In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1) Page 4

by Michelle Woods

  “Hey watch it sister! Just because my couch has seen better days doesn’t mean you get to insult it.” Sandra laughed, her smile making her flushed face seem to glow.

  “It’s seen better days that’s for sure, but I don’t think that thing was ever comfortable even when it was new.” Sin held up her hands to ward off Sandra’s uncoordinated slap attack.

  “Bitch,” She growled when Sin gently pushed her back into her apartment. She landed against the door frame with a grunt.

  “You wouldn’t have it any other way so shut up and go sleep off your little buzz. I will message you when I make it home.”

  “Ok, but be careful getting to your car and ask Mark to walk you out.”

  “Oh, would you stop. I’ll be fine. I know how to defend myself and I’m not even a little drunk trust me, I can make it to my car without issue.” Sin shook her head at her friends worry.

  “I mean it Sin. I have an out if I were to get into trouble with anyone down there, but you don’t. Now be a good girl and ask Mark to walk you out.” Sandra had lost her almost glazed drunkenness and was looking at her seriously.

  “I will.” Sin agreed, even though she didn’t need to. She just didn’t want to argue with her friend who looked decidedly relieved that she’d finally agreed. Sin waved one last time and headed down the stairs to the hallway below. Normally she went out the back door that lead the parking lot to avoid heading into the bar, but tonight at least a dozen women were waiting in a line for the bathroom blocking the way to the back door.

  Shit, that’s right they were having some wet t-shirt thing tonight which meant it was packed. Ugh, she’d have to go out the front. Sin headed down the hallway walking into the bar taking in the packed bodies with a grunt. She took a deep breath before she started making her way through the sea of bodies. She hated crowds and tonight was no different. She spotted more than a few men wearing cuts, holding beers, and laughing loudly.

  Yep, wet t-shirts were good for Len’s business.

  Not so much for her sanity though. Sin found herself trapped by several large groups of men about five feet from the door. They were all big guys who looked like they’d been on the road for a while from the dust coating their leathers. Sin tried to slip past, but before she could hands grabbed her from behind settling on her hips as one of the men spoke.

  “Hey there pretty girl. Wanna sit on my lap while I watch the show?” The guy asked, his breath almost making her vomit.

  Sin could never stomach the day-old booze smell, and this guy had mixed it with cigarettes and onions maybe? Whatever it was, it didn’t smell good. Sin twisted out of his arms turning to take him in. He was about six-foot with a heavy build, and his hair was a light brown, salted with grey matching his scruffy looking beard. He wore leather pants and what had once been a white t-shirt, but was now almost a grey because of all the road dust that had settled on it. He’d covered it with his cut, but it didn’t help the look any. He looked down at her with a toothy smile, his teeth white, and his wink letting her know that he wasn’t the malicious type.

  “Thanks, but I’m headed home.”

  “Aww, why? Come on just stay a little while.” He whined trying to grab her again.

  “No,” Sin said avoiding his hands.

  “Sweet cheeks why you got to be like that?”

  Even though his question was accusing, he wasn’t angry. She could tell by the smile he still flashed at her as she moved away, trying to avoid the second man’s hands as they reached for her too. He was slightly shorter than the man who’d already grabbed her. He was wearing a cut over jeans without a shirt. His was chest tanned and slightly pudgy. He had blonde hair and his eyes that were glassy and unfocused as they looked at her. Sin knew he was too drunk to be a threat so she turned back to his friend.

  “You’ll find another woman to sit on your lap. But don’t ever call me sweet cheeks.” Sin told him as she attempted to move away from the two men towards the door. She had taken two steps when the hands were back on her hips, but before she could react or even knock his hands off her, a hard voice broke in and the hands were instantly off her hips.

  “Take your hands off her, mother fucker.” Phoenix growled.

  Sin glanced jerkily over her shoulder, shocked to find him standing so close to her. Phoenix moved taking her hips in his hard hands as he pulled her into his hard body. She knew she shouldn’t allow him to pull her close, but as the heady scent of leather and man hit her nose she almost moaned. Her body remembered being pressed up against his and it wanted more. She tried to tell herself to shove him back, but he was already holding his large almost plate sized hand over her flat stomach as he turned her with him to face the men before him.

