In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1) Page 2

by Michelle Woods

  “Could you give me some room?” She demanded, glaring at the giant man to her left who stared at her with a storm brewing in his emerald eyes. He grunted and moved back a single step before motioning for her to get on with it. With a dark frown, she turned back to the man lying on the table.

  Sin raised the long thin tweezers and moved closer ignoring the annoying man. She gritted her teeth, her eyes turning to the wound on the man’s leg. Using skills that she hadn’t used in more than two years, she poured the whiskey to clean the wound before she started digging for the bullet. It only took her about five minutes before she was pulling the bullet out of the man’s bloody leg, her hands now covered in blood as she dropped the bullet on the little tray along with the tweezers. Sin was glad that as soon as she’d pulled the bullet free the sexy beast beside her had surged forward to hold gauze to the wound so it wouldn’t start pouring out any more blood.

  Grabbing the second suture kit, Sin motioned for green-eyes to move his hands. He did and she saw that the blood was going to be an issue because it was everywhere. Sighing, she wiped her hands on her pants to remove some of the blood before she poured more whiskey on them and the wound. She used her hands to squeeze his flesh together as she used the needle to begin stitching up Donny’s leg.

  The blood was still an issue and her hands were slippery again as she did her best to close the wound as fast as possible. She knew that he was going to end up with a nasty scar because she wasn’t in any way, shape, or form making neat little stiches. It took seven stitches to close the wound and Sin let out a little relieved breath when it was finished and she could cover it with gauze. Thankfully it had slowed the bleeding down and it was just a little trickle by the time she was done with the stiches.

  Sandra was finishing up with the third wound when she looked up and met her eyes seeing the relief her friend felt knowing that Sin hadn’t just done a shitty job helping her and gotten them both killed. Sending her friend a reassuring smile she stepped back, feeling a hard male body move up behind her as hard arms wrapped around her waist. The tingling in her clit let her know that it was definitely the dark-haired sex god whose hands were on her.

  “You a nurse too?” his gruff male voice asked, his hands still holding her with one arm around her waist as he pressed his lips to her ear.

  “No,” Sin whispered, unsure why she’d answered him truthfully.

  “Then what the fuck did you think you were doing?” He grunted shoving her away and jerking her around to face him, his eyes filled with green fire as he waited for an answer.

  “I’m not a nurse but it’s not my first bullet genius.” Sin growled, jerking on her arms trying to free them from his tight grip. He didn’t release her, his eyes were boring into hers as he glowered at her not even trying to hide the anger. His fingers dug into her skin painfully as he shook her a little.

  “You snarky little cunt, you better be glad you didn’t fuck up my brother or I would have put a bullet right between those pretty blue eyes.” Sexy said, his face only inches from hers. Snickers came from the men surrounding them making her fists ball against her legs as she tried hard not to react. Don’t do it, Sin. It’s only going to cause an issue. She mentally lectured herself as she glared up at him wanting to punch him in the face for calling her a cunt.

  How dare he fucking call her that!

  Despite her resolve when Phoenix shook her again making her teeth rattle. She was about to slap him across the face when another male voice cut through the warehouse. Her breathing was heavy and her eyes were narrowed on the dick whose grip was so tight it was hurting her arms readying herself to escape his hold and knock that smug as fuck angry look off his face.

  “Leave the girl alone, Phoenix. She helped and everything went good. Now we just need to wait and see how he does in a few hours. We can send Sandra and the girl home.” Sin turned to look at the man who’d spoke and Phoenix dropped one of her arms. Her eyes widened as she twisted to look at the man who stepped out of the darkness. The blonde man who watched her silently was nearly as good looking as the dark-haired one. He had a sexy scar that ran along one rugged cheek that made his flashing silver eyes look even sexier than they would have been had he not had it. She took in his five six frame and his heavy athletic build that seemed to beg a girl to touch. His jaw was covered with the scruffy day-old growth of a beard and his chest was exposed by the leather cut he wore without a shirt under it.

  Damn why were bikers always so damned hot?

