In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1)

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In the Devils Arms (Devils Arms MC Book 1) Page 19

by Michelle Woods

  Phoenix got on extremely well with her family, despite their rocky first meeting. Surprisingly Axel and Phoenix had struck up a startlingly sound friendship and now spent a few weekends every few months going to look at vintage bikes. It still boggled her mind how they’d gone from mortal enemies to good friends in less than a month, but she wasn’t looking a gift horse in the mouth. Her best friend and her old man were friends, which worked for her. Her life was good. She was working for both clubs on designs for their different businesses. She was enjoying it so much and they had so many businesses between them that she’d quit her design job and was working for the clubs exclusively. Phoenix liked that because it meant he could keep a better eye on her.

  Sandra was still claiming credit for getting her and Phoenix together. She had also insisted that they keep their weekly dates for girl’s night, despite her having a ‘steady man’—her words not Sin’s. Not that Sin was the type of friend to get so wrapped up in her relationship that she’d ignore her friends. She had never been that girl who lost herself in her man and couldn’t be away from him for more than a minute without sinking into depression.

  Phoenix didn’t want her to be up his ass twenty-four seven anyway. Lying here in their bed with her man gently stroking her, Sin didn’t know if there was anything at all that could make her life better than it was currently. Closing her eyes, she considered that maybe a little boy with gemstone eyes and a wicked grin could make her a little bit happier.

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  Sneak peek: Hard Tackle

  Arriving early 2019

  Chapter 1

  Leaning against the wall alone in the middle of a party sucked. Ella Danford wondered again why she’d let her roommate Clara convince her that coming to this party was a rite of passage. She replayed the scene in her head hearing Clara’s bold clam that if Ella missed out on the experience of a raging frat party in her last year of college that she’d regret it for the rest of her life. Rolling her eyes at Clara’s over dramatization, she realized that she should have listened to her gut and stayed home. Having lived through three years of college life without coming to a single frat party she really should have ignored her roomie’s ridiculousness. Clara had promised when convincing Ella to come here tonight that she’d stay with her every moment and make sure that Ella had the time of her life.

  Ha, yeah right!

  It had been less than twenty minutes after entering the Sigma Phi house that Clara had let her boyfriend Todd drag her off leaving Ella alone—again. It seemed to be what Clara did best and after months of living with her she should have known better than to follow her to this dumb party. How many times had Clara flaked on plans they’d had? More than a dozen at least so by now Ella should be used to this bullshit. Somehow, she wasn’t. Feeling more than awkward watching the giggling co-eds and giant jocks that were playing some kind of drinking game on the couch near her as they screamed and shouted before pounding back shots.

  It was slightly entertaining to watch them but Ella knew she should just leave. It wasn’t like Clara would even remember she’d left her by the wall without anyone to talk to. Glancing around questioning her sanity for coming here, she realized it was all because she didn’t want to stay in the rut she’d fallen into since she’d stepped foot on the campus three years ago. College was supposed to be a game changer for her. She almost snorted as that thought slithered through her head. Feeling fed up with herself, she lifted the red solo cup taking a sip. It was filled with some kind of spiked punch that a guy had handed her when she ventured into the kitchen earlier. Ella wouldn’t have taken it if she hadn’t seen him give it to three other people as he dipped it from the giant bowl in the kitchen by the keg. He’d looked young and a little awkward and Ella would bet he was a freshman rusher they’d forced to serve everyone.

  Yep, alone at a raging party and still a virgin at twenty. College was such a game changer for her. Rolling her eyes, she couldn’t help the little internal giggle that she refused to let out. Enough was enough. She was out of here. Her mind made up she set her cup down on a table full of discarded cups and shoved off the wall heading towards the large double doors. It was obvious that Clara wasn’t coming back to look for her anytime soon. Ha, she’d likely already forgotten that Ella was even here. It shouldn’t surprise her that her life at college wasn’t any different than life back in her small hometown of Trenton Florida—boring with a side of depressing.

  Maybe she would never change and being boring was her lot in life. Ella moved through the crowd weaving her way towards the door watching the people around her with apathy. A girl nearby was leaning over while puking into a planter with her friend holding her hair back making Ella hope it was a fake plant because otherwise it would probably die by the end of the week. She moved around the two girls heading for the large double doors she’d go study for her American lit test. She needed an A on it anyway and she’d only studied for an hour this morning between classes. She was only a foot from the door when it burst open and a booming voice called out.

  “Quarterback in the house! Ladies line up because he’s single again!” Garret Marks, one of the team’s wide receivers’ shouts as he ushers Simon Bentley—our schools resident quarterback—into the door followed by two other large men. Great, this was all she needed. All eyes on the star quarterback with me between him and this damned party. She knew his presence was going to draw all the giggling girls and she be likely to get trampled by the stamped.

