In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1) Page 7

by Michelle Woods

  Chapter Nine

  Sin nodded again as Brent, her blind date, droned on about how the bank manager thought he was the best investment manager at the bank. He kept going on and on about how amazing he was and how everyone thought he’d be the next bank manager. Sin wanted to scream at him that she didn’t care. She wanted to tell him that she didn’t trust banks, cops, or the government. It was all she could do not to roll her eyes, but she didn’t see a reason to be rude. Brent seemed like a fairly nice man if a little full of his own importance. Even if listening to him made her wish she’d set up an emergency get out of jail free call with Sandra or one of her other friends. Thankfully the steak she’d ordered was prepared and seasoned to perfection. She’d known the second Brent had questioned her choice in meals that this was going to be one of the worst dates she’d ever been on.

  Now almost an hour into the date she was staring politely at her date contemplating running from the restaurant. Sin found herself staring at the odd-looking mole on the side of his neck wondering if that large brown spot looked more like Texas or Africa. It had the little pipe looking thing like Texas, but it was rounded at the bottom more like Africa. That hair that seemed to be growing from it actually made her wish she’d brought her tweezers with her to pluck it. Sin used her napkin to hide her grin as she contemplated his reaction to her standing up in the middle of dinner to yank the hair from his mole.

  At the moment, she really wished she’d told Janet to suck it when she’d told her after only knowing her for three weeks that she had the perfect man for her. Janet had no idea who she was, or what she was looking for in a man. Apparently, Janet thought she was perfect for Brent, who was a boring, slightly oblivious man. How she’d thought they’d be a match was beyond Sin’s comprehension. He hadn’t noticed in the hour he’d been droning on about how awesome he was that Sin had lost interest. Honestly, after their twenty-minute phone conversation the other night when he’d called to set up their date, she’d known they weren’t going to be a match made in heaven. Sin had tried not to judge him from that short conversation, but sitting here tonight she knew she should have gone with her gut. Her father and brothers had always told her to never discount her instincts. They’d been right and she typically followed them. Which was why she’d ended up in bed with Phoenix. She pushed her rice around her plate hoping that he’d suddenly start talking about something she was interested in.

  “I guess I’ve been going on about myself for a while now. I should ask about you. What do you do?” Brent said.

  For a moment Sin didn’t realize he’d spoke to her, but when he kept looking at her expectantly. She’d been mentally calculating how much longer this date would take, but when the silence drew out she suddenly comprehended that he was waiting on her to say something. Her cheeks turned a little red as she pulled herself from her own musings.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear what you asked, can you repeat what you just said?” Sin asked, feeling his disapproval in the frown he aimed at her. It took everything she had in her not to tell him to shove that look up his ass. If he wasn’t boring her to death, she’d have paid more attention.

  “I asked what you do for work,” he stated, his shoulders shrugging.

  “Oh, right. I’m a graphic designer.” Sin stated opening her mouth to explain more, but he interrupted.

  “How adorable. I need a new business card, maybe you could help me make a new one. I never have time to do those things. My job’s too important.” Brent smiled.

  Sin bit the inside of her cheek to keep from snapping that her job was just as important. Likely more important because the world looked at branding every day and it was what attracted customers. Without branding he’d likely not have a job at his bank because nobody would go there, but she just smiled sweetly.

  “Yes, I will have you create my new cards with that little online program that makes it easy for you,” he stated, nodding like this was the best idea he’d ever come up with. Sin wanted to explain that she didn’t really need that ‘program’ to design a business card. She was able to design her own based on the business and job type without resorting to using stock images and premade—poorly customizable templates.

  “I might be able to help with that.” Sin said hedging, because she was quite sure after this date was over she’d never want to see him again if she could help it. This date was going from bad to worse by the second.

  “That’s awesome. My mother, who lives with me because of her health, would think your design business was innovative. I can’t wait to tell her that my date likes to craft just like she does. My mother, she’s so great. If we’re to date more you’ll have to meet her approval of course.”

  Sin quickly took a long drink of her water to stop herself from laughing at that little tidbit because the idea that he’d need his mother’s approval of who he dated at twenty-nine was ridiculous. She wondered if his mother lived with him, or he lived with her. She’d bet he’d moved in because she still did his laundry and cooked for him every night. Sin tried to rein in the mean thoughts. Perhaps he was just a good man who’d take his mother in because she needed him.

  “Mother takes care of the house while I work, so having her there is nice. She would love some help around the place. If we work out and you move in she’ll be thrilled when you take over dinners and cleaning.” Brent said, smiling.

  Wow, okay. Yep, he definitely moved his mother in as his slave.

  She again wished that this date was over because this was just becoming sad. Brent started telling her about how he and his mother went to ceramics classes a year ago and she’d loved it. He then droned on about how wonderful she was while ignoring his meal. Sin wanted to literally grab him by the throat and tell him to shut the hell up.

  Instead, she stared at the mole wondering what the hell she was doing here. Had wanting Phoenix really been so bad that she’d decided to torture herself with this horrid date? She wasn’t sure, but she’d sure as hell like to go back in time to smack herself when she’d said yes to Janet’s tenth attempt to set her up with her ‘good friend Brent, who’s just perfect for you Serenity.’ Ha, yeah right. He was so far from perfect that it was laughable.

