Distilled Duplicity

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Distilled Duplicity Page 30

by Louise Furley

  Kiri knew he was on edge so she didn’t take offense, she smiled tenderly at him, “Yes, I’m ready.”

  Huffing out a harsh breath, Naithon got out first and made her wait while he conferred with his men and scanned the area. He had to place his men discretely in and around the restaurant or they would get thrown out, and then he’d have to do this all over again somewhere else.

  He could kick himself, he should have just allowed the sister from hell to come to the compound in the beginning. It was just that she was so fucking nasty he didn’t want her vile vibe in his house. He didn’t trust her to not plant bugs or bombs or something they couldn’t see hidden on her body. Or sneak someone inside, or trick Kiri into leaving.

  He was never going to be ready to put his girl out there, but when he was as satisfied as he could be with the security, he buttoned his suit coat, leaned in and held his hand for Kiri to take. He guided her out and immediately tucked her under his arm, using his body to shield her. He wasn’t even going to be able to be at her side during the lunch.

  Melonie had complained to Kiri when they spoke again earlier on the phone that she wouldn’t feel comfortable with him lurking at their table, giving her the stink eye, and listening to their conversation.

  Against his better judgment, he gave in once again. Damn, he was turning into the world’s biggest pussy. He kept this up he’d lose the respect of his men. The type of business he was in, they required a tough, cold-blooded leader, not a pussy-whipped wimp. They get back home, and he will let that little girl know who is in charge.

  Tucking a thick digit under his collar, he tugged to loosen the knot of his tie that was pressing into his Adam’s apple. Ja, he knew who was in charge, a tiny, delicate female who had him wrapped up in silken ropes. All she had to do was lift her shirt and he would go running, tripping over his tongue to get at her, promising her anything she wanted. Hell.

  But then again, a slight grin nicked, he was learning the things that turned Kiri into a sultry, sex goddess, he knew how to make her plead to him to give it to her. He could make her want him even when she didn’t. She could say no, but he knew how to have that hot little body scream yes.

  Ja, this was the last time he let her out into danger, he was the boss, and he would fuck her into obeying him. He felt slightly better. Plus, he had a promised blowjob as thanks when they returned home. Now that’s gonna be fun lesson.

  Half of the restaurant extended over the rippling sapphire water. The back half on stilts, allowed a 180 view of the ocean. A wide deck surrounded the entire building for outside seating. Patrons could watch the shrimp boats coming in with gulls dive-bombing them for discarded bait.

  The sun warm at high noon, the restaurant jammed packed inside and out with yammering customers and bustling staff. Melonie had made reservations. They would be sitting out on the back deck overlooking the restless ocean.

  They followed a wooden ramp to the restaurant. Over the door a red and black hand painted sign said, ‘Sailor’s Fork.’ The outside of the A-framed building was painted rust colored with dark wood accents. The long planked walk led from the parking area over the water to the restaurant.

  Naithon’s keen eyes observed his men blending in with customers, and around the perimeter acting as patrons coming and going.

  A rustic marina busy with boats loading up for a day of fishing an acre to the left, was lively with activity, sporadic shouts bounced across the water that separated them from the restaurant.

  Naithon would be damned if he wasn’t going to deliver his girl safely to her table. He told the maître de they had a reservation, and the tall man in a white button-down and black slacks led them around one side of the building to the back. Their footsteps clunking on the wooden deck barely heard over the robust customers. A horn from a large boat tooted in the background, urging a smaller vessel to get out of its way.

  Scattered around the deck, dozens of patrons chatted while eating lunch and enjoying the view. A double-beamed varnished wooden railing roped around the deck to prevent people from falling overboard. Boats tied to pillars bobbed in the back.

  The cloudless sky was bold blue, the sun beamed saffron, tipping cresting waves and boats in the distance with glistening white, and glaring bright off the tiled roof. Colorful umbrellas shone like tossed jewels on the brown-planked flooring.

  Melonie was already seated at the table. She gave a jaunty wave when she spotted Kiri. Her welcoming smile dimmed at Naithon holding onto Kiri as they threaded their way to the table. She had deliberately told the busboy to remove the extra chairs leaving only two.