  Why nearly every girl was crazy about a guy who could run around a field with a leather ball in his hands while wearing peter pan’s tights with a pound of plastic on his shoulders was beyond her understanding. Ella just don’t get it. Well she did get that they were hot. Hell, most of them likely belonged in a Magic Mike movie. Still why the chicks threw themselves at any jock who’d take them while tossing their self-respect out the window was incomprehensible to her. Then there was the constant speculation about every tiny aspect of their lives. The hero worship and treating them like gods was not something Ella could understand.

  Garret practically knocked her over as he and two other big guys come barreling past Ella. She glared at them as she fell backwards her hip banged hard into the table beside the entryway.

  Yep, college is great!

  With pain radiating from her injured hip as she tried to right her balance Ella let out a little hiss. Overcorrecting she felt herself falling as her hands reach out desperately preparing to catch herself before she took a header into the wall. With her heart beating wildly, Ella was sure that she’d end up three weeks into her senior year with a nasty concussion. Only her momentum was stopped abruptly and hard arms were suddenly wrapped around her waist. Her breath catches and she felt herself pulled forward landing against a large, hard body.

  With her heart roaring in her ears she stared at her hands which were now resting on a hard-male chest that was covered in a grey t-shirt. The shirt left little to the imagination and a shiver of desire slipped down her spine as she inhaled a rather enticing whiff of bayberry and man. Making her feel slightly lightheaded.

  “Whoa, sorry about that.” A husky male voice said close to her ear, his breath tickling her neck. Ella almost moan as desire slammed into her. It poured through her veins like liquid lightening. Unable to stop herself, Ella raised her eyes up to meet his. Her gaze meeting the bluest eyes she’d ever seen staring down at her from a tanned male face. They were crinkled in the corners as he smiled down at her sending her already out of control libido spinning. Damn. She needed to stop looking at the face of the dark-haired Adonis who was now holding her tightly to his hard body. Ella blink
ed unsure if maybe she’d fallen and hit her head and was now having some kind of sex dream. His hard looking lips curled into a lopsided smirk as he stared down at her.

  Get a hold of yourself Ella! Speak damn it.

  Ella tried to say something but her tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth and her eyes seemed to be glued to his face taking in every detail. Her eyes traced his rugged jaw line up over his chiseled cheeks to take in the longest lashes she’d ever seen. Stubble lined his jaw and she wondered what it would feel like rubbing against her inner thighs. Hey, no judgment—she was a virgin not dead. His smirk made his eyes darken and his lids had lowered. If she didn’t know better she might mistake the look in his eyes for interest. Ha, as if there was a chance in hell of that. Shaking that thought aside because she knew it was just wishful thinking she tried to push away from him. He wouldn’t let her go his hands on her hips tightening as he forced her to stay in his arms.

  “You okay, babe?” Simon asked gently his head titling as he watched her silently.

  “Um—I don—yes,” she stuttered out.

  Wow, way to look like an idiot Ella.

  “Good, you weren’t leav—,” Simon’s eyes were flowing over her face as if he were trying to puzzle something out when a loud voice called out from across the room interrupting what he’d been saying.

  “Bentley! Get your ass over here and meet these babes.” Ella glanced over to see Garrett holding two large breasted blondes with their cleavage spilling from their too tight tops as they giggled and waved at Simon. Ella rolled her eyes at the obviously over done makeup and the artfully displayed goods realizing that in comparison her jeans and conservative top were too reserved to catch a man like Simon’s eye. Women threw themselves at him for their fifteen minutes of fame.

  “Ignore him. I usually do.” Simon grunted with his hands still possessively cupping her hips as he moved her back away from the door so they weren’t blocking the entrance.

  “Uh…right, sure.” Ella found herself saying unsure what was going on but her heart wouldn’t stop pounding and her body seemed to crave his touch. She knew thinking he was interested in her was stupid. He was a football king and she was the girl who studied too much and didn’t bother to go to parties or football games. That was a huge no, no at one of the top football universities in the country.

  “Dude, you promised!” Garrett yelled out again catching Simon’s attention.

  He frowned before looking back down at Ella his blue eyes raking over her face again. Ella felt a shiver rush down her spine as she wondered what that look was about because it was intense, almost possessive. The look in his eyes confused the hell out of her leaving her feeling like she needed to run before it was too late. She wasn’t ready to handle this—whatever this was. She just needed to get away. Ella’s eyes darted between Simon and Garrett like a ping pong ball trying to figure out what to do. Her heart beating in her ears so loudly that she felt lightheaded.

  “Look, I promised them I would do shots with them. You can come with me if you want.” Simon said, his eyes narrowed as they flowed over her face again if he were trying to read her.

  “Um…I’m only twenty.” Ella stuttered out.

  Immediately she wanted to smack her hand to her forehead for being an idiot. Simon didn’t care that she wasn’t old enough to drink. Hell, he likely didn’t care about her at all. Five minutes after he started those shots he’d likely forget she even existed. He snorted out a little laugh and leaned closer to her whispering in her ear.

  “That’s okay baby. I can hook you up.”