  Sin walked up her drive with Brent trailing her, trying hard to get this date over with. On her doorstep, she turned to him and smiled brightly. If he’d known her better, he would have realized it was her pasted on, I’m trying not to offend you smile. It wasn’t even a very good one either with her patience wearing thin and her brain hitting bullshit overload. He grinned back and walked closer to her.

  “I had a great time tonight, Serenity.” Brent said, standing way too close to her for her comfort. She took a hesitant step back trying to create some space between them. Brent didn’t seem to notice, and he stepped forward, completely missing her signal that she didn’t want to end the date with the traditional end of date kiss.

  “It was nice.” Sin said, politely.

  “I think this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship. For our next date perhaps, you can come for dinner at my place. Mother would cook for us and you can meet her.” Brent said, and stepped closer to her.

  “Maybe.” Sin replied, while internally saying hell no to that idea. Sin pulled her keys out and nodded to him. She crossed her arms trying to give him a clue that she wasn’t interested in kissing him, but he seemed oblivious as his garlic laced breath assaulted her. She almost cringed when he leaned closer. Damn, he was going to try to kiss her even with every signal she’d been sending him that she didn’t want him to. It annoyed her when a man was oblivious to the signals a woman sent that she wasn’t interested. Sometimes it wasn’t the man’s fault because he was just inexperienced, but in Brent’s case it was that he was way too self-absorbed.

  “You’re such a beautiful woman, Serenity.” He whispered, leaning closer to her horror. His lips neared hers and just when she was about to turn so his lips landed on her cheek instead of her lips. That’s when she heard the roar, and Brent w
as suddenly slammed into the wall nearby. Sin’s mouth fell open at the scene before her.

  What the hell was he doing here?

  Chapter Ten

  Phoenix stood next to the fire staring at his phone. Fuck, she’d called him desperate. The sad part about it was she wasn’t wrong. He was fucking chasing after her like he was a horny dog and she was a bitch in heat. He needed to get his shit together.

  SIN: I’m done. Don’t text or call me anymore, it’s really kind of desperate of you, honestly. Go find another woman to worship you because I am not that girl.

  He kicked a rock feeling pissed off. He’d went to all the trouble of chasing Sandra around for almost two hours searching for her to get Sin’s number. He’d then spent twenty minutes intimidating her into giving her friends phone number to him. Now he was staring at the latest message from the woman who’d been driving him nuts all week. He hadn’t thought of anything but her since the night he’d taken her to the safehouse a week ago. She was likely pissed off he’d took so long to try and track her down, but too much shit had been going down with the club for him to chase after her sooner.

  His eyes landed on the words ‘kind of desperate’ again and again before he finally typed his reply.

  NIX: Fuck this, I think I will. Later.

  Shoving his phone into his pocket he stomped over to the outside bar they’d set up. He motioned for Bo who was running the bar tonight to give him four shots of patron. When the shot glasses were set in front of him, he took them all one right after the other. When he was done, he hit the bar for more. Bo raised a brow, but he set him up without asking him what was wrong because he knew Phoenix well enough to know not to ask. When he was done with the eighth shot, he wiped his mouth with his arm and turned to face the bon-fire, his eyes scanning for one of the sweetbutts. He was going to forget about Sin tonight and if that meant getting black out drunk and sleeping with another woman, then that was what he’d do.

  His eyes landed on a redhead who was dancing near the fire with a whiskey bottle clutched in her hand. She’d do, he decided as he stormed over to her, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her against him aligning their bodies. He ignored the lack of interest his cock was displaying despite the softness of her large breasts as they pressed into his chest. She was wearing a tight mini skirt and an even tighter top that displayed most of her tits. His eyes landed on the valley between them and his cock stirred a little. He held her waist, his hand sliding down to cup her ass as she smiled at him and allowed him to grind with her. His eyes closed and suddenly he was thinking of Sin’s small tight tits with their berry nipples. His cock hardened as he imaged sucking on those sweet little buds again. Realizing that he’d been thinking of Sin again he jerked his eyes open and stared down at the woman in his arms. Although his cock stayed hard, it wasn’t for her.

  Fuck, this was just bullshit.

  The throbbing beat of the music was thumping inside his head and his hard-on was quickly fading. He noted that the redhead didn’t have that sweet honeysuckle scent that Sin did. He shoved that thought aside as he tried hard to forget the woman who was driving him insane. The woman in his arms giggled as she rubbed her tank-top covered tits against his chest. Normally this would have given him a raging hard on, but tonight it was like his cock was dead. What the fuck was wrong with him? He didn’t know, but he was going to rub on this bitch till it went away and his dick got on board.

  That thought in his head he grabbed the whiskey bottle from her and poured in on the top of her tits which were barely covered by the tight tank. His mouth found her cleavage and he licked the whiskey from her skin trying hard to convince his cock that this woman would do. His cock wasn’t in the mood for that apparently because instead of getting hard it just lay against his leg like a limp noodle. His hands full of taunt ass cheeks and his mouth sucking on her upper breasts he realized this wasn’t going to fucking work. He grunted after another five minutes and pulled away from the redhead pissed off that his cock was being such a punk assed bitch.

