Distilled Duplicity

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Distilled Duplicity Page 25

by Louise Furley

  “Hmm, I suppose.” He scratched Kako behind his tiny ear and removed the leash from his collar. Dropping the leash on a chair, he set the puppy on the floor. The tiny husky immediately rushed over to Kiri yipping his delight at seeing her. Yash had brought him down to Maz, and Maz had taken him for a walk.

  It still chafed Kiri that Naithon refused to allow her outside the front door, but in light of all the dire circumstances that were occurring, she didn’t argue with him about his over-protectiveness.

  “You ready for dinner?” Maz asked, laughing at the puppy running in excited circles around the room with little yips and yaps.

  “Sure, let me just close up the wet stuff.” Kiri set the camera down and put lids on materials that could dry out.

  After putting Kako in his cage, they joined Vlad and Yash at dinner. Blok and Teo were out with Naithon. It had been a week since Silver’s death and the other occupants stared and glared less at Kiri, they went on with their lives and their own dramas. Dinner tonight was a delicious pot roast with mashed potatoes, corn, and thick bread to sop up the juices. Almost everyone had seconds.

  When they were done eating, Maz said, “I’ll take you back upstairs, Kiri.” He smiled at her sad frown. “Sorry honey, the boss’ orders.”

  “I know,” she grumbled.

  A soldier came up to them. “A package has arrived from Steinman Lab for the miss,” he said.

  “Oh, it must be the crystals for the filaments of the stamens for my flower display I ordered.” She turned a hopeful smile to Maz. “Can I go get them? Please?”

  It was hard for any male to say no to her. Maz sighed, his lip tugged in the corner, he ignored the smirk the soldier sent his way. “I suppose. Let’s go get it.” He was rewarded with a brilliant smile. Sighing in resignation, he felt for Naithon, no wonder the guy’s boxers were always in a bunch with this gorgeous, sweet girl.

  They travelled to the grand room then on to the foyer. The box was inside the door on a table. A soldier held a wide gun like thing over it.

  “What are you doing?” Kiri asked. She tried to approach him but Maz caught her arm, holding her back.

  The man explained, “It’s a bomb detector, somewhat like what we use on the vehicles.” They waited while he opened the box. After examining the contents, he nodded to Mazonn.

  “Okay, chickadee, it’s all yours. I’ll carry it for you.” Maz went and picked the box up, and they started back towards the grand room. As they passed through, they heard voices.

  A woman said, “Naithon Adranokov, sweetheart, you are one hunky male, let me see if you are big all over.”

  Kiri stopped dead. They heard Naithon’s deep rumble. Her face washed white, she turned towards the stairs in a panic to get away from there. She felt a dagger stab her heart, everything he said was a lie, he was sleeping with the women in the mansion.

  She got two feet away and Maz grabbed her arm halting her. He shook his head, mouthed, “Wait.” She struggled to get loose but his grip was as iron clamping as Naithon’s.

  The woman’s voice grew louder, strident. Naithon sounded pissed. Then they heard him snap, “I told you girls to fuck off. I want nothing to do with you whores. You all know the only bitch I want in my bed is Miss Delducci. What the hell is the matter with you? Get your fucking hands off me and don’t ever fucking come near me again or you’re out of here and the club. Spread the goddamned word.”

  In a half a second a woman came storming from a hallway. Seeing Kiri and Maz standing there, she glowered a killing look at Kiri, then turned and rushed out of the room. Behind her, a furious scowl on his face, Naithon stopped abruptly when he saw them. His gaze flit from Kiri to Maz. Maz looked amused, as usual. Kiri’s expression was unreadable, but her face was pale.

  Fearful that she might think he was screwing around with that woman, Naithon strode quickly over to Kiri. Stopping in front of her, brows inverted, sounding unsure, he said, “Uh, baby, I didn’t know you were down here. I just got home.” In fact he still wore his trench coat and carried a briefcase.

  Her lips pressed, Kiri said nothing. Maz grinned like a fool. Frowning at him, Naithon turned a conciliatory weak smile to Kiri. “Baby, uh, you…you know there was nothing going on with that bitch and me, right?” He growled at Mazonn’s snicker.

  Naithon snapped at his friend, “Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Mazonn’s grin only broadened. “Asshole,” Naithon grunted under his breath. He held a hand out to Kiri. “You, ah, okay, baby? You ready to go upstairs?”

