

  "It was a Friday night, so I should have known better. Friday, Craig's two friends came over, and they got drunk. I usually stayed at Danielle's, but since I was leaving early in the morning, I figured I'd stay home to say bye to Mom. It was a mistake. I was sleeping on my stripped-down bed when they came in. Before I could scream, there was a hand on my mouth. Three large dark figures stood above me, the smell of body odor and cheap beer so strong I wanted to puke. Craig spoke first.

  "He told me that 'daddy wanted his daughter to know a real man before she left for school,' that he was going to teach me the ways of a man and woman, and then his friends would enjoy me too, all so that I could have 'experience' before college. According to him, no man wanted a virgin. They wanted someone who knew how to suck cock and take a cunt pounding."

  Xav stiffens at this, his body as tight as a violin string. I snuggle up against him a little more, and he relaxes some. Johnny has tears in his eyes, and Drake has stopped rubbing my feet, a cold, murderous look on his face.

  "You can stop if you need to," Johnny offers.

  “No, you guys need to know it all,” I say, glancing away to refocus on something else for a moment as I fight for composure.

  "So...they taught me. They forced their way into me, taking my virginity and my mouth. I tried to fight, but it was three overweight men against a small sixteen year old. By the time it was over, I was broken. I left at three that morning, less than an hour after I'd been raped. I bled heavily for the two days it took me to drive to UCLA, and I had bruises everywhere. I hardly stopped, and when I did, people gave me looks. Looking back, I was in shock. I don't even remember driving that far alone.

  "When I got to school, the welcome committee immediately called the cops, who had a psych nurse with them. I was questioned, and I told them what had happened. Fuck, I even had a rape kit done, but by that time, it was too late. I’d gone through that hell again, just to find out all the evidence was bad, and there was nothing to confirm my story. They basically thought I was a liar. Everyone did.

  “Afterwards, I called my mom, crying. She didn't believe me and was pissed at me for leaving when I did. She called me a lying little whore and said that she'd seen the looks I'd sent her husband, that she always knew I wanted his attention. Now I only hear from her at Christmas and my birthday, and it's only for a few minutes.”

  "Aw, Love, you're killing me," Johnny says, clenching my hand.

  "There's a bit more. Craig called me a lot, leaving voicemails, texting me. I finally started blocking him, but a few months later, a new number would crop up in my texts or calls, and they always started out with 'Daddy.' I never finished reading or listening. He's haunted me. And lately, my mother has been calling me. She and I have an unspoken agreement that we only speak twice a year. She’s still my mother, and I’m still her daughter, but after she didn’t believe me, well. It's out of character, and the one time I answered, it was him. So I don't know what's going on, but he's trying to get to me, I just know it."

  And in that moment I trigger, and I trigger hard. I can feel the cocksuckers on me, making me lash out, trying to get free, trying to stay strong. I can smell the stink of an unwashed man, taste the sour beer on their breath, and I know that if I give in, it’ll all happen again.

  Their arms tighten around me, and they’re chanting my name, coming closer and closer to me, making me pant and cry.

  “Blake… Blake… Blake! BLAKE!”

  Xav’s voice brings me back slowly while he restrains me. His voice is one of safety. I slow my struggling as I realize it’s his arms that have me held so tightly, have me wrapped in bars of security, rather than bars of pain and fear. I let the tears that I’ve been holding back fall, and Ethan is there, gently wiping them from my cheek with his soft hands.

  I sniffle and huddle in closer to Xav, who has me so tightly hugged at that moment that I can't breathe.

  "What's the fucker's address? I can have someone there in minutes, arresting that bastard and throwing him in fucking jail ‘til his cock rots off."

  "Thanks, Xav, but it wouldn't help. And that's it. That's why I trigger, that's why I freak out sometimes. You guys know everything. I like you all too much, so if you're going to dump me to the curb, now would be the time to do it, please."

  I'm as stiff as a board when Drake speaks.

