The Alpha Bear's Magician

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The Alpha Bear's Magician Page 7

by Jasmine Wylder

  "Thank God I found you," Zack gasped, collapsing to his knees next to Mandy. He grasped both of her hands and pressed them to his lips.

  Daniel growled, but Mandy was focused on the lion. She dropped to her knees beside him and immediately tore off a strip of her skirt and dipped it in water to clean his wounds.

  "We agreed we'd split up," Daniel reminded him.

  "About an hour after we did, I was set on by some wolves. I managed to fight them off, but I heard them say that they had captured Adam and Martin."

  Adam. Daniel's bear let loose a furious roar. His heart sunk to his stomach. In all of this, he had been counting on his brother's strength to protect him. Adam was strong. He resembled their father in a lot of ways. Bile tasted in his throat. If he lost his brother because he had been too focused on Mandy to see what the dangers to Adam were…

  "I decided to go back, see if I could free them," Zack said. "I couldn’t find them, but I did learn something. All the earth mages in your coven are being locked up. Eleanor is going to perform some ceremony on the night of the new moon. She's going to kill them all."

  Mandy cried out. "My mother is an earth mage!"

  She turned to Daniel, and he wrapped her into his arms. His bear growled and batted against his chest. "I won't let that happen. I am going to kill the vampire."

  Zack got to his feet unsteadily. "I learned how to do that, too."

  Daniel's arms felt cold from the suddenness that Mandy ripped herself from his grasp. She grabbed Zack's arms, practically holding him upright. Her eyes were bright. Daniel knew that it didn't mean anything, that she was just desperate to know of a way to save her mother, but it still stung. He had been rejected so often that this felt like another one.

  His bear growled. Daniel ignored it, clenching his hands. "How do we kill her?"

  "She cut the living magic out of herself, remember?" Zack told Mandy, ignoring Daniel. "It's why she's immortal. Well, it also means that no amount of force against her can work. We have to render her mortal again. Only an earth mage, with strong life magic, can do that."

  Daniel already knew where this was going. He growled deep in his throat and wrapped his arms around Mandy's waist. "No. She is not going back to that vampire."

  For the first time, Zack looked at him. "Do you think I want her to? Despite our past, I want her to be safe. But we have to encase the vampire in living magic, rendering her mortal again, in order to kill her. And Mandy is the only one who can do that."

  "No," Daniel insisted.

  Mandy's face was pale as she clasped his arm in her tiny hand. "I have to."

  It was true. He hated it but it was true. He turned away a moment, struggling to get his emotions back in check. She wouldn't stay hidden now, no matter what they did. As tempting as it was to try to lock her in the cave until this was over, he knew that wouldn't work, either. A curse flew from his lips.

  "Fine. We'll do it. But I want the lion at full strength. We wait here until he's healed."

  When he turned back, Mandy was already tending to Zack's wounds. The lion whimpered, playing it up, and Daniel hissed between his teeth. He sat back down and took the rabbits off the fire. This was necessary. He'd just have to keep reminding himself of that. It was necessary.

  Chapter Eleven


  Since Zack was so badly injured, she had elected to give him the cot. Shifters normally healed much faster than humans, but even with her healing magic (which she couldn’t keep up for long, as she was already exhausted), the lion showed little signs of improvement. He slept most of the day, while she and Daniel sat in silence, listening to each other breathe.

  Night fell before Zack stirred; he ate ravenously and fell right back asleep. Mandy knew that his injuries were taking a great toll on him, but she still hated having to wait for him, hated that they were just sitting around doing nothing.

  But after Daniel realized that the only way to take down Eleanor was for Mandy to follow him to the heart of the fire, he insisted that the lion join them as well. It was plain that he didn’t like Zack, but the fact that he was putting aside his dislike for her safety was sweet.

  When darkness fell, the thoughts she was trying to push aside wouldn't be budged. She was going to have to kill somebody. Yes, Eleanor was a vampire who had already killed people, innocent people who were defenseless against her sway. She might have already killed Mandy's mother and Martin. But the thought of killing another person still made her stomach churn. She was an earth witch. Life magic and healing were her specialties. Would taking a life lessen her powers?