  “Have you had dinner?” she asked him coolly.

  Scowling at Maz for getting him into this position, his job was to take her directly upstairs after they ate, not loiter around the front door. “I had something brought in at the office. Let’s go upstairs,” he caught her hand, wrapping his fingers around it when she would have pulled it away.

  Maz smiled a tease. “I’ll put this in your studio, chickadee.” Naithon’s frown deepened at the pet name. Maz snorted, “Get off it, bro. When we heard you and Carianne in there,” he nodded to the hall, “I knew you would shut her down, but Kiri didn’t. So I kept her here. Now she knows. You’re welcome,” he grinned and took off for the stairs.

  Then, he turned back, “Just a head’s up, I’m thinking your girl’s not liking it so much being called a bitch.”

  “Kiri, ah,” Naithon’s voice still held uncertainty. He owned strip clubs, saloons, there were women all over the mansion tossing around easy sex, it had to be untenable for Kiri. She would be in her rights to doubt him.

  “It’s okay, Naithon,” she said softly, her smile shy. “I trust you. Mostly. Let’s go.” She turned to the staircase. Holding her hand, he was tugged along with her. Treading up the cream colored stairs, he asked, “Mostly?”

  After dropping his coat and briefcase off in their suite, they went to her studio. Naithon did business on his laptop while Kiri worked on her project. Kako traipsed back and forth between them until he tired then went and laid down on his doggy bed. When Naithon saw Kiri yawn, he shut down his computer. “Okay, lamb, time for bed.”

  “Just a few more minutes,” she said absently, shaping a piece of clay into a pear.

  Naithon got up and went over, plucked the piece from her hands and set it in a plastic box and closed the lid. “Come on, you can hardly keep your eyes open.”

  Kiri blinked bleary eyes at him, he was right.

  Naithon walked her to their suite, closing and locking the door after they moved inside. He followed her to the bedroom.

  Inside, he pulled down one side of the sheet and blanket. “Take your shower, sweet, then hop in. Your shirt’s right there,” he pointed to one of his white button-downs on a hanger, hanging on a doorknob.

  Her brows pulled together. “Naithon, you bought me pajamas and nightgowns yet you insist I wear your shirts to bed. Why?”

  His gaze went from her cherry brown hair down to her little ankle boots. A slow smile curved one side of his face. “I like you in my shirt. It’s sexy, and I feel like I’m always wrapped around you. Now,” he made a shooing motion at her, “go on. I have to go back downstairs and finish up a few conference calls with Maz, and some other things.”

  That tugged the reddish brows down. She questioned, “Why am I going to bed and you are staying up working?”

  Clasping his hands behind his back, otherwise he would grab at her, then he wouldn’t leave, he said, “Because you are sleepy, and require more sleep than I do. I have business I’ve put aside that I need to complete.”

  She frowned ruefully. “My fault. You’ve spent your time chasing after me and seeing that I am safe when you should be doing your work.”

  Naithon had to grip his hands, he direly wanted to touch her, longed to kiss her. Take her completely. Soon. “Baby, my work means nothing to me if I don’t have you. My work has always been my life, all I cared about except for my friends. Now, you are my life. Some day you will understand that, and I hope,” his mouth curved at one end in a crooked s
mile, “that you will feel the same way about me. Now, get that pretty little ass cleaned up and in bed before I remember the punishments I owe you and find another use for my belt.”

  He pretended to make a grab for her, Kiri squealed and ran for the bathroom. Naithon’s chuckles warmed his heart, she was so good for him. He hurried out of the suite, the sooner he got his work done, the sooner he could come back to her.

  Kiri heard a noise, it woke her, she blinked drowsily. She looked over, Naithon had only come to bed a short time ago, his light snore woke her. Glancing at the clock on his side of the bed, it was close to dawn. Except for his bare feet, he was still dressed, lying on top of the blanket.

  He must have just crashed, fell asleep before he hit the mattress. The hair at his temples was still damp. He must have washed his face before plopping down. He lay on his side facing away from her. One of his arms stretched out behind him, his hand clasped her thigh. Even in his sleep he had to be touching her.

