My Heart Skips a Beat

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My Heart Skips a Beat Page 3

by E. L. Todd

  I wanted to smack her.

  “I see,” he said. “Well, thank you for spending the evening with me. You’re one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen.” He turned to me and nodded. “Take care.” Then he walked away.

  I smacked her arm. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “Cayson! Remember?”

  “You’ve been broken up for over a year and he said he doesn’t want to get back together. You’re entitled to go on a date.”


  “And Ward is a serious catch. I’m telling you, they don’t make them like that anymore.”

  “I just can’t…it wouldn’t be fair to him.”

  She had me there. “I guess you’re right. But he might have changed your feelings.”

  “But he probably wouldn’t,” she said. “I’m hung up on Cayson and I will be for a very long time.”

  I sighed, dropping the conversation. “I understand.”

  Ward returned, looking nervous.

  Skye and I both stared at him, unsure what he wanted.

  “I’m sorry to bother you again,” he said. He opened his wallet then pulled out a business card. On the back, he wrote his number. “I don’t normally do this, and I’m not trying to be pushy, but I don’t usually have a connection with someone that easily. If you ever change your mind, please give me a call.” He handed the card over.

  She took it with a shaking hand. “Okay.”

  “Good night.” He nodded again and walked away.

  I sighed and looked at her. “You better call him when you’re over Cayson.”

  “Which will be never.”

  Chapter Five


  Ward was charming and handsome. He did get under my skin a little bit, but no man could ever make me forget about the one I really wanted. When Trinity told me Cayson and I had been broken up for over a year, the number hit me hard in the chest.

  We really were never getting back together.

  The last time I spoke to Cayson he broke my heart all over again. When he left for California, I went through the darkest depression I’d ever experienced. Every day was more difficult than the previous. I neglected everything in my life.

  But I couldn’t do that again.

  I didn’t want to.

  I had a job that was important, I had friends that didn’t want to see me suffer, and I had to be strong. Cayson and I broke up because of me. I had to pay the consequences. I accepted the possibility we may never get back together and I still went through with the plan.

  I had to accept it and move on.

  My dad didn’t ask about Cayson again. He dropped the subject, much to my relief. I could only get through the workday when I didn’t let him enter my thoughts or heart. Otherwise, I’d return to my office and start counting the windows of the adjacent building.

  My phone rang on the desk. I finished the note I was writing then answered it. “Ms. Preston.”

  “Can you come to my office for a moment?” It was my father.

  “I’ll be there in a second.” I hung up then walked across the building. When I walked inside his office, Uncle Mike was standing next to the desk. My dad was sitting in his chair.

  I sat down, unsure what they wanted. “Yes?”

  Dad rested his hands on the table and interlocked his fingers. “Mr. Preston and I have monitored your work and we think you’re doing very well. We’re both proud of you.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “We want to give you more responsibility and see how you handle it. Our managing director from England works closely with us week to week. He handles all our accounts and finances overseas. But he still needs to be kept up to speed on things on this side of the ocean. We want you to handle him as your first client. At the end of the period, we’ll ask him to evaluate you.”

  It felt like a test. I knew they’d be watching me and even monitoring my computer, but I didn’t expected to be treated like a lab animal. But I remembered I asked my father not to baby me, and he did say he wouldn’t go easy on me. If I didn’t make the cut, he’d fire me. “I understand.”

  “Good,” Mike said. “He’ll be in the office later this afternoon. We’ll do the introductions.”

  “Okay.” I rose from my seat. “Thank you.”

  Dad nodded me out.

  When I was on the other side of the door, I heard them speak.

  “You think she can handle it?” Mike whispered.

  “I know she can,” Dad said.


  After lunch, Dad called my office phone. “We’re ready for you.”

  “I’ll be there in a second.” I hung up. It was weird being so formal with my father, even when no one else could hear us. I didn’t question it since it seemed important to him.

  I stood up and straightened my skirt and adjusted my glasses before I headed to his office. His secretary glanced at me then looked away quickly. When I walked into his office, Dad and Mike were sitting on the couch against the opposite wall. Dad had a mini golf course in his office, so I walked around it to sit down.

  “Are you ready?” Dad asked.

  “I am.” I crossed my legs and acted normal.

  “Do you have any questions?” Mike asked.

  “No,” I said. “Not one.”

  Dad pulled out his phone and called his secretary. “Send in Mr. Lancaster.” Then he hung up. Like usual, my dad crossed his ankle at his knee then rested his arms on the chair. Mike looked just as casual.

  “They’ll see you now.” The secretary opened the door and allowed a tall man in a suit to enter.

  He walked inside then headed toward us.

  Once I got a good look at his face, my heart stopped.

  When his eyes met mine, realization came into them. He didn’t react in any other way, but his sight lingered on me for a long time. When he reached my dad and uncle, he reluctantly pulled his gaze away. “It’s nice to see you, Mike.” He extended his hand to shake his.

  “You too, man.” Mike returned the embrace.

  If Ward was on a first name basis with them, then they must be close.

  Ward greeted my father. “Improved your swing yet?”

