White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8)

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White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8) Page 3

by Mary Rundle

  “I’m sorry I didn’t stop him,” Mac said. “But he is a Shaman—a powerful one at that—and I assumed he knew what he was doing.”

  Shaking his head, Logan said, “Kieran has the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met and when he found there was a chance to save my mother, he was determined to do it for me; no one could have stopped him so don’t blame yourself. However, he and I will be having a conversation about his refusal to use my strength to boost his power.”

  “I’ve never heard of a relationship like you have with the Shaman,” Mac said.

  “No, you probably haven’t. What we have is unique to us,” Logan replied, then, wanting to change the subject, he asked, “How’s Mom?”

  “Doing amazingly well, all things considered. You know, your mate really did save her. When we arrived, Aunt Hope was barely alive, and I told Hunt to tell Jackson quickly because I didn’t think she’d last very much longer.”

  “What happened with Mom? Why was she near death?” asked Logan.

  “It’s not my story to tell. I’m sure Hunter will answer all your questions once we get her settled. By the way, did I understand you correctly? There’s a hospital here…in the pack house? A real hospital with all the necessary equipment?” asked Mac.

  “Yes, my brother designed it along with Ian. It’s small, but it’s a fully functioning one,” Logan replied.

  “Wow! I can’t wait to see it. I’ve never heard of that before. Usually, the best a pack can hope for is a clinic.”

  “I’m sure Ian and Colton will be happy to show you around.”

  “Maybe. I’m not sure how long we’re going to stay, and I don’t want to get in their way,” Mac said, thinking about the anger Ian directed at him.

  “I thought you guys were going to stay two weeks?”

  Shrugging his shoulders, Mac didn’t want to say anything more, but if the tension in Hunter was any indication of how soon they’d be leaving, he’d be surprised if they stayed the night. “That’s up to Hunter.”

  “Macushla,” Kieran whispered, unable to open his eyes because they were so heavy.

  Shocked at hearing his mate’s voice, Logan gazed at his mate. “Babe, I’m here. How are you feeling?”

  “Sore, like I’ve been kicked by one of my parents’ cows. How’s your mother?” Kieran murmured.

  “Shaman, it’s Mac. She’s much better and resting right now You need to focus on getting some sleep yourself.”

  “Perfecto, because that is exactly what I want to do. Macushla, can you carry me to our bedroom…I’m too tired to walk.”

  “Oh babe, absolutely! But not to our bed because Ian has decided you need to spend a night in the hospital so he can make sure you’re all right.” Seeing his mate starting to object, Logan said, “Nope, don’t try to change my mind. You nearly gave me a heart attack. But don’t worry, I’m staying with you in the hospital.”

  Giving a small smile, Kieran replied, “Thank you, macushla.”

  Watching the interaction between Logan and the Shaman brought up Mac’s memories of his parents and their love for each other. He wondered how he could have forgotten the love they shared—a love so intense he could always feel it in his heart. But somehow, he’d forgotten love like that existed until he saw it again in his cousin and his mate. That’s what I want for me…a mate who’d give everything if he thought it would give me happiness. I want what my parents had…what my cousin has. Maybe I’ll find it when I go to New York.

  Mac moved to the other side of the bed to give Logan and Kieran some privacy. Lifting his aunt’s hand, he felt for her pulse, happy to see it was stronger. Then, leaning down, wanting his aunt to know how he felt about her, he kissed her pale cheek and whispered, “I love you, Aunt Hope.”

  Chapter 3

  “Where’s Ki?” asked Theo as Jackson, Ian, and Colton approached the porch.

  “He’s with Logan,” replied Ian.

  “What’s going on?” asked Cody. “Is someone hurt?”

  Ignoring his brother’s question, Jackson took Daniel from Steel’s arms. “Let’s all go inside I have something to tell you.”

  Are you okay? Steel asked his mate through their mind link.

  I don’t really know babe…it’s really unbelievable…but forgetting me for a minute, I’m really worried about Dakota. I wish there was a way to let Slate know what’s coming.

  I could pull him aside and tell him, but Dakota would know instantly so I don’t think that’s a good idea.