  “Hey, hey chill man. I didn’t mean nothing. She didn’t say anything and she’s not patched so I didn’t know she was taken.” The scruffy guy stated, holding his hands up in the air in a peace gesture.

  “You shouldn’t be touching a woman trying to get away from you, even if she isn’t patched asshole. She told you to leave her alone, I heard her.” Phoenix grunted, his hand tightening on her waist as his hand gripped her possessively.

  Sin knew she should get the hell out of here before this turned into a tug of war with her as the prize, but she couldn’t seem to get her body on board with her brains advice. She found herself leaning into Phoenix as he held her against him savoring the closeness. The scruffy looking guy stopped his glassy eyed friend when he would have moved in to attack Phoenix.

  “Sorry. You’re right, you’re right. I didn’t mean to lay hands on Devils Arms property. I didn’t know and we don’t want any trouble here.” Scruffy said, holding onto his friend tightly shoving him away from the two of them. “We’ll just leave you alone. No harm done.”

  Sin watched as the man dragged his friend away, her body still pressed to Phoenix as she tried like hell to tell herself to get the fuck away from him because being near him like this was a damned bad idea. Her family would have a freaking cow if they knew she was still allowing his hands to touch her as she leaned into him when she knew she should be getting the hell away from him. He began to herd her through the crowd heading to the door, his grip tight as if he were afraid she’d try to get away. Still a little dazed from the heady desires that were flowing through her mind as she allowed him to guide her she didn’t protest his high handedness. They made it to the door and he guided her outside. He leaned down when they were standing beside the door, his voice low as he spoke near her ear.

  “I warned you,” he said, his voice husky.

  Sin frowned. What was he talking about? She had no idea and her body was so distracted by the throbbing ache between her legs that at first, she didn’t really care. Then she realized he was pushing her towards his bike. Sin shook off her haze of desire and jerked away from him twirling to shove him away when he tried to move closer.

  “I don’t know who you think you are, but you need to take your damned hands off me.” Sin snarled.

  “No,” Phoenix growled, his eyes dark as they watched her in the dim light of the parking lot, his lips tight and his hands curled at his sides. Sin tried to move around him to head to her car, but he just moved into her path with his arms out as if to catch her should she try to jerk around his big body.

  “You need to get out of my way.” Sin said, her teeth clenched.

  “No, I warned you the last time we met that I wasn’t going to let you go again, little girl. You showed up here and I saw you, which means you get fucked, baby. Fucked hard.” Phoenix snarled, taking a step towards her.

  “I didn’t come here for you!” Sin snapped, her eyes flashing in anger as he took another step towards her. She took a step back away from him, her eyes glued to his seeing the desire swirling in the depths of his green eyes. They were trained on her, taking her breath away as she realized that the reason her heart was racing was the look in his eyes. He watched her like she was prey. Like he wanted to gobble her up in a single bite. That look made her bod
y tingle in all the right places and she was having a hell of a time telling it no.

  “Doesn’t matter. You get me.” Phoenix said, stepping into her personal space as her back hit the wall near where the bikes were parked. His brows were drawn together and his body crowding hers aggressively. She raised her hands shoving at his shoulders as she demanded that he release her, but he wasn’t budging. She knew about five moves that would land the asshole on his ass in the parking lot, but she didn’t use them.

  Sin didn’t know why she allowed his mouth to come crashing down on hers possessively. His tongue teased her lips and she moaned allowing it to spear inside her parted lips. Her hands gripped his leather cut and her body melted. She was putty in his hands as he aggressively explored her mouth, taking it over like he owned it. Her breath was coming in heavy pants by the time he pulled back to look at her. Sin knew that she likely looked as dazed with desire as she felt.

  “On the bike, Sin. Now,” he grunted again, guiding her towards his ride.

