Kitten Around (Shifting Hearts Dating Agency Book 3)

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Kitten Around (Shifting Hearts Dating Agency Book 3) Page 6

by Erzabet Bishop

  “So this is my fault?”

  “I’m not saying that,” her mother denied. “But since you left, he’s been more and more radical.”

  This conversation was going nowhere. It was her fault the family didn’t leapfrog into witching greatness by blending their witch/shifter blood with a higher ranking witch family.

  “I have to go, Mother.”

  “Just…be careful. The storm.”

  “What? Is he playing with weather witches now?”


  The abrupt answer left her cold.

  “If Javier has been trying to get in touch with you, there may be a reason. And if he feels slighted, he may try and take matters into his own hands.”

  The blood drained from her face. Would he try and take her and force a mating by means of magic? Was the storm a distraction so he could approach her unaware?

  “He wouldn’t.”

  The pause before her mother’s response told her everything she needed to know. The likelihood was high that was exactly what he was up to.

  “I hope not, child, but keep your guard up.”

  “I will, Mom. Now, I have to go. There’s something I have to do.” Paige shut off the phone, slipping it into her clutch, and made up her mind to go inside. Being around her kink community was a balm to her soul and right now she needed that more than anything else.

  Dodging through rain drops, she leveraged her umbrella through the parking lot until she found herself under the awning.

  “Ma’am?” One of the male submissives held the door open for Paige as a well-dressed dominant and his lady breezed past her on a cloud of expensive perfume. It was still raining, but that didn’t seem to bother any of the guests. She’d never seen Ventures so full. It was almost as if they were there in spite of the storm.

  Suddenly, her little black dress seemed more and more out of place.

  “Paige!” Natalie approached, her smile wide. “You made it.”

  “I wouldn’t have missed tonight for anything.” Especially after that pompous dominant laid down the gauntlet yesterday. Paige shook off her umbrella, handing it over to the door attendant.

  Enveloping her in a quick hug, Natalie led her further into the club. In the main floor, Paige could see booths set up for floggers and other impact gear and a graphic novel signing for Dungeon Land. A destination resort she’d never heard of had one of the last and heavily attended booths.

  Temptation Resorts.

  Now that was something she’d have to check out. In the name of business, of course. Another sign indicated a food play demonstration happening in a room just off the main event space.

  “There she is.” A tall piece of eye candy in a tux wrapped an arm around Natalie and pulled her close for a hug.

  “Jonathan.” A pretty blush covered Natalie’s cheeks. “We were just coming to find you and Lucas.”

  “It’s great to see you.”

  “Are you going to bid or are you entering the auction?” Lucas sauntered up and gave Paige a devilish smile, dropping a kiss on Natalie’s brow.

  “Well, hello to you, too.” Paige chuckled. She honestly hadn’t even thought about it. Just coming over to support the club had been the only thing on her mind. That, and proving she wasn’t a coward. The thought took on a dual meaning after the conversation with her mother.

  Thunder boomed from outside and the lights flickered momentarily, then stabilized.

  “I hope we don’t lose power.” Grace stalked toward the front door, eying the storm with obvious distaste. Assistant to Lucas and Jonathan, she kept the club running like a tight ship. Her immaculate little black dress and heels were only matched by the polished updo.

  “Is everything ready to go for the auction?”

  “It is.”

  “Is there a list of who is up for bidding?”

  Lucas grinned. “Why, Paige, I would have figured you for the submissive side of the house.”

  “You never know about a person, do you?” She slung back, winking at the shocked expression on Natalie’s face, followed by an unladylike snort. “I’ve got a prize package for one winner for a session at Shifting Hearts, if that will help.”

  “That’s perfect, Paige. Thank you.” Natalie beamed. “I know a few of these characters that would be much improved by having a mate.”

  Paige giggled. “Okay, I give. How does this work, exactly?”

  “The auction?” Lucas raised an eyebrow.

