Dark Fae (Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac Book 1)

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Dark Fae (Ruthless Boys of the Zodiac Book 1) Page 33

by Caroline Peckham

“Why are you asking questions about Killblaze?” he snarled.

  I didn’t reply, scrambling backwards as I tried to claw his fingers off of me. “Ryder, let me go,” I said again but he didn’t. Instead he spun me around and pushed my back against the shed exactly where I’d pinned Harvey.

  With a flick of his fingers, vines sprang into existence and he forced my hands together until they were encased before me and my own magic was stilled.

  “Tell me why you’re snooping into things that will get you killed,” he snapped.

  “Fuck you,” I spat in response, anger burning a trail down my throat. I wouldn’t get another shot at interrogating Harvey now and I hadn’t even gotten any answers. I also had no idea how much Ryder had heard of what I’d asked him, so I wasn’t going to give myself away by admitting to anything. Harvey was off his face, with a bit of luck he’d hardly be able to remember this anyway.

  “Tell me why you want to know what’s in Killblaze and I’ll give you the recipe,” Ryder offered, though his voice was still all threat.

  I stopped struggling for a moment as I looked up at him. How did he know what was in it? The drug had been taking off more and more over the last few years, but the FIB had told me they still weren’t even sure how it was created. They believed the stuff all came from one source somewhere in the east of the city but they hadn’t been able to track it down yet. So if the recipe was that fucking secret then how the hell did Ryder have it?

  “How could you possibly know what’s in it?” I asked as he leaned over me.

  “I’m gonna hazard a guess that I know a lot of dark shit which you could never even dream up. So let’s not waste time trying to list it. I asked you a question.” Ryder brushed the knuckles of his right hand over my cheek, the word pain touching my flesh and drawing a tremor from my skin. It wasn’t a caress. It was a threat.

  “Maybe I want to take some,” I said defiantly. “But I don’t wanna risk inhaling poison and killing myself for the sake of a high.”

  Ryder’s gaze dragged over me slowly. “Liar,” he breathed. “You’re not looking to get high.”

  “You don’t know anything about what I want.”

  “Yes I do. And you’re not after something to blot out that pain in you, Elise. You’re looking for something to make you feel alive.”

  My heart pounded harder at his words and the pure undeniable truth of them. But I wasn’t going to admit that he’d seen through my bullshit. I wasn’t going to admit that he’d caught a glimpse of me.

  I held his eye and stared him down, waiting for him to do his worst. Because I wasn’t offering up my secrets to him. Especially when the evidence was starting to point me in his direction. There was only one way he could know the recipe for Killblaze. And if he and his gang were the ones making it then it wasn’t much of a stretch to think they’d kill with it too.

  Ryder seemed to realise I wasn’t backing down and he pushed himself off of the wall with a low growl.

  “You should watch yourself, new girl,” he warned. “Poking your nose into things like this will only end badly for you.”

  I didn’t respond as he walked away from me, the vines immobilising my wrists falling away as he left me standing there, my heart pounding and my mind whirling.

  Had I just uncovered the roots of the Killblaze distribution throughout the city? And if I had, did that mean Ryder had had something to do with Gareth’s death?

  Sixteen months before the Solarid Meteor Shower…

  Gabriel Nox:

  I’m going to find out who you are. If you think I can be threatened, you are so fucking wrong.

  I’ll rip your damn spine out through the back of your neck when I catch you. But not before I beat you within an inch of your worthless life. Message me again and there’ll be no mercy when the time comes.

  Well there goes my fucking balls, walking out the damn door. By the stars, what kind of psychotic asshole says they’re gonna rip someone’s spine out?

  I took a steadying breath, tucking the burner phone back into my bag as I walked out of the Cafaeteria and headed for the dorms. I’d grabbed a late dinner so night had well and truly fallen as I trailed across campus, definitely not glancing at the sky repeatedly, vividly picturing Gabriel descending on me and fulfilling the promise he’d made in that message.