  “No, I don’t think it’s a good idea.” Ella didn’t add that she had watched too many drunken co-eds running around making fools of themselves.

  “Hmm. Ok well I need to do these shots so they’ll shut up about it. Come with me?”

  “No thanks, but you go ahead and have fun.” Ella said motioning for him to go to his friends as she starting to move away from him but his hands stayed on her hips holding her in place against him. A frown on his face as his fingers pressed into her soft flesh.

  “You’re not allowed to leave. You’re going to wait right here for me while I satisfy them and then we will go somewhere so we can get to know each other better. Stay here and don’t move so I can find you.” He hugged her tightly before he let go and headed over to his friends without a backwards glance.

  Ella felt surprise flow through her at his demand. She knew he likely commanded people to do what he wanted all the time and they obeyed but she wasn’t that girl. She watched him take the shot from his friends lifting it up to the roars of his teammates and the women surrounding him letting out a whoop after he downed it. One of the girls sidled up to him batting her lashes at him as she threw herself into his arms. That was all it took to knock her free from the shock that had left her immobile. She turned away from the scene unfolding before her and headed towards the door. No way in hell was she going to be waiting on him against a wall all night while he hung out with his friends. With so many girls throwing themselves at him it wasn’t likely he would remember that she was waiting anyway.

  Chapter 2

  Simon tossed back the fourth shot holding the glass up as Garrett and Rodger let out cheers laughing. He again reached down removing the wander hands from his person. He needed to get back to his brown eyed beauty before she bolted. She’d nearly been trampled by Garrett and Rodgers as they’d entered. When she’d literally fallen into his arms he’d caught her automatically but once she was there he hadn’t wanted to let her go. His mind had blanked as she’d looked up at him and his dick had done its impression of a steel bar. She’d been wearing a light blue top which covered her curves. If she hadn’t fallen into his arms he likely wouldn’t have noticed her and that was a damned shame.

  She wasn’t like the girls who chased him. He’d known that the moment she’d tried to escape him. A grin tugged at his lips as he made his excuses to his friend’s ready to get back to her. He needed to get her number and maybe convince her she should be in his bed. Of course, that wasn’t very likely to happen. She wasn’t the type to fall into a guy’s bed quickly. Nope she wouldn’t be easy. Simon felt his grin kick up a notch at that thought. He liked that she’d make him work for it.

  As he moved back towards the wall where he’d left her already aching for a taste of his beauty he frowned when he saw that she wasn’t where he’d left her. A growl of displeasure escaped him as he glanced around looking for her. Damn, where the hell did she go? He shouldn’t have let her out of his sight but he’d known by the almost panicked look on her face that she hadn’t been ready to meet his friends. Seeing Logan his best friend standing nearby with his sister Jenna he shoved through the crowd heading towards them.

  “Hey, have you see a brunette wearing a blue shirt and jeans around?” Simon barked the second he was close enough that Logan could hear him.

  “Uh, no.” Logan said glancing around. “I was trying to watch out for Jenna and haven’t really been paying attention.”

  Simon wasn’t surprised by his friend’s response. Logan was very overprotective with his little sister likely due to the tragic suicide of his eldest sister. Three years ago, Lisa had been away at Berkley college when she’d hung herself in her dorm room after three frat boys at a party roofied and then raped her. Was it any wonder that when Jenna showed up as a freshman this year he’d turned into a vigilant protector. Jenna took it well and only rolled her eyes at her older brother’s comment. She understood the scars he had after what had happened with Lisa.

  “I didn’t see her either Simon. I’m sure you can find another girl here to take home though. It’s a mad house in here tonight and the girls look desperate enough.” Jenna said, glancing around at the jersey chasers who were trying to catch his and Logan’s attention.

  “Nope, I need to find my cute little brunette. She was supposed to wait on me but she has disappeared.” Simon didn’t bother to hide the annoyance he felt from his friends.

ow, some girl really ignored the legendary charm of Simon Bentley the quarterback? What’s the world coming to? I have a feeling she got tired of waiting on you to come back after you spent half an hour downing shots with Kara Stanton hanging off your arm.” Jenna teased laughing and shaking her head.

  “I invited her to come with me but she didn’t want to and I promised the guys I would do shots with them—shit your right. I’m an idiot. Garrett almost plowed through her when we came in she was about to leave. Damn.” Simon knew he should have kept the sweet little brunette close. His instincts had gone ape shit the moment he’d moved away from her trying to force him to go back. He should have gone back and dragged her with him even if she would have been uncomfortable. Damn, he didn’t even know her name. How the hell was he ever going to find her?

  “This girl really got to you huh?” Jenna asked grinning.

  “Hell, I don’t know. I need to find her but I don’t even know her name.”

  “Dude just give up there are dozens of other girls here. There are like forty thousand students attending here. No way you’re going to find her if she’s left.” Logan said motioning to the girls who were hanging around behind him trying to catch his attention.


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