  Sin didn’t protest even though she knew she should. Before she could gather her sense and protest his manhandling, she was on his bike with her arms around him as they pulled out of the parking lot. Damn, she really needed to learn how to tell his sexy ass no.

  Chapter Five

  Phoenix was on edge his body was thrumming with energy as he rode towards an apartment the club owned near the bar. It was a safe house they used sometimes and he was damned glad it was close because the clubhouse was way too fucking far away. He needed to get inside her—yesterday, or he was going to lose his fucking mind. The minute he saw her at the bar he’d been hard and really fucking angry. The anger was directed at the two fuckers who’d been crowding her, but his dick throbbing was all for her. He’d been seriously pissed when he’d seen those two assholes from the Havoc MC touching her tonight at the bar.

  Leaning against a table the boys had claimed near the bathrooms he hadn’t really been paying attention. Not till his gaze had been drawn in by the sight of Sin’s reddish-brown hair out of the corner of his eye. He hadn’t known it was her, but the color had caught his eye and he’d turned. Originally, he was thinking that maybe whoever had caught his eye would be someone he could fuck from behind while pretending it was the woman he wanted. Imagine his surprise when he’d realized it was the woman herself and she was in need of rescue. From that instant on her fate had been sealed.

  He had let her walk away once before, but a second time was beyond his ability to allow. He pulled into the lot finding a spot close to the stairs because he wouldn’t wait long to fuck her senseless. He also didn’t know if the ride here would allow her to cool off enough to make her protest his right to fuck her or not. Not that it mattered. He would handle it if she tried to run because he wasn’t taking no for an answer tonight. He would if she really meant it, he wasn’t a rapist, but the way she’d reacted to his kisses had let him know that it wasn’t the case. He let the engine idle as he slowly shut the bike off waiting to see how she was going to react as he put the stand down.

  Sin climbed off the bike like a pro and he realized with a feeling of dark possessiveness that she’d been on the back of someone’s bike before. He’d been too wrapped up in her to remember to give her instructions on how to ride and she’d moved with him like an experienced rider. He felt a dark anger stir inside him at the thought of her riding with another man. He let out a little growl of displeasure as he climbed off and stepped closer to her taking up her personal space. Sin’s hands landed on his chest and she looked up at him questioningly. Her eyes cloudy with desire. He liked that look on her, but something inside him was roaring in protest of her riding with anyone but him. Fuck, what the hell was wrong with him? He placed his hand on her lower back pressing her into him as he narrowed his eyes on her.

  “Not your first ride, huh.” He stated, almost glaring down at her.

  “No, I’ve ridden before.” Sin replied, but she didn’t offer up anything more and he wanted to demand that she give him all her secrets, but he didn’t want to send the wrong message. He just wanted to fuck her, not keep her.

  “Enough talk.” Phoenix grunted as he reached out and grabbed her arm and began leading her towards the apartment building. He was glad she didn’t protest as he practically dragged her down the hallway to the elevator. Once inside he pressed her against the wall and started kissing her neck, sucking and licking along the slender column. Sin let out a little moan as her hands gripped his shoulders and she seemed to melt into him.

  Phoenix was glad that she wasn’t arguing with him as he nipped her shoulder where it met her neck, feeling almost desperate to get her somewhere private so he could strip her and taste every inch of her body. He was ravenous, almost starved for her and he knew he was going to savor every second of touching her delicious body. When the soft ding announced their arrival on the floor where the apartment was, he growled before releasing her. He wrapped her wrist in his hand and gently tugged her out of the elevator and down the hall. When they reached the door of the apartment he released her. Phoenix glanced up and down the hall before he reached for the key which was stored in a groove they’d dug into the top of the door frame. Using the key, he pushed open the door and ushered her inside the apartment.

  “Bedroom, now,” he demanded, unable to keep his voice civil because he wanted her naked too badly.

  “You aren’t really one for chit-chat are you?” Sin asked, shaking her head.

  “Nope,” he replied as he herded her into the bedroom toward the bed.

  She glanced around as he guided her to the metal bed with its bare mattress. He was already jerking off his cut and laying it on the nightstand before dumping the contents of his pocket on-top. His gun was next and it landed with a hollow thunk as his knives and wallet followed.