  "Blake, you are the silliest, most irresistible woman I have ever met. Of course, we aren't going to let you go. As was said earlier, you, Blake Jameson, are part of this family if you accept us. What'll it be?"

  "I, well, all of you think that?" Heads nod all around, and all the guys surround me. "Well, shit," I cry, leaking tears again, "I guess I have to say yes, as long as we can go slow.” My body is heavy, all energy sucked away from me. I don’t remember it being this hard to tell someone, especially someone who cares. I’m an empty cup, and I need loved ones to fill me back up.

  My air is quickly gone from my lungs as I'm hugged by Johnny, Ethan, and Landon, all while sitting in Xav's lap.

  "Need. Oxygen. Help," I croak out, glancing at Drake.

  The annoying fucker has a smile on his face, an actual freaking smile, and just shakes his head at me.

  "I'll get my turn. Let the guys have you for a minute." More like five, and then it turns into a tickle war. Drake extracts me and cradles me in his arms.

  "Why didn't you tell us sooner? Tell me sooner?"

  "Because of the usual stigma. I never told my ex because I didn't feel he would handle it well. You guys are the first people I've told since Jenna got me drunk one blue period and pulled it out of me. You should feel honored. It's only been my mother, Craig, the two men, Danielle, Jenna, and those involved at UCLA that know what happened to me."

  "Are you ok?"

  "Most of the time. I still have triggers, and I still have a hard time every once in a while, but I'm good most of the time. Don't get me wrong, since his phone call a few months ago, I've been back in therapy. It may take a while for me to get used to, well, this. Hence why we may need to take it slow."

  “Alright,” Drake says, then hesitates. “What kind of triggers should we know to avoid making you have a flashback? We know about not having three of us approach you at once, but what else?

  “Don’t ever get beer bellies and smell like sour piss. I won’t ever call you Daddy, and don’t ever call me Babygirl. I don’t mind the pain, but the safeword is super important, so thank you for that idea.” I pause, thinking. “I don’t have any other thoughts right now. Thank you for asking.”

  "You got it, Brat. How does a movie sound before you have to go home?"

  "That sounds good, relaxing even."

  "Well, come on to the game room, and we'll leave these guys to fight out the last of the war."



  "Thank you."

  I yawn as I walk into work Monday morning. I'd been over to the guys' house every night since Black Friday to hang out and watch movies. We started a Marvel Marathon, and I'll be damned if we quit.

  "Good morning, Ms. Jameson. You have a visitor and a note," Presley says in her too perky voice, handing me a folded piece of paper.

  "Thanks, Presley,” I say, turning and opening the paper. I almost bust a gut when I see the stick figure of a man taking a woman from behind in the showers, and the question, “Later? -Landon.” I just shake my head and go to the waiting area.

  "Johnny! What are you doing here?" I ask.

  Johnny, however, doesn't move. Probably because of the huge headphones completely covering his ears and the phone in his hands.

  I walk up to my sweet man and stand in f
ront of him, putting my finger beneath his chin and tilting his face up.

  "Blake! I've been waiting for you! Here, these are for you."

  A bouquet of what surely must have been beautiful flowers at some point are thrust into my arms. They're a little wilted and sad right now.

  "Thank you, Johnny, they're beautiful. What brought this on? I saw you, like, less than twelve hours ago."

  "I know, and I love movie nights with you, but I was wondering, if you don't mind, could we perhaps have a date just the two of us tonight? I'd like to play the old school games with you if you don't mind? Like, I'd even play those girly games if you really wanted to. Or I know we talked Atari games, maybe we could play those?"

  "Absolutely! I'll come over after I'm done for the night. It'll be around nine, I'm sure. Will that work?"

  "Definitely," Johnny replies, then leans down and gives me a little kiss on the cheek before walking out the doors. I'm literally left standing there with nothing but some wilting flowers to show for that.

  "He's pretty excited about tonight. Made all of us clean the gaming room out and everything, just for you," Drake says.

  I turn, and there he is, just leaning all nonchalant on the door-frame, trying to be cool and succeeding, damn him.