  For some reason despite his handsomeness, she didn’t feel the same thrill when his eyes ran over her that Phoenix’s look had inspired. She felt the fingers around her arm tighten a bit and suddenly a hard-male body was almost pressing against her side, crowding her. Sin glanced back at Phoenix his face was unreadable, but she realized that he’d done it to bring her attention back to him because she’d stared at the other man a little too long.

  Huh, that was odd.

  “Fine. I’ll have Franky and Cutter see them out.” Phoenix released her after he tugged once on her arm, nearly dragging her in the direction he wanted her to go. Deciding that she’d pushed her luck enough tonight, she walked behind him taking Sandra’s hand when she came up beside her and squeezed. She knew that her friend was going to have a lot of questions she wasn’t ready to answer and she suddenly felt exhausted. They followed Phoenix to the door where the two prospects from earlier were waiting at the door.

  “Franky, you take—what’s your name again snarky?” Phoenix asked.

  “Sin.” She told him, not willing to give him her real name because she knew it would piss him off. She didn’t want to hear her name on his lips because she had a feeling it would sound too damned good. He was standing too close, invading her personal space as he glared at her. Her body was already too focused on him and her panties were embarrassingly wet with his body so close to hers.

  “That’s not what Sandra called you.” He grunted.

  “Well it’s my name.” She replied shrugging. He gritted his teeth

  “Fine. Take Sin back to her car and don’t allow her to linger. I don’t want any of the boys causing trouble over some cunt we don’t know. Cutter you take care of Sandra.” Phoenix’s eyes were molten green lava as he told Franky to get her out of there. She felt irritation stir that he’d called her that name again because he wanted to piss her off. Her fists pressed into her legs and it was all she could do to not make him eat those words.

  “Sure thing, boss.” Franky and Cutter echoed as they each took Sin and Sandra’s arms and started to drag them back towards the car.

  Sin jerked her arm from Franky, not about to be dragged back to her car. Franky let go and Sin walked silently behind him ignoring the curious looks from his biker brothers who were hanging around the warehouse. They were halfway back to the car when she felt like she had a pebble in her shoe. She didn’t know where the damned thing had come from or how it had gotten into her shoe, but she wasn’t about to walk all the way back to the car with it in there. She spotted a bench off to the side and headed to it sitting down.

  “No time for breaks, Sin. Boss man says we have to get rid of you.” Franky muttered as he came up to the bench.

  “Look, I don’t really give a fuck what he wants. He called me a cunt for fucks sake and I have a rock in my shoe and I will be getting it out.” Sin didn’t wait to see his reaction, she just started untying her shoe.

  “He’s not so bad. Phoenix is just a little weary of women. Some bad shit happened not that long ago because of a woman and it’s messed him up.” Franky offered softly.

  “Not sure you should be talking about that, Franky. Wouldn’t want you to get into trouble.” Sin said understanding that the way MC’s worked, this man telling her that was a big time no, no.

  “Nah, everyone knows about it. It was a huge deal what Tasha did. Nearly fucked up everything.” Franky kicked at a piece of trash that was on the ground watching her shake her shoe, trying to get rid of the gravel that was st
uck in the toe.

  “Maybe, but it’s still a bad idea to talk about it with me, Franky.” Sin told him trying to remind him that she was an outsider. She knew that he needed to remember to keep a tighter rein on his mouth if he wanted to be fully patched in.

  “You’re sweet.” Franky told her, smiling down at her, his brown eyes reminding her of a puppy she’d once had. Damn, this guy was too soft for the life he’d chosen.

  “I’m so not sweet, Franky. Not even a little bit.” Sin warned him.

  “Nah, I read people well and I think you’re sweet.”

  “Uh—,” Sin really didn’t know how to respond to that.

  “Want to get a beer sometime?” He asked. Sin pursed her lips as she gazed up at him, a little surprised that he’d just asked her out on a date. Now how to let him down without pissing him off. Sin wasn’t a very subtle person and being nice wasn’t her best skill. Thinking about it for a moment as she re-tied her shoe before she stood up and grinned at him.