  Though it terrified me to my core and made my heart feel like it was about to combust, I had to search for the positives. If Gabriel was threatening me, that meant he was scared. And if he was scared, maybe this was just an attempt to make me back off. Perhaps all I needed to do was go and hunt down my balls and throw another message at him to make him crack.

  I took the phone out again, fear staying my hand. But then I pictured Ella on that stage, pulling her clothes off and I tapped out a reply before I could chicken out.


  The price of my silence is the entire contents of your bank account. You know which one I mean.

  Threaten me again and those fake IDs hit FaeBook hard.

  I stuffed the phone away, not liking who I was becoming under these circumstances. But I’d sell every scrap of morality I had if it saved my family. I just hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

  Come on Gabriel, bite the fucking bullet.

  I headed into the Vega Dorms, hurrying up to the top floor and planning on watching Faeflix for the remainder of the night. I paused as I found Dante waiting outside my door, his arms folded and one foot kicked back against the wall. He smiled as he spotted me, seeming genuinely approachable as he walked toward me. He was dressed in suit pants and a nice shirt, his gold medallion on display as it hung from his neck. It was a Friday night and like most of the students on campus, he probably had somewhere to be.

  “Hey Gareth, I’ve got a job for you.”

  My stomach lurched, but I nodded, slapping a smile onto my face. “What is it?”

  “Not here.” He headed into his room, leaving the door open for me and I walked in behind him. He twisted around, eyeing up my chest. “You’re not really my size, but some of Gabriel’s shirts might fit you.”

  “Gabriel Nox?” I demanded, shaking my head. “No man. I’ve got a shirt I can wear, I’ll go change.” I was not gonna give that guy any reason to be pissed off at me.

  “Well if you’re sure you’ve got something nice enough, cavallo.”

  “Cavallo?” I frowned.

  “Horse.” He smirked then checked his watch. “Hurry up. We’re leaving in three minutes. If you’re not ready, I’ll replace your ass.”

  I shot out of the room, hurrying into my dorm and pulling my clothes off as I went.

  “Did I order a strip show and forget?” Leon snorted as I tossed my shirt onto my bed. “Slow down, dude, I don’t have time to enjoy it.” He was lounging on his bunk, his hand draped over the side as Amy gave it a massage.

  “I’m going out,” I said, heading to the closet and grabbing out the best shirt I owned. It was white and clean, so that was something. I left my school pants and shoes on with it, figuring it was the best I could do.

  “Me too. Just as soon as Mindy’s finished here. Where are you going?”

  I gave him a look of disbelief. He was half dressed and I sensed a nap was dawning on him from the sleepy look in his eyes. If he was going out he was gonna be late as hell. “I’m going to town.”

  “Maybe I’ll catch you later then?”

  I left my bag on my bed, subtly switching off the burner and tucking it into my pillowcase before casting a concealment spell over it. I pushed my Atlas into my pocket then headed to the door.

  “Yeah maybe.” I exited, jogging down the corridor. Dante was heading onto the stairs already and I sped to his side as he shot me a glance.

  “Don’t walk with me, asshole, I’ll text you where to go.” He headed off down the staircase and I slowed my pace, my head spinning as I trailed after him, waiting for his message.

  When I reached the bottom and he still hadn’t texted me, I lingered in the atrium, lea
ning against the wall and pretending to check my FaeBook feed. My eyes blurred it all out as my pounding heart and fearful thoughts took up all of my focus.

  What’s he gonna make me do?

  What if it’s illegal?

  What if it’s dangerous?

  I sighed, knowing that it didn’t matter if it was either of those things. I was gonna do it. Because not doing it and losing out on the money Dante was going to pay me wasn’t an option.

  The door opened and I realised my mistake for standing here as Ryder stepped through it. I moved forward in an attempt to hide the fact I’d been loitering in the Lunar half of the Vega Dorms, but his frosty gaze fell on me. He caught my arm, yanking me to a halt.

  My throat tightened and my Order form reared up beneath my skin.

  “I’ve got a job for you,” he growled and my heart bashed against my ribcage.

  “What? You said-”

  “I know what I fucking said, dipshit. I’m capable of forming functioning memories. I changed my mind.”