  "Well, at least one of you is trying. He's more polite than you are, actually asking me on a date, not just bending me over the desk and doing me."

  Drake stands up and stalks over to me, backing me into the wall where no one can see us.

  "Ah, but my brat likes it when I do that. It makes you horny, doesn't it?" he asks, one arm going against the wall near my head.

  "Not at all, sir. You'll have to try harder than that," I tease.

  The other arm boxes me in, and Drake leans in to kiss my neck, right where he knows I'm sensitive. I shiver in response and clench my thighs.

  "Are you sure you're not wet for me, Brat?"

  I gasp and nod my head.

  "Is that a yes, I'm sure, or a yes, I'm wet?”

  "Wet," I gasp out.

  "Good. I want you to stay that way all day, and you come visit me on your ninety-minute break, and I'll see about relieving that ache for you. Deal?"

  I nod my head, all vocal capabilities gone.

  "See you at break, Brat," he rumbles, one last ghost of a kiss left on my cheek.

  I touch my hand to my face, then pull away, feeling the heat. Fuck, I forgot a change of underwear. I didn't plan on working out today, so I'd only brought the one outfit. The panties for Platinums in my dressing room are not meant for long time use, believe you me. I am going to be wet all day.

  I did not, in fact, see him at break. As 8:00 pm hit, I was trying to sneak out a bit early when Drake hollered at me from his office.

  "Brat! Get that ass in here."

  "Shhh!" I whisper shouted. "Someone will hear, and I'll be the woman sleeping with the boss."

  "Everyone else is gone or out on Metal packages, so it's just us three here right now."

  I step into his office and see a familiar head of silver speckled hair.

  "Nuh uh, no way. You two are trouble when you're together," I gulped. "I'm late for a date with Johnny."

  A strong hand wraps around my upper arm and steers me back into the room. "Sorry, Brat, but I happen to know you have some time to kill. Besides, someone didn't listen and come see me on break."

  "True, but I did bring in more money for the company," I hedge.

  "Money is money, but you obey when I request something."

  "You might not need that money, but some of us are living in a closet and need it to eventually move out," I counter.

  "Then move in with us. You already know you want to, and the Master bedroom has been empty for too long. It's yours if you want it," Xav interjects.

  "While that's the nicest offer, like, ever, that doesn't fall under 'taking things slow.' I'm pretty sure I'd have bedmates nightly if we did that," I say, moving from Drake’s grasp to get in front of Xav. I cross my arms, you know, for effect.

  "So what? Doesn't mean you have to fuck; it might just mean the boys want cuddles. Hell, I'll even come cuddle you if you want," Xav says, throwing his hands in the air.

  "We are getting off track," Drake interrupts, moving between us.

  He crowds me against the desk. "I thought you were to stay wet all day, and come to me for relief? Have you at least stayed wet for me?"

  I shift on my feet and rub my arm. "Erm, not so much. I had some shitty customers who totally ruined it for me."

  "I see. I suppose that means I'll have to make you wet again and send you home to Johnny, wanting."

  "But I need to stop at home and change first."

  "Then I suggest you do that quickly, as I'll inform Johnny that he's to check you to make sure you obeyed. If not, a slight pause for punishment can be arranged."

  I swallow, heat rising in me.

  Xav stands and joins Drake, crowding me.

  "I'd say it's a good thing you're in a skirt, Firecracker. That'll make this so much simpler," Xav murmurs in my ear.

  Drake moves around to the other side of the desk, clearing things and rearranging. "There. Lay back, Brat, and keep your ass at the end of the desk."

  I do as he bids and lay on the unforgiving surface, my ass about to hang off the desk.

  "Good. Now, your hands go to my waist, and they stay there," he demands.

  As soon as my hands are gripping Drake’s belt, he and Xav begin to move. Xav goes to close the door and hit the blinds to the office, while Drake begins to unbutton my top. Soon, Xav is back, and he's moving my legs and lifting my skirt.

