The Virgin Diaries

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The Virgin Diaries Page 22

by Landish, Lauren

  He’s the real thing, and it was definitely worth the price.

  * * *

  I squirm in my seat, pulling my hair over my shoulder as I try to focus on completing my assignment, the speech Liam’s supposed to make at the magazine party tomorrow night. I’ve already edited the rough draft once, and I know it’s solid, but trusting me with this is a big leap of faith for Jacob and I want to make sure I give it my all. It’s just hard to focus when my ass is still warm from the spanking Liam gave me this morning.

  “You okay?” Jacob asks as my chair squeaks for about the tenth time this hour.

  I nod. Liam let me in on how close he and Jacob are, but I’m not going to volunteer any information just in case Liam hasn’t told him anything. Besides, our private life is just that, private, and Jacob has made it perfectly clear that as long as we’re appropriate in the office, he’s happy to feign ignorance for now. “I’m fine. Just trying to get this done for Liam. I might need to read it aloud to get the full effect though. Do you mind if I take a copy in his office so I don’t disturb you with my practice rounds?” It’s mostly the truth, though knowing that Liam is in a meeting and I could surprise him when he comes back with a little mid-afternoon fun is tempting.

  Jacob blinks, then shakes his head, not buying it. “You two are meant for each other. No damn shame at all.” The shit-eating grin on his face lets me know he finds the whole thing more humorous than reprimand-worthy.

  I blink faux-innocently. “What on earth do you mean, Mr. Wilkes?” I ask, intentionally using his full name. “I think your dirty mind is showing.” It hasn’t been long, but working closely together has given us a chance to develop a certain comfort level with each other, and we’ve discovered we make a pretty good team, able to get stuff done and still joke around a bit.

  Jacob laughs and grabs his tablet. “I think I’ll run a few errands around the building and leave you to your speech practice.” He winks and I blush.

  But as he opens the door, he pauses. “Hey, Arianna?” I glance up from my screen, and his face is serious now. “I’ll admit I had my doubts, but having you to help in the office has been a godsend. You really have a solid head on your shoulders and are picking things up quickly. I can’t wait to read the speech. I’m sure it’s great. But maybe more importantly, I think you’re good for Liam. He’s been my best friend for a long time, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this relaxed. You make him happy, bring something to his life that’s more than just work, work, work. Thanks for that.”

  His words are sincere and cut right to the bone. “Jacob . . . thank you for this opportunity to learn from you and Liam, both over the last two weeks and this fall, and for trusting me with your best friend. I know we seem like an odd match, and I think I’m just as shocked by the whole thing as you are, but we fit somehow. I think we’re both making each other better and happier.”

  He smiles, and then he’s off on one of his thousand and one little jobs he takes care of for Liam.

  I feel a warm acceptance settle in my heart. Having Liam’s best friend approve of us is something I wouldn’t have expected. I guess I still figured Jacob, and anyone else in the office, would assume some rather seedy things about me if they found out that something’s going on between me and Liam. It’s a nice change of pace to have someone be happy for us.

  That’ll be an extra-big deal when I start my fall schedule because I’ll still be working here, albeit part-time around my class schedule. Liam and Jacob offered me the permanent position just yesterday, and I’d squealed yes before composing myself enough to ask about the salary package. Liam had rolled his eyes and laid out the details, including a partial tuition reimbursement program if I committed to work for Morgan post-graduation. I’d signed on the last page before he even finished the explanation. He’d laughingly questioned my contract negotiation skills when I hadn’t even argued the pay. But salary plus help with school is a more than fair offer, and working hand-in-hand with Liam and Jacob and learning at their side are invaluable.

  I feel like I’m on the cusp of something really great here. The lessons continue, both in business and in the bedroom.

  But it’s been more too. I sometimes feel like Liam and I are teaching each other, that we’re exploring together what this all means. We’ve spent every night together since last Friday when he took my virginity. There have been plenty of sexy moments, but sprinkled through that, we’ve created a connection that runs deep, sharing so much of our past and making plans for the future. It seems fast, and I definitely recognize that, but I’m falling in love with Liam more with each passing day. I’d questioned whether I was falling into the trap women have succumbed to for ages, confusing sex with love, but I know that’s not the case here. With Liam, I truly feel that he’s worth the risk, and I’m willing to give my heart just as readily as I gave my body. And no matter what, I’m strong enough to handle whatever happens.

