
Home > Young Adult > Tainted > Page 14
Tainted Page 14

by Alexandra Moody


  I punch my pillow, trying to make it sit just right, roll onto my back and face the ceiling. I haven’t seen Sebastian since the dance and it’s been three whole days.

  He’s tried to comm me several times since then, but the comms have stopped coming now and I know he must be avoiding me. Then again, I’ve probably been avoiding him as well. I know I should go and visit him or at least comm him back, but I don’t feel ready to face him just yet. We’d left things so awkwardly at the dance.

  We barely even kissed and it was enough to change everything. It’s awakened something inside of me, something I know I shouldn’t want. Him.

  I’m interrupted from my unsettling thoughts as Quinn enters our room and dumps her bag onto the table.

  ‘Hey,’ she says, as she walks over and collapses down on her bed. She groans tiredly and stretches out on it.

  ‘Tough day?’ I ask.

  ‘Yeah. We had a problem with one of the storage rooms, but it’s all fixed now.’ She rolls towards me and props herself up on her elbow.

  ‘Are you still moping about Sebastian?’ she asks. ‘Oh I can never keep up!’

  ‘Very funny,’ I respond. I haven’t even told her what happened at the dance and she’s pretty much hit the nail on the head. It’s unbelievable how intuitive she can be sometimes.

  ‘And no,’ I lie. ‘I guess I’m just concerned about that girl that was taken last week, Chelsea.’ This at least is partially true.

  Quinn’s face softens. ‘I know it can be difficult. Especially when you know the person. How about we go and take your mind off things. Do you want to go see a movie? I hear they’re showing some classics tonight.’

  A movie is probably the last thing I want right now, but somehow the words, ‘yeah that sounds great,’ tumble out of my mouth. I guess she’s right. I could really use the distraction.

  There’s a large group of people waiting by the entrance to the cinema room when we arrive. Quinn’s instantly beckoned over by a group of guys she knows. I tell her to go over without me, I’m really not in the mood for small talk, but she drags me along anyway.

  I can’t be bothered interacting with them and it’s pretty obvious they have about as much interest in me as I have in talking to them. Boys generally are indifferent to me when Quinn’s around, except for maybe Sebastian. Who knows if that’s changed now? My thoughts flicker to the time we’d seen Ryan here. Maybe not all guys are so indifferent.

  We’d been standing out the front of the cinema, much the same as we are doing now when I had seen him.

  ‘Quinn, Quinn!’ I had exclaimed tugging on her sleeve. ‘It’s him. The guy I saw at breakfast a few weeks ago.’

  ‘Where?’ she responded, looking inquisitively at all the guys surrounding us.

  ‘There, with the dark hair, the tall one standing by the—’

  ‘I see him,’ she said, cutting me off. ‘Oh he’s hot! But definitely way too old for you! Let’s go say hi!’

  Before I had a chance to respond she just grabbed my hand and dragged me over to him.

  ‘Hi I’m Quinn,’ she sparkled at him. He looked down at us. Well I shouldn’t say us; really he had just looked at me.

  ‘Hi Quinn,’ he said, still looking at me. ‘Hi Elle.’ His voice almost caressed my name. I was so captivated, I didn’t even realise he knew my name.

  All I managed was to squeak out a, ‘hi,’ in response. Quinn had already moved into attack mode and was oozing on the charm in a way only she could get away with. I don’t remember what she was saying at the time. All I remember was the way he looked at me; that he was looking at me.

  He turned from me and looked up at the cinema room door.

  ‘Girls if you want to see Breakfast at Tiffany’s I suggest you get a move on.’

  We had both been quick to turn and head towards the open doors. I turned to say goodbye but found him nowhere to be seen.

  ‘Hey Elle, anyone home?’ Cam says, waking me from my daydream. My eyes refocus from the spot on the far wall I’d been absorbed with while thinking, to find him standing in front of me, with that annoying self-assured smirk of his.

  ‘Hey Cam, how’s it going?’