  Wanting a glass of water, Kiri climbed out of bed, careful to not wake him. Yawning, she traipsed into the bathroom. There was the glass she’d left in there earlier, she filled it, drank some, set it down. Couldn’t remember if she’d brushed her teeth. She felt her toothbrush, then Naithon’s. His was wet, she couldn’t tell with hers, so she brushed to be sure. Plodding back to the bedroom she climbed back in bed and snuggled up to Naithon’s big, warm body.

  She wasn’t long in a deep sleep when she felt a cool breeze on her legs. The lower part of her body felt…strange, good, tingles prickled in her breasts. Kiri was dreaming, she felt hands on her thighs, pulling them apart, wider, something soft-rough rubbed the inside of her thigh. Hard fingers dug into her thighs, holding them apart, then she felt a hint of warm air, below, between her legs, on her sex.

  Something firm, wet, stroked her sex, ran up her slit, bit her clitoris, her eyes popped open. She went to sit up, but a strong hand pushed her back down. “Don’t move, pigeon,” Naithon’s deep baritone rumbled against her sex. It tickled, and titillated, making her legs automatically draw together. He gripped her thighs, holding them apart.

  “No, wait, what are you doing? Naithon, stop, I don’t think you’re supposed to-”

  He laughed against her skin, and that tickled and titillated too. “Not supposed to lick your lady lips, suck your pussy, bite your clit?” His laugh deepened as her face reddened from his language. “Baby, I’ve been dying to taste you for so damned long,” he stroked his tongue up her slit and smiled at the quiver that surged through her body. Her hips twitched.

  Kiri lay on her back, her hands up by her head on the bed, palms up. Her shirt was pushed up past her breasts, under her chin, except for her arms, her entire body was nude, spread wide open to him.

  She realized that her body was down the end of the bed. Apparently Naithon had arranged her to his liking while she slept. He was kneeling on the floor with his torso between her legs, his mouth on her core, his tongue dancing over, licking her lady parts. He kept one hand gripping a thigh to hold her still.

  “Naithon, I’m not sure…” Her childhood spent running from Duce and his threats of assault had inured her to ever thinking about or desiring sex. She couldn’t understand why other girls at her school had been so absorbed with it. For her it elicited only fear and dread. If it wasn’t for her father’s desire to marry her off to Rueford she would have assumed she’d die a spinster, a virgin. And she was quite content with that idea. But now…

  He raised his head to smile at her, reached up and palmed a breast. It swelled and pulsed in his hand, just like his throbbing dick. “It is a natural act between a man and a woman, Kiri. Lie there and let me make love to your body, to you. It’s time to trust me, to give me, you. You’re ready.” His thumb pushed on her clit, then rubbed it in circles, then he pressed, then more circles. Kiri’s hips rolled, responding to his ministrations.

  Obviously turned on, her silk poured into Naithon’s hand, but Kiri was scared, he could feel the tremble in her legs, her belly. She didn’t move, her legs were stiff. Naithon fondled her tit, massaged, kneaded it, then lowered his mouth back on her pussy. He opened his mouth wide and chomped her entire mound, she yelped, goose bumps sprung on her arms, she groaned out loud.

  “Tell me if I hurt you, baby, I have to prepare you to take me.”

  Her voice trembled, “Prepare me? Aren’t you going to just…shove it…in?”

  He shook his head, his scruff rasping her tender thighs, he rubbed his stubbly chin on her mound, she shivered again. Nipping her clit, he stroked his finger up and down her slit, squeezing her folds together. “You’re a virgin, baby, my dick is pretty big, and you are tiny, I need to get you ready, so it doesn’t hurt. Besides,” he bit her bud and she yelped, hips bucking up. “This is called foreplay, it gets us both hot and ready.”

  A ladylike snort. “You are always hot and ready.”

  His lips grinned on her tender flesh, and he carefully inserted his finger into her wet sheath. Her legs stiffened again, she tried to close them. “No, Kiri, keep your body relaxed, accept me inside you.”

  She was so sweet, his little pigeon. Naithon couldn’t believe he’d had her for months in his bed, mostly naked, his hands all over her, and he hadn’t fucked her yet. Any other bitch and it would been fuck and go, half the time he didn’t know their names, or care. He was thrilled he was the one to teach Kiri, the only man to ever touch her beautiful tits, have his fingers inside her, his dick inside her.