  Well, at least Ian is aware and he’s going to stay close to Dakota in case he goes into shock.

  What about Cody, Carson, and Zane? How do you think they’ll react?

  Don’t have a clue but I don’t think Cody should be holding a pup when he hears the news.

  Why don’t I ask Cody to put Jake and Jessica in the playpen with Daniel? They’ll be safe there.

  Good idea.

  Entering the great room, Steel took Daniel from Jackson and put him in the playpen. Then he said, “Hey, Cody, can Jake and Jessica join Daniel?”

  “Sure,” Cody said, and the three pups were soon together in their own special world.

  After everyone was seated, Jackson looked at Ian, catching his eye, then began. “What I’m going to tell you might seem unbelievable but let me assure you it’s the truth. The reason our cousins wanted to see us is because someone has been living—probably hiding would be a better term—with them for a number of years, in fact, ever since the massacre. I don’t know what or how it happened but I’m sure Hunter will fill us in with the details later.”

  “Bro, who is it?” asked Cody.

  Taking a deep breath, Jackson gave a slight nod to Steel, then said, “Our mother. Somehow our mother survived the massacre and ended up at our cousins’. She’s not in good health but Kieran helped stabilize her and we’ll be moving her down to the hospital, shortly.”

  Not a sound was heard from anyone until David’s mother, Sofia, looking around at the shocked faces, asked softly, “Is there anything I can do to help?”

  “I’m not sure right now, but once I have more information, I’ll let you know,” Jackson replied.

  Finding his voice finally, Cody asked, “Are you positive she’s our mother?”

  “Yes, I saw…”

  “But there’s a possibility it could be our mom’s identical sister, right?” asked Carson.

  “No,” Jackson responded. “Kieran’s spirit identified her as our mother and our cousins insist that she is.”

  Numbed, Dakota sat still while everyone’s words whirled around his head. My mother? She’s alive? I don’t believe it…it’s a lie. His body filled with rage. How dare they play such a dirty trick on me. Fucking cousins! Determined to prove Jackson wrong, Dakota accessed his Shadow Voice and, closing his eyes, slowly sorted through the threads around him until he found the one, he was looking for. As he flipped through her thoughts, tears quietly rolled down his face as the terror, fear, and deep sorrow of her thoughts filled his mind. When he was unable to take any more, he fainted and slowly began to slide off the sofa.

  Feeling his mate’s pain, Slate turned to him just in time to grab him before he hit the floor, pulling him up into his arms. “Babe,” he cried.

  “Slate, bring Dakota downstairs so I can make sure he and his pup are okay,” Ian ordered. Leading the way, he hurried to the hospital to help Colton prepare another room for his newest patient.

  Zane finally spoke, “Is Kota going to be okay?”

  “I think he just fainted, but Ian is erring on the side of caution,” Jackson replied.

  “Yeah, I get that. But what I don’t get is how our mother escaped, fled across the country, lived all these years with our cousins and we knew nothing about it? You do see how fishy this sounds, right? Why didn’t they look for us? How come mom didn’t search for us? What’s wrong with her? And what about Hunter? He’s supposed to be the Alpha—why didn’t he do a better job keeping her healthy? When can I see her?” asked Zane, his
voice, by this time, almost rising to a shout.

  “Zane,” David murmured, stroking his mate’s arm, trying to give him comfort.

  “Zane’s made some very good points,” Dylon said, “What are we talking about here… a number of years after the massacre? Why wait so long? And more importantly, why didn’t Hunter’s father or even Hunter file a complaint with the High Council about what happened to your family. Your cousins sure as shit had to know what your uncle did; otherwise, why would their aunt abandon her family and go clear across the country. I have to say, I don’t like this at all. What if they are in cahoots with your uncle and this is just a ploy so your uncle can spy on us.”

  “I agree with Zane and Dylon,” Carson said, “There are way too many unanswered questions for me to feel comfortable with our cousins staying in the pack house. For gods’ sake, we have pups to think of and our uncle has already tried to gain control of them.”

  “Cody, what about you? Do you agree?” asked Jackson.

