Suddenly the door opens, and he springs back to life. This is it! He will go in and play, and play and play and play. The music that he has been carefully storing up in his soul for so many years will now burst forth, as out of a burst dam.
The pretty attendant looks so young, but perhaps she is not much younger than he. Perhaps she also plays. She addresses him.
"Are you ready, Mr Jones?"
Mr Jones reaches down for his violin, and confidently walks forward.
"Yes, I'm ready."
He walks boldly forwards.
"Yes, yes, I'm ready."
Note from the Author, Oluwatosin Ojumu
Thank you so much for reading "Les Études - Water". I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I've always been fascinated by the themes of translucence and reflection represented by water and writing this ebook has provided an opportunity to explore some of these themes.
The Poem-Stories in "Water" are inspired mostly by the beautiful photos of Elaine Vallet, available at her website at !
About Oluwatosin Ojumu:
Les Études - The Nature Series: Samples : Free Ebook of Samples of Études from the Nature Series
Les Études - The Nature Series: Full Collection : Full Collection of Études from the Nature Series
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Les Études - The Elements: Water Page 2