  “Right,” I said. “Well the thing is-”

  A vision slammed into me and I found myself with a wad of cash in my hand. I could feel the crisp notes, smell the money almost sharply enough to be real.

  Ryder released me from the vision, hissing between his teeth like a snake. “You asked for work. I’m giving it to you. Are you in or not?” His jaw was tight, his posture rigid, like if I said no to him he might just batter my skull in.

  I swallowed the lump rising in my throat. I couldn’t work for both gangs, that was suicide. If they found out I was helping their mortal enemies, I’d be so fucking dead.

  But then again…if I pulled it off, I could pay off Old Sal’s debt faster. Gabriel still hadn’t fallen for the bait I was dangling over him and if he wasn’t gonna cave, I needed a solid back up plan.

  Besides, who knew exactly how much work either of them were going to offer me?

  “Are you slow, Pony Boy?” Ryder snarled. “I don’t need help from dead weight.” He moved to walk away but I caught hold of his blazer. He snapped around, throwing me a vision of me lying on the floor at his feet soaked in blood, gasping for air through a punctured lung. He threw me back out of it and I stumbled away, my breathing rapid.

  Note to self: don’t touch his damn blazer.

  “I’ll do it,” I said firmly, holding his gaze.

  “I’ll message you.” He strode through the double doors across the hall and the tension ran out of my shoulders.

  Positives? I now had two employers. Negatives? One was a psychotic snake with a tendency for drawing blood. And the other was a Storm Dragon who could cook me whilst simultaneously eating me alive.

  My Atlas pinged at last and I took it out, finding a message from the Dragon himself.


  Leave through the main gate.

  Head east and don’t stop walking until you’re at the corner of Griffin Street.

  I walked out the door, heading across campus past Altair Halls and along the wide path which led to the front gate. Other students were heading out, catching the shuttle bus at the entrance and I ducked my head, slipping past them as I turned east.

  I walked half a mile before I reached Griffin Street. Parked cars lined the road and tall trees intersected the pavement either side of me. I grew cold as I waited, checking my Atlas for messages, but no more came through. I wondered if I should change Dante’s name on my phone to a code name. If I started working for both gangs, it wasn’t worth the risk of either of them seeing their enemy’s name popping up on my Atlas. I had to be smart about it.

  Eventually, Headlights turned on across the road and flashed to catch my attention. I jogged over to the dark blue SUV, opening the passenger door and jumping in beside Dante.

  “You’ve been here the whole time, man, why didn’t you call me over?” I asked, shivering against the chill in my bones.

  “I was checking to see if you were followed, cavallo.”

  “Oh right,” I said. Being in one of the gangs probably meant constantly looking over your shoulder. Especially if you were its leader. I didn’t like the idea of leading a life like that. It sounded too damn stressful.

  Dante took off down the road and nerves pricked my gut. “So what is it you want me to do tonight?”

  “You just gotta do exactly as I tell you, alright?”

  “Which is?” I pressed.

  He clapped me on the thigh, smiling at me in a way that somehow came off threatening. “You’re gonna help me get a little collateral on someone that’s all.”

  “Right.” I nodded, gazing out of the window as Dante turned into Oscura Territory and moved deeper into the south of the city.

  We soon pulled down an alley between two dark walled buildings and my heart rate began to rise.

  He pulled the parking brake and jumped out and I followed him into the shadows beyond the car. A doorway was illuminated in a deep blue glow and a huge guy stood beside it with his arms folded.

  “Fabio!” Dante said brightly and the guy cracked a smile full of silver teeth.

  When he spoke, his voice was a deep, rumbling tenor. “Hey boss, what brings you down to The Black Hole?” Fabio embraced Dante, kissing the air either side of his face before he turned to beckon me closer.

  “Work. This is Gareth, he’s helping me out with a job tonight,” Dante said.

  I was suddenly crushed into a hug by the huge guy and the scent of spicy aftershave assaulted my senses. He pushed me back, gripping my shoulders tightly as he air kissed either side of my face, smiling broadly. “Benvenuto, Gareth. Don’t work too hard, huh?” He held out something black and sparkly and Dante grabbed whatever it was, turning to me.