  “Oh, you don’t want to go out with me, Franky. I’m not really your type.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Franky asked, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring down at her from his five eight height. She grimaced a little as she patted him on the stomach.

  “Hon, trust me when I say that there is a girl out there somewhere who is going to worship these sexy abs and beg for you to date her, but that girl isn’t me. I’m too bitchy for you.” Sin smiled as she rubbed his abs again. Franky grinned and pulled up his shirt so that she could caress his bare abs.

  “These abs you mean?” Franky asked winking.

  Running her hands over the hard flesh made her want to reconsider her stance on dating Franky because he really did have some sexy abs. Only she knew better because she wouldn’t be happy with him, nor would he be happy with her and she knew it. Bikers weren’t her thing and she couldn’t get involved with him or any other biker, not with her family. They would lose their minds if she even thought about it.

  “Yes, those sexy abs.” Sin said, laughing with Franky as she rubbed them. Suddenly she was jerked back by a hard male hand on her arm and the tingle that shot through her at the contact, letting her know exactly who was grabbing her.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Franky? I told you to take her to her damned car, not hang out with her on the fucking pier.” Phoenix growled. Sin whirled around jerking her arm free of his hold, well aware that he let her.

  “Look asshole it’s not his fault.” Sin yelled.

  “Da fuck you say, little girl? Don’t talk to me like that or I will put you over my knee and spank that tight little ass.” Phoenix roared taking a step towards her.

  “Phoenix, she had something in her shoe man.”

  “No, she was trying to get you in her pants. Now go Franky, I’ll handle her.” Sin saw Franky glance at her and shrug trying to tell her he was sorry for his asshole of a friend. Sin just waved at him before she glared into those gemstone eyes she was learning to hate.

  “I wasn’t trying to get him in my pants, dickwad. I was trying to let him down easy so I wouldn’t bruise his ego,” Phoenix’s jaw tightened as he grabbed her arm again and began dragging her towards the parking lot at the end of the pier. His hand was firm and his fingers dug into her skin slightly as he dragged her forward to where Sandra was waiting. Sin could see the car now as she was dragged along until they were at the last building when he suddenly jerked her to the right and shoved her against a wooden wall of the public restroom.

  Phoenix shocked her when his leg thrust between hers as he crowded her against the wall. His hot breath teased her lips as he glowered at her from above. His hands were on the wall on either side of her head and his thigh shoved harder against her wet center making her gasp a little. Phoenix pressed his face into her hair inhaling deeply as a groan escaped him and his hands reached down to grab her ass, pulling her closer. Sin gasped. Phoenix pulled back and glared down at her, his eyes flashing as he met her eyes with his own.

  “I’m only going to warn you once, little girl. You need to keep your mouth shut about what happened here tonight, capisce? You don’t want us gunning for you.” Phoenix’s eyes were burning into hers as his forehead rested on hers and his hands tightened on her ass, pressing her down against his leg. Sin couldn’t help the little sigh of desire that escaped her lips as she tried hard to rein it in. She shouldn’t be feeling such strong lust for this asshole.

  “You’re such a dick. You don’t have to manhandle me like this to tell me that.” Sin snapped, her anger spilling over as she tried hard to shove him off her. She knew that she wasn’t using the skills she’d been taught by her brother, but she didn’t want to tip her hand and she wasn’t feeling truly threatened by him. Ha, she was melting into him like any club whore would.

  “Stop. You like it, don’t play games, that’s not how this goes. My abs are better than his, feel.” His husky voice rasped against her ear, leaving her breathless with shivers running down her spine as his hands guided her hand over his six pack. Damn him, he was right, the hard planes on his abs were smoother and harder than Franky’s. Sin found that touching them sent her pulse racing and her breath was suddenly coming in loud pants as she tried to catch her breath.

  “You really are full of yourself, aren’t you?” Sin asked, trying to sound bored and failing miserably because her voice came out breathy and slightly hoarse. She pulled her hands from his stomach, trying to step back but his hands which had returned to her ass wouldn’t allow it.

