In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1) Page 13

by Michelle Woods

  “Was he some kind of sick fuck? You don’t kidnap people to help them.”

  “He had to. Phoenix I was half feral and more than a little malnourished. I even bit him when he tried to get me to bathe. He took me upstairs where there were two women waiting in a bathroom with a tub full of water. I was sure he was going to drown me. The women were all ‘you poor thing’ and shit like that, but not him. Nope, he was watching my eyes bounce around the room and knew I was going to bolt at the first opportunity. The women were supposed to help me, but I told them I could do it myself. They were accommodating and left me alone in the bathroom where I proceeded to try and climb out the window. He caught me and dragged me back inside and tossed me into the bath with my clothes on. I jumped out of the tub sputtering and freezing because it was cold out and I was soaked. He tried to wrap me in a towel and I thanked him by biting his arm. He howled and dropped me back into the water and I can remember flinching because I was sure he was about to hit me. He didn’t though, instead he just lifted me out of that bath with my arms pinned. He was careful not to let me bite him again.” Sin paused to look at him. His face was unreadable, and it made her voice warble a little as she continued.

  “He wrapped me in a giant towel and carried my shivering body upstairs to a room with boarded up windows. It was frilly and pink and I hated it instantly because it reminded me of my mother. She was always wearing girly shit that looked like a lace factory had exploded all over her. He set me down at the foot of the bed and told me that dry clothes were in the closet before he left, locking me in. I ripped all the lace pillows off the bed. I tossed it and the horrid pink comforter on the floor in the corner,” Sin took another breath, then remembering how confused she’d been by his actions.

  “I dressed in the night gown which was the only thing in the closet. I was so scared he’d be back to rape me or something. By then I knew what that was, and I was scared out of my wits. I spent the night huddled in the corner with a broken pen clutched in my hand to use as a weapon. Only nobody came. It went on like that for about a week before I realized they weren’t going to hurt me. They brought me food three times a day, fresh clothes every morning, and no one hurt me. I’d never had that. He started bringing me books and movies—even an iPod. He would leave them with the clothes and ask me if I was okay. Every day he would ask if I was okay. Just that, “was I okay,” and I would say no. Eventually, I talked to him.” Sin felt Phoenix’s hand run through her hair. It helped her dislodge the lump that was forming in her throat.

  “Hell, I can’t even think of anything to say about this story, Sin. How did you survive all that?”

  “I survived because of him, Nix. He brought me back from the brink of madness. He stopped locking me in after I spoke to him and we began to talk more. He introduced me to his family and helped me redecorate that unfortunate room he’d let some decorator do for me that first day I was there. One night after dinner we sat outside looking at the stars. It was a hobby of his and he taught me all the constellations. That night we got to talking and he told me that he’d never wanted kids, but when he’d seen me outside that diner, he couldn’t leave me there.”

  “Wait didn’t you say you had brothers?” Phoenix asked.

  Unsure how to explain that without revealing too much she settled on a reply.

  “They were boys he’d taken in like me. They just lived on his property,” Sin explained. She was bending the truth a little, but it was necessary.

  “Back to my story. He explained that I reminded him of his sister Mary. She’d died when they were young. His family was poor, and she’d starved to death one winter when they didn’t have enough food to feed themselves. That story made him cry and I think that was the moment I realized that he had become my family. Seeing him cry had brought home how important to me he’d become. Papa Bear saved me from being raped or murdered living on the streets, but somewhere along the way he wormed his way into my battered heart.” Sin paused looking into Pheonix’s eyes, feeling relieved that she’d shared her past with him, but also unsure because there was so much more to tell him. She just couldn’t explain all of it yet.

  “Why did you leave if they were your family, Sin?” Phoenix asked, confusion in his voice as he watched her carefully. How could she answer that without bringing up more questions?

  “They were smothering me. Trying to wrap me in cotton wool and keep me safe from living my life. I couldn’t allow that.” She finally explained after a little thought, adding gently, “I want to tell you the rest of the story, but I need to talk to him and my brothers before I do.” Sin finished, her eyes pleading with him for understanding.

