White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8)

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White Knight (Blackwood Pack Book 8) Page 9

by Mary Rundle

  After hearing his empty stomach growl, he reached out for a couple of Theo’s sandwiches and began to eat, mulling over what to do. Considering the possibilities, Fionn knew he wasn’t ready to face his mate—or the fight that would ensue when he announced his decision— and he was unsure if his Alpha would back him up. At least Ki, Theo and Norm will! He’d wanted to talk with Ki about it before leaving, but his friend needed to rest after saving Logan’s mother.

  Sighing, Fionn gathered up the trash, stuffing it into his backpack. As he pulled his hand from the pack, his fingers felt the sharp edges of the green diamond Groose returned to him after finding it in the vampires’ house. Clutching it, Fionn marveled at its vibrant green glow. He remembered how good it felt to offer it to Reif and Brian when they needed help, knowing his mother would be so proud of him, but then his thoughts became dark once again, reflecting on how badly he’d acted before that.

  Tossing the green diamond over his shoulder, he heard it bounce onto a pile of gold coins. Sitting down at the gold table, Fionn grabbed his sketch book from the table, flipping through pages of drawings he’d done of his friends until he reached an empty one. Staring at it, he closed his eyes, waiting for an image to fill his mind and when one appeared, began drawing, losing himself in his art.

  A while later, Fionn dropped his pencil, stretching out his cramped fingers as he scrutinized his sketch. It had been a long time since he’d been so absorbed but it felt good, feeding the part of his soul that drove him to create. His mother always encouraged him, even hiring a tutor to teach him the basics, proud of every sketch he did. But he stopped drawing when his mother died—his passion for it quenched by sadness; he was sure it would never be rekindled. And for a long time, it wasn’t.

  But Fionn rediscovered his love of drawing after Kieran saved him from his father; many nights after Theo and Norm had gone to bed, he sat in the living room of their hotel suite, pencil in hand, sketching portraits of his friends. Now, though, his mind was filled with someone else. Studying his drawing, Fionn picked up his pencil again, quickly adding more definition to his mate’s beard and mustache.


  Hunter took Mason’s warning about Jackson seriously. His brother was right—as was his wolf—he’d never be able to live with himself if something happened to his mate. Admonishing his wolf to behave, Hunter turned, staring at Jackson as he approached them. It was time for him to remember what a fierce Alpha he, himself, was. Remaining expressionless, he stared at Jackson as his cousin stopped ten feet away.

  Searching Hunter’s face, Jackson found no evidence of anger nor fear. Flicking his eyes to Mason, he noticed the protective stance of Hunter’s brother, inferring from it that Hunter had told his brother everything. “Hunt, may I speak with you in private, please?” Jackson asked.

  “No. Whatever you want to say will have to be in front of my brother,” replied Hunter. “But know this...if you don’t produce Fionn soon, I will take my case to the High Council. The law is on my side in this matter.”

  “I asked Steel to find Fionn and bring him to me. I won’t stand in your way but there are things you need to know about your mate, some of which I can disclose but others I can’t unless Fionn agrees,” Jackson said.

  “If you don’t mind, I’d rather hear everything from Fionn,” replied Hunter, “At least that way, I know I’m getting the truth.”

  “Low blow, cousin,” Jackson growled. “I didn’t realize you resorted to using them. I guess you’re not who I remember, either.”

  “Why you fucking power crazy…”

  “Stop it,” Mason yelled, stepping between his brother and Jackson. “What the fuck has gotten into both of you? We’re fuckin’ family and the last time I checked, neither of our mothers would have tolerated this shit. So pull in your claws and tuck in your balls.” Mason turned to Hunter. “You, brother …if Jackson has knowledge about your mate, then listen to it.” Then he looked at Jackson. “And you, cousin…give my brother the respect he deserves as a member of the Blackwood Pack. Yeah, that’s right, he’s a member of your pack because he’s the Fated Mate of Fionn.”

  Jackson realized Mason was right. Taking a deep breath, he began again. “Hunt, I have no problem with you being Fionn’s mate. To say I was surprised is an understatement because he’s young…just 18, so I figured it would be a while before he’d find his mate.”