  "I need some air," she told Daniel, calling a few vines from the earth to roll the boulder aside. Cold air rushed into the cave, and she sucked in a deep breath.

  She stepped into the bright night. The moon cast deep shadows in the forest, but there were also splashes of pearly light. Goosebumps broke out over her arms and she shivered. Daniel stepped up beside her and put his arms around her. She leaned into him, her tense shoulders unknotting a little. At least she knew she wasn't going to be in this by herself.

  Daniel kissed the back of her neck. "What's wrong?"


  He sighed, pulling her closer. "Dumb question."

  Mandy sniffed, tears burning her eyes. "It's just that… I don't know if they're alive or dead, and I know we have to stop her. But I don't know if I can kill her. It's tying my stomach into knots and I feel like throwing up. I haven't felt like this since I testified against my father in court."

  "It's going to be alright."

  His deep voice rumbled through her chest. If it weren't for Zack on the cot, she would throw her arms around Daniel and climb up his body until she was in the right position for him to hold her against the wall and take her. She so needed the comfort.

  "But I'm going to kill somebody."

  "You don't have to be the one who kills her, Mandy. All you need to do is make her mortal again. I will kill her."

  Mandy shuddered. "Have you ever killed anybody before?"

  There was a brief pause before he answered. "No. I've never had to. But I have always been able to do what is necessary. I will do it now, too."

  She hated that this was what it came to. Instead of slowly getting to know each other and growing closer, they were forced into the whirlwind where they were going to be forced to take a life just for the chance to live theirs. And afterward? What if one of them died, and they never got the chance to get to know each other?

  "What if I'm not strong enough?" she whispered. "What if I can't do it? What if my abilities aren't strong enough?"

  "There's a reason she chose you to sacrifice to bring her generals back. There is a reason that you were the one that woke her up." Daniel turned her so she was facing him. His blue eyes were dark in the night, but she could still see the warmth in them. "You are strong, Mandy. You are strong and brave, and you are going to be able to do this."

  Mandy pushed herself to her tiptoes, trying to reach his mouth. He grasped her around her waist and lifted her so her feet dangled between them. They kissed hard. Every doubt and fear swirled in Mandy's mind, transforming into passion as she teased Daniel's mouth open. Her legs circled his hips, and she found she didn't care if Zack was sleeping inside the cave. In the pearly moonlight and clean air, she just wanted Daniel to be inside of her, driving away all her thoughts as their bodies merged into one.

  Daniel suddenly threw her to one side. She landed hard, the air bursting from her lungs. A roar shattered the night, and Daniel shifted. His massive form flung itself to one side–a yelp answered. Mandy scrambled to her feet just as half a dozen wolves melted from the trees and leaped at Daniel. They were silent, like ghosts, as they tore into his hide.

  "No!" Mandy cried. "Zack! Zack, wake up! We're being attacked!"

  There was no reply, but Daniel's massive form twisted, grabbing a wolf as it charged towards her. His roars increased as he fought against his attackers. He was strong but outnumbered.

sp; Mandy dropped to her knees, digging her fingers into the earth. She reached for the life within it and tore vines open from dormant seeds, reaching to throw the wolves to either side. One of them ran at her, mouth open, teeth glistening. Mandy opened her mouth to scream for Daniel.

  A tawny form streaked from the cave. Zack landed on the wolf just as Mandy threw her arms up over her face, screaming. A sickening crunch. Zack tossed the body to one side and jumped to crouch over Mandy. Three other wolves fanned out before him. His weight over her crushed her chest, but her eyes sought out Daniel. There were more wolves coming through the trees, focusing on him. He threw one off and batted another away, but more took their place. She grew more vines to bind the wolves to the earth.

  Zack made a yowling noise in his throat. He jumped at the wolves, striking two aside while savaging the third. As they retreated, yelping, he turned back to Mandy. He pounced on her, seizing her shoulder and ribs in his mouth. Pain erupted through her, making her scream again. Zack didn't pay any attention and dragged her away from the fight.