  “Dollface, you know I love you right?”

  “You—you love me?” Sin asked, shocked that he’d said it to her. She’d known that he cared for her deeply, but she’d never thought he might love her. It made her heart squeeze inside her chest because she finally realized that she loved him too.

  “I do.”

  “Nix, I love you too.”

  His face split with a huge grin, “Yeah?” he asked.

  “Yeah,” Sin replied, feeling her own goofy grin take over her lips.

  “Damned right you do.” Phoenix growled as he kissed her with a hard-little peck.

  “Don’t get a big head about it.” Sin said, rolling her eyes at him.

  “I won’t, baby doll. You won’t let me, but back to what you said earlier about part of the reason I asked if you knew that I loved you was because I wanted you to know that I can wait to hear the rest of your story. Forever if I have to, because having you in my arms is worth it. I don’t ever want to live my life without you again baby. I can’t do it. I need you too much.” Sin felt her heart contract and she lost her breath at the seriousness of his words. She was honestly floored by his speech.

  Phoenix wasn’t a sappy lovey-dovey guy. He was the kick you when you’re down and spit in your eye kind of man, which made his words all the more meaningful. Sin wanted to call her family and tell them all about her man, but she wasn’t ready to face them yet. They’d been hurt by her leaving and she knew it. She’d hated hurting them—but she’d needed to get out from under their thumb. Not because she didn’t love them, but because she did. They’d taught her everything she’d needed to know in order to take care of herself and then tried to force her to allow them to handle her life. Despite how much she’d loved them she’d known if she let that type of thing stand, she’d never live for herself. That was why she’d left in the middle of the night, taking only the money she’d saved and her little beat up jeep that she’d sold the second she got far enough away.

  Suddenly her chest hurt, and she was a little sad. She had always planned on eventually going back when she’d left them, but she now realized that she wouldn’t. Damn, that stung a bit. She’d miss them, but now that she was Phoenix’s old lady her place was here with him. She knew that once she finally spoke to her family things would be a little tense for a while, but she was positive that eventually they’d accept her choice. At least she hoped they would.

  “Let’s get some sleep. I need to take you to the club tomorrow and show you off now that my patch is where it belongs.” Phoenix grunted, kissing her forehead.

  “Are you going to be that guy? The one who has to rub your good fortune in everyone’s faces?” Sin asked with a little sigh as she sat up and shook her head. Phoenix laughed and dragged her down for a long kiss that left her panting and her lips tingling.

  “Damned straight. I want everyone to know that your mine and they’d damned well better keep their hands to themselves or I will chop them off.” Phoenix snarled, his smile just a touch possessive.

  “I was afraid of that,” Sin said sighing heavily. It was soon followed with a laugh when Nix tackled her and rolled her beneath him. She felt lighter than she had a moment ago and she knew he was trying to take her mind off her family with his over the top possessiveness. Funny enough she loved his possessiveness and it made her chest swell with happi
ness because he was hers as much as she was his. She understood what him giving her his patch meant to him, and it blew her mind that he felt that way about her.

  “You know you love it, you little witch.” He grunted, kissing his way up her neck leaving little love bites along the column of her neck.

  “I do,” Sin said against his lips before adding, “I really, really do.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  Phoenix walked around another old lady with a cart in the freezer section to grab the bread sticks Sin had told him to come get. He didn’t mind that she’d sent him all around the store for different things she’d forgotten. He likely should, but having her with him was better than being pissed about her telling him what to do. He actually liked that she needed him to do shit like this for her. Fuck, if anyone had told him he’d be living with a woman who bossed him around six months ago he would’ve told them they needed to stop smoking the shit they were selling. He couldn’t believe that shit like going to the grocery store with her made him downright cheerful. Hell, he should be chomping at the bit to get away from this domestic shit, but he wasn’t.