  When the couple arrived, Melonie gave Naithon a dirty look. “Kiri,” her pout snarky, “you promised it would be just you and me. No one else,” she glared at Naithon.

  The maître de pulled out a chair for Kiri. Kiri said, “It’s okay, Mel, he’s not staying. Right, Naithon?” She smiled up at him. Her smile tugged his mouth down and also pulled at his heartstrings.

  He never graced Melonie with a glance. Naithon drew Kiri closer and kissed her lightly then let her go. “Ja, no worries,” he muttered. Bumping the maître de to the side, he helped Kiri to sit.

  Leaning down, he placed his hands on her shoulders and murmured in her ear, “Remember what I said. Just a whisper of a threat, and I will haul you the fuck outta here, over my shoulder if I have to.”

  Kiri gave him another quick kiss and said softly, “I know, Naithon. I’ll call you when we’re done.” He had finally given her a phone. It was tucked in the small purse she set on the table. The diamond earrings twinkled in her ears, and the gold watch he gave her glinted delicately on her wrist. Although she wore jeans and a blouse, he had insisted she wear the jewelry he bought her. Since she never went out, it was an opportunity to enjoy them.

  “All right.” Clearly reluctant to leave her, Naithon said squeezing her shoulders, “Call me. Soon.” He stepped away and strode back to the restaurant where he’d sit at the bar by the window watching her and everything else.

  “Geez, girl, the man is so overbearing. What the books call a dominant alpha male.” Melonie swooned, waved at her heated face. “You are so lucky. What’d I do to have a shot at that. Anytime he wants something different, you gotta let me know, yeah?”

  “Uh huh,” Kiri murmured uncomfortably. Melonie never bothered to hide her lust for Naithon, she could care less he and her sister were involved. Kiri had seen her fawn over him, touching him every time she had ever been near him. Even as he had stood there, Melonie’s crude gaze was blatantly trained at his crotch.

  They ordered lemonade and lunch, and people-watched until their food arrived. The server brought salad with blackened shrimp, olives and roasted tomatoes for Kiri, and lobster ravioli for Melonie. Melonie turned her nose up at the side salad that came with the lobster ravioli and ordered a side of french fries, and onion rings, and a tub of coleslaw instead.

  “So,” Melonie murmured, taking a bite of ravioli. “I hear he’s quite endowed and extremely rough and kinky in the sack. Is that true? What’s it like living with the violent gypsy thug?”

  “Mel,” Kiri scolded, “please don’t do that.”

  With a shrug, Melonie set an elbow on the table and waved her fork as she spoke. “Okay, whatever.” She narrowed her eyes in skepticism at her sister. “I can’t believe you’ve fallen for the brute.”

  Taking a sip of lemonade then adding more sugar, stirring the spoon, Melonie said, “I mean, heck, it’s all kinda romantic the way he stole you out from under Dad and Rueford’s noses, literally swept you up and carried you off to lock you away in his castle. I mean, being the refined lady and all, I would think you would be kicking and screaming over being kidnapped and ravaged.” She sounded horrorstruck, but looked excited and envious.

  Pouring dressing on her salad from a small pitcher, Kiri said, “I’d really rather not talk about it.” She couldn’t explain her attraction for her abductor, how every day she grew closer and closer to Naithon. Even now she missed th
e big lug looming over her giving her orders. She stifled her giggle, Melonie didn’t need to know anything about her life with Naithon, she would only somehow use the information against her.

  “Fine,” Melonie grunted and stabbed a fat ravioli. Thrusting the whole thing in her mouth at once, some sauce dribbled out as she spoke with her mouth full, “So, I suppose we can chat about what’s been going on with us, our family?”

  Kiri paused with her fork in the salad, sighed sadly. “I guess.”

  Eagerly, Melonie asked, “Do you think it’s Adranokov behind all the murders? Or one of the other gangs trying to weed us down and then take over everyone’s territory? Maybe it’s Reece Walford who’s running the Delducci enterprises at the moment and he knocked everyone off to become number one.”

  Crunching on a blackened pink shrimp, Kiri mumbled noncommittally, “I have no idea.” Then she quickly said, “I mean, I’m sure Naithon is not involved in any way.”