  “These are all really good points,” Cody replied, “But I don’t think we have enough information to make a determination about our cousins’ motives. To do that, we need Dakota’s shadow voice, so until Ian gives him the all clear, I say we should be careful.”

  “David, what’s your opinion?” asked Jackson.

  “Me?” asked David, surprised at being asked.

  “Yes, you,” replied Jackson. “You’re a member of the Blackwood Pack and I want to know what you think.”

  Looking at Zane, who nodded encouragingly to him, he thought for a moment before saying shyly, “I think it’s a miracle your mother escaped and found her way back to you. I think it’s important to find out how it happened.”

  “I agree,” Zane said. “That’ll answer a number of my questions.”

  “Theo, what about you?” asked Jackson.

  “Is Ki okay? Why isn’t he here?” asked Theo. “If he’s still with the cousins, I think pooh bear and I should be out there protecting him.”

  “Kieran is much better, Theo, and while I appreciate your offer, it’s not necessary because Logan is with him. If there are any threats, their spirit will alert Logan in time for him to protect Kieran,” Jackson assured him. “Norm, how about you…any comments or questions?”

  “Yeah, two questions. If you’re so sure Kieran isn’t in danger out there with the cousins, why don’t you want them in the pack house? And, two, if no one wants your cousins in the pack house, then why can’t honeybunch and I guard Ki just to be on the safe side?” asked Norm.

  “Thanks pooh bear, that’s what I was trying to say,” Theo murmured.

  “Very good points, Norm, but before I answer them, I want to hear from Fionn, Adam, and Sofia,” replied Jackson. “Fionn?”

  “I don’t trust the cousins,” Fionn spat out. “And I don’t want them around.”

  Nodding, Jackson then looked at Adam. “I’m sorry this happened on your first day with us but you’re a full member of the Blackwood Pack and I want to know your thoughts about this.”

  “Thank you, Alpha, that means a lot to me,” replied Adam. “It seems to me the problem comes down to a matter of trust…or lack of it, actually. My suggestions are as follows: first, invite the leader—I believe his name is Hunter—and only him into the pack house so you all can hear how your mother ended up at your cousins’. Then he can also explain why it took so long to bring her back—as well as what connections your cousins have to your uncle. That one is important because if Hunter lies, you’ll be able to know it. If all of your questions are answered to your satisfaction and no other devious reasons are detected, then I would invite them to stay in the pack house so you all can develop stronger family ties.”

  “Now I know why the gods picked you to help my mate,” Zane said.

  “Thanks, Adam. Sofia? What’s your opinion?” asked Jackson.

  “What about Ian’s parents, Lili and Samuel? Aren’t you going to include them?” Sofia asked.

  “I am, but first, what do you think?” asked Jackson.

  “I don’t really know about any of this, but I’m thankful they brought your mother back to you. Everyone needs one,” Sofia answered, looking down, her hands nervously twisting in her lap. She wasn’t used to being in a pack and she hoped she hadn’t angered the Alpha with what she said, but it was how she felt. It was why she’d searched so long for her son David, until she found him. Now his mate, Zane, also had a mother again.

  “Thank you, Sofia,” Jackson said, gentling his voice. Looking at Ian’s parents, he continued, “Welcome to the Blackwood Pack, Lili and Samuel.” Holding up his hand when he saw Samuel was about to speak, he continued, “I know we haven’t had a chance to discuss your plans but whether you stay or choose to go back to your home, you will always be members of the Blackwood Pack.”

  “Thank you, Alpha. If it’s not too much of a bother, me and Lili would like to stay—at least until our grandpups are born,” responded Samuel.

  “Good,” said Jackson. “I know Ian will appreciate having you close by. Now, what do you think about this whole thing with my cousins and mother?” Samuel squeezed his mate’s hand and, when he felt her response, he said, “We’ll go along with whatever Ian and Colton want.”

  “Have Colton and Ian given you an opinion yet?” Cody asked Jackson.

  “No, not yet. They were busy taking care of Mom and Kieran,” Jackson answered.

  “An opinion about what?” Ian asked as he and Colton walked into the great room.