  Nope, he was damned ecstatic about it. Having her in his arms everyday wearing his patch across her back made him happier than he had ever been in his life. She made him laugh and the sex was beyond this world. Every time he thought it couldn’t get hotter it did. Like last night when she’d met him at the door after church with a beer wearing only her patch. He’d tossed the beer onto the nearest table and tackled her in the living room. He couldn’t help grinning as he thought about the rug burn on her ass which she wouldn’t quit complaining about.

  Reaching down to shift his cock in his pants he heard a huffy “well I never” from the snooty older woman who was standing at the freezer next to the one he’d just opened. He nodded to her and pulled out the garlic bread using it to salute the old biddy before heading back to his woman. He’d bet she hadn’t ever had a good poking. She looked way too uptight for it. Phoenix was grinning as he headed back to the produce department where he’d left Sin looking at heads of lettuce. He was almost to the produce department when he saw two men with Raiders MC cuts chatting her up.

  Fuck, he didn’t want to start shit in the middle of the fucking store, but he wasn’t about to let them harass his old lady either. Not that they were likely to know that she was his old lady. She wasn’t wearing her patch today. He’d teased her about it because she’d forgotten to grab it from their room before they left. Her face had turned beet red when he’d provoked her about it. He liked it when she blushed. He’d decided before they left that he was hungry, and it hadn’t been for food. Setting her on the counter in the kitchen he’d licked her to completion three times. When he’d finished, she’d still been dazed, and she’d forgotten her patch. Now he was pissed she wasn’t wearing it. If she had it on these two likely wouldn’t be bothering her because most of those Raiders MC fuckers were cowards.

  He heard Sin tell one of them to fuck off that she wasn’t interested. When one of them reached out to grab her arm, Phoenix moved towards them. Fuck letting her handle it, nobody touched her. He was a few steps away when she tossed the fucker on his ass and put her foot on his throat.

  “I already told you motherfucker. I’m. Not. Interested.” She snarled.

  He grabbed the other fucker slamming him into the shelf behind him, scattering canned foods everywhere. Phoenix’s eyes weren’t even on the fucker lying on the floor next to the shelf. He was too busy staring at Sin who was still glaring down at the man she’d just kicked in the face. He felt his dick twitch with desire. Damn, his woman was hot when she got all snarly like that. He was almost positive that he’d always think her getting sassy was hot. It really cranked his engine when a woman could take care of herself. It let him know that when he was out on a run, she’d be safe. He had little doubt that she could have managed both men if she’d had to, but he was glad he’d been here to protect her back. Sin was stepping away from the man she’d knocked over, turning to him frowning at the garlic bread he’d dropped.

  “Sorry baby doll. I’ll go get another one.” Phoenix said, shrugging.

  A manager came flying around the corner, his face red and his hands flapping like he was trying to fly away. Phoenix snorted at the shorter man’s inability to speak. He raised a brow waiting.

  “You can’t fight in here. You need to leave.” He finally said, his red face filled with fear as he stared at him.

  “Why do I have to leave?” He jerked his thumb at the men on the ground moaning. “They accosted my old lady. What the fuck did you expect to happen when these two fuckers are allowed to come in here and harass people? If I hadn’t been here what would have happened to my woman?” Phoenix demanded, crossing his arms over his chest glaring at the man.

  “Sir, I don’t know, but you need to leave. We can’t allow fighting in our store. We’ve already called the cops,” The manager croaked out, looking like he was going to faint at any second.

  “Look I’m not leaving until they do.” Phoenix snarled as he pointed to the two men on the floor.

  “I need you to get out. Fighting isn’t allowed.” He repeated, his face still red and blotchy.

  “How about this. When those cops get here you can have these two removed so my old lady can shop here without being harassed. When they’re gone, I’ll wait outside for her. Until then, my ass is staying right here.” He stared the man down until he finally got a nod from the man as he hurried off to wait on the cops. Phoenix snorted, “What a little putz.”