  “Baby I know that your pussy is so wet you would drown my cock if I shoved it inside you. I can feel it through my damned jeans and it’s making me want to fuck you right here against this damned wall. Keep pushing me, I dare you.” Phoenix whispered against her ear, his breath hot and his hands still roughly fondling her ass. One hand buried suddenly in her reddish-brown hair as he titled her head back, his green eyes flaring with a dark desire she couldn’t look away from.

  “Open your fucking mouth.” He snarled and angled their mouths taking her lips in a punishing kiss that left her trembling hands on his shoulders as he devoured her like her taste was his only chance of surviving. His tongue thrust beyond her parted lips and curled with hers as desire roared through her. Sin couldn’t help the whimper that she let go against his lips and he grunted and rubbed his cock against her hip. His mouth owned hers in a way she’d never felt before and she couldn’t help kissing him back despite him being a major asshole to her all night. Sin realized she’d been right, the man was a damned sex god.

  Not that she was shocked by his obvious experience, most bikers had been with a lot of women. Although, most of them still sucked at sex because they only cared about their fucking fix, not actually attempting to get their partner off. Phoenix it seemed was a give and get kind of lover, which made her body shiver with desire. Sin felt his teeth nip at her lower lip as he tangled his tongue with hers again. He thrust inside her mouth hard and fast, his sexy growl left her feeling like a single touch would send her over the edge into bliss. He pulled back his forehead resting against hers as he panted, looking at her with such heat that she felt singed.

  “In two minutes, I’m going to let you go and you’re going to walk away. You’re to get in that car and drive away with Sandra. And if I ever see you again I won’t let you escape a second time. I’ll fuck you senseless and I won’t care if I break your heart. Don’t make me do that, baby.” Phoenix warned, his eyes boring into hers as she watched him silently for a moment before her brain kicked in enough to let her process what he’d said and anger had her pushing him back again, but it was like pushing against a granite wall.

  “You have a really big head, dickhead. I’m not a sure thing just because you turned me on a little. And you couldn’t break my heart because I’ve met men like you and I’m not so desperate that I would be stupid enough to let you in my pants or my heart.” Sin shoved his shoulder hard glaring at him hotly.

  “You’d let me fuck you, d
on’t play games. You’re so hot for it right now I could make you come in less than a minute. You’re burning baby.” Phoenix cupped her ass, pulling her to him spreading her cheeks a little making her moan because it felt so good. “See. Burning.”

  Sin didn’t hesitate for even a second as she slapped him hard across his cheek. Phoenix’s head snapped to the left and Sin noted with satisfaction that he now had an angry red mark there from where she’d slapped him. Her palm stung and she was expecting him to release her. Phoenix however didn’t let her go and he met her eyes with his hard-green eyes.

  “One free hit, babe. But you do it again and I will spank your ass raw.”

  “Let me go. Phoenix,” Sin demanded.

  “I will, but remember what I promised babe. Don’t let me see you again. I will pretend I’m a good man and let you go, but I won’t do it again because we both know good isn’t a word that would describe me. Now go, baby. Before I forget that I’m trying to save you.” Phoenix squeezed her ass one last time before he removed his leg and stepped back slowly leaving only inches between them as if he was unable to move further away from her.

  Sin didn’t move immediately because she was still slightly unsteady and her heart was pounding inside her chest like it was going to escape at any second. She knew that she likely had a dazed look of desire on her face as she tried to step away.

  “Fuck it.” Phoenix grunted, and his body was suddenly against hers again. “I have to know.”

  With those cryptic words, he shoved his thigh between hers again, but this time he added to the sensation by cupping her pussy with his hand making her whimper. Her eyes were likely wide and her body was shaking with desires she’d never felt so strongly in her life. His mouth was at her neck and she could feel his warm breath slide along her skin sending shivers of desire rioting through her. He kissed the sensitive skin and his teeth scraped across her shoulder in a possessive caress. Her mouth opened on a gasp and she couldn’t help but push her hips against his hand with a little whimper. She was already so damned close which was really fucking embarrassing. His fingers brushed against her clit and she almost couldn’t stand it as her body exploded into an embarrassingly hard orgasm.


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