  “It’s all very strange. Remember, we need to plan the funerals, Dad and Janero’s, we can discuss that.”

  They spent the rest of their lunch planning the dual funeral. Then Melonie regaled her sister with lascivious stories of her sexploits with her guards at the safe house.

  When she got to her evening with four guards taking her on the rug in the living room, her description of how they filled every hole at the same time and then some, red-faced Kiri spouted, “Okay, Mel, enough. Please, TMI.”

  One brow rose over a sneering eye. “Oh, are you judging me, little sister? You’re living with the biggest, baddest mobster in the state and further. He’s killed more men and fucked more women then you’ll ever meet in a lifetime.” Her eyes tapered at Kiri. “If you think he’s fucking only you, you are a fool.”

  Kiri tried to get a word in but her sister rolled right over her. “That man has a reputation, girl, he owns strip joints. You don’t think he’s not fucking a different slut every day while he keeps you locked in your ivory tower? Ha!” she snorted crassly.

  When Kiri shook her head, Melonie went on, “He probably does way more than my measly four soldiers, he can fuck as many women as he wants at one time, all the time. He’ll soon tire of your staid little ass and out on the street you will go. He’s only keeping you because he wants a piece of the Delducci’s business.”

  Biting back her angry rejoinder, with her insecurities being fired up anew, Kiri already believed half of what Melonie was spewing. She set her napkin on the table. “I think it’s time for me to go. I believe Naithon has taken care of the bill up front.” She reached for her purse and pushed her chair back.

  Melonie scrambled for her own purse and jumped to her feet. “Wait, Kirs, I’m sorry. I know you like the gypsy thug, I won’t say anything else about him, okay? Please don’t leave me.”

  Knowing Naithon would be on pins and needles the entire time she was out there, Kiri said gently, “Really, Mel, I need to go. You can stay if you want, I saw your security detail conferring with Naithon. They’ll watch over you.” She got to her feet, slipping her purse strap over her arm.

  “All right,” Melonie snipped rudely. Then she inserted some cajoling in her tone, “But at least hit the ladies room with me before we go. I have a longer drive back than you do.”

  Kiri gave in again with a sigh and a mild smile. “Sure. Where is it?”

  A cheerful grin split Melonie’s plain face lifting her pudgy cheeks. “Great. It’s this way, follow me,” she took off almost at a jog. Kiri had to hurry to catch up with her. She thought she heard Naithon yell out her name, but, geesh, she should be able to go to the ladies room for crying out loud. Ignoring him, she hastened after her sister.

  Melonie was rushing to the far back of the deck and around a station where the servers typed in orders on a computer screen, and housed stocks of cutlery, glasses, water pitchers, cups and saucers, coffee pots steamed on stacked burners.

  “Mel,” Kiri called out, “I don’t think it’s that way, there’s only the water passed there.”

  Melonie kept racing so Kiri ran after her. Running around the station, Kiri suddenly found herself right at the edge of the railing. “Mel?” she called in confusion.

  Suddenly, Melonie jumped out at her from behind the station and gave her a hard shove. So hard she was shoved off her feet. While Kiri stumbled, Melonie lifted her clumsily and pushed her over the railing.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Kiri screamed, expecting to plunge into the cold water, instead, a pair of strong arms caught her and dropped her on her feet. Before she could get her bearings, Melonie jumped down behind her onto the boat deck, snatched the rope loosely wound around a pier, and Duce hit a few steps going up a level then he ran into a glass-enclosed bridge.

  Kiri could hear the engine rumbling, Duce had left it idling. He rapidly punched buttons on the control panel, clicked a lever, and slammed the gear to the hilt.

  The vessel revved, and flew away from the restaurant so fast Kiri was knocked off her feet and she fell smacking hard landing on her butt. Glancing around, she realized she was on a boat.

  A big boat, a yacht, and it was racing over the tossing waves, the engine roaring. In seconds the restaurant was a dot in the distance.

  Bouncing on the wood flooring, she sat catching her breath, her brain spinning, what the heck just happened? Gaping in stunned shock through hair tossing over her eyes, inside the open door to the bridge she could see Melonie standing beside Duce, gazing up at him in awe.