  Branches stabbed her and thorns tore her skin as he ran through the forest, her body clasped firmly in his mouth. Twice he nearly hit her head on a tree, but he showed no signs of slowing. She grasped his mane, trying desperately to ease the pressure of his teeth, but nothing she did helped. The pain nearly made her black out, but she fought to stay conscious. His grip tightened, breaking skin.

  When they finally stopped and Zack dropped her, she collapsed to the ground, whimpering and sobbing. Her dress was torn, almost to the point of uselessness, and her blood stained the fabric. When Zack shifted and moved toward her, she balled a fist and punched him in the face with her good hand.

  "Get away from me!"

  Zack stopped. He took a step back, face clouding. "Let me take a closer look at your wounds."

  "No! You could have torn me in half!" Mandy scrambled to her feet while her shoulder and ribs ached. Zack's lips were stained red with her blood, and she drew back further, whimpering. "What were you thinking?"

  "I didn't want to let you go."

  "Even if it meant hurting me? You could have let me climb onto your back to carry me instead of biting me!"

  "No time. Are you really complaining that I saved your life?"

  Mandy glanced at her ruined clothing and flowing blood. Her head spun, and she had to sit back down. Her magic danced in her wounds, working at knitting the flesh back together, but there was a lot of damage. "You didn't have to hold so tight."

  Zack crouched by her. "Look, I'm sorry if I hurt you."


  "But I didn't have a choice. We were being attacked, and you would never have left the bear. I know that I've been a jerk, but I love you. I love you so much, it's like I can't breathe without you."

  "I am not an inhaler. When I was with you, I was suffocating. I couldn’t breathe. It was the best thing I did for myself when I broke up with you, and you need to accept that there is nothing more between us!"

  "How can you say that?" he growled. "I gave you everything you wanted. I gave you security, safety, love. Hell, before I came along there wasn't anybody who loved you."

  Mandy scrambled to her feet again, ignoring the waves of dizziness that accompanied the motion. She shook her head. "This is not the time for you to be pushing this, Zack. There is a murdering vampire out there, Daniel is—"

  "Daniel," Zack spat. "The bear. Do you think he loves you? I heard about him, he uses women like toilet paper."

  She recognized the tone. It was his way of telling her that she was in idiot. She knew that whatever came afterward would make her feel small and angry. When they were together, she never had the self-confidence to fight back, to tell him that she was her own person and that telling her she was wrong wasn't giving advice. It wasn't trying to be helpful. It was bullying her into doing what he wanted, whether that was staying home on a weekend she planned to see her mother on, or have sex when she really didn't want to.

  But she wasn't that girl anymore, and she wasn't going to be talked to like she didn't have a brain. "I don't care! I'd rather take a loveless sexual relationship than one where love is used as chains, tying me into place. I don't need anybody to love me because I love me. But you never wanted me to be like that, you wanted to be the only one to give me love."

  "You're being ridiculous!"

  "Maybe I am!" she shouted, not caring if anybody heard. She was just so done with Zack, and she needed him to know that. "But I am through with you! Do you understand? I am not yours and I will never let you hurt me again!"

  Zack seized her and threw her against a tree. The anger that had been building in her was gone in an instant, drowned in ice-cold fear. She struggled against his hold, but he was too strong. His hands clasped her wrists, his body pushed up against her. A growl rose up his throat, and Mandy shrank back.

  "I'm sorry," she blurted, the apology coming automatically. "I didn't mean it."

  "I know you didn't. That bear has put things in your head, hasn't he? He's trying to steal you away from me."

  Her heart hammered and bile rose in her throat.

  "I won't let him, though." Zack leaned closer. "You belong to me, Amanda Hicks. You are mine, and you will always be mine. You know that, don't you?"

  Mandy wanted to shake her head but was too afraid. Her body was frozen, fear coursing through her.

  "You belong to me," he repeated. "You're just afraid to admit it. Afraid that I'll hurt you? But you've already hurt me. Don't worry, Mandy. I forgive you. I forgive you for everything."

  He pressed his mouth to hers. She wanted to scream, but could only whimper as Zack's eyes drifted closed.