  “I’m trying,” he said with a laugh.

  I stood up and faced him, feeling my heart move into my stomach. Should I act like I don’t know him? Should I say something?

  “Ms. Preston, this is Ward Lancaster. He’s the managing director of Pixel Software based in London. He’s been with us for many years and does a remarkable job. Ward, this is my junior CEO and daughter, Skye.”

  Ward watched my face intently before he extended his hand to me. “It’s lovely to meet you.”

  I took it. “You too.” I felt my palms sweat and my pulse pound in my ears.

  “I didn’t know you had such a beautiful daughter,” Ward said politely. “She must take after your wife.”

  “Shut the hell up, Ward,” Dad teased.

  My dad was usually professional until the point of being rigid. He must be extremely fond of Ward to joke with him.

  “His wife is way out of his league,” Mike said.

  “I know,” Ward said. “I’ve seen her.”

  “You’re ganging up on me now?” Dad asked.

  “No,” Ward said. He turned to Mike. “Your wife is out of your league too.”

  Mike laughed. “I couldn’t agree more.”

  Ward turned back to me, studying the glasses on my face.

  “Ms. Preston will be taking over the company fairly soon,” Dad explained. “But we’re showing her the ropes. For the quarterly reports, you’ll be working with her—and only her.”

  Warn nodded. “I look forward to it.”

  Dad put his arm on his shoulder. “If you need anything, let me know.”

  “Okay,” Ward said.

  I stood there, feeling nervous. I knew I should say something instead of acting scared, but his appearance caught me off guard. I was normally aggressive and professional. “Shall we
get started?”

  “Sure,” he said, returning his hands to his pockets.

  “Come with me,” I said. “We’ll be more comfortable in my office.”

  He stepped back then indicated toward the door. “Lead the way.”

  We walked across the building until we reached my office. “Can I get you some coffee? Or water?”

  “I’m okay for now,” he said. “But thank you.”

  We stepped inside and he moved to the chair facing my desk. He unbuttoned his suit then sat down.

  I moved to my desk, feeling my heart about to burst from my chest.

  He rested a foot on the opposite knee with his hands in his lap. He stared at me, his eyes unreadable. “Slim odds, huh?”

  I chuckled nervously. “When you said you worked for a software company, I didn’t make the connection.”

  “My business card didn’t shed any light?”

  I hadn’t looked at it once. “Uh…”

  His eyes filled with disappointment. “ I see…”

  I cleared my throat, hoping it would dissipate the awkwardness. “Well, I guess we should get to work.”

  “I like your glasses,” he said. “They look good on you.”

  I felt my cheeks burn. “Thank you.” I touched them self-consciously. “Well, let’s get to work. We have a lot to do.”



  At noon, Ward looked at his watch. “It’s time to take lunch.”

  I never took lunch so I didn’t notice. “I suppose.” Files and documents were spread out across my desk. Even though everything was organized, I still felt confused from time-to-time.

  “What are you in the mood for?”

  We were going to go together? “Uh, I’m not really that hungry.”

  “Really?” he asked. “You’ve been working for five hours…”

  “I just don’t have much of an appetite.”

  “You’re just nervous,” he said. “I understand. You should probably eat something anyway.” He stood up and adjusted his tie. “Come on.”

  He seemed determined so I didn’t fight him. “Sure.” I grabbed my purse then headed out with him.

  “Is pizza okay?” he asked.

  “I love pizza.”

  “It looks like we have something in common.” He headed to the parlor then opened the door for me. After we reached a table, he pulled out the chair for me. He was a gentleman just like Cayson, and thinking about him made me sad. What was he doing? Was he thinking about me?

  The waiter arrived and took our order.

  When he was gone, Ward stared at me from across the table. “I thought I was never going to see you again.”

  I sipped my water.

  “I’m glad I was wrong.” He rested his hands in his lap and looked out the window.

  I tried to remain still and not fidget. It was a habit I did when I was nervous and I needed to stop.

  “You’re going to be the new CEO of Pixel software?” he asked.

  “That’s the plan.”

  “Your father will be excited to retire. He’s been talking about it since the day I met him.”

  I rolled my eyes. “He’s just lazy.”

  “Perhaps,” he said.

  Awkward silence stretched across the table.

  “It’s ironic, isn’t it?” Ward asked.


  “We meet and have a great time. And then we meet again.” He looked into my eyes and never looked down. He had confidence but it wasn’t cocky. He knew the fine line and never crossed it.

  “It is,” I agreed.

  “Can I ask you something, Ms. Preston?”

  “Call me Skye,” I said. “And, yes you may.” I already knew what he was going to ask.

  “Why did you say no?”

  I never expected to have this conversation with a colleague. If we’d met in this context first, he never would have asked me out. It was unfortunate luck. “It’s a long story…”

  “You said no because of a long story?”

  “Well, I was in a serious relationship for a long time…”

  “When did you break up?” he asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “Over a year ago.”

  He didn’t react in any way. “That’s a long time.”

  “But it’s more complicated than that.”

  “How so?”