  “This place is nice, but it looks a little disserted. I’m assuming this isn’t your apartment, huh. Is this some kind of weird fuck pad that you don’t even bother to decorate properly? Cause if so I’m out of here.” She said, her brows rising.

  “It’s a safe house and you aren’t going anywhere until I’ve fucked you like I promised.” Phoenix replied. His hands settled on her hips and she was quickly maneuvered over to the bed where he shoved her down gently onto the mattress and began taking off her tennis shoes.

  “I didn’t say I was going to let you fuck me.” She said, but she didn’t stop his hands from moving to the button on her jeans as she allowed him to tug them off her. Both actions were a green light as far as he was concerned. He left her panties—white lace with tiny blue bows on the hips—on her as his hands grabbed the hem of her shirt and began pushing it upwards.

  “I should really put a stop to this right here and now, but I’m too horny to protest at the moment,” she said on a loud sigh.

  Phoenix didn’t fucking care why she was allowing him to have his way with her, all he cared about was fucking her out of his system. He just needed a little taste and then she wouldn’t be lingering in his head. His eyes ate up the soft curve of her stomach and the heavy globes of her breasts that were gloved nicely in a bra that matched her little thong. Damn, he loved looking at a woman in her underwear. He unclasped her bra, needing to taste those sweet nipples he could see peeking through the lacey cups. He tossed the bra over his shoulder and looked down at the bounty he’d revealed.

  His mouth came down on her chest kissing the tops of her soft breasts. They weren’t big—they were a slightly heavy b-cup but they made up for that in being perky he decided. Her nipples were a rosy peach that made him wonder if he sucked them hard for a bit if they’d change colors and become a nice red berry color instead. Needing to find out he took one of the taunt beauties into his mouth and sucked on it aggressively. Sin gasped and her hand clasped his head holding him to her as she moaned and wiggled on the bed.

  It didn’t take long for him to move to her other nipple and suck that one just as aggressively before raising his head to view his handy work. He was satisfied to s
ee that they’d turned that red berry color he’d been going for. Seeing her heavy-lidded eyes and the way her lips parted as she lay on the bed, covered only in her tiny thong underwear, was a serious jolt to his cock. He found himself mesmerized by her tight nipples and her beard scraped skin. His hands were possessive as he cupped her tits pushing them together so he could lick both nipples at once. He felt her hands rubbing him as she clung to his shoulders and dug her tiny nails into his skin as he worshiped her tits with kisses and nips that left her sighing and moaning in pleasure.

  His hands possessively moved over her soft skin trying to adsorb as much of her as he was able to, his cock throbbing with the need she unleashed inside him. He pushed her legs apart gently and settled his hand at the apex of her thighs, growling when he felt the wetness that soaked through her panties. He wanted to taste that silky wet hotness, now.

  He nipped her gently before moving down her chest to her stomach. Kissing and biting the skin, leaving marks of possession behind in his wake as he headed to her pussy. She gasped when his hands jerked her panties down and off her legs in one swift move that had his hands cupping her hips titling her for his pleasure.

  “We should slow down.” Sin panted at him, but he just buried his face into her pussy unwilling to argue with her. She moaned and gripped his head as he lashed her clit with his ravenous tongue. Tasting her sweetness made his cock jerk inside his pants as he heard her cry out begging him for more. He sucked on her tight little bud before lapping up the cream she was forced to give him. He felt like an animal who’d been left to starve as he ate at her pussy like she was manna from heaven. Lashing her clit with his tongue before sucking it into his mouth and teasing it with his tongue.

  He felt her trembling as she neared her orgasm and he was almost feral. He’d always been a generous lover and eating a woman’s pussy was always a good way to get her wet and ready for him, but tonight it was like he craved her orgasm almost as much as he required air to breathe. It was that important that she be out of her mind with pleasure by the moment he sank his thick cock into her. Sin moaned again gripping his head with her thighs as she let out little whimpers of pleasure.


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