  Paige nodded, her pulse hammering in her throat.

  Jonathan leaned forward, and his lips curved into a smile. “You’ll be bid on by men and women, and the winner will claim you as slave for the day. Now... there is one more thing to consider when you get there.”


  “You could always be the one bidding instead.”

  Paige squirmed. Heat crept up the back of her neck, and she self-consciously rubbed the spot. At worst, she might be selected by one of the dominants at the club and spend a few hours playing. If it meant giving Javier and his bunch the finger, she would volunteer—and gladly.

  “What would I have to do?”

  “That depends.” Jonathan countered. “Which would you like to do?”

  “She doesn’t have to decide now.” Natalie laughed, her eyes sparkling with mirth. “But I can tell you the room is chock full of hunky doms and I bet one of them would love to have you wash their dishes or maybe…I don’t know…warm their paddle.”

  “Point taken, love.” He pressed a kiss to Natalie’s forehead and considered Paige. “Why don’t you head over to the green room and meet up with Manuel.” Jonathan slid a card into her hand. “If you decide to enter in as a contestant, fill this out and they’ll get you entered onto the bid list.”

  “You talked me into it.”

  Putting his finger on the earpiece, Jonathan spoke softly into the mic. “Manuel, please meet our friend, Paige, at the door to the green room. She’ll be there in a few moments.”

  “Do I need to change?” Paige asked.

  “Yes, but they’ll have wardrobe already set up and waiting for you.” Natalie reached over and hugged her. “Thank you for even thinking about it. The boys won’t let me play this time. Even if it’s them who’s bidding.”

  “I don’t want to hear another word about it. No pregnant mate of ours is going to…” Jonathan growled, his bear shining in his eyes.

  Lucas nodded, tugging a blushing Natalie against them. “Not this time, pet. You know what the doctor said. More rest. No exerting yourself.”

  Paige blinked.

  Wait. What?

  “You’re pregnant?”

  The black sparkly dress she had on worked with her curves but…oh my Goddess, there it was. A baby bump.

  “We are.” Lucas pressed a kiss to Natalie’s forehead and she beamed up at both of her men.

  “Oh, honey. That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.” Paige said.

  The intercom buzzed. “Last call for those interested in participating in the auction. Please make your way to the green room presently. Thank you for your time and treasure for those most in need.”

  Natalie snuggled against her men and for a moment, Paige wished she had found something real like these people had. This. This was why she’d gotten into the match making business. To see the happiness on people’s faces. It’s what she fought against when she fled the coven. Seeing these three together only solidified her choice.


  “No problem. Now, you’d better get going if you’re going to play.” Jonathan winked and headed for the front door as another bout of guests entered in a flurry of umbrellas.

  “Remember, no one can make you do anything you don’t want to do.” Natalie hugged her and scurried off after her mates, leaving Paige to her own devices. Did she really want to do this?

  It was for a good cause. And she was one for putting her money where her mouth was. If play acting in a slave auction helped counteract the bullshit Javier was up to,
then more the better.

  Clutching the card Jonathan had given her, she wove between the throng of glittering dresses and tuxedos, leather and latex. Every kind of dress was the norm here. But next time…next time she was wearing something with some bling.

  Paige followed another woman into the hallway, letting the door shut behind her. She walked briskly to keep up, knowing she had to find the green room quickly.

  She was on her own, her pulse thrumming in her ears and before she knew it, Paige found herself standing at the base of a small set of stairs with a sign pointing the way. A harried man waited at the door.

  “Are you Paige?”

  “I am.”

  “Good.” He beckoned her up the steps. “We don’t have much time. The auction starts in a half hour.”

  Paige hurried to join him. “Are you Manuel?”


  “Natalie said something about changing clothes.” She glanced down, feeling uncertain.

  “That all depends on you, sweeting.”

  She shot him a frown of confusion, but he turned and led her inside. “I don’t understand.”