  ‘Yeah, good. I had my testing today.’ He shows his arm and the little red mark on it. ‘Took it like a real champ though, didn’t I.’

  ‘Good to see someone who wears their needle jab with such glory,’ I say laughing.

  ‘Yeah well it’s a good sign, isn’t it. Have to admit, it’s the first one I haven’t been nervous about. With Chelsea being taken last week, I was pretty sure my chances were low.’

  ‘I don’t think that really makes a difference,’ I suggest.

  ‘Oh well, I survived. That’s the main thing eh?’ I nod in agreement. There’s no denying the relief you feel coming back from your testing; knowing you’re safe for another year.

  ‘Hey, do you know if Sebastian’s feeling any better?’ he asks.

  ‘Any better?’ I say, confused.

  ‘I figured he was sick, considering he’s been off from school the last two days.’

  ‘No sorry, I had no idea.’ Shit. He must really want to avoid me.

  ‘Elle,’ Quinn taps me on the shoulder. ‘The movie’s starting.’ She points over at the door and the people walking in.

  ‘Well enjoy the movie,’ I say to Cam.

  ‘Yeah, you too.’

  I walk in with Quinn and find seats that are nice and close to the screen. From what Quinn had said the movie was a comedy, and it’s meant to be hilarious. I sit there waiting for the opening credits to roll, but I’m exhausted. Tired from worrying about the taking, and definitely tired of worrying about Sebastian. I’m so tired of it all, that in this warm and dark room I slowly drift away and find myself asleep.

  When I open my eyes I’m on a beach. I’m lying on a towel, the sun warming my skin. I can hear the waves gently lapping at the shore. It’s peaceful. Some part of my subconscious is aware I am dreaming, but I merely close my eyes and relish in the sensation. I wriggle my feet in the sand and the small grains sift around and between my toes.

  It feels like I lie there for an age, cocooned in the sun’s glowing warmth. Slowly I can hear the wind pick up, and the small grains of sand bite into my skin as they whisk across the empty shore.

  I sit up and dust off my arms. I can see the sun slowly setting in the distance. It is not the beautiful, picturesque sunset I saw in class. Instead the sun is angry and violent. With streaks of deep red and burnt orange, it looks to claw at the surrounding sky, raging against the powers that force it to dip below the horizon. Eventually it disappears and a grey gloom resides.

  It’s cold. The wind picks up further. It blows away the waves and the sand. It gradually builds to the point that it batters so harshly against my body that I have to cover my head with my arms.

  Abruptly, the assault stops and an eerie quiet takes over. The silence is haunting and it takes me several moments to build up the courage to open my eyes. As I peer up through my tangle of arms and hair I can see I am no longer at the beach, but surrounded by the wastelands I have so often seen projected on the Atrium screens.

  I slowly stand to take in my surroundings. Dark, ominous clouds gather overhead. They roll and mushroom above like they are fighting for control of the grey and purple sky. Below the tumultuous heavens, the ground is dead and barren. The field of ice and dirt surrounds me and my bare feet freeze upon the dusty white and charcoal ground. In the distance I can make out a dead and blackened tree, a powerful contrast against this bare grey and white expanse.

  I look down and find myself in a long black dress. The fabric shimmers and I put my hand down to touch it. It is soft and luxurious in my hands. As I stand admiring it I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to find Sebastian standing there wearing his formal suit. He seems almost a part of the landscape, matching the dark colours of the ravaged earth. With one swift movement, he takes his jacket off and put
s it over my shoulders. His strong, steady hands lift my chin up to look him in the eyes.

  ‘If they took you from me, I would come for you,’ he says simply.

  I jerk awake with a loud, raspy intake of breath. It’s dark in the cinema and the people around me are laughing at one of the movie’s gags.

  ‘I’ve got to go,’ I tell Quinn, before quickly standing to make my way to the exit, profusely apologising to the people in my row as I clamber past them.

  ‘Where are you going?’ Quinn asks, following me.

  ‘I need to see Sebastian,’ I reply, as I open the door and walk out into the bright entrance. ‘We kind of had a falling out the other night and I need to make it right.’