  Hunter ignored the explanation. As Mason had pointed out, he had rights and it was time for him to exercise them. Glaring at Jackson, he growled, “Don’t ever use your Alpha power on me again unless you’re willing to face a challenge. I’m not only fucking family, but what’s more, I’m a member of the Blackwood Pack. So unless you usually treat your brothers and pack members, the way you’ve treated me, I’ll take it as a sign you want to fight me. Do I make my position clear?”

  “Crystal,” Jackson replied, biting the inside of his cheek in an effort to keep from snapping back at his cousin. Shit, how are we ever going to find common ground? But for Fionn’s sake, I have to try. Shaking his head, he brought himself under control.

  “Jackson, where’s Fionn?” asked Mason, taking over for his brother.

  “Right now, I don’t know. Steel is trying to locate him.”

  “Steel is your mate, correct?” asked Mason, confirming what Steel had told them when he’d come to get Hunter.


  “Is it normal for Fionn to disappear?” asked Mason.

  “No…I don’t think so, but Logan can answer that better than I,” Jackson responded.

  Puzzled at Jackson’s reply, Mason glanced quizzically at Hunter, before saying, “I think we’re missing something…why would Logan know and not you?”

  “Because Fionn was with my brother in Scotland for the last month,” Jackson replied. “Everyone had just returned when you drove up.”

  “Why was Fionn there? Visiting family?” asked Mason.

  “Not exactly. Look, it’s a long story,” Jackson said.

  Jerking his head towards the pack house, Hunter growled, “Your mate is headed here but Fionn isn’t with him.”

  “Hunter, stop that shit,” Mason muttered.

  Noticing the tense stand-off between Jackson and his cousin, Steel approached slowly to avoid provoking Hunter’s wolf. Nodding to Mason and Hunter, he looked at his mate, “Zane doesn’t know where Fionn is and Theo and Norm aren’t around either.”

  “Your bear shifters are in the motorhome with our brother, Quin,” Mason said.

  “Thanks,” Steel said. “I’ll go ask them now.”

  “I don’t think so,” Hunter said, blocking Steel’s path. “Mason, would you tell Quin’s guests their Alpha wants to see them?”

  “Sure,” Mason said, taking a step toward the motorhome, then, pausing, he looked at Jackson. “No offense intended, but Quin doesn’t like strangers,” he explained.

  “Understood. Steel and I will wait here.”


  “Wait until you meet our friend, Ki. His real name is Kieran, but we call him Ki. He loves pink and I mean everything pink,” Theo giggled. “After we were rescued, he took us shopping and bought pooh bear and me matching pink briefs.”

  “Then he wanted to buy us matching pink outfits, but I put my foot down,” Norm said. “It wasn’t easy because he can be quite insistent.”

  “I think he was here, at least I think he was.” Quin grinned, “He said he loved my dress.”

  “That sounds like him. I do, too, by the way,” Theo said, “However, I really love your aroma. Is that from the soap you use?”

  “No,” Quin said, getting up and digging around in his luggage. Finding what he was looking for, he handed a small, blue bottle to Theo and said, “I ordered it online because I loved the description of what was in it. Try it.”

  Removing the stopper, Theo sniffed it, “Oh, wow! I love it.”

  “I use it after I shave,” Quin said. “I looked for the longest time, trying to find one with a scent tha
t wasn’t so musky. You can have it cause I always carry a spare.”

  “Really? Thanks.” Holding the bottle up to Norm, Theo asked, “Pooh bear, what do you think? Like it?”

  Sniffing it, Norm smiled at Theo. “It’s awesome.”

  “I’ll try it tomorrow,” Theo smiled.

  Giving a quick knuckle-rap on Quin’s bedroom door, Mason poked his head in. “Quin? Theo and Norm’s Alpha is waiting outside and wants to talk to them.”

  “We were just talking about books, and stuff. They aren’t in trouble, are they?” Quin asked.

  “No, no, nothing like that,” answered Mason.

  “We better go,” Theo said.

  “Will you come back after you’re finished?” asked Quin, worried he might not be allowed to see his friends again.

  “If it’s okay with your brothers,” Norm said.

  “Not a problem,” replied Mason.

  Squealing with delight, Quin exclaimed, “Hurry back. In the meantime, I’ll make a list of books you absolutely have to read.”