  The space serving as a green room was more like a glamorous closet. Paige marveled at the spacious interior.

  “Follow me, and we’ll sort it all out.” Manuel led her up inside. Costumes hung from metal rolling racks, and dressing tables laden with makeup and costume jewelry lined the walls.

  “Now, would you rather be the bidder or the slave?”

  Paige nibbled on her lip and considered. “What would I have to do if I’m the bidder?”

  “Easy. I fit you with a gown and dress you up. Then you head down to the main floor and bid on your slave for the day. Proceeds go toward the Hexen Relief Foundation. If you win the slave, they do whatever tasks you have in mind for the rest of the day.”

  “And if I want to be the slave?” Warmth curled inside her at the idea.

  “Then you are in for a real treat. There are some very influential people in the audience today.” Manuel raked his eyes over her figure. “You won’t last a minute. Someone is going to snap you up in a heartbeat. At least, from what I can tell. Get out of that dress and let’s find you something more suitable.”

  “Should I find a changing room?”

  Manuel snorted. “No time. And, don’t worry, I play for the other team, love. Strip and let’s get you radiant, shall we?”

  Three more women were being dressed in front of mirrors nearby and a young submissive male was being fitted with a leather thong and leash.

  “I’m not going to wear one of those I hope.” She divested herself of her clothes and one of the young women fetching and carrying for Manuel spirited them away.

  “Hmmm, No.” Manuel arched his brow critically and let his gaze wander down her body. He plucked the first item off the rack and clicked and rearranged hangers until he found the second piece, holding them up to consider.

  “I love your curves. We haven’t got a lot of time to get you ready to rock it across the stage. Get rid of those undies, sweetcakes.”

  Paige swallowed. They weren’t exactly granny panties but they weren’t sexy bondage gear either. Heat rising to her cheeks, she shucked the panties and bra, kicking the offending scraps of fabric out of the line of fire.

  “I think the black bustier and lacy micro skirt for you, missy.”

  “I’m supposed to fit into that?” she squeaked, scrutinizing the itty bitty skirt and thinking about her ample curves. When she came to play, she wore more than this.

  “Do you want me to dress you?” Manuel inquired, his voice dangerously soft. The trainer’s eyes narrowed on her, and she suddenly felt very inexperienced.

  Paige gulped and snapped to, pulling on the bustier and fastening it. She looked at the micro skirt and froze once more. “Panties?”



  “That’s what a slave gets for questioning her betters. Now, get moving before I make you go naked out of spite.”

  Paige slid the skirt up and fastened the side closure. The slit showed her upper thigh, and the hem ended a hair below her ass. If she had to bend over, every person in the vicinity would get an eyeful.

  “Not bad, but you need more lipstick.” He swiped some color across her mouth. “Nice. Let’s go.”

  As he led her from the dressing room, a tall woman with red hair approached, her gaze moving over Paige’s body. She carried a clipboard, and behind her stood a muscular young man in a barely there pair of briefs.

  “Manuel, what do we have here?”

  “Mistress Annabel, this is slave Paige. She is joining us for the auction.”

  “How lovely to meet you. Perhaps we’ll see each other again later.” The woman’s eyes flashed, and a devilish smile turned up the corners of her lips.

  Paige paused, but Manuel gripped her by the arm. He tugged her toward a line of other scantily clothed men and women, and thrust her toward the stage.

  Chapter Six

  S he wasn’t here. Displeasure flagged Tyler’s spirits as he wandered through the glittering throng of partygoers. Tuxedos and colorful gowns filled the main part of the club. He wondered where the lads had stored all the spanking benches.

  He wasn’t sure why he cared if she was here or not. She clearly despised him. But the way his cat carried on the rest of the night left him with a cold shower and a raging hard on that wouldn’t fucking quit. He just needed to get her out of his system. That was it. One play session and he’d be fine. His cat would get over his piss poor attitude and everything would get back to normal. Part of him hoped she would be here. Scratch the itch and it would fade.