  With a shake of my head, I return my attention to the screen in front of me to print Liam’s speech. I give the printer a minute to warm up, my eyes tracing along the text, starting with the speech title . . . Dynamic Leadership for the Next Generation of Business.

  Normally, I’d print to our in-office printer, but Liam likes his speeches color-coordinated so he can jump from one sentence to the next with barely a glance. And the color printer is a big industrial monster in the copy room down the hall. “You print things a thousand and one different ways in five different paper sizes but still say ‘PC Load Letter’ half the time,” I grumble to the machine as I wait for it to clear. While I’m waiting, I hear someone come up behind me.

  “Hello, Arianna . . . the machine giving you problems again?”

  I turn my head, seeing Melvin. Even though his office isn’t on this floor, I’ve run into him every day. He’s nice every time, polite and in a certain way sweet with the way he’s trying to get to know me.

  But there’s something about him that makes my gut squirmy. I haven’t quite been able to decide if he’s pumping me for information because of my role in Liam’s office or if he’s awkwardly flirting with me. Either way, I’ve kept things strictly professional, intentionally directing conversations to work-based things only and not divulging anything of consequence.

  But it’s so hard to be mean to this guy, especially since he hasn’t done anything overtly wrong. He’s just odd. “Hi, Melvin. How’re you doing?”

  “Oh, just the usual. Pretty good, I suppose,” Melvin says. “How about you? You seem to be getting more comfortable working with Blackstone.”

  “The job’s a good one,” I reply, sticking to what Liam and I have agreed is best for the office right now. “I’m learning a lot.”

  “I’m sure you are,” Melvin says. Though his tone is casual, I can’t help but feel the undercurrent of his words is snarky. There’s a moment of quiet as I turn to the copy machine, glancing at the countdown timer and praying for the saving ding of the bell. No such luck, though, and Melvin asks, “What are you up to this weekend? We should grab a drink after work. The bar on the corner makes a great martini.”

  I glance up, shocked that he’s actually asking me out. I guess maybe that answers my confusion on whether he wanted information about Liam from me or if he wanted me. Well, unless he’s asking me out as a ruse to dig for info when I’m sloshed. I offer a small smile. “Sorry, Melvin. I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I pause to let that sink in but soften the blow, not wanting to be needlessly harsh. “I’m going to the cover reveal party this weekend with Liam and Jacob and need to spend some time prepping.”

  His eyes widen. “You’re going to that? I thought it was only board members.”

  Shit. I was trying to be nice and let him down easy, and now I’ve stepped in it knee-deep. “Yes, they invited me to attend since I ended up on the cover too and I’ll be working in Liam’s office this fall. A chance to meet the board members and network a bit. I’m still in college, so those connections are essential, you know.”
r />   He nods, smiling a little. “It’s okay. Maybe next time, huh?”

  I want to tell him to stop, that there’s never going to be a next time, but I just can’t. He’s already down, and telling him he’s got a bigger chance of winning the Super Bowl than taking me on a date would be like kicking a shivering puppy.

  My printing’s done and I grab it from the tray. “Oops, gotta rush this. Have a good weekend, Melvin.” I intentionally don’t answer his ‘next time’ question, figuring I’ve done enough to the poor guy’s ego for the day.

  I head back to Liam’s office, setting the speech on his desk just as he comes in from his meeting. “Ms. Hunnington, is that my speech?”

  “Of course, Mr. Blackstone,” I reply, picking it back up and holding it out for him.

  He crosses his office, pulling me into his arms and kissing me deeply. “God, I spent half that meeting dreaming of your sweet pussy.”

  He dips me back, our mouths never separating, and the speech printout flutters to the floor. Before I can catch my breath, Liam has me spread wide on his desk, his fingers already teasing along my clit as he shoves my lace panties aside. “Fuck, doll. I need to taste you right now.” He dives for my center, his breath hot as he rumbles, “Want to drink your orgasm down.”