  I explained the story to him. By the time I was done, the pizza had arrived.

  “So, you made a sacrifice so he could secure his future even though it killed you?”

  I nodded.

  “And he can’t let that go?”

  I nodded again.

  He stared at his pizza and didn’t say anything. Then he looked back at me. “Excuse my language, but that guy sounds like a bloody idiot.”

  That was the last thing I expected him to say.

  “It sounds like you put him first in the only way you knew how. You didn’t get anything out of the arrangement other than pain. And he can’t let that go and just be happy?” he asked incredulously. “It sounds like this guy either doesn’t love you or doesn’t appreciate what he has.” He picked up his pizza and took a bite without smearing anything on his mouth.

  “I know he does love me…it’s just not enough.”

  “I’m shocked he can’t let it go. It would be different if you had cheated on him. But…I don’t think it’s something worth breaking up over.”

  “I wish he felt the same way.”

  “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” He looked into my eyes as he said it, like he really meant it.


  “And I also want you to know that it doesn’t bother me that you’re still in love with him. I’d still like to go out if you’re willing.”

  “How can that not bother you?” I blurted.

  He finished his pizza then wiped his mouth with a napkin. He took a moment to compose his thoughts. “I’m trying to find the right words to say this…without sounding like an ass.”

  I played with the napkin in my hand.

  “I understand I have a lot to offer. I also understand that I’m a catch, meaning I’m a gentleman, I’m always respectful, I always treat women right, and I know how to make a girl fall for me. I can give a girl the world if I wanted to. I’m handsome, charming, and polite. If you give me a chance, I can make you forget about this guy. Hopefully, he figures out what he’s losing before then, for you, not me.”

  I looked down at my plate, feeling warm.

  “What do you say?” he pressed.

  “Uh…” I couldn’t get Cayson out of my head. No matter what I did, he wouldn’t leave. And honestly, I didn’t want him to. In the back of my mind, I hoped Cayson would change his mind and come back to me. I knew it was unlikely and a pointless hope, but my heart kept beating for that possibility. “I’m sorry, Ward. If I weren’t in love with him, my answer would be yes. I just don’t…I can’t. My heart belongs to him.”

  His eyes flashed in disappointment but he hid it quickly. “I understand.”

  Rejecting him once was hard, but rejecting him twice was painful. “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be,” he said. “You don’t owe me anything, Skye. I just hate to see you waste your heart on someone who clearly doesn’t value it.”

  “He does,” I said. “Believe me, he does.”

  He shook his head. “You know him better than I do, but if the love of my life did that to me, I wouldn’t make her suffer like this. I’d take her back and never let her go.”

  I wanted that more than anything but I couldn’t make Cayson do something he didn’t want to do. I couldn’t make him forgive me. I couldn’t make him do anything. “I did do something else…” I explained my attempt to seduce him.

  He sighed. “Now I hate the guy even more. You tried to connect with him at an innate level and he pushed you further away?”

  “He felt used…”

  “That still doesn’t add up to me. If that instan
ce happened to me, I would know my girl only wanted me. She would never offer that to some other guy. And in that respect, it is special. Pardon my comment, but he’s acting childish.”

  “No, he’s—”

  “I hope you see what I mean someday.” He paid the tab once it arrived at our table, not even giving me a chance.

  I looked out the window, unsure what to do.

  “Your friend seems to approve of you moving on.”

  “But she wants me to be happy. She’s desperate to make it happen.”

  “Then be happy,” he said simply. “Do what makes you happy.”

  “There’s only one thing that can make me happy. And he doesn’t want me.”

  He stared at me for a long time before he dropped his gaze. “We should get back to the office.”

  “Yeah, we should…”

  He left a tip and then we walked out, the tension settling in the air between us. I knew working together would always be strained, and I couldn’t help but agree with what Ward said.

  Why couldn’t Cayson just take me back? I knew what I did was wrong but I thought we could overcome anything. Were all our promises empty? Were all our evenings in bed meaningless? Did my apologies mean anything? Did my tears show any sincerity? Or did he not care about any of those things?

  Chapter Six


  “Seriously?” I asked as we walked out of the apartment. “He works with you?”

  “I know…” Her eyes were wide with shock.

  “Skye, go out with him,” I said firmly. “That guy is drop-dead gorgeous.”

  “Uh, Slade?”

  She waved off my response. “I love Slade, obviously. But I’m not immune to the qualities of other men.”

  “I just—”

  “You’ve been single for almost a year and a half.”

  “But Cayson,” she said. “Don’t you want me to be with Cayson?” She had a pleading look in her eye.

  “Of course, I do.” I realized I was being insensitive. “Everyone does, even Slade.”

  “Slade?” I asked incredulously.

  “When he spoke to Cayson about you, he fought for you. He doesn’t like you right now, but he knows Cayson’s heart belongs to you. Even he couldn’t deny what was best for his best friend.”

  “Well…that was nice of him.”

  “I just think going on a date with him wouldn’t be the end of the world,” I reasoned. “What else can you do to get back with Cayson? You’ve tried everything, Skye.”


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