  “Hey, where are you going baby?” The redhead asked as he dropped his hands off her ass and jerked away from her.

  He glanced over his shoulder and snapped harshly, “None of your fucking business,” and kept walking.

  “You don’t have to be such an asshole!” She cried after him.

  Phoenix didn’t bother to respond to the words as he headed towards the bar again grabbing a bottle of gin off the back of the bar and stormed towards his room. He was too worked up over not wanting another woman. He needed to forget the woman who’d told him he was acting desperate. Fuck, he was about to lose his shit and not in a good way. He stumbled a little as he collapsed on an iron couch outside of the clubhouse. He ripped the cap off the bottle and downed half of it.

  “Fuck, what’s wrong with you?” Hemp asked as he came over to lean against the tree beside him, eyeing him wearily.

  “Nothing.” He snapped, not wanting to talk about his feelings. He felt like he was going insane and it was all over a woman who’d basically told him to fuck off. Why should he care? Pussy was pussy, right? Only he couldn’t forget the way she’d made that breathy little moan as he’d sank his cock inside her, or the way her tiny tits had bounced as he’d pumped his cock into her tight pussy. Hell, now he had a fucking hard-on. What the fuck?

  He didn’t get it, he’d always liked a woman with big tits and Sin’s were average. Likely B-cups, and he liked C’s or D’s the bigger the better. Only those tight little nipples of hers were burned into his brain. He grunted and swigged another drink from the bottle.

  “It looks like something man.” Hemp muttered, eyeing him carefully.

  “Nope,” Phoenix said, guzzling more of the gin he’d taken from the bar.

  “You know if you talk about whatever it is it might help.”

  “I told you, it’s nothing.” Phoenix growled.

  His hand tightened around the bottle, his eyes scanning the area and he noticed Sandra standing nearby. An idea started forming in his mind, one that had him leaning forward as he stared at Sandra from across the yard. He should make her tell him where Sin’s place was and go over there to spank her ass for saying he was acting desperate. He stumbled to his feet, suddenly feeling slightly lightheaded as he jerked himself upright and stormed towards her. When he was only a foot from her, he stopped.

  “You need to give me Sin’s address. Now.” He practically roared.

  “I can’t do that!” she cried, looking frightened.

  “Give it to me, or you won’t like what happens next.” Phoenix watched all the color drain from her face as she held up her hands and grimaced. He didn’t fucking care if he was frightening her. It wasn’t like he was going to hurt her, but he needed her to give him Sin’s address, so he could go over there and spank her pretty ass. His cock throbbed in agreement to this plan.

  “Whoa, Phoenix. Calm down, man.” Hemp said.

  “Fuck off asshole. This doesn’t concern you.”

  “Phoenix, you’re acting crazy, man.”

  “Look, I’m going to Sin’s place and she’s going to take me there.” Phoenix growled, his finger pointing to Sandra as he spoke.

  “Phin, look man, you’re drunk—,” Hemp said, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he grimaced a little. Sandra stood there still staring at him with wide eyes and a pale face. Phoenix didn’t care.

  “I said I’m going to Sin’s place and your input is not needed, Hemp. Give me her fucking address now, Sandra,” Phoenix growled, his words slurred.

  “I can’t t—,” she began.

  Phoenix threw the bottle across the yard not caring when it smashed into the wall and burst into a million shards of glass. Sandra flinched and cowered away from him.

  “Just fucking tell me, now!” he roared.

  Hemp jerked on his arm and tried to come between him and Sandra as if he thought he’d hurt her. He shoved Hemp with his other hand and readied himself to beat the shit out of him. Only Hemp shove
d him off a frown on his face and his hands held out in front of him in a gesture of peace.

  “Alright, alright man. Just stay calm. Sandra, honey. I know Sin’s your friend, but I don’t think he’s going to calm down until we take him over to her place.” Hemp said, letting out a deep sigh as he placed his arms around her waist in a show of support, glaring at Phoenix.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea Hemp. Sin’s kind of private and well—I don’t want him to hurt her.” Sandra said hesitantly.

  “He isn’t going to hurt her. Just take us to her place so he doesn’t lose his shit, alright.” Hemp said. Phoenix didn’t say anything, but as Sandra looked from him to Hemp and back, he let out a frustrated growl.

  “Let’s go.” He grunted, heading towards where his bike was parked.

  “You can’t ride your bike in your state Phoenix. We’ll let Sandra drive us over in her car.” Hemp said, grabbing his arm and tugging him towards the field where all the cars were parked. Sandra stopped in the middle of the field glaring at both of them.

  “I am not taking you two over to her house. Surprising Serenity is never a good idea. She’s a little—paranoid. Besides, she’s my friend and I’ve already broke girl code by giving you her number earlier, so there is no way in hell that I’m going to take you to her house,” Sandra finally said after a long pause.

  “Just fucking drive us over there.” Phoenix commanded.


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