  The boat rocketed, thrusting through high waves spewing a wild foaming crest of surf behind it. The movement of the boat made it difficult for Kiri to struggle to her feet, and stand steady. She made her way to a steel railing to hold on. Gripping the cold rail, her hair whipped in the wind, tears pulled from her eyes.

  Last thing she wanted was to be anywhere near Duce, so grasping the rail tightly, she followed it with hand over hand pulling herself to the stern. As soon as the boat stopped, she was jumping off, whether they were on land or water. She put a foot on a seat ready to climb up and jump.

  “Oh no you don’t, babydoll,” Duce’s rough voice abraded her ear. He grabbed her arm pulling her off the seat. “We’re going inside the cabin.” He tugged her, she held onto the rail, he jerked her harder breaking her grip. Kiri fought him, punching in a frantic frenzy, he only laughed, picked her up and carried her across the deck to a short set of stairs, and stomped down them.

  The first opening was to a huge, lavish living room. Luxurious creams and blush, gold bedazzling everything. Plush sofas and chairs, huge glass windows exposed the open ocean around and beyond.

  Duce hauled his sister inside and plunked her on an ivory sofa. Blue accent pillows squished as she fell into them. She popped up to run, he shoved her back down and growled, “Don’t make me hurt you, Kiri, I will, you know that, but I don’t want to. Not yet, anyway.”

  Her brother was a big, well-muscled man. He would be good looking if the aura of sadistic creep didn’t flow around him, and the violent lust of harming someone to get his rocks off etched on his face. Dark hair on the edge of being shaggy, pure cruelty marked his chilling eyes and flattened his callous lips.

  She scooted back out of his reach, pulling her knees up protectively. “Duce, what is this all about? I don’t understand. How could you kill your own brothers, our father?”

  His head fell back with a rabid laugh. “I’d kill the president, honey, to get what I want.” Then those chilled dark eyes narrowed at her. “How did you know it was me that did the hits?”

  “I just reasoned it seeing you alive.” She whispered fearfully, “What is it that you want, Duce?” The boat continued hurling over the buoyant sea, water sprayed at the windows, Melonie must be driving.

  A sheen of lascivious desire misted his handsome face, lids levered low over insidious dark eyes that traced her figure. Greedy tongue slicking his hungry lips he replied, “Since you ask, baby sister, I’ll tell you. I want it all. I want Dad’s fortune and I don’t want to
share it with anyone else.”

  Her lips pulled in. “Duce-” the boat shifted sharply making Duce stumble and Kiri sprawl on the couch.

  “Goddamned useless bitch,” Duce cussed tersely, “can’t even drive a boat right. I only kept her around so I could get my hands on you, baby button. That fuck Adranokov had you too sealed up, I couldn’t get to you again.” His leer so sick and grotesque Kiri’s stomach heaved.

  Correcting his balance, he started towards her and the boat lurched again tossing him sideways. “Goddammit!” he thundered, changed direction and stomped to the doorway. He turned to Kiri and said, “We’ll get reacquainted baby sister when I get back.” He closed the door and she heard the lock engage.

  As soon as he was gone Kiri leaped to her feet and ran to the door. Grabbing the handle she yanked and wrenched and twisted it, to no avail. The door was solid, there was no way she could break it open. She looked up at the hinges, she’d need a tool to get them apart. Turning on her heel, she raced to the windows.

  Frantically, she scanned the room searching for something to break the glass, a vase, a statue, something. A lamp. She hurried and grabbed at the lamp, it was bolted down. Quickly she found out everything was bolted down, even the ashtrays and decorations probably so they wouldn’t topple with the fitful swaying and rolling of the boat over high waves.

  There was not a tool, or anything she could find to use as a weapon. She pounded on the glass windows until her hands bruised. They were hurricane resistant, she wasn’t breaking them. Finally, she had to give in, she wasn’t getting out until Duce let her out. Her heart thumped, was he even planning to let her out, alive?

  He was probably going to throw her over the side, gleefully watch her drown, let the sharks feast on her remains. If they were far enough out over the rough waters she wouldn’t be able to swim to any land. Swimming wasn’t something she excelled at. Doggy paddling was the best she could do to keep her head above water.


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