  "Let's take these panties off, shall we? I'd say you'd better go without them the rest of the night, hmm?" He has my skirt up to my waist and is slowly tugging my panties down, snagging them on one of my heels.

  Xav steps between my legs, and his hands slide to my upper thighs. At the same time, Drake has my shirt unbuttoned and open, playing with my nipples through the material of my bra. Shudders run through me as the sensations of these two men and their strong hands send heat spiking to my core.

  The hands on my thighs rub in circles, getting closer and closer to my exposed lips and teasing me with the flirting of a touch here and there.

  "Mmm, I do think we are starting to get wet, aren't you, Firecracker?"

  "Yes. More please, sir, please."

  My legs are then spread wide, with knees bent and heels clipping the edge of the desk. My breasts are pulled from my bra, and a warm mouth surrounds one nipple while the other is teased.

  "Since you asked so nicely," is all Xav says.

  A single thick finger touches me with the lightest pressure, running along the seam of my lips. I groan at the fire that licks at me, teasing the promise of so much more.

  Slowly, his finger moves past the edges of my lips, slipping into my folds and running up and down them.

  "Hmm, I don't think you're quite as wet as you could be, Fire."

  Slowly, oh so slowly, a single thick finger enters me, moving in and out, back and forth. I'm gasping, clinging to Drake's belt as he now works his mouth on my nipples.

  Xav adds a second thick finger, filling me to the brim, and starts to use his thumb to tweak my clit. I'm rising, running for the edge of the cliff, ready to fly.

  Motion stops. Xav pulls his fingers from me, and Drake removes his lips and fingers. I'm left heaving on the desk, aching on the brink of falling, one foot out, just a short breath away from falling over the edge. I relax my hold on Drake’s belt, ready to touch just one finger and send myself flying... but hard hands clasp my wrists, keeping them still and trembling.

  "Why?" I gasp out, trying to bring my legs together, but I’m stopped by the hard body between my thighs.

  "Punishment, Brat. Not all punishments are pain-filled, some are just the lack of pleasure. Once you've calmed down, we'll let you go and get ready for your date. Until then, just think about disobeying my requests again."

  I'm panting, ner
ves tingling and on high alert, but the guys hold still, talking quietly among themselves while I try not to scream and thrash around. Bastards, leaving a girl wanting. Pretty sure there's some rule against it somewhere.

  It takes several minutes of deep breathing and thinking about my mother to calm me down, but I relax eventually. I start to shiver, the cold air from the office hitting my naked tits and pussy. Drake releases my hands, Xav steps back, and I sit up, sliding off the desk to my feet.

  "May I have those back please, sir?" I gesture towards my panties in Xav's pocket.

  "Not a chance, Firecracker. Remember, pantiless the rest of the night."

  I huff, pulling down my skirt and doing up my shirt, then I quickly dart past my two dominating men to the door.

  "I hope I don't see you again tonight, you big jerks. And I better get those panties back, clean, soon! They're a favorite pair," I holler on the way out the door. Masculine chuckles follow me out.

  After stopping at home and finally getting to the mansion, because seriously, that thing is too big to be a house, I'm horny, grumpy, and tired. I finally made it there without a GPS yelling at me the whole way. I literally hate my GPS. I've renamed her Karen, and Karen gets yelled at a lot.

  I park outside of the five-car garage they showed me the last time I was here, and go in through the side door. Once you're in, there are literally two ways you could go to get to the great room. First, follow the hall and take a left at the gallery, then run through the kitchen, or second choice, you can take a right, go through the rotunda and arcade hallway to the foyer area, which opens to the great room. Seriously, mansion.

  I take the second choice, peeking in on Drake in the office that's past the rotunda but sneaking out before he sees me, and head to the great room. I'm pretty sure if we cleared this place out, we could have an old-fashioned ball here, no joke.

  As soon as I enter the great room, I see Johnny. He's in a pair of pajama pants and an old worn gaming t-shirt on the green set of couches, feet on the coffee table and some gaming device in his hands.


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