  “Nix, I’m not sure you should let that man talk to the cops. He might try to press charges against you.” Sin said, pushing the cart down the aisle.

  “It’s fine, baby doll. He doesn’t have the balls to piss me off. He was nearly pissing himself when he was talking to me. Trust me, it’ll be fine.” He reassured her, pulling her into his arms kissing her forehead.

  “Let’s just go. We can shop at another grocery store tomorrow. We don’t really need anything from here tonight.” He knew she was only trying to convince him because she was worried for him. He rubbed her back staring down at her before squeezing her hip. He liked that she wanted to protect him. Even if it was unnecessary.

  “I want to taste that homemade spaghetti you promised me. Go find those tomatoes you were searching for and I’ll handle this bullshit. If I end up in jail it will only be for a night or two before the lawyer has me out.” He tapped her ass lightly as he shoved her gently towards the produce she’d been trying to look at when those two fuckers had ruined a perfectly good afternoon.

  He watched her sigh heavily and do as he’d asked, despite her worry. The cops arrived fifteen minutes later moving into the store with grim faces. Sin had already been around the store three times and they were just entering the check-out line when the two officers entered. The manager stuttered out a long-winded explanation of what happened to the officers. They asked him questions and he answered. He was close enough to hear them ask about pressing charges. He glanced over at Phoenix before he told them that he only wanted the men to be removed and warned not to come back. He was thankful that Sin being the practical woman she was, had finished the shopping while they’d waited. He saluted the manager on their way out pushing the cart towards Sin’s car.

  He lifted the groceries into the trunk whistling. He loved that Sin had also refused to press charges against the two men. He’d been a little worried she’d want to, but when the cops questioned her, she’d told them no. He was glad that there was a code to these types of situations that even Raiders stuck to. You never involved the cops ever unless it was unavoidable. They’d remained tight lipped and refused to speak to the cops about anything. He bundled his old lady up and took her home. She hadn’t said a word in the car on the ride home and he’d worried that she was too upset to speak.

  When they arrived home and carried the groceries inside the house to put them away he’d expect more of a fuss over what had happened. Only Sin told him she’
d start dinner and started searching for pots under the counter. Phoenix stood leaning against the wall watching her with a puzzled expression. Sin wasn’t as upset about the scene in the grocery store as he expected. Her reactions to being accosted by two bikers was really odd for someone who didn’t know much about club life. Although with her past, Sin had experienced a lot of bad shit. Maybe that was why she didn’t seem to be phased by today’s events. Unable to figure it out, he’d gone into the living room to watch some TV while he’d cleaned his guns.

  “I hear you had issues at the grocery store. Do we need to handle that?” King asked, sitting across from him at the poker table.

  “Nah, I already handled that shit in the store. Sin was fantastic, she laid that fucker out in two seconds flat. Guess she’s done some self-defense classes ‘cause she handled it like a pro.” Phoenix replied proudly as he tossed another chip into the pot. “Raise,” he called.

  “Fuck, I’m out.” Hemp said, folding. It was down to him, Diablo, and King. He glanced over at the bar calling out to Freddy.

  “Prospect, bring me another beer.”

  “I need one too,” Hemp seconded.

  “Me too,” Thumper called from where he leaned against the wall watching them play. He’d opted out tonight.

  Freddy grunted and grabbed three more beers, bringing them over to the table setting them down. Thumper grabbed his and smacked Freddy on the shoulder laughing at his pissy mood.

  “It’s all good, Freddy my man. We’ve all paid our dues.”

  Phoenix noted him rolling his eyes and laughed. He knew how much it sucked being a prospect to the club. He could still remember the shit jobs he’d been stuck doing for months on end. He’d done his time when the old timers were in charge and the newer prospects didn’t realize how easy they had it. If he’d pulled some of the shit these newer prospects had he would’ve been out on his ass. Rolling your eyes at a brother was a big no-no back when he’d joined. None of the older members put up with anything like that shit. Respect was a big deal to them and they didn’t put up with any shenanigans.


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