  I can’t believe how hungry I am for him. I know I’m waking up every morning in his arms, and I go to bed every night with my head on his chest, feeling safe and treasured. But right now, I need him just as much as he needs me.

  Maybe I did find the perfect man, after all.

  * * *

  Calling Helen’s boat a yacht is pretty much stretching the term to obliteration. I’ve seen riverboats on the Mississippi smaller than this, and I’m pretty sure if it were any larger, it could qualify as a cruise ship. The top deck looks amazing, with lights everywhere, and already, on my way up, I’ve seen enough movers and shakers in the business world to make my head spin. And that’s just the ones I recognize. Some are wearing masks that don’t give a hint as to who’s inside. With a sly grin, I wonder if that’s intentional so that they can gain a bit of insider knowledge when folks don’t know exactly who’s lurking nearby. Smart business tactic, I think.

  I meet Liam on the main deck, near the front of the boat, and he looks amazing . . . but those sunglasses. “The Matrix?”

  Liam looks down at his leather trench coat, black pants, and black shirt and shakes his head, chuckling. “I was going for The Punisher.” He opens his trench coat to reveal a black shirt with a skull on it.

  I smirk, the devil in my eyes. “You can punish me anytime, sir.”

  He leans closer, whispering in my ear as he grabs my ass under the blue and red skirt I have on. “I’ll keep that in mind, Ari. I’m curious, though. Why Harley Quinn?”

  I lean back, meeting his eyes and letting a bit of mania into my voice as I quote the psycho badass, “You think I’m a doll. A doll that’s pink and light. A doll you can arrange any way you like. You’re wrong, very wrong. What you think of me is only a ghost of time. I am dangerous. And I will show you just how dark I can be.”

  Liam chuckles. “Well-played, doll. But believe me, I know how dangerous you are.” He steps back, putting a foot of space between us to rake his eyes down my body, taking in the full effect of my costume.

  My hair is dark, not the usual blonde of Harley Quinn, but I pulled it up into pigtails and used some of the temporary color spray to get the pink and blue effect. Heavy makeup, a T-shirt that boasts Daddy’s Little Monster, my two-toned skirt, fishnets, and heeled boots complete the look. Oh, and a baseball bat that I hand-drew Good Night on as the piece de resistance.

  Though not perfect, it’s obvious who I’m supposed to be, and Liam seems to like the overall effect, judging by the way he’s tracing a finger along a hole in my fishnets, right at the point where they disappear under my skirt.

  “We should probably get upstairs, play meet and greet with the masses,” Liam says, though it sounds like he’d rather stay right here with me. He offers his arm, and I take it.

  As we head up the elevator, I can’t help but ask, “Are you sure?” If we make an entrance arm in arm, everyone is going to know exactly what’s going on with us. I’m proud to be with him, but a tiny seed of doubt blossoms in my belly, the worry at ugly judgment coming back with a vengeance. ‘She’s the whore intern who’s fucking the CEO’ echoes in my mind.

  “Totally fucking sure,” he says, his eyes glowing with desire and more. “You’re mine, Arianna. The rest of the world can go fuck themselves if they’ve got a problem with it.” I let his assertion soothe my nerves and take a steadying breath.

  With Liam at my side, I can do anything. Hell, I’m learning that even alone, I can do any damn thing I put my mind to. I stand taller, letting my shoulders drop into place and my face relax into casual confidence.

  The ride up to the top deck feels like both an eternity and like it can’t happen quickly enough. My heart’s swelling in my chest as we emerge on the deck. Almost immediately, we’re surrounded by photographers and some media people from various websites. Liam handles them all before we melt into the crowd. “Would you like a drink?”

  “Sure, but just one—” I start.

  “Hey, big brother!” a chirpy voice calls, and I turn around to see a girl pop out of the crowd. One glance and I can see she’s Liam’s sister, Norma Jean. He’s mentioned her, even shown me a few pictures, but we haven’t met. “I see you took the blue pill.” Liam rolls his eyes at the mistake people have been making all night.