  “Put this on. Don’t take it off unless I tell you to.” He passed me it and my brows arched as I realised it was a mask. It covered the top half of my face and Dante put his own one on too, winking at me before turning away.

  Fabio opened the door for us and Dante headed inside. I trailed after him into a narrow corridor lit up by neon lights. “What is this place?”

  “Just one of the clubs run by the Oscura Clan,” he said lightly.

  We headed down a stairway, the sound of pulsing music thumping in my ears as we emerged in an underground bar. The lights were low and a huge rectangular stage ran down the heart of the room. I knew we were in a strip bar before I even spotted any dancers. This place smelled the same as Old Sal’s. Like money, sex and dirty secrets. Except whereas Old Sal’s bar whispered it, this place screamed it.

  Ringing the room were leather booths draped in red velvet curtains, some of which were closed over. A girl took centre stage wearing nothing but a shiny pink thong and a horse bridle to match. Her skin shimmered with her Pegasus Order and a lump formed in my throat as I realised this wasn’t just a strip club. It was a damn fetish club.

  Dante had walked ahead of me and he turned back when he realised I wasn’t following. He jerked his head to make me move and I jogged after him up to the bar. He ordered us a couple of beers while I stared at the Vampire waitress serving us who had blood smeared over her face and all across her bare chest. I couldn’t help but wonder what Ella would make of this place. She’d probably take it all in her stride and spend the night cheering on the stage acts.

  Dammit, I miss her. I must remember to call her soon.

  Dante handed me my beer and I took a long swig of it. He preceded to take a golden chalice from inside his jacket before pouring the entire contents into it.

  “What is that?” I snorted and he smirked.

  “Anti-poison chalice. Stops fuckers trying to assassinate me.”

  “You really need that?” I breathed, knowing it was true the second the words left my mouth.

  “I’m number one on the Brotherhood’s kill list, cavallo. If I didn’t have this, I’d be dead fifty times over.”

  By the stars…

  My eye was drawn to a masked girl in stilettos leading a collared Werewolf into a booth and closing the cu

  This place is fucked up.

  Dante leaned back against the bar, gazing across the room and I had the feeling he was looking for someone. I was distracted again as the girl on stage shifted into a bright pink Pegasus, her bridle and thong still in place.

  The crowd cheered and one guy in particular went wild, throwing aura notes onto the stage at her hooves. She trotted up and down and I realised my beer was paused half way up to my lips as I watched. This was just too damn weird.

  The clientele all wore the same masks as ours to conceal their identities so I didn’t know how Dante was going to recognise anyone. Apparently he did though as he elbowed me, subtly nodding over to a booth on the far side of the room. “See that guy?”

  I nodded.

  “He comes here every week. Same day, same time, same booth. And do you wanna know what the best part about that is?”


  “That’s Principle Greyshine.”

  “No way,” I breathed, a grin pulling at my mouth. He wore a shirt and slacks and was leaning back in his chair, nursing a cocktail. He didn’t seem too interested in the Pegasus on stage and I wrinkled my nose, not wanting to find out what his fetish was.

  Dante slammed his hand down on my shoulder, turning to me with a manic grin. “I need you to go over there soon and offer him something for me.”

  “Why do you need me for that?” I narrowed my eyes.

  “Because I’m too recognisable even in this mask. Especially if I was wearing skin tight lycra.”

  “Wait - what?” I balked.

  His smile widened and he kicked away from the bar. “Come on, cavallo. You’re not backing out on me now are you?” He raised a brow and I sighed, shaking my head.

  He continued to smile as he led me across the bar toward a glittering curtain at the back of the room. I followed him through it and loud moans sounded from behind a row of doors as we marched past them. Dante led me into a private dressing room and I pushed the door closed behind me.

  A long mirror ran along one wall highlighted by pink fairy lights and a rack of costumes hung opposite. Dante strolled over to it, plucking out a bright green lycra suit and a wig full of snakes.


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