  Following Quin’s brother outside, Norm saw Steel and Jackson waiting for them. Taking Theo’s hand, he pulled him tight against his side as they stopped in front of their Alpha. “You wanted to see us, Alpha?” asked Norm.

  “I’m trying to find Fionn and can’t. Do you have any idea where he could be?” asked Jackson.

  “I think he’s out in the woods somewhere,” Theo replied.

  “He is? How do you know that?” asked Jackson.

  “He asked me to make some sandwiches he could take with him and he had his backpack. He told me he wanted to do some drawings. I fixed him up and then left when Norm called me. When I came back, Fi was gone so I assumed he went into the woods.”

  “Hmm, did Fionn draw a lot in Scotland?” asked Jackson.

  Shaking his head, Theo replied, “I never knew he could even do that.”

  “Did Fionn ever leave the hotel by himself?” asked Steel.

  “Not really. Wait, I guess he did if you count the times he went to his hoard,” Theo replied.

  “Where’s his hoard? In Scotland?” asked Hunter.

  “No.” Jackson replied. "It was moved here…to Blackwood Pack land.” Then, thanking Theo and Norm, he asked, “Are you going back to your friend?”

  “Yes, if you don’t need us for anything,” replied Norman.

  “Nope, I don’t, but let me know if you go anywhere else.”

  Hunter started to speak but stopped when Jackson shook his head slightly. Waiting until the bear shifters were gone, he tried again. “I want to go with you to Fionn’s hoard.”

  Ignoring his cousin’s demand, Jackson said, “Close your eyes, Hunt. Concentrate on the bond you have with Fionn.”

  “What bond? I haven’t claimed him yet,” replied Hunter.

  “But you scented him. As soon as you did that, a bond was formed. It’s probably weak since I’m not sure Fionn did the same, but the bond should be strong enough for you to sense your mate. Now, please, give it a try.”

  Closing his eyes, Hunter asked his wolf if they were connected to their mate. Receiving an affirmative answer, he searched until he located the very thin glowing white chain. “I found it,” he announced.

  “Good, follow it until you see your mate.”

  Unsure how to do that, Hunter asked his wolf for help, then watched in awe as his wolf led him to his mate. “I found him.”

  “Is he with his hoard?” asked Jackson.

  Looking around, he saw a large cavern, his mate sitting at a gold table, with a pencil in his hand, deep in thought. Totally mesmerized by Fionn’s beauty Hunter reached out, needing to touch him, wanting to feel the warmth of his mate’s dragon through his skin. Suddenly, he felt himself being yanked away and, after his eyes shot open, he glared at Jackson. “What the fuck did you do?” he snarled.

  “Stopped you from scaring your mate. Fionn doesn’t know about you and he thinks he’s safe from intruders, there,” Jackson explained.

  “Why all the security?” growled Hunter. “Is he being hunted?”

  Jackson thought for a moment as to how much he wanted to reveal before replying, “It’s because his father tried to kill him. A friend of mine created a space for Fionn’s hoard—a place only he can access—a place he feels safe in.”

  “Hunt,” said Mason, “I think it’s time for you to listen to what our cousin has to say about your mate.”

  Nodding in agreement, Hunter swallowed the bile that had filled his throat after hearing about what happened to his mate. Making a vow with his wolf, he intended to kill anyone who dared to threaten his mate. He understood, now, why Steel had reacted so violently in Jackson’s office. Turning to Steel, Hunter said, “Sorry about before. My wolf was frantic to find our mate and I lost control of him, but believe me, I had no intention of hurting your mate.”

  “I figured that out afterwards, but I can’t take any chances. Jackson is my life—my everything, so please forgive me if I overreacted,” Steel said, gazing lovingly at Jackson.

  “I get it. It’s how I feel about Fionn and I haven’t even met him yet. No one will ever make my mate feel unsafe again or they will answer to me,” growled Hunter.

  Giving Steel a knowing smile, Jackson said, “Babe, would you show our cousins to their rooms?”

  Mason spoke up, “Quin and I will be sleeping out here.”

  “Are you sure? We have plenty of room,” Jackson said.

  “Thanks, but we’ll be fine out here,” replied Mason. “I’ll go get my brothers.”

  “C’mon, Hunt,” Jackson said, then after giving Steel a kiss, he led his cousin back to the pack house.