  Chapter Twelve


  His hindquarters stung every time he took a step. Sticky blood matted his fur and his jaw gaped open while he panted. Fighting off the wolves had taken a tremendous toll on him. Blood was still gushing from the deeper wounds.

  He had never had to fight that many people at once. Ever since Eleanor dug herself out of her prison, his body had undergone near-constant beatings. With the exhaustion of carrying Mandy on his back combined with the still-healing wounds and now these fresh ones, he felt like he was about to collapse with every step. Nausea from the pain churned his stomach. The thought of Mandy kept him going. He knew he was leaving a blood trail that would be easily followed, but the wolves weren't going to be a problem. Not anymore.

  He shuddered briefly as he remembered the feeling of breaking bones in his mouth. He had injured them badly but hoped that most of them would survive. His stomach knotted. He hadn't recognized them in the darkness, but he couldn't help but wonder if they were people he knew. People that were normally gentle, who were forced into this by Eleanor.

  Innocent people he had killed.

  With a sigh, he shook his head. If he had killed them, it was because he didn't have a choice. The guilt of their deaths lay with Eleanor. They might not have had a choice, but neither did he. He had done what he needed to survive, and to protect Mandy.

  He stopped briefly, leaning against a tree, and pressed his face into the ground again. Mandy's scent was faint beneath Zack's, but it was there. He hadn't seen the lion take her away. He was grateful nonetheless. Mandy was the most important person in this war against Eleanor. Zack at least had the frame of mind to get her away from the battle.

  Eventually, he heard her voice. She sounded angry, furious even. He picked up his pace, ignoring the pain shooting through his body. A growl rose up his throat, the reluctant gratitude towards Zack for getting Mandy away dissipating entirely.

  The shouting cut out. Daniel forced himself to go faster, fear mingling with anger. The alpha in him snarled and raged. Somehow in the pit of his stomach, he knew what he would find if he was too late, and pushed aside all his pain. He burst into a small clearing to find Zack's back to him. He could hardly see Mandy's small body, pinned to a tree by his huge one. His hands clawed at her.

  A haze settled over Daniel's
vision. Black rage spiked through his body, the pain disappearing. He charged forward, shifting back to human as he did so. He grabbed the lion by the back of his neck and hauled him away from Mandy. A fist to his stomach had Zack doubled over, wheezing for breath. Daniel kneed him in the face and threw him away before he turned to check Mandy.

  Her top was slick with blood, ragged tears in her dress. She ran to him, melting into his arms. Daniel held her tight to his chest, still snarling under his breath. Her hands curled around his biceps, and sobs rocked her body. His bear beat against his chest, wanting to tear Zack apart, but he satisfied himself by holding Mandy tightly.

  "She is mine," the lion wheezed. "She's my mate. Not yours."

  "I am not yours," Mandy whispered. "I don't belong to anybody."

  Zack stumbled to his feet. "She is my mate. Mine. I've claimed her."

  "And she rejected that claim," Daniel snarled. "You're lucky that I still need you to even our odds against Eleanor or I'd rip your head off."

  Zack growled low in his throat. "Rejected that claim? She's just confused. Besides, do you really want to have another man's leftovers?"

  Daniel pushed Mandy gently behind him and faced the lion. "Mandy is a person, not an old meal."

  "Did she tell you that she was pregnant with my child?"

  Daniel went rigid.

  Mandy gasped. "I was never pregnant!"

  "She was," Zack hissed eyes locked on Daniel. "She was pregnant, and we were going to marry, and be mates forever. We were even going to marry to make it official with her coven. But then her magic killed our child and she ran away. I told her that magic and babies didn't mix—"

  "Shut up," Daniel said, spine still like steel. "I don't know how you think I'm dumb enough to believe that. Life magic can't kill. And even if Mandy was pregnant, which I don't believe for a second, that doesn't mean that you own her, like some sort of slave. She rejected you, Lion. Be man enough to walk away before I make you bleed."

  Zack's form rippled. He released his lion, and with a deep, earth-shaking roar, attacked. Daniel was just able to push Mandy out of his line of fire. The lion grabbed his arms in his jaw, claws tearing at his belly. Flashes of white danced across his vision.


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