  ‘Well, the movie sucks anyway, let’s go!’ Quinn says.

  I look at her surprised and begin to feel awkward. I don’t know how to explain to her that I really don’t want her here for this.

  ‘Don’t stress,’ she says, seeing my apprehension. ‘I’m going to catch up with one of the boys who lives a few doors down from Sebastian. Unless of course you want me to hold your hand?’

  ‘Come on.’ I ignore her sarcasm and tug at her sleeve so she’ll follow.

  When we arrive out front of Sebastian’s I say goodbye to Quinn, who continues on down the hallway, a cheeky smile on her face.

  I take several deep breaths before I knock, three distinct raps against the door. Knock, knock, knock, they drum against the hollow wood.

  Blood begins to churn through my body at a rapid pace as I fret over what I will say once that silver door handle turns and the door opens. I watch it with nervous anticipation, waiting for its tell-tale twisting movement to warn me I’m about to have to face Sebastian.

  After several moments I knock again impatiently. Each short, staccato beat of my knuckles rapping creates a sharp, blunt echo over the gentle hum of the fluorescent lights in the hallway.

  My pulse continues to escalate, and my nervous tension runs down to my fingers that fidget with the sleeves of my top. What if he’s not answering the door because he doesn’t want to talk to me?

  ‘Sebastian?’ I call out, refusing to accept he would blatantly ignore me this way. I cock my ear, listening for movement from the other side of the door, but don’t hear anything from within.

  I thump harder against the door, calling out louder. ‘Sebastian?’

  Quinn, having heard me from down the hallway, has walked back.

  ‘Not home?’ she asks.

  I frown at the door irrationally, hating the solid object for refusing to budge. 'I guess not.' I shrug, disappointed, taking a step back from the door.

  ‘Do you want to try comming him?’ she asks.

  I shake my head. It’s not the kind of conversation I want to have over my cuff. ‘No, I—’ I’ve barely said two words in response when Sebastian’s door handle rattles behind me.

  I jump and turn around, striding back towards it, relief flooding through me. Sebastian’s not ignoring me after all. I start fidgeting with my necklace, wishing I’d taken some time to consider what I should say.

  As the door swings open my hand drops to my side, and I try to hide my disappointment. The face that greets me through the crack in the slightly ajar door is not Sebastian, but his dad.

  I rush to explain to him that I’m here to see Sebastian. My voice trails off though when I look at Adam more closely. His head barely peeks out from behind the door, but it’s enough to show he’s devastated. His eyes are red and puffy, his skin is so white it’s almost grey, and angry tears fall down his tired, drawn face.

  Before I can ask him what’s wrong he opens the door wide, steps forward and hugs me, his body shaking in my arms. Feeling confused, I look over his shoulder to Quinn, but she seems just as baffled.

  ‘I’m sorry Elle. I’m so sorry,’ he sobs. His voice is husky and breaking with emotion.

  My heart stops beating. It refuses to continue its happy thudding, like a cold, clammy hand has wrapped its way around it and clenches it angrily in its grasp. There’s only one thing Adam Scott has left to lose that could make him this distraught. Nausea builds in my stomach and my own arms quiver heavily as I stand back from him, my hands lightly clinging to his trembling shoulders.

  ‘What’s happened?’ I can barely say the words. They feel thick and heavy, like trying to talk with a mouthful of dirt.

  ‘They’ve… They’ve…’ he wheezes.

  ‘Are you okay Adam?’ Quinn comes up behind him and begins rubbing his back.

  ‘I just thought he was sick. Thought I was doing the right thing,’ he splutters. I look at Quinn desperately, the bile in my stomach now sitting in my throat.

  ‘Adam, what happened?’ she asks, when she sees I can’t bring myself to speak.

  He looks me dead in the eyes and in this moment I know with absolute certainty I don’t want to hear the words he’s about to say.

  ‘They’ve taken him Elle,’ he cries. ‘Sebastian. They’ve taken him. He’s tainted and he’s never coming back.’


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