  She’s wearing a white skirt with a slit cut way up her thigh and a blue button-up dress shirt with poufy gathers at the shoulders. It’s almost a cute outfit, if it were 1980. The sides of her red hair are pulled back in little comb clips like it’s decades past too.

  “Norma Jean, what are you doing here? And I’m the Punisher, not Neo. And who are you supposed to be?” Liam asks, obviously surprised to see her at the party.

  “What kind of question is that?! I’m Lois Lane, of course, the best investigative journalist ever,” she sasses. “Something I wouldn’t need to be if my big brother told me when amazing things like a magazine cover reveal party were on the agenda. You left me no choice, and I had to finagle an invite out of Jacob.”

  Liam growls, “I’ll kill him. Where the hell is Jacob?” He looks around, though I know he won’t actually harm him for inviting Norma Jean.

  Norma Jean tsks. “You should’ve invited me, Liam. I want to be here to cheer for you when good things happen.” Her blue eyes are soft as she looks at Liam, and I can feel the sibling connection they have.

  It’s funny to see Liam taken to task by his feisty sister, because not many people dare give him shit for anything. But she does it without restraint and he allows it without reprimand. “Sorry, Norma. Thanks for coming, and I’m glad you’re here.”

  She smiles, all forgiven. Then her eyes flash to me and I’m pinned in place.

  Liam laughs. “How about if I make it up to you, Sis? Strictly off the record. Arianna, this is my annoying little sister, Norma Jean. Norma, this is Arianna Hunnington, my girlfriend.”

  Girlfriend. It feels so good to hear him say that. Any doubts I had about his affection or intentions are washed away when he tells his sister. Despite his feigned annoyance with her, he’s proud of her and values her opinion. I can tell by the way he’s talked about her.

  Norma Jean offers her hand. “Nice to meet you. I hear we go to the same college, but what Liam here failed to mention was how beautiful you are. I’m legit jelly.”

  “Thank you,” I reply, blushing. “Liam says wonderful things about you too.”

  Norma blushes back, though she playfully says, “Of course he does. So what are you majoring in?”

  “Business, of course,” I reply, feeling comfortable with her immediately. “You?”

  “Journalism,” Norma says, looking over at her brother. “Well, if business is what does it for you, you’ve totally picked the right guy
. He used to drone on and on at the dinner table about stock market index changes. Even Dad used to tell him to hush and—”

  “Norma,” Liam growls, interrupting. “Don’t.”

  She cringes. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. Just remembering how boring you are sometimes, so if she’s into that, you should keep her, Brother.”

  Liam relaxes at my side, the sting of Norma’s accidental words bouncing off as they easily forgive each other. It’s adorable, and I feel like I can understand their relationship a bit better.

  Norma laughs, giving me a wink. “Before I step on another mine, I’d better work the room. We’ll talk later. I think I’m gonna go sneak around and see what kind of trouble I can get into. Bye, guys.”

  She walks off, and I can’t help but notice that quite a few men watch her go, and I have to raise an eyebrow as I look at Liam. “She’s quite something,” I remark. “Why’d you keep her away?”

  “She’s a royal pain in the ass and nothing but trouble,” Liam says, but it’s said with love. He snorts. “You’re going to love getting to know her.”

  “I’m sure,” I reply. We move on, chatting and having a drink before the music starts.

  I’m not ready to dance yet, but it still feels good to enjoy the party vibe as all these powerful people let their hair down. We’re about three-quarters of the way through the room when Liam whispers in my ear. “Let’s go for a walk. I need to relax before my speech.”

  I can feel the need in his voice, and I nod, taking his hand and letting him lead me down the stairs. We walk down the hallway, and Liam checks a few doors but finds them locked. I’m hunching over, like we’re naughtily sneaking around, but Liam walks tall with confidence, daring anyone to stop him.

  He finds an unlocked door, and we rush in, locking it behind us. The suite is beautiful, just one floor down from the top deck, and from here, we can see the whole horizon from the balcony as the setting sun starts to turn the sky golden. “It’s beautiful.”


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