  Chapter 11

  The night’s darkness was just lifting when Kieran awoke the next morning. Smiling at the new day, he turned over, gazing at his mate’s face in the soft, dawn light, admiring Logan’s sleep-gentled features. Placing a hand on his belly as he did every day, he waited to feel some movement, though he knew it was still too early—but he couldn’t help it. A pup, his pup—one made with the love of his life, one who would bring such happiness to the world and one who would convince his mate’s mother that life could go on, even after losing so much

  A tear escaped, slowly trickling down his cheek as he thought about his own mother. She’d never see her grandpup. Ever since his spirit told him about squirt, he’d tried so hard to push that thought out of his mind, but in quiet moments like this, it would sneak back in, opening the scar over the crack in his heart. Her loss had driven him to go further than he should have yesterday, when he kept removing the sorrow and grief from his mate’s mom. The possibility of resurrecting Logan’s mother was a gift he never thought he’d be able to give him.

  As the room brightened, Kieran kissed Logan, whispering, “Macushla, c’mon, we’ve never watched the sun rise here, together.” Nudging his mate, he said, “Hey, sleepyhead, wake up!”


  Staring at the ceiling, Hunter tracked the passage of time by the growing brightness of light seeping through the curtains. Sleep was a commodity that was sparse last night after Jackson showed him to his room and, though he and his cousin talked late into the night, it wasn’t long enough. There were still so many unanswered questions Hunter had about Fionn, and he was sure his cousin wasn’t telling him everything. When he’d pushed Jackson about it, all he got was that he’d have to be patient and wait for his mate to return.

  That’s when his cousin called it a night and Hunter couldn’t blame him. Several times during the evening, when he heard how Fionn’s father had abused him, Hunter’s wolf threatened to make an appearance and it was only his cousin’s Alpha power—thankfully, used sparingly—that prevented him from shifting. Luckily, Jackson was understanding, and calmly helped Hunter stay in control.

  After Jackson left, Hunter prowled around the suite, thinking about all he heard. He needed to talk to someone who could help him make sense of it. Pulling out his phone, he was about to send a text to Mason about meet
ing with him so they could talk, but after seeing how late it was, he thought better of it. After stripping down, he climbed into bed, closed his eyes and hoped his mind would settle down—but that wasn’t to be. Knowing his mate wasn’t under the same roof with him, Hunter and his wolf remained agitated and that, together with trying to figure out why Jackson was being so reticent about Fionn, kept him awake most of the night.

  As the first streaks of pink painted the sky, Hunter knew it would soon be time to get up, dress and appear in the dining room for breakfast, acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened to him yesterday. But it had and he was still coming to grips with it. Especially worrisome was what to do about Fionn’s relatives and their attempts to rip off his hoard. Jackson had mentioned an attorney who was representing his mate—he’d talk to him soon—but first he really needed advice from someone he trusted. Hunter picked up his phone, checked the time, and sent a text to his brother, hoping Mason was up.


  Steel nuzzled Jackson’s neck, inhaling the scent he found there, then, kissing it he moved on, licking and kissing until he reached the part he’d fallen for when he’d first met his mate—those plump, cock-sucking, red lips. Outlining them with his tongue before gently kissing them, and then feeling Jackson’s response, he pressed against them, wanting to lose himself in those lips forever.

  Waking up to a loving mate was the best thing ever for Jackson. After Daniel was born, mornings consisted of rising quickly to feed and change their pup before spending time cuddling with him. “Mmmm,” he hummed, sending vibrations to the lips currently ravaging his, wanting it to last forever. Suddenly, he remembered why they hadn’t had mornings like this since Daniel had arrived and, pulling back, he asked, “Babe, what about Daniel? He needs to be changed, at least.”

  “Uh, uh, we don’t have to worry about Daniel today,” Steel replied, rubbing his morning stubble against Jackson’s neck, relishing his mate’s shivering reaction.

  “Uhmm, oh god…” Jackson whispered, “I’m getting goose bumps.”

  Giving his mate one more toe-curling kiss, Steel rolled over on his side and, propping his head up with his hand said, “Last night I arranged for Cody and Dylon to take Danny this morning so we could have some time alone before the day begins.”


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