  At least, that was what he was telling himself.

  But it looked like his kitten had turned out to be a scardy cat. It was just as well.

  The auction was off to a fine start and he had a feeling that after tonight a lot of people in the local community would benefit from everyone’s efforts. The local community had opened up to the club, despite efforts from Natalie’s family to shame members and cause a scandal. Now the ball was in the other court and Natalie held the paddle, and in more ways than one.

  He’d already donated a gift voucher with his carpentry services to the cause, and as thunder boomed in the distance and the rain continued to come down, he wondered how many more people were going to need help from flood waters before the night was through. Already reports were coming in from the surrounding areas and not all of them were good.

  Wandering through the crowd, he observed many familiar faces, one of which was Mistress Claudia and her submissive. He waved, glad she was back in town.

  His phone went off inside of his tuxedo jacket, the buzz and indicator of an alarm. No doubt another flash flood warning. A short jaunt away, he caught sight of Lucas, Jonathan, and Natalie and smiled. The three of them were so happy, it almost hurt to watch them. Moments later, they vanished into the crowd and he decided to go inside and wait for the auction to start. God willing, they would hopefully get through the night with the power on.

  The lights dimmed and the spotlight centered on stage. Natalie took the stage and the crowd went wild.

  “Good evening, everyone. Thank you for joining us for tonight’s charity auction. All proceeds will go to those in our local community affected by Hexen attacks. Many thanks to participating vendors and all of you for making tonight possible. And all despite the rain.”

  Laughter erupted from the crowd and Natalie smoothed her glittering black dress.

  “The men and women you will meet have come to offer their time in exchange for your very esteemed treasure in the hopes that we can take a stand on bullying in any form. Witch and shifter should be able to co-exist in peace. But until that happens, these doors are open to any and all in need.

  “Now, please welcome Master Reginald as he begins our auction. Remember to have your to do lists ready. And, as always, any event at Ventures is Safe, Sane, and Consensual. Any off site activities relating to the event
fall under the same stipulations. Thank you, everyone! Let’s get to bidding!” Natalie clapped as Master Reginald appeared. Clad in a tux, the blond dominant began to speak but Tyler tuned the other man out as soon as he saw the lineup of candidates up on stage.


  Paige backed up as three other women jostled past her, vying for position just offstage. A dozen men and women were lined up, readying themselves for their cue. They were dressed in all manner of clothing, from a simple black dress to a leather dog collar and leash. One woman was even au natural. She observed the crowd gathered and froze, feeling ridiculous in her micro skirt.

  “Now you’re last,” Manuel hissed. “Hurry.”

  She scurried forward as fast as she could, her heels wobbling, and tried not to fall.

  An attendant in a tuxedo approached the hidden part of the stage where the participants gathered. The din of the crowd sounded behind him, and the voice of the announcer echoed through the space. His voice was familiar and with a smile, she realized it was Master Reginald. He was a considerate dominant and she’d had the pleasure to be at the business end of his paddle on a couple of occasions.

  “I trust you are all ready to go.” The attendant smiled, glancing over the list of names. “When I call, the next slave will parade himself or herself across the stage. You will stop at center stage and bow to the audience where I’ve marked the x with tape. Continue to the second point toward the edge and pause. Then make your way back and strike a pose. When bidding concludes, you’ll walk to the other side of the stage, where you’ll be given your assignment.”

  Paige swallowed, and her hands began to shake. That shouldn’t be too hard. She just had to walk. She tried to wipe them on the micro skirt, but there wasn’t much to wipe on.

  She could do this. It was for a good cause. And besides, she’d glanced out at the audience and hadn’t seen the prick of a dominant from last night. Part of her was disappointed that he couldn’t even be bothered to show up himself when he’d basically called her a coward. She would have loved to see him up here.


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