  “How’s Kota?” asked Zane.

  “Resting comfortably. Slate is with him and I assured both of them their pup is fine,” Ian replied.

  “Why did Dakota faint?” asked Jackson. “Did he say anything?”

  “Yes, he did, but I think it’s best if he tells you directly. Now what did you want to ask us?”

  “About Mom and the cousins. The main concerns are the whens, hows, and whys it took them so long to bring her to us,” Jackson answered. “I wondered if you had any thoughts or concerns.”

  Colton exchanged glances with his mate, then said, “I think it’s important to hear from our cousins. They obviously have answers we need and it will help Ian decide on a course of treatment for Mom.”

  “Okay. Is Dakota up for a visitor?” asked Jackson.

  “Yes, but keep it short. I want him to rest,” Ian replied. “We were just heading to the motorhome to check on Kieran and your Mom.”

  “Will do,” Jackson said, standing. “Cody, will you keep an eye on Daniel while Steel shows Sofia, Lili, Samuel, Adam and Fionn to their rooms in the north wing? If I invite our cousins to stay in the pack house, they will be housed in the south wing along with the enforcers. Dylon and Carson, please help with the luggage. Zane, you can take David to your room along with his luggage and help him settle in. Theo, please make a light snack and some coffee for everyone—Norm can help you.”

  “What are you going to do about the cousins?” asked Fionn.

  “I’ll make that decision after I speak with everyone else,” Jackson replied and, after seeing there weren’t any more questions, he headed downstairs to visit with Dakota at the hospital.


  After leaving Quin, Mason had gone searching for Hunter, hoping this time his brother would tell him what was happening. Finding him standing outside, leaning against the trunk of a huge, leafy, oak tree, he asked, “What’s going on, Hunt?”

  “Jackie is telling his other brothers about Aunt Hope.”

  “Jackie?” Mason snorted. “No, that wasn’t the Jackie we knew. Where did he get all that Alpha power from?”

  “Not a clue,” Hunter responded, keeping his eyes on the Blackwood Pack House.

  Perplexed by his brother’s response, Mason turned his head, trying to figure out what was holding Hunter’s attention but seeing nothing unusual, shifted his focus back to his brother and asked, “How’s Aunt Hope?”

  “Mac said she’s better.”

  “Really? I thought
he said she was near death. What happened?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  Thoroughly pissed at Hunter’s evasiveness, Mason stepped closer, blocking his brother’s view, determined to get his full attention.

  “Hey, move aside!” snarled Hunter.

  “No, not until you tell me what’s really going on. Why are you fixated on their pack house? What’s going on in there that you aren’t telling me about?” Mason growled. “Dammit, I have a right to know!”

  “No you don’t, cause it doesn’t concern you. Now move aside!”

  “Bullshit it doesn’t concern me! Quin is in his room, shaking in fear because he knows something happened between you and Jackson. Robin and Sawyer can feel the tension and they are wondering if we’re going to be attacked by our cousins. You aren’t helping matters by standing out here, staring at their fucking house instead of inside, calming everyone down. You have an obligation to your brothers. They’re here because you asked them to come. So man up and stop being an asshole. Now, what’s going on?”

  Anger surged through Hunter—not at his brother—but at himself for being a piss poor Alpha. Knowing Mase was right, he swallowed his anxiety over the disappearance of his mate and, bracing himself, said, “My Fated Mate is a member of the Blackwood Pack. I’m sorry for ignoring everyone but when he disappeared, my wolf went crazy, so I was trying to calm him down by keeping my eyes on the pack house.”

  Stunned by Hunter’s confession, Mason’s mouth opened then closed when he realized he was at a loss for words. Never did he ever expect to hear that. A Fated Mate? Things dreams are made of? And my brother has found his? Here? The place he never wanted to go? A shot of jealousy tore through him when the impact of Hunter’s disclosure became clear. Why does Hunter get a mate? He never wanted one. Tossing aside his envious feelings, knowing it wasn’t fair to his brother, Mason concentrated on the news. “Who’s your mate? Please don’t tell me it’s one of the cousins.”


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