  Removing his finger, he sucked the inside of her thigh, sifted his palms up and down the soft skin of her thighs and belly but without touching her sex. Licking the slender flesh of her thighs, he sucked harder, here, there, stroked his fingertips everywhere but on her pussy. It wasn’t long until Kiri was whimpering, her hips shifting, wanting, seeking more. He looked up and saw her breasts wobbling as her breaths sped up, she clutched the sheet under her with both hands.

  “Ask me, baby,” he murmured, moving both hands up her thighs, his thumbs dragging the insides, barely brushing the creases of her folds, but he didn’t touch her sexually.

  Her swallow loud, Kiri groaned, trying to move her hips so he would touch her where she now desperately wanted him to. “W- what, Naithon? Ask you what?” she cried with a breathy wail.

  “Ask me to touch you, with my hands, my mouth, make you come. Ask me or I’ll stop.” He continued stroking, circling, squeezing, but nothing sexual. If she could see how intensely he was staring at her pussy she’d cringe with mortification. “So pretty,” he murmured, drawing the pad of his fingertip across her lower body, chuckling when her skin quivered.

  “P- pretty?”

  “Ask me, sweet, say the words.” He petted and stroked until her body writhed all over the bed trying to get his hands on the right places, and he had to hold her tightly to keep her still. He wanted her to state out loud that she wanted him. They were in this together, no going back afterwards and saying he forced her. Seduced her yes, but not forced.

  “Naithon, uhh,” the groan ripped from her throat, “please…”

  “Please what, lamb?” His chuckle pressed against her thigh made her leg jerk. “I’m gonna stop, baby. Ask me.”

  She had to feel him touch her. “Naithon, please, ah,” she moaned as he pressed his thumbs into the fleshy part of her thighs, in the crease where they attached to her body.

  “Say it,” he ordered, his lips sucking her belly.

  With a rasping cry, she yielded, “Touch me, Naithon, with- with your hands, your…uh, mouth, touch- oh!” He gripped both thighs hard, holding them apart, and attacked her sex.

  Biting her clit on the precipitous edge of painful, he plunged a wide finger inside her, and a gasping scream scraped from her chest catching in her throat.

  “That what you want, baby? Is it?” He growled against her flesh, licked her slit and carefully pushed in a second finger. Her hips thrashed against the bed, his mouth, to him, away from him. He worked his fingers fast, hard, plunging them d
eeper, curling them inside searching for her woman’s apex of fire. Her sharp gasp and jolting hips told him he found it. Stroking his fingers over it again and again, he growled, “Is it? Kiri, is this what you want?”

  “Yes!” she screamed. “Yes, Naithon, yes!” her cries gushed in ecstasy.

  He reached up to squeeze a breast, tweak a nipple, and when he shoved his fingers in and viciously ate at her female nub, Kiri’s shrieks etched ringing grooves in the room. Her flat stomach sucked in, spine arched, body shuddered and bucked against him, and she cried his name again and again as she shattered. Music to his ears.

  Naithon licked and petted her until her body stopped its violent spasms, breaths gasped and gushed and panted, her bosom rising and falling sharply, belly quivering in and out. And he watched and loved every bit, inch, every second of it. ‘Oh ja,’ he thought joyously, ‘that’s what I want to see for the rest of my life, my little lamb climaxing.’

  When she settled, her breathing less rapid, Naithon climbed onto the bed and between her legs on his knees, set his palms beside her shoulders, and smiled down at her. Her eyes twitched and fluttered, lashes flapping on apple red cheeks. He felt his heart being sucked right out of his ribs.

  Kiri slowly opened her eyes and saw him watching her, she felt too good to be embarrassed that she lay beneath him, naked, legs spread and loose as spaghetti, and he had had his mouth on her most private of parts, and she had loved it. “Naithon,” it was a husky whisper.

  “Hey, you okay?” His smile teasing. This was what Maz had described. Her lying nude on his bed, relaxed, sexy eyes raised up to him, smiling, and her arms reaching for him in welcome. He would give his fortune to have this sight for life.

  “Uh huh,” Kiri whispered, she tugged at the top button of his shirt until it opened. Then she opened the next one, the next. “You are still dressed, Naithon, it makes me feel, uncomfortable that I am naked, and you are dressed.”

  “You aren’t completely naked, lamb,” he gripped the shirt she still wore and